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Fandom Four Will Rise


Forever Wandering
The evening sky was full of glittering stars. A lone cat walked through the forest. Her ears twitched seeking for any movement. But then a cat approached her out of no where. She stopped and looked at him. His fur seemed to be a pelt of stars, his eyes shining like the moon. But she knew this cat from long ago. He was but the only mate she ever took in. "Soren, is that you?" The cat nodded.

"Wait does this mean-"

"Yes I have moved on."

Her mouth was wide open in shock. Sadness filled her eyes. "I am sorry I abandoned you."

His eyes sparkled. "You didn't abandon me. You had to escape or else we would be both dead."

"I thought you could handle those dogs."

His eyes showed no sadness just urgency. "Nova. There is something I must tell you. You are going to have four kits. And they are part of a great prophecy."

"A prophecy? But only forest cats are part of prophecies."

"Nova I wasn't fully honest with you when we met. I was a forest cat before. I have all four Clans blood in me. My father was a half ThunderClan and half WindClan while my mother was half ShadowClan and half RiverClan. I was never raised in a Clan though because of this."

Nova's eyes widened. "Well what does this have to do with my kits and a prophecy."

But Soren began to fade away. "Four will rise to save us all. One will lead with the force of winds to protect us all. One will fight with the power of thunder to strengthen us all. One will cleanse with the touch of water to aid us all. And one will fall with the darkening shadow to honor us all."

Soon after he faded aways leaving a dazed Nova.

Several months after the encounter she gave birth to four kits. Two toms (males) and two she-cats (females). Fear grasped her heart as she could tell the prophecy was occurring. Out of this fear she placed one kit at the border of each Clan. One tom in ThunderClan, one she-cat in RiverClan, one tom in WindClan, and the last she-cat in ShadowClan.

Several years have passed and these kits are all grown up. But so has the population of rogues on the outskirts of the Clans. These rogues pose a threat to these Clans. With their fierce battle skills and disciplined thinking. Soon the prophecy is discovered and these four soon begin discovering their part in the prophecy.


All Rpnation rules apply

No gm, pp, or bunnies

There is not romance happening but if so fade to black

Try to stay active

No one-liners unless dialogue

Have fun.
"Willowpaw remember that gathering moss is also an apprentice's duty," Scarletfang meowed to her apprentice. Willowpaw nodded and grumbled away into the piney woods.

"Scarletfang can you assist me in gathering herbs?" asked the ShadowClan's medicine cat, Toadleg. Scarletfang looked up from her prey and answered, "Sure. Right now?" He nodded. She picked up her half eaten prey and gave it to an elder. "Let's check close to the ThunderClan border," Toadleg said. Scarletfang followed after Toadleg. His steps were shaky and his tail twitched nervously. "Anything bothering you?" Scarletfang asked. He glanced back at Toadleg and shook his head, "Just medicine cat stuff." Scarletfang tried to look him in the eye but he wouldn't look at her.
PantherTail was on patrol duty. He padded along the border, looking for anything suspicious. To be honest, patrol duty bored him. He would rather be fighting then this. He yawned. FrozenClaw, who was on patrol wiht him, glared at him. "Oh, come on PantherTail, it's not that bad!" She said. "You're right, you're right. It just gets boring. Sorry." He replied.
Echobreeze sighed, leaving her den and going to the fresh-kill pile for food. She pulled a cod from the pile, returning to mouth of her den to eat. 'Should probably go for herbs...' She thought, while taking a bite of the fish. "Hey, Echobreeze!" Nightsoul, called, picking a squirrel from the pile and padding over. The ebony warrior sat down by Echobreeze, and began talking about her day yesterday. Echobreeze only half listened, eating the cod as her friend talked. Only when Rippleclaw, the riverclan deputy, came over did the nonstop blabber stop. "Nightsoul, why don`t you take Rainpaw out hunting?" the tom said, nodding hello to Echobreeze as he did so. Nightsoul nodded, then went off to find her apprentice. Echobreeze sighed again. "Thanks Rippleclaw. I don`t think she would have ever shut up." She said, then finished off her cod. "No problem." came the reply, then Rippleclaw moved away, leaving her to think again. 'Better get moving.' Was her resolve as she stood, padding from the camp. She set a course due north, heading to a stock of Marigold she knew was ready.
Aeoluswing say by himself on a hill next to the Winclan's border, admiring the lands structure and the clouds above him. 'If I could grow wings' he thought to himself as his tail slowly scuffled to the right side as if not liking the left. Aeolus's ear twitched a little to the left as he could hear what sounded like birds off in the distance. He turned towards them, watching them majestically fly threw the air. Then Aeolus looked at his paws. 'I guess a dream like that would be somewhat pathetic for someone of my status.' Aeolus thought to himself as he let out a long purr(sigh). Aeolus then stood on all fours stretching a little before walking back towards the village(Or where ever they stay) his tail swinging behind him.
Scarletfang observed Toadleg the whole time they gathered herbs. What is he hiding?

Scarletfang then decided to resort to her only option of getting an answer. Checking to make sure that Toadleg was distracted she found a low ditch for her to crawl in and hide. She scented the air to know when to pounce. When he was in distance, Scarletfang pounced onto him and asked, "What are you hiding?" Toadleg yowled in surprise but recovered himself quickly. "Nothing is wrong and I am not hiding anything," he defended himself. Scarletfang narrowed her eyes but knew Toadleg was as stubborn as her. They were raised together anyways.
PantherTail continued to try and make conversation with FrozenClaw, to make it a little more interesting. "So, how is your apprentice training going?" He mewed before FrozenClaw shushed him. "Someone's coming!" She whispered, and Panthertail took a fighting stance, tail raised in the air, prepared for whoever might come. It excited him slightly that someone was coming at all, he'd been waiting for some action!
Echobreeze sighed again, having reached the Marigold. She bent her head, gathering the ready herbs carefully. She left most of it on he plant, seeing as she wasn`t completely out of it yet. She picked it up carefully, padding off towards the Windclan border. She stopped close to it, being careful to stay on the Riverclan side. Setting the Marigold down, she began collecting some of the Borage that was found near the border, taking the leaves of the plant. She then, collecting the Borage leaves in her mouth, picked up the Marigold, tucking it under her chin and beginning to pad back to the camp.
Aeolus carelessly walked back to the camp of the windclan, Aeolus new it wasn't the smartest thing to do but he did not feel like being sneaky at the moment nor was he in the mood for a lecture. But he would have to deal with one of them so a lecture was his choice. He suddenly stopped as he heard the sound of something off in the distance again looking that way and deciding to head over that way instead of going back to camp. 'Il just say I was hunting and did not see anything' he thought ti himself, knowing most of them wouldn't believe him. Most people looked up to him sense he was second in command but he really did not feel like he was rightfully in that position. Aeolus kept fallowing the noises he had heard.
As they walked back to camp, with their mouths full, Scarletfang kept wondering what was up with Toadleg. Something's bothering him. But what exactly? She then stopped in her tracks to see if Toadleg will notice her not by his side. It took him a few seconds to realize but as soon as he did, his head whipped back and forth in panic until he spotted her behind him. Scarletfang placed her herbs down and hissed, "Speak."

Toadleg had a solemn look in his eyes. He placed his herbs down and said, "I believe we should take these back to camp and then head out somewhere else to find more herbs." Scarletfang got the hint and nodded. She picked up her herbs pleased but also regretting it, remembering the solemn look Toadleg had.
PantherTail could see two ShadowClan cats in the distance. They didn't come any closer to the border though, so they weren't threatening or anything like that. PantherTail glared at FrozenClaw. She smiled at him. "What. You said you were bored." She smirked, and PantherTail growled under his breath but said nothing, keeping his eyes on the two cats.
Echobreeze stopped, though she hadn`t moved very far from the border. She was on the correct side, just a few tails lengths in. She sat down, setting her herbs down in a pile, enjoying the peace and quiet away from the camp. It gave her time she needed to think.

She sighed, flicking her tail and right ear. She smiled, lifting her face slightly as a breeze blew, shifting her pelt.
Aeolus fallowed the noise for some time before halting right at the border, the noise was going past the border off somewhere, before the noise stopped. 'Ugh....I was closer than last time to it, il just have to wait for the big meeting so I can cross the border and check it out.' Aeolus turned and slowly walked into the forested area. Now he was in his hunt mode as he silently stalked threw the woods looking for anything to get his tail out of trouble for being out so late. When finally he seen a mouse, a big plump one too. 'I don't see many mice around this area!' Aeolus said to him self as he fell to his stomach getting as low as he could get to the ground and slowly creeping up to a bush next to the mouse. Thanks to Aeolus's rare luck of calico fur, his image was broken up into patterns making it harder for the mouse's white and grey eyes to spot. All noises of wind and birds suddenly got muted as Aeolus watched the mouse in full predator mode, his usually dreamy eyes now replaced with a cold serious stair. Suddenly the leaves rustled behind him as the mouse dashed off to its hide hole and Aeolus expression went from hunt to a sad frown as his tail stopped swagging back and forth now. A small kit pummeled out of the bush playing with its own tail. Aeolus couldn't help but let out a grin at the kits personal training before he stood back up walking over to the kit.
"This should be far enough," Toadleg said. He laid down on some moss they gathered as they traveled to an isolated site close to the Carrionplace. Is it so important for us to be staying so close to danger? Scarletfang just got as comfortable as she could and looked at Toadleg. "Okay now that we are here, speak," Scarletfang persisted. Toadleg just gazed into her gold eyes with his emerald green eyes.

"Alright. But let's just say I tried to stop you," Toadleg began. He cleared his throat then spoke, "On the last half-moon I went to visit Highstones like all medicine cats do. And StarClan sent me a dream, a prophecy more precisely." Scarletfang's eyes narrowed, "Why didn't you report it to Owlstar?"

"I did," Toadleg defended himself. He then continued, "The prophecy was sent through a StarClan warrior that I have never seen before. He didn't speak the prophecy to me though he showed me a memory. It showed a she-cat, a rogue to be exact, that he had in contact a long time ago. Her name was Nova. And this warrior told her a prophecy. I don't know why he told a rogue a prophecy but then after he sent that memory to me. He revealed to me another memory. One when the same she-cat was giving birth. Then I connected the two dots. The prophecy was told to her because she bore the cats that were part of the prophecy."

Scarletfang then began to have a sinking feeling in her heart. "And what does this have to do with me?" But Scarletfang already knew the answer.

"You were one of those kittens."
PantherTail strained his ears to listen to what the two cats were talking about. FrozenClaw gave him a weird look, but said nothing. He could faintly hear the words prophecy, and the cat OwlStar, leader of ShadowClan. So the cat speaking now must be the medicine cat?

When the old tom revealed to the young warrior that she was part of the prophecy, PantherTail nearly lost his balance and would have tripped over his own tail. He wondered if he should go telling OceanStar.
Echobreeze blinked, the stood, picking up the herbs again. "Bacifth to tifh campifh" She said to herself though the Borage leaves, then began padding back to said camp. She worked her way through the entrance, then padded towards her den, getting stopped twice by tiny kits and their rough housing. Each time she shook her head, then continued moving. She padded into her den, storing the herbs away, then going back out to sit outside of the den. Minnowkit, who was soon to be an apprentice, came over to her. "Echobreeze! Can you show me more herbs?" The kit said, a very excited look on her face. Echobreeze smiled, liking her interest in healing and herbs. "Not today. Perhaps tomorrow" She replied, then hated the disappointed look that followed. Minnowkit scampered away, joining her sisters in playing with a moss ball. 'I think I`ll request to have Minnowkit become my apprentice. She`s already asked me before anyways.' She commented mentally, moving to lay on her stomach.
Aeolus dropped the kit to its paws as it scampered back to its mother instantly jumping on one if its brothers. Aeolus continued on threw the camp until he came up to the elders den, The same elder that took care of Aeolus at birth. Aeolus quietly sat down looking at the carvings in the side of the den the elder had did. "These are old legends?" Aeolus meowed out-loud so the elder could hear him. The old tom slowly walked out of the den and sat next to Aeolus, the elder looked at the carving for some time. "Ah...These are pictures of a old legend of four heroes..." The elder said slowly. "A cat of wind was said to guide them...What was the other ones..." The elder says forgetting some of the legend as always. "One cat fought with the power of lighting, another cat aided them with water. And the last cat fell into shadows. To protect them." Aeolus said remembering being told this legend hundreds of times and always looking up to the four of them. "Ah...Yes that is correct, four cats...four clans..." The elder says giving a small chuckle. "My age seems to have weighed on me more than I thought.....Aeolus." The elder cat says looking at Aeolus, Aeolus looks the elder cat in the eye, seeing a hint of sadness in his eyes but it was soon over took with joy. "The memory's I have will never be replaced...Even by death Aeolus, so do not cry when the time comes. Be strong for the people, and they will be strong for you." the elder says slowly as he slowly gets to all 4's and walks into the den, leaving Aeolus to his own thoughts. Aeolus stand on all fours watching the elder leave into the den. "Stay safe elder." Aeolus says as he quickly leaves the camp taking the path up to his den, which was sighted away from the camp so Aeolus could pray to the goddess of wind for strength. And to get away from his popularity.
Scarletfang was frozen in shock. Toadleg examined her waiting for a response. "B-but that means...I have brothers and sisters. I have more kin," Scarletfang looked at Toadleg. Toadleg has a flash of sadness in his eyes. "Don't worry Toadleg you'll always be my brother," Scarletfang mewed. Toadleg gave a lame smile, he too had brothers and sisters but whom died before their first moon. "But what exactly is this prophecy now? You didn't think I would forget?" Scarletfang asked. Toadleg sighed and looked up into the clouds reciting the prophecy, "Four will rise to save us all. One will lead with the force of winds to protect us all. One will fight with the power of thunder to strengthen us all. One will cleanse with the touch of water to aid us all. And one will fall with the darkening shadow to honor us all."

The fur down Scarletfang's spine rose up. Her eyes widened and she slowly got up. "What does this have to do with me?" she didn't like the connections that were going through her head. Toadleg looked at Scarletfang, "I wish I knew myself. But it is clearly speaking to all four Clans and each distinct clan. And I know I do not like the shadow part." Scarletfang took a few steps back, "This all must be a mistake. I can't be part of a prophecy. I'm just a normal warrior, and always will be one."
(Sorry guys, I was out all day.)

Breathing heavily, PantherTail turned to FrozenClaw, who was glancing at him with a worried and suspicious look in her eyes. "Are you alright, PantherTail?" She asked, but he didn't reply. He just ran straight past her, back to camp. "Wait!" She called, startled by his sudden 'escape', and ran after him.
Echobreeze stood, a strange feeling passing through. Following her gut, she padded to Flowerstar`s den, announcing her arrival to the leader. "Come in, come in." came the response, and she entered the den, not letting a moment pass. "What is it. Echobreeze?" Flowerstar asked, coming towards Echobreeze. "I`m going to be making a trip to Highstones, if you`ll approve." She said, looking to her leader. "Well, of course. When do you intend to leave?" The she-cat asked, her ear flicking. "Now. I`ll be going alone, though." She replied, then waited for the leader to reply. As Flowerstar made no reply, simply flicking her tail signaling for her to go, she turns, padding from the den. She nodded to Nightsoul, but quickly told her she was going to highstones, shutting the warrior up as soon as she began speaking. As there was no reply from her friend, she continued on, leaving the camp and setting course for the Windclan border, near four trees. She traveled quickly, reaching four-trees within the hour, crossing into the Gathering place, using the two-leg bridge, and heading into Windclan. She didn`t bother waiting for a patrol, setting a course towards Highstones.
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Aeolus stumbles into the fancy looking den, collapsing onto the floor breathing heavy. 'Man im getting fat and lazy.' Aeolus thinks to himself laughing between gaps. After awhile he sits back up facing a statue of a cat that looks royal. The wind goddess, Aeolus bows his head and began to pray for awhile. After a hour or so Aeolus lays down in his room of the den, closing his eyes and sleeping for awhile not wanting to do much more till night arrives where he could be at full potential of hunting. Aeolus thinks about what his mother was like, only getting brief images of his childhood. Before falling asleep.
Scarletfang looked around expecting to see vision changes or anything abnormal. But everything was normal. Her breathing quickened and her vision began fading away.

"Scarletfang! Scarletfang!"

Toadleg yowled into Scarletfang's ear hoping to bring her back to reality. Her head turned towards him. She saw him but was not mentally there. "You need to calm down. We will figure this out. Who knows? It may mean something else," Toadleg reassured her. Scarletfang looked down at the ground in front of her. Her tail dropped and her mind came back. "You're right..." Scarletfang whispered. "Now let's head back to camp. You will need to hunt for something though," Toadleg said.

How can I focus on hunting when I might be possibly dying?!

Scarletfang nodded her head, "Yeah I know."
PantherTail finally reached camp. He brushed past other cats and ran to the leader's den. "OceanStar?" He said breathlessly. OceanStar gave him a troubled look. "What was so urgent that you needed to barge in, PantherTail?" He mewed. "I.. was on patrol.. and I saw.. I saw two ShadowClan cats.. and they were talking.. about.." He paused for air. "A prophecy." OceanStar swished his tail thoughtfully. "Mmn. I see." He said. "What prophecy?"

"I.. I don't know exactly, but it seemed the medicine was telling a young cat that SHE was part of the prophecy!"
Echobreeze continuously glanced around, hoping there to be no Windclan warriors near, as she didn`t need the interruption. She neared the border, close to Highstones and slowed, beginning to walk. she sighed after crossing over the border, happy to be out of the moor and out of Windclan territory. She made a bee line towards Highstones, stopping at the entrance and smiling, before entering the cave and following it down. She smiled again, coming out by the moonstone. It wasn`t light up by moonlight yet, but she hoped that didn`t matter. She padded forward, moving to lay at the base of the stone. When she was comfortable, she touched her nose to the stone, letting the cold chill take over her body and slipping into dream.

[Fast post]
Aeolus was standing on water now, he looked left and right. But all he seen was water. He looked down and realized he was standing on the water he lifted his paw up quickly but it was not wet, he set it down slowly and a ripple went threw the water. But his paw could not go into the water. He relaxes himself before looking around again before his eyes lay on a shadowed figure of a cat. "Who th-" Before Aeolus could speak the shadow cat poofed and Aeolus jolted up from hi sleep now in his cavern again.

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