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Fandom Fox in the brush [Warriors - Open]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

★ Guidelines
↬ Semi-literate to literate Roleplay.
↬ Characters must be living cats. Otherwise feel free to be in or out of the clan.
↬ Multiple characters are allowed. High positions may be applied for.
↬ Images must be owned by you, or you have permission to use them. Let's avoid art theft
↬ Character must be approved before joining the full RP
↬ Full RP will start when we have at least five characters, and three players.
↬ This will be a more mature rp, so not recommended for younger players.
★ Allegiances
Leader WolfStar A long furred black molly with white chest, tail, and amber eyes. Missing fur from face and feet.
Medicine Cat
Apprentice Maplepaw A long furred ginger molly with pale golden eyes



The ley lines of the world have twisted, and the realm of the dark forest has become intertwined more heavily with the living realm. This is causing distress in the clan, and the leader is doing everything in her power to keep things in the clan at piece. Echoes of that realm are causing nightmares to become a reality, even if for only a split second. She needs a plan, and thankfully, Starclan will answer her prayers. To save her territory many steps will need to be made. Will you be apart of those steps? If enough is interested may do a waring clan as well to add to the drama. but only if enough is interested.

The clan of Fox Brush Lives in a very beautiful valley protected by steep mountainsides and a large waterfall. Thick trees of all kinds surround them as the camp sits neatly near a riverbed. In a short distance a human construction known as a shrine sits deep within the mountain at the end of a long narrow stone path riddled with stairs, and steps, as well as tall archways. Humans rarely, but still, visit this shrine, and respect the local wildlife. Never leaving any human remnants behind, but a few offerings to the shrine. Fox's have taken refuge on the mountain, and even some are friendly to the cats. Though some still hunt and kill them.
★ Character Application
You may decorate, and/or add to this however you like. This is just the necessary information. remember you must have permission to use the image if image is used. You may also link to a profile posted elsewhere as long as it provides the below information.



"Can't Read?"
All the info is here below. The above was built for computer screens and not optimized for smaller so sorry.

↬ Semi-literate to literate Roleplay.
↬ Characters must be living cats. Otherwise feel free to be in or out of the clan.
↬ Multiple characters are allowed. High positions may be applied for.
↬ Images must be owned by you, or you have permission to use them. Let's avoid art theft
↬ Character must be approved before joining the full RP
↬ Full RP will start when we have at least five characters, and three players.
↬ This will be a more mature rp, so not recommended for younger players.

The ley lines of the world have twisted, and the realm of the dark forest has become intertwined more heavily with the living realm. This is causing distress in the clan, and the leader is doing everything in her power to keep things in the clan at piece. Echoes of that realm are causing nightmares to become a reality, even if for only a split second. She needs a plan, and thankfully, Starclan will answer her prayers. To save her territory many steps will need to be made. Will you be apart of those steps? If enough is interested may do a waring clan as well to add to the drama. but only if enough is interested.

The clan of Fox Brush Lives in a very beautiful valley protected by steep mountainsides and a large waterfall. Thick trees of all kinds surround them as the camp sits neatly near a riverbed. In a short distance a human construction known as a shrine sits deep within the mountain at the end of a long narrow stone path riddled with stairs, and steps, as well as tall archways. Humans rarely, but still, visit this shrine, and respect the local wildlife. Never leaving any human remnants behind, but a few offerings to the shrine. Fox's have taken refuge on the mountain, and even some are friendly to the cats. Though some still hunt and kill them.

Leader WolfStar A long furred black molly with white chest, tail, and amber eyes. Missing fur from face and feet.
Medicine Cat
Apprentice Maplepaw A long furred ginger molly with pale golden eyes




Character Application
ou may decorate, and/or add to this however you like. This is just the necessary information. remember you must have permission to use the image if image is used. You may also link to a profile posted elsewhere as long as it provides the below information.

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ShotoNemar ShotoNemar Are we able to use a generator to create an image to use for our characters?
If the generator gives you permission to use the image. Permission could be you simply asking the creator to use the image and them responding yes, or it saying its free to use like the pixabay images I used in the first post. (it should say somewhere on the creator, or near the creator the rules of use)

after all, you can simply describe the character in text if you cannot use the image.
If the generator gives you permission to use the image. Permission could be you simply asking the creator to use the image and them responding yes, or it saying its free to use like the pixabay images I used in the first post. (it should say somewhere on the creator, or near the creator the rules of use)

after all, you can simply describe the character in text if you cannot use the image.
I'll look around at generators. I think I'm going to make a blind medicine cat apprentice
ShotoNemar ShotoNemar Here is my character:
Name: Maplepaw
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 8 Moons
Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Ailments: Born blind but her sense of smell and taste are enhanced to make up for her loss in sight. She is also able to feel vibrations in the soles of her paws.
Appearance: Maplepaw is a small-framed she-cat for her age. She has fluffy dark ginger fur with patches of a lighter auburn color on the tip of her long fluffy tail, her ears and her paws. Her eyes are a golden color set in a slender face, with her pupils appearing as a milky white on account of her blindness. (For Reference, She looks very similar to a small Maine Coon cat.)
I know how to make a WC OC, so I'll be posting it below!

First OC:


Name: CoyoteSwirl
A Young Warrior, Tom.
Appearance: Small in size, Coyote has a cream base for his pelt yet golden-brown / suntanned patches dance along his right side and left paw. (Don't mind his ear size...chat, it's normal...) Coyote has an even amount of fur, not too much to get caught in snow, but can still make him hot. He has golden eyes with irises a lighter shade.
Personality: With having no family left, CoyoteSwirl can tend to be snappy and resentful. One would say he be humble and honest, despite others not being the same to him. He's and ambivert, can get along depending on his mood, but don't consider him the worst of cats! He's friendly if you get on his good side.
Attributes: Due to his sleek fur, he can slip past trees, yet climbing be more of his strength. Agility be considered mild, but his height refers to his shorter legs, meaning other older warriors can outrun him.
Backstory / Bio: A younger molly, when the two were apprentices, vowed to him they would grow old together. That went to vain, because only a moon later did she die. Now, to this reason, CoyoteSwirl doesn't let many cats dive deeper into his inner feelings.

Second OC:


(The first photo is more what this morph looks like)

Name: Raven - Becomes RavenSnide
Rank / Origin: A rouge that comes past a border patrol, the two fight, and then she runs away. The next run in be when she asks why these cats have a clan, and if she could...join.
Gender: She/Her, Molly
Appearance: A tall, studious molly who carries her dark & light grey pelt with pride. Her under belly has a cream / white surface, and sections like her upper hinds have patches of a deep brown. They have darker stripes in those areas. Even her face has a patch of brown. Raven has light blue-grayish eyes (as you can see, the two photos have diff eye color bc the second one is just a base). She has a very fluffy tail, and random 'extra' fur patches along the sides of her face, ears, and chest.
Personality: A snarky, snappy she- she is one to not make fun of, unless you want Raven to cuff your ears. When she joins the clan, she takes pride in showing her worth, but under certain times, she can be lovely. Befriend her, and she'll help out with personal problems.
Attributes / Weakness: Due to her heavy fur, she can't fun as fast in snow. But that doesn't stop her. During fights, you'll find her several inches skinnier.
Bio/Backstory: She lives amongst a small rouge pack just around the mountain curves. That was, until, she explores further and makes contact with clan cats.

Final / Third OC:


Name: Bats
Gender: Tom, H/H
Rank: Rouge
(His appearance is actually based off an OC I created 5 yrs ago on a WC game)
Appearance: A cream colored based tom with dark brown splotches on the back of his eyes, and a bit on his right paw. His face, tail, and lower back has a half splotch of this pattern too. Bats is a shorthair with hetero eyes colored blue and orange.
Personality: Bats is one to be overly jealous, and becomes yandere over Raven / Ravensnide. His mindset is always focused on his goal, and JUST the goal. He gives no remorse to those he hurts, but will pledge for mercy if given the same position. A weakness be what some people would call it. Because of being a mad cat, his heart burst and all the love for Raven was crushed and now he wants to kill her so no one can have her.
Bio/Backstory: -THIS CHARACTER IS OPTIONAL- Bats lives near the crevices of the mountain, in a rouge group named "BASTER". The founder be Ginger (A cat not used in RP, an NPC). Bats had soon enough heavily fallen in love with Raven, but seeing her leave makes him want to kill the clan cats.

*I appreciate it if Bats gets killed off by a cat who befriends RavenSnide in the clan!

- I just remembered the dark forest is in here...do we have DF cats? If so, hire Bats once killed!

About ME:

I've been roleplaying WC for about 4 years, and I'm becoming the age 19. You can find my other OC art on Deviantart, PaintXL, ToyHouse, Aminoapps, etc. I'm a digital and physical artist, yet because of highschool (last year), I'll be replying around after 3:00 PM, EST. On weekends, I'm free all day unless I am out. I'll try to inform host whenever I'm out, if I CAN.

Thank you!
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Name: Nocturnesight
Gender: Tom
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Nocturnesight is a large, lean and muscular feline who has charcoal-colored skin, and sage-green eyes. He has large ears and no hair visible, due to his breed being a Sphynx cat. And due to being large, he has big paws. (BIG PLEETS!!!)
Personality: Nocturne can be described as paternal, gallant, and understanding. He is usually assigning patrols and helping the leader whenever he can, however he does fawn over kits every-now-and-then. He's gallant because he isn't afraid to sacrifice himself to save a clan-mate or even an outsider, he also isn't one to stray away from a dangerous situation. Sight takes pride in his ability to understand one's perspective, and uses it to the best of his ability. But there are times where Nocturne overworks himself, and is quite self-sacrificial. he would probably appear to be annoying or chatty, but he's really trying to do his best as a deputy.

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