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Fandom Four Will Rise

Scarletfang surprisingly returned back to camp with two plump pieces of prey. She placed her prey down at the fresh-kill pile.


Scarletfang's tail fluffed up.

"It's just me Scarletfang," Willowpaw mewed. She walked up to Scarletfang. "Are you okay? You seem spooked," Willowpaw asked.

"I'm fine. Just slipped in the marsh and we'll I've been a bit jumpy afterwards," Scarletfang quickly answered. Willowpaw knew she was lying but didn't push on the subject. "So are we going to train some fighting moves now?" she asked. Scarletfang looked at Willowpaw and nodded, "Yeah. Go get Nettlepaw and his mentor, Starlingflight." Willowpaw ran off to retrieve her Clanmates.
"It is time you learned this prophecy." Oceanstar mewed. PantherTail glanced up at him. What? He.. he needed to learn of it? Oceanstar sat down, and motioned for Panthertail to do the same. "Starclan sent our medicine cat a dream. This cat told FlameFlower of a prophecy given too her by the father off her kits. The prophecy goes like this." And then he recited, "Four will rise to save us all. One will lead with the force of winds to protect us all. One will fight with the power of thunder to strengthen us all. One will cleanse with the touch of water to aid us all. And one will fall with the darkening shadow to honor us all." Panthertail sat quietly and listened, up until this point at least. "So.. the Shadowclan cat was one of the kits?" Oceanstar nodded. "But why are you telling me?" Panthertail asked quietly. Oceanstar looked straight at him. "Because you are part of this prophecy."

Panthertail let his jaw drop.
Echobreeze, blinked, a little surprised to wake up in a field, surrounded by yellow colored flowers. She glanced around, remembering she was dreaming. "It`s nice to be able to see you, Echobreeze." A voice called, and she spun to see a cat padding towards her. She did not recognise this cat, but the voice seemed familiar somehow. "Hello. Who are you?" She asked, standing still and watchman the cat as they continued to approach. "I am Whispertail, I was in Riverclan when you arrived. Even cared for you a bit." The silver-hued she-cat replied, her name finally ringing a slight bell. "What do you mean arrived? And why wouldn`t my mother be the one who took care of me?" She replied, a confused look crossing her face. Whispertail laughed, then gestured for them to sit. Echobreeze sat down, then waited patiently for Whispertail to speak. "You have no parents in Riverclan. You where found at a border and taken in." The she-cat paused, apparently waiting for this to sink in before continuing, "You may not have been born Riverclan, but you are a clan member, a family member, just as any other." As the Whispertail finished, Echobreeze blinked, saying nothing for a few minutes before replying, "Why didn`t anyone tell me?" She asked, not bothering to take the surprise away from her voice.

"Oh, my dear, we didn`t want to hurt you. But enough of that, I believe there is another reason for your visit." Whispertail replied, flicking her tail to dismiss the previous subject. "Well... Yes. I had a strange urge to come here, but I don`t know why." Echobreeze commented, then stopped talking to allow for the StarClan she to speak. "We sent for you." As Whispertail said the word we, five other cats entered the field, taking a seat next to Whispertail. "It has come time to tell you of something we should have told you eariler." One of the new cats said, his name flashing through Echobreeze`s mind, even thoughthe had never met him before. 'Goldenclaw...' she thought, then resumed listening as all the StarClan cats spoke together. "Four will rise to save us all. One will lead with the force of winds to protect us all. One will fight with the power of thunder to strengthen us all. One will cleanse with the touch of water to aid us all. And one will fall with the darkening shadow to honor us all. That is a prophecy that has been long untold." The warrriors finished, and Echobreeze took the chance to speak. "What does this have to do with me?" She words were barely out of her mouth when she thought threw what they had said. 'One will cleanse with the touch of water to aid us all. What??' She thought, looking to Whispertail as she spoke again. "You are a part of this prohecy. I`m sure you`ll figure out your role." The last words faded out as Echobreeze`s vision began to fade, ad she returned to sleep.

When she snapped to, she was back by the Moonstone. She stood in a rush, then began padding back through the tunnel out. Once out, she dazedly wandered back into Windclan, setting a weird course home. 'What.. What just happened?' continuously played through her mind as she walked.

[Looong butt post >.<]
Aeolus decided it was best if he strolled off into the woods after what he just seen, 'What the heck did I just see.' Aeolus thought to himself as he suddenly heard crackling noises and took cover in a bush. looking at where the noise came from he seen a big plump mouse. 'Right on time' Aeolus thought to himself as he got into his hunting mode and lunged at the mouse catching it by the tail and snapping the mouses neck with his powerful jaw. Aeolus picked the mouse up with his mouth and carried it back to the camp with hop in his steps.

Swift-feet took a slow final step on the hill, the border crossing into the shadow clan was just in front of him, Swift's tail moved back and forth as he slowly pawed his ear before walking into the shadow-clan's border heading towards where he remembered the camp being. 'Place looks quite complying from the last time I seen it.' Swift thinks to himself as he gracefully jumps to a tree branch and onto a rock and back to another tree branch and then landing on the ground continues going towards the camp.
Willowpaw soon retrieved their Clanmates, Nettlepaw and Starlingflight. "So what kind of technique should we show the apprentices?" Starlingflight asked as they walked to the training spot. Scarletfang quickly answered without thinking about it, "Defensive moves."

"But Scarletfang, we've already trained defensive you said you'd teach me offense while defending," Willowpaw replied. Scarletfang looked at it and meowed, "Oh right. Offense it is then."

Starlingflight eyed her with concern, "If you are not feeling well Scarletfang I can take over for you with Willowpaw."

Scarletfang looked up at him and meowed, "I do think I need some rest...I don't feel so well. Thank you Starlingflight." He dipped his head and turned towards the apprentices, "Alright let's get started." Scarletfang walked deeper into the marshy land with pines tree as cover.
Panthertail's breathing quickened. "I... I don't understand! How could I be part of the prophecy?" He whined, instantly regretting his tone, because he sounded like a whiny kit. Oceanstar recited a part of the prophecy again. "One will fight with the power of thunder to strengthen us all." He said, and Panthertai just stared. "This can't be..." He said, getting up and pacing. He was part of a prophecy? HE? No.. not possible..right? Oceanstar just stared at him. "This is your destiny, Panthertail. You can do it."
Echobreeze reached Fourtrees again, entering the shared area and heading towards Riverclan. She smiled as she reentered her home territory, making a beeline to camp. She moved slowly, still thinking over what she had been told. 'I`m part of this prophecy... Which sounded like they`ve had for a while...And they`ve only just now told me?!?' She thought, arguing mentally with herself.

As Swift continued along is path he caught glimpse of a cat walking away from the camp. A hard expression on there face indeed, there sneaking currently did need work how ever, if the where sneaking they where not doing to good of a job. Swift continues until swift reaches the camp and notices to teaching of offense moves, he walks over and sits down watching them teach very carefully studying what they are teaching. 'Interesting teacher they have.' Swift thinks to himself as he watches the students now.

Aeolus slowly walks into the wind-clan's camp placing the mouse into the food pile looking around the area, 'I guess there preparing for the big meeting' Aeolus thinks to himself as he rolls his eyes at the idea of a big meeting. Pointless is what he often claimed. But the Elder would usually tell him nothing is pointless. The Elder always did say that, Aeolus recalled a old teaching of the Elder. "The dark clouds above rain down water onto our mountains. Our mountains help our water go down the mountain as a river. This river flows back into our oceans and then it is sucked up into the air forming more clouds and darkening more to continue the cycle. Oxygen is breathed in by us and we give back to the plants carbon which use carbon to make more oxygen....Aeolus, nothing in this world is pointless...Nothing." Aeolus snapped out of his deep thoughts when silver-paw pounced at him, her form smooth as ever. He easily doges her attack before sighing. 'My train of thought is ruined again huh.' he thinks to himself as Silver paw quickly jumps around to face him. "How do you like my pounce?" Silver paw says with excitement in her tone. "sloppy, I easily dodged you before you could reach me." Aeolus replied chuckling at her, 'She really has improved from the lessons shes getting from the Elder.' Aeolus thinks to himself as Silver paw goes on about what she has learned to Aeolus.
Scarletfang wanted to clear her head of all the confusion. She sighed and began scenting around for anything. She soon detected a scent. It was a cat but not from a Clan. Scarletfang's ears perked up and she began tracking the scent. She smelt that it passed by her while she was in her dazed phase. She decided to push aside the prophecy and follow the stranger. Stalking quickly so soon found the cat near the training grounds. She gave a slight growl ready to defend the apprentices if needed. Scarletfang hid behind a bush as she caught sight of the cat. For some odd reason he looked familiar but she couldn't put her paw in why he seemed familiar. No matter the case the made sure she stayed down wind so that he didn't scent her.
Panthertail felt as if he couldn't breathe. His tail flicked nervously as he tried to process what Oceanstar was saying. "I.. er... are you sure?" Was all Panthertail could manage. Oceanstar nodded, and Panthertail groaned. "Go. You know now what you must do." Oceanstar said, and Panthertail left the den reluctantly. He wanted to ask more questions, because really, he had no clue what 'he must do'.
Echobreeze made it to her camp and made a beeline to her den, where she sat down and stayed with her thoughts. She sorted aimlessly through herbs, her mind miles away from her body. -Shoooort, really busy irl-
Quickfeet had already caught the cat he saw fallowing him, but he decided to let them be curious, as he watched the kits fight. 'These kits must be trained well, they have little knowing of what defense is in basic terms....But they lack true defense.' Quickfeet thought to himself as he watched them clumsily use offense and try to defend attacks at the same time. He examined the person teaching them a second time.
((Quickfeet or Swiftfeet? :) )

Scarletfang observed how calm the car was. He's probably already scented me. He seems to have much experience within these woods. Who is this cat?

Starlingflight glanced to the side noticing a pair of eyes. His eyes narrowed but then he saw Scarletfang's unique gold eyes sparkling right behind them. He just turned his attention back to the apprentices knowing Scarletfang would protect them if the strange cat attacked.

"Nettlepaw, Willowpaw pause where you at and tell me if you can scent anyone around us," Starlingflight ordered hoping to warn off the stranger. The two apprentices stopped and lifted up their noses. "I don't smell anything just ShadowClan scent," Nettlepaw answered. "I scent another cat that is not ShadowClan," Willowpaw hissed in a fighting stance.
BoltPaw, PantherTail's apprentice, happily greeted PantherTail when he walked outside the den. "PantherTail! Panthertail! How 'bout we train s'more? It'll be really fun! You could teach me some new moves!" BoltPaw squealed, and Panthertail was about to decline but he sighed. "Alright. C'mon." He said, and BoltPaw beamed, happily bouncing after PantherTail. "Oh! This is gonna be sooo cool!" He mewed, and Panthertail smiled at his excitement.
Swiftfeet looked at the cat now smelling him finally, he sighed at the thought they would try to attack him and lose the battle 2 on 1, as he was more experienced. But he waited for any challenges, he wanted to be impressed by what they had to offer. Or a utterly disappointing display of skill. Swift feet now stood to his feet walking towards the ones giving the orders to the kits as he drew closer now. "Hello gentalmen, my name is Swiftfeet. It is a pleasure to meet you." He said enthusiastically to them and not bothering to sit anymore stood and watched them.
Starlingflight eyed the stranger with narrowed eyes. But soon his eyes widened in surprise, "S-swiftfeet? Is that you?" As soon as Scarletfang heard the name she jumped out of the bushes at the edge and exclaimed, "Swiftfeet! It's been so long!" She remembered this cat now! He was actually her former mentor! Starlingflight turned towards the apprentices and said, "Nettlepaw, Willowpaw this is Swiftfeet. He used to be a warrior here for ShadowClan until he chose to live the loner life."

"So how has the loner life been treating you?" Starlingflight asked. Scarletfang padded over to the apprentices and said, "I want both of you to head back to camp and let everybody know. Tonight we celebrate!" The two apprentices grew excited and bounced off to the camp. "Let's continue our conversation to the camp, shall we?" Scarletfang suggested to the two toms.
(Soo sorry guys, I meant to reply and then forgot ><)

PantherTail took BoltPaw to their favorite training spot, and they started working. PantherTail showed Boltpaw a good trick to get the advantage in a battle; step on you're opponents tail. "Like so," Panthertail demonstrated, swerving around Boltpaw and jumping and landing on his tail, pinning him down. "Brilliant!" Boltpaw exclaimed.
Echobreeze had moved into her den, and was currently laying close to the entrance, thinking over what she had been told. "I don`t get it. Just really. Why now?"She spoke, to herself. There was no one else inside the den, and it provided her with a chance to get stuff sorted out.


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