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Fantasy Four Suits Vol. 3 Characters

Name: Iris Bastille
Title: N/A
Age: 21
Race: Elven
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128
Gender: Female
Rank: 4
Affiliation: Clubs
Appearance: Iris always handles herself with grace, confident, and poise to the point that no one would guess she is a low ranked mage who was practically disowned from her family. Despite that dying her hair towards the ends seems to clash with her personality the rumor is that this is an attempt to stand out. She almost always has her head in a book, often multi tasking between reading and whatever task she has been assigned.

Personality (optional) : She has been described as being a bit too uptight. She hardly ever goofs off and even at a young age it wouldn't have been strange to think she was just a nanny who never hit a growth spurt. She takes pride in her professionalism, ability to plan things out, and punctuality and almost detests anyone who doesn't do the same. Because she has had to claw her way to even achieve her current rank she is a workaholic and finds it difficult to relax. This gives her a bit of a chip on her shoulder since she is always ready to prove others wrong even if it is the result of a fabricated slight on her ability. She becomes flustered when things do not go as planned and although she usually overcomes setbacks she does have doubts about being a worthy mage let alone royal.

She can be cynical and pessimistic despite her aspirations; however, she is not unkind. She will almost always honor her debts and will never forget those who have been kind to her. Despite her hardened and serious demeanor she has a soft spot for cute things. Calling her out on it will only fluster her even more.


Under different circumstances she would have made a great politician, or an elected official; however, fate had other things in mind. She came from a family line that possessed great power. No one in their bloodline had ever been ranked below a 7 and this was coupled with their high social status. However, once Iris discovered her abilities, she was seen as a black sheep due to her low ranking magic (rank 2 at the time). Her magic was not lethal, nor was it highly ranked among support magic (particularly in battle). To gain the good graces of her family she poured her all into studying and improving her mind by using both her magic and her natural intellect to no avail. Despite her many efforts to prove herself worthy of the family name she could never compete with a fire breather, a rock crusher, or a water gusher. If one were to highlight her intellect alone, she would be considered a prodigious talent. By the age of 14, albeit with the help of her magic, she was well versed in law, tactics, business. Those subjects in particular could help make her a great royal; however, she was still far too weak to even mention such a dream without being scoffed out. Despite her intellectual gains, she remained relatively unnoticed. Now she has furthered her intellectual spectrum by studying history, geography, and science.

After the royal tournament, which she failed to sneak into, she ran into X at a bar. He was complaining about becoming the King. Honestly the nerve of some people. Here was this man, who was living out her dream of being one of the 3 royals and he had the nerve to not only complain, but drink it off as some cause for depression. Iris was drowning her sorrows because of the exact opposite reason. Choosing to ignore the foolish brat Iris angrily flipped through the pages of her favorite books while X continued to get shitfaced. Of course X asked her if she had a paper cut fetish which brought her back to the real world. (She had gotten so used to her methods of reading that she forgot that it was uncommon.) After reluctantly explaining her abilities to the strange man, she was surprised when X called it a terrifying ability. At first she thought he was being an ass, but after prodding him further his words appeared to be genuine. Out of all the people who had entered her life this drunken idiot was the first to acknowledge her abilities, although she wouldn't say her abilities were anywhere near terrifying. X took it a step further and hired her as his personal assistant. She wasn't sure how valid the words of a half drunken King was, but this was a small step toward her end goal.

Of course when she showed up to work the next day X claimed to have never met the woman in his life. However, once she explained her abilities again X pretty much had the same reaction after admitting he did remember some chick coming on to him at a bar. After an actual job interview which consisted of X "testing her" with a few "practice documents" she became his personal assistant.


Literacy Manipulation

Iris has the ability to instantly read and understand any form of literature simply by touching its pages/medium, even if it is in an uncommon language. This includes maps. This allows her to sort paperwork, conduct research, and study at an exponential pace. This is even helpful for works that have aged over time, making them difficult to read by normal means. Under the influence of her mana she can repair these works of literature to their prime form. She can even make edits (ex inserting/deleting words, font etc) to the works in question.

Instant Messaging
Iris has the ability to craft a special piece of paper that she calls, Ka. This allows for communication between her and anyone of her choosing no matter the distance. However, this communication only works if you are contacting her since she can only open the channel for you to write and receive messages with her ability. Each crafted item is special and unique to the user since she needs the mana of the person in question to create it. A byproduct of this ability, due to the nature of its composition, is that the paper acts as a mana tracker; moreover, she can somewhat sense the condition of the person in question. (If someone dies the paper crumbles to pieces.

General Abilities:
Photographic Memory, Supreme Intellect, good cook.

She can wield a sword better than the average person but don't expect her to be a samurai.

A Pen, Sword she keeps at her side. One is mightier, but she won't say which.

To become a royal, or Ace.

X: Hates his guts/works for him

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Name: Aranya Kirthaun

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Rank: 7 at base. When linked she becomes a nine with ten potential depending on the link

Affiliation: Unaffiliated, for now

Personality: Aranya is a Knight seeking a cause, as most of her family tend to be. She is a Kirthaun of the Rose, which means she is seeking a heroic or at least just cause. She is, above all else, an idealist. Her skill and finesse make her an effective one, and she isn’t a fool, but she seeks to do the right thing in every situation by as many people as possible. At the core of who she is, is a fundamental desire to help people. She wants to do as much good as possible for as long as she can. This is a part of why she has gone un-vowed for longer than most of her family. She doesn’t necessarily seek someone who shares her ideals, but she wants to find a Liege who seems to genuinely care about the lives of people around them at least.

Biography: Aranya was an orphan of war within the first few years of her life, as all Kirthauns are. The Kirthaun family is a family with a legend and and inherited magic, but they are not a family with any real bloodline to speak of. The only requirement to be a Kirthaun is to have no family left and to be found by an existing Kirthaun while under three years of age. The only thing that a Kirthaun is guaranteed to be, is a Knight, and a highly skilled fighter. Their strength, type of fighting, style of magic, and personal honor all vary wildly. There are many forms to the inherited magics associated with the vow, and once vowed those abilities can become even more unique.

Generally speaking there are three different types of Knight from the Kirthaun family, each marked by a different tattoo. Knights of the Rose are those who seek and will generally only be involved with just or heroic causes and people. Knights of the Hound are warhounds, seeking only good fights, and challenging battle. They are rarely bandits or slaughterers, but otherwise they can be found serving almost anyone who seems likely to bring them to war. Lion Knights are another beast entirely. As a rule they are arrogant, cocky, ambitious, ruthless and vicious. They are the glory hounds, warlords and generals. Kirthauns are never really the focus of legends or myths, but they are frequently the Knights that serve those legendary figures.

Aranya is still more of a Knight than she is her own figure. She was trained for the first eighteen years of her life as is tradition, and then set loose on the world as a Knight Errant. Since then she has wandered aimlessly, helping here and there but never really settling down to any particular task.


Knight’s Vow: This is the essential core of her magic, an older magic used almost exclusively by the Kirthaun Family. It is essentially a magic of binding, evolution and adaptation. It’s branches, whichever the Knight in question may choose, are usable without the binding. It is a magic that children of the family are bound to when they turn three, and it shapes their magic and their physical potential. Without the active Vow, most of the Vow’s own secondary abilities are unuseable, although there are some permanent passive effects caused by the Vow. In particular someone with an inactive Knight’s Vow will always be a bit stronger and faster than a normal human of an equivalent age and training. They also generally heal faster, and more completely. They don’t heal fast enough to be seen, but a Knight will heal from minor injuries within a day, middling ones within a week, and major ones within a month or two. There are even stories of Knights regrowing lost limbs over the course of years. What makes this slightly stronger is that Knights generally receive an inverse effect from repeated injury. Whereas normal people will usually start to heal slower, Knights tend to heal faster and faster as their body recovers from repeated injuries. They can speed up their regeneration as well but it requires learning where their passive physical enhancement is within their magical structure and essentially dumping mana into the regeneration part. It’s focus intensive, requires serious mana dumping, is also time intensive, and is difficult to learn but can greatly reduce recovery time. Aranya has recently learned how to do this.

When a Knight swears to the liege the more active portions of this ability unlock, along with adapting all known branches to align with the Liege in question, and empowering the Knight. The exact limits of this are unknown, and enhanced by greater connection and loyalty to their Liege. The way their magic changes is almost entirely dependent on their liege’s magic and strength. In terms of actual magical functions there are a few, mostly involving the connection between Knight and Liege. These can also change with a Vow made. The first and most basic is a mental connection allowing basic mental communication. Things must be deliberately transmitted, but images, sensations, and emotions can be transmitted, along with more direct thoughts. Both parties also always have an instinctive knowledge of the other’s condition and location available. Connected to this ability is the ability to share mana, in either direction. They can also share memories although it takes time and a small ritual. The most dramatic use is the ability to transport. There are two ways that this functions. The first allows the Knight to go to their Liege’s side. It has no specific range, little cost, and low cast time. The time it takes to recover the ability varies depending on bond, anywhere from thirty minutes to ten seconds. The other use works on similar principles and allows the Knight to swap places with their Liege. However this cannot be used more than once a day and disables the other use for roughly twice it’s usual recovery time. The only other thing this does consistently is grant the Knight a certain affinity for their Liege’s elements of choice. This Vow can be broken, but only by an irreconcilable decision by one of the parties.

Knight’s Blade: The Knight’s Blade is a relatively simple ability that is less narrowly applied than it sounds, even if she usually does use it for her sword. It is a weapon enhancer, but that enhancement can apply to almost anything from fists to crossbows. It is essentially just an all around enhancer for most any type of combat. While without a Vow it essentially just makes her hit harder, faster and with less chance of her weapon breaking. It manifests as an ice-blue aura, although when vowed that will likely change. It’s truly arcane effect is also fairly simple, allowing weapons to hit anything, including non-corporeal things, as long as they still magically or physically exist. It does not guarantee that a blow lands, but anything which a blow does hit will feel it. Aranya’s skill with this ability has allowed her to take this a step further, cutting away things on a more conceptual level. In practical terms this allows her to break enchantments and curses she has direct access to along with cutting diseases, poisons, toxins, and infections away, along with nonorganic corrosion. She cannot heal harm done by these things as of yet, and it takes concentration and knowledge of what she needs to strike at, along with sufficient strength, but has few limits as to what it can affect.

Knights Shield: This is again a mostly straightforward ability that can be applied to more things than her shield. Even the core functions of this are somewhat limited while un-vowed. The simplest ability is a mirror of the aura the Blade applies, but put to a different purpose. She can use this to amp her ability to block things essentially, using things from actual shields or gauntlets, to conveniently shaped pieces of wood or stone, although shields will work much better. This can also be used on her armor itself. This essentially allows her to pit her magical strength, energy and will against attacks, along with her not inconsiderable physical strength. This has an extension based around her skill as well, although she can only use this one because of the nature of her shield, and only through her shield alone. It allows her to defend against aoe attacks that would blast past or around her, forcing the full brunt of the attack to hit her shield. This can be used against projectile attacks, but only ones she is prepared for and braced for. It also theoretically allows her to connect to someone and take their injuries in their place, but this is impossible to do without the anchor of a Vow. Lastly she can take already present abilities from someone onto herself, removing them from her body and placing them on hers. This is extremely difficult to do while un-vowed, but possible.

Gear: She has three pieces of meaningful gear, each of which she was gifted when she left.

Rose’s Thorn: This would be her blade. It isn’t a magical item of any particular power, instead being a relatively simple heavy blade. It was made and forged with magic, but all that did was make it much more durable than any normal blade, and allow for more efficient and more potent use of her abilities. It is worth noting that despite the blade’s excessive weight she is strong enough to wield it almost as if it were a rapier.

Rose Aegis: Her armor, which follows similar design principles to her blade. It is simply stronger than any normal metal armor, and strengthens her abilities.

Guardian Rose: Her shield is the one exception to her low magic gear. Unlike the rest of her gear it was made specifically for her, rather than being a more general piece of the Kirthaun Armory. Like the rest it is made to be incredibly durable and to strength her abilities when used through it. The actual enchantment woven through it is exceedingly complex, and functions in three parts, centralized on the gemstone placed in the shield. The first is the most direct, a version of a more traditional anti-magic enchantment, pulling in magic directed towards it. The gem used for this is extremely high quality, although not unique. What makes this more effective are the two effects built into the enchantment that channel that energy. The first is what allows her to extend her own capabilities with her Knight’s Shield magic. The second works on a similar principle, but in reverse. Rather than using the energy within it to redirect external forces towards it, it directs that energy outwards into a destructive energy beam. This use isn’t one that can be used often. It requires a great deal of stored energy, stresses the enchantment, and can be difficult to manage the backlash and power of. However it is extremely potent and remarkably destructive. It will cut directly through most things while it’s energy lasts, and if something manages to stop it’s energy, that energy will explode against the surface it is impacting. It does gradually disperse as it travels and doesn’t go beyond fifty feet or so in an effective format, but within that range it is quite dangerous, helped by how difficult it is to predict or expect.
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Appearance: e224be0ae1d60208654c5e3dc3fb3e00--anime-dress-drawing-queen-anime.jpg
Name: Solaria DeQuaire
Age: 20
Gender: female
Rank: 5
Affiliation ( Suit, Jokers, Argossian): a suit of hearts
Personality (optional) : (you shall see XD)
Biography: She came from a family of peasant wizards she knows some magic not much but some work to her advantage. After she moved into the heart court she has those eyes of the queen's position but keeps it to herself as she messes with the men of the court and makes allies in secret to help her work on her craft but also have a little fun. She is not someone to be reconded with she has eyes in the court so no secret of her is unknown to her. She is not afraid to take out anyone she despises. Her threats are more than just tiny stings beware of the lovely solar heart of 10.
Solar blast
-blasts solar rays at opponents
Shadow of the sun
-can turn invisible for 5 minutes
Gear: Her solar septer
she uses this to harness the solar blasts.[/QUOTE]
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Will Code...Sometime

name // argiolus oswald
title // the poet
age // 65 (since sentience)
gender // n/a
race // precursor artifact
rank // 8
affiliation // diamonds, sylphs

height // 5’7” (170cm)
weight // 132 (60kg)
hair // brown
eyes // amber

Neither inanimate nor living, the physical form Argiolus Oswald assumes is arbitrary. As the final and only person they had ever imprinted on, the flute’s humanoid form took their late master’s appearance as a template whilst modifying itself as an in-between, catering to neither gender in the end. Due to their appearance being borrowed, they have a tendency to dress in the same styles as the original themself. As such, they are typically clothed in the traditional robes of Yazhu, regardless of how troublesome the various layers of cloth may be to handle. In spite of their difficulties, they somehow always manage to keep their appearance neat and tidy.

The Poet—or Argiolus Oswald, should the other party insist on a name—is an entity best described as a spring zephyr. They regale others with pleasantries and a warm caress, yet continue onwards without a word, remaining as a nameless passerby in the end. However, unknowingly influenced by the persona of its master and creator, the animated precursor artifact has come to settle down in and offer their loyalty to the diamond kingdom temporarily.

In the past, those who happened to come in contact with “The Poet” labeled them as an enigma. Never speaking a word and merely greeting others with a gentle smile or song, they bore a certain mystique or simply a strange aura that outsiders could not decipher. Towards those willing to look past their peculiarities, however, lies a wholly honest individual incapable of wearing whatever mask others may accuse them of.

Their silent and composed behavior is not lofty arrogance but rather resultant of their own incapabilities. As an entity born from the hopes and wishes of their old master, they are not likely to feel bouts of strong negative emotions or ill intent. In return, they are a naive individual incapable of lying or separating malice from goodwill until the situation has already taken a turn for the worse. Even at the conclusion of said situations, they are quick to forgive and forget, never holding on to their anger for long should they have even felt any in the first place. Not that they even have the ability to vent through normal means, as the past destruction of their vocal chords has left them with nothing but inelegant, guttural sounds. However, they are still prone to feeling saddened by betrayals and the like. Unfortunately, they are much too pacifistic to ever pursue any wrongs committed against them, much to the chagrin of their little sister.

Many millennia ago, a nameless musician traveled the land, singing songs which promised of a hope that lay just ahead. However, no matter how many times the musician invigorated their spirits, the smiles of the townspeople were inevitably crushed again and again by calamities and wars. With music that could only entertain and magic that could only destroy, the musician became distraught and promptly vanished.

Decades later, the musician drew their final breath, leaving only a single flute behind. A peddler who sought refuge from the elements chanced upon the musician’s corpse. Out of respect as well as payment for resting in the musician’s abode, the peddler buried the musician with the flute before going on his way the next morning.

For decades, the musician’s secrets remained buried under layers of dirt until a great tremor unearthed the ancient memorial. Triggered by the clash of the musician’s mana and blood with the mana of another powerful mage, the consciousness laying dormant within the flute⁠—a precursor artifact⁠—finally took physical form.

The one responsible for the tremor, a Sylph by the name of Holly Blue Oswald, offered her apologies and the promise of a home and family. With neither goals nor knowledge of the world, the child was quick to agree. However, as harmonious as their family of three was, there was always something urging the child, now named Argiolus Oswald, to search for something important in the land.

In the end, they temporarily bid their adoptive mother and sister farewell to fulfill what they assumed was the will of their master. Much like their master, they traveled the continent while aiding those in need with their song magic. Eventually, they made a name for themself due to the beautiful quality of their voice. However, they returned home in only a decade’s time. They did not know whom it was nor did they wish to pursue the culprit, but their voice had been forever ruined by a poisoned drink.

Nevertheless determined to continue their travels, they left soon after their health recovered sufficiently—this time with a flute in hand and their sister by their side. As their footfalls drew ever closer to the grueling battlefronts of war, Argiolus soon found that perhaps they were simultaneously drawing nearer to the answer they had been searching for so long. The clues puzzled them, for they had believed their master wished for peace just like them, yet they continued onwards, thus eventually drawn to the Kingdom of Diamonds.

[Celastrina Oswald] Argiolus’ tendency to perceive most individuals as good-willed has landed them in hot water on various occasions. As such, Cel is much more so a babysitter than the baby sister that she’s supposed to be. She may scold him often, but their relationship is nevertheless harmonious to the point where they understand each other with mere glances.

[Holly Blue Oswald] The Sylph responsible for Argiolus’ awakening as well as their adoptive mother. They were slightly angered when they found out that their master’s grave had been disturbed, but that quickly became water under the bridge after she promptly rebuilt the memorial.


[Song Magic] Painfully pacifistic and preferring to face death over personally raising their hand against another individual, Argiolus Oswald makes up for their complete lack of offensive capabilities by supporting others. As a precursor artifact, their role has always been and still is to allow individuals to transcend their limits. By weaving magic into song, Argiolus’ tunes bring various benefits, including…

I. [Vivace] Basic area-wide healing also useful for calming the mind and taking away a portion of the affected people’s fatigue. Not very good for patching up more grievous wounds. When played in the presence of those with healing or medical skills, it may instead be used to increase the effect of that individual’s healing abilities.

II. [Piano] Removes a curse or poisoning with the conclusion of the song so long as it was received within a day’s time. However, it is taxing on the user’s stamina and should not be abused. The length of the song required is dependent on the strength, complexity, and time elapsed since being inflicted by the curse/poison and may range from 1 minute to over 10 minutes.

III. [Crescendo] With every five successful blows landed, the physical striking power and magical intensity of the individual is increased (max: five stacks). Does not require hits to be on the same target and only expires after resting for more than one minute. When applied alongside buffs with similar effects cast by other friendly units, Crescendo increases the effect of the other applied buffs rather than being applied itself.

IV. [Diminuendo] Bolsters the defensive effects of armor with a repulsive force that negates a portion of and softens the effects of offensive blows. Proportionate to the attacks received vs the mana expended to cast the spell rather than the armor itself, so even simple cloth armors benefit greatly.

V. [Più Mosso] Increases the agility and speed of friendly units while simultaneously adjusting their bodies to handle the increase. It may also lighten footsteps to become as soft as a feather while the buff is in effect should the need for stealth arise.

VI. [Pianissimo] Cleanses all negative status effects (inflicted within a day’s time) of friendly units while dispelling positive effects from hostile units and weapons. Can be cast approximately five times a day and effects those within a 10 meter radius.

VII. [Ritenuto] Inflicts a sudden decrease in speed and agility on hostile units. The level of reduction is proportionate to the difference between the target and Argiolus’ power (e.g. 500 -> 250 as 50% reduction vs 2000 -> 1500 as 25% reduction). The effect decreases depending on the number of targets affected by Ritenuto.

VIII. [Ritardando] Forcibly causes hostile units to expend more energy and mana (max 2x over the course of 10min, 5min if single target) when moving around and using spells with the intention to cause enervation. This results in movements, reaction times, and spells becoming increasingly sloppy, weak, and/or slower. Often also triggers feelings of irritation, potentially resulting in rasher judgement. It is the main magic that Argiolus employs when fleeing, as they consider it a nonviolent form of suppression.

IX. [Dissonance] Effects may differ from person to person, but in general it is meant to disorient and cause confusion. How each perceives this is dependent on what their mind makes of it. As they are not sure what will result from the song, Argiolus is not very fond of this method.

A majority of their songs tend to be multiplicative rather than additive, meaning that it is not always the best gap-closer for lower ranks in terms of pure might. However, years of experimenting and spellcrafting have expanded their repertoire to include songs with hybrid effects, making their magic flexible and capable of better catering to the situation and person.

[Yazhu Robe] Argiolus’ red robe is made in the style of the city of Yazhu which existed over a millennium ago and was painstakingly handcrafted by Argiolus personally. The cloth used was enchanted beforehand, giving it helpful properties such as being stain-proof and lightweight.

[Bamboo Flute] The flute hanging from Argiolus’ waist is the current conduit for their magic.

[Writing Implements] A simple pad of paper, pens, and an inkwell for communicating with others when Cel isn’t around to translate for him.

[Unknown Musician’s Flute] Argiolus' original form which he currently carries inside of his human vessel. Allows users to utilize higher forms of song magic. (locked)

1. The Oswald siblings were named after the Celastrina Argiolus butterfly, more commonly known as the Holly Blue. As grateful as they are for the care of Celastrina’s mother, Argiolus is secretly not very fond of the name.
2. Because of Argiolus’ inability to speak, they communicate either through writing or by using Celastrina as a translator. The siblings communicate through the language of the Sylphs which uses body language, gestures, and a minute amount of mana rather than speech. Due to the subtlety of the nuances, it is more or less a dying language exclusive to the Sylphs, hence the need for translation.
3. They have neither a gender preference nor reproductive organs, and they do not care much for what others refer to them as. Even calling them an “it,” fails to faze them, though the person who addressed them as such is likely to face Celastrina’s wrath.
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Classified Document #1865: Case File of Subject L aka “Alyss”


Documented by [REDACTED]

Appearance: Alyss is a slender woman who appears to be in her early to mid twenties. Her skin is fair with no noticeable blemishes. She has blonde hair that cascades down her back and light blue eyes. She has a bump on the back of her neck where her tracker was implanted. When given the chance to dress herself, the subject prefers to wear feminine clothing, favoring ribbons and the color blue. Her standard military uniform is modified to appease this desire.

Age: [REDACTED], appears early to mid twenties.

Gender: Female

Species: Homunculi

Rank: Captain

Sub-Ranking: 0 Magic /3000 Physical

Affiliation: Wholly loyal to the Emperor and, by extension, the Argossia Empire. We have also noticed a fondness for other Homunculi as if they are siblings.

Personality: Alyss is a sensible being who believes the world should be dictated by science and order. She holds a strong distaste of magic and attempts to define rationale behind its strangeness. She is self-assured and confident in her own abilities, but is easily troubled by experiences that present a different world view. Interactions with [REDACTED] are to be kept at a minimum to prevent curiosity.

When interacting with others in a non-hostile environment, Alyss is formal and presents impeccable manners. If someone has an unsociable or rude demeanor, she is quick to get frustrated. However, the subject is noted to be calm in combat situations per her training.

Favorite rewards include clothing, fashion accessories, books, and free time to enjoy the outdoors. Effective punishments are removal of rewards, silent treatment, and if acting especially unruly, [REDACTED].


Subject L was officially “born” among the batch grown around the time of the Parma invasion. Her early life consisted of fitness testing and tactical training. [REDACTED] nicknamed her ‘Alyss’ after her resemblance to her favorite doll. Though she was on track with the rest of the group physically, Alyss found it difficult to connect with the ideals of Argossia.

Background S was enacted as a result. This encompassed [REDACTED].

Alyss now believes the Suits [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] their defeat. [REDACTED] However, [REDACTED].


Homunculus Characteristics: Alyss is a supernaturally strong, tenacious, and graceful. . She is tougher than most homunculus, but trades it off with being less agile. She has been known to survive having her head cut off and reattached if it was within the hour. Physical scars never last, but magical ones will.

Shieldmaiden: Alyss is a master of defensive combat. She wields a shield with the same confidence many do a sword. This also includes using a gun or sword in her off hand while wielding a shield, but she prefers to bash her enemies’ faces in.

Leader: Alyss is a symbol for the masses of Argossia. Soldiers listen to her without hesitation, citizens value her words a little more, and she is recognizable as a propaganda piece by Suits. In combat, this means she leads the front line with a vanguard surrounding her at all times.


A3G1S: The only one of its kind. Also known as ‘Aegis’, this is a retractable shield coated in an anti-magic sealant. It can change from the size of a buckler to a full fledged tower shield. Alyss wears it on her arm at all times, only taking it off when she is out of uniform. It can protect against all physical attacks and magical attacks up to a King in level, but requires her to face the attack.

Anti-Magic uniform: Alyss wears a customized version of the Captain’s attire. One of the more recent to be made, the lack of materials make it weaker than its predecessors. It is interwoven with metallic fibers, making it as strong as chainmail armor with half the weight. Magical attacks over a 5 will affect the wearer, but will be halved. Anything 10 or above will fully impact.

1x PF-201: A standard pistol used in the Argossian military. Alyss combines it with her shield to safely attack from a distance.

1x Combat Knife: Hidden in her boot, this is mostly used for utility purposes (cutting rope, marking areas, etc)
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[div class=he]〚 Nouvelaire Rey-Bisset 〛[/div]

Nickname: Nouvel
[div class=img][/div]
Height: 168 cm (About 5’6”) | Weight: On the lighter side | Build: Average-Thin
Age: 24 | Gender: Male | Species: Human
Rank: King | Affiliation: Spades

Nouvel acts like a bit of a pessimistic child on the surface but overthinks his decisions more than most people know. He tries to treat most individuals with sincerity though he can't help but think of the worst-case scenario whenever he interacts with another. While not a workaholic, he likes to work since it takes his mind off thinking for a change. He fears not being worthy of existence and so tries his utmost to find the best outcome for everyone when given a problem, sometimes even disregarding his own needs.

Once upon a time, the daughter of a merchant had the ambition and drive to create a great trading empire before the birth of Nouvel ruined it all. Her unplanned pregnancy paralyzed her from the waist down, destroying her dreams of succeeding the family legacy. Losing the affluence and comfort she had been used to and the ease she used to move with all at once caused her once bottomless well of confidence to run dry and crushed the little empathy in her heart to dust. The fact that her husband had barely been home and seemed wholly indifferent about her mental state only worsened her condition. She became resentful of the child she had birthed and raised him with his basic needs satisfied only so the neighbours wouldn’t complain of maltreatment.

Growing up with a mother who blamed his birth for her crippled body and a father that was never there made Nouvel latch tightly onto the one person who did show him care. Reina, the only daughter of the neighbouring baker family, pitied his friendless self and took it upon herself to play with him as a child. She became the one that alleviated his messed up mindset from years of rebuking and criticism and helped increase his severely lacking confidence. Unknown to Nouvel, Reina secretly belittled him for his household situation and hard-to-deal-with personality.

As they grew up, Reina shot up in rankings and military studies and soon dreamed of becoming a King rank. While Nouvel was at the same rank as her and was nowhere near weak, Reina trivialized his abilities and forced him into the King’s Tournament to support her. During their battle against each other, Reina unexpectedly spoke something uncalled for in her eagerness to win and destroyed their fragile friendship. In the end, Nouvel won their fight and went on to take up the mantle of the King of Spades.

Substats: Magical 2000 | Physical 300

| Life Is but a Fleeting Dream |
The target is pulled into a dreamscape of their memories and can only get out by living out what has happened to them from birth to the start of the dream. Twenty years is about two minutes for a normal soldier. Everything happens faster in the dream by approximately five million times on average but the higher one’s magic power, the faster it can go. It breaks if any mental magics are cast on the target. A cool down of one minute exists no matter the strength of the recipient.

| Portraits of a Painted Lady |
When Nouvel has a paintbrush and a surface to paint on, painting Painted Ladies on the "canvas" using mana activates this skill. Each butterfly takes about two seconds to paint and the number of butterflies that can be created is limited to the size of the surface used. Once something has been painted on, it cannot be used again. The painted butterflies come alive and find a random host to perch on within twenty meters if not ordered to a specific person by the caster. If they find no one within fifty meters other than the user or already taken hosts, they automatically disappear. A recipient can have a maximum of twenty butterflies on their person and each butterfly perched on them adds two minutes to the duration of the illusion. The illusion affects everyone but Nouvel and the host, including other recipients. The butterflies cannot be physically touched.

There are two sides to this skill. The receiver can choose to keep the wings of the butterflies open or closed, but the Nouvel can override that choice if he so chooses. If the wings are closed, the host simply camouflages into the surroundings. The illusion changes as the person moves to match the differing environment. If the wings are open, the receiver can choose anyone within viewing distance to copy but if a choice isn't made, the butterflies cause the recipient to mimic the nearest living humanoid by default. Again, the user of the ability can override the choice.

This skill is impeded in weather colder than five degrees Celcius since it cuts the lifespan of each butterfly in half. On the other hand, in weather warmer than twenty-five degrees Celcius, the range of migration is doubled to hundred meters.

| Garden Where the Gods Dwell | “Eden”
Nouvel can turn anywhere within range of himself into a garden that randomly generates or converts plants that have certain abilities depending on the climate and environment of the area he is in. Plants in the garden can often move and are usually a caricature of their normal selves, exaggerating their most prominent features for the sake of attacking, defending or supporting other plants and the user themselves. An example would be pines with extreme cold resistance in the garden shooting super strengthened pine needles at attackers. The garden protects the user first and foremost, though other simple commands to attack or defend so and so can be executed. The garden moves as the user moves and the larger the garden, the more mana it consumes. The max radius of the garden is thirty metres though he can only use the maximum range five times a day. The minimum is not limited to size, he can summon only one plant if he so wishes.

In colder climates, coniferous trees and tough shrubbery should grow in the garden and in warmer climates, it might be deciduous trees or tropical flowers. For places with drier environments, cacti and succulents may manifest. On the other way around, greenery like kelp and algae would form under the sea.

In the center of the garden is the heart and greatest weakness of this skill. The garden will always grow a white tree with golden fruit, though the appearance may differ depending on where the garden is cast. If the fruit is plucked off during the duration of the skill, the garden withers and the fruit gains a combination of all the effects the plants in the garden. If one eats the fruit, they gain a unique time-limited buff. The time span of the buff depends on the size of the garden and the potency of the effects depend on the number and effect of the plants in the garden. Each plant adds about five more substat to the eater of the apple, depending on the effects the plant produces.

| Connections in Existence and Subsistence |
He can link two or more people together and cause what happens to one person to happen to the other. For instance, if one of the linked gets their arm sliced off, the others will take the same amount of damage as well and may gain one less of an arm. The more people connected, the less severe the impact on the others. The maximum number he can link is ten but by then, a sliced off arm may just become a scratch on someone of the same rank as the damage taker. While he can create more than one link, each link is severely weakened.

| Glance of the Caladrius |
An earring with a white jade charm shaped like a caladrius that heals superficial wounds. If a wound more extreme exists on the wearer’s body, the earring can at most slow the bleeding or alleviate the pain.

| Ryfica's Paintbrush |
A good quality paintbrush sold to Nouvel by a peddler on the streets years ago. It has a wooden handle painted olive green with brass trimmings. It seems to have been made by someone named Ryfica.

Nouvel has above average stamina and is fairly flexible, but is really not much to compare with the monsters that can make craters and destroy towns with their fist alone.
He has a certain fondness for ferrets and avian creatures.
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Jake Parkinson

Silvern (Only by Twig), Skull, Mad Rabbit

Looks close to 18 however; no one, not even Jake, knows his real age



Originally, Jake was known to be something like a robot. Stiff. Cold. Emotionless at times, as the battle was the only joy in his life. Through the past three years, Jake has slowly evolved into someone who speaks their mind and is coy in most conversations as he always has a card under his sleeve.

Growing up in the Spade kingdom, in the small town of Ishveil, with his best friend Lillith. Over the years, he grew apart from everyone causing him to get bullied with his small capability with magic, causing a greater tear from the rest of society. Jake blocked the rest of the time away, never wishing to remember the tragic events he was forced to experience from both his parents, disappointed in him being a failure, and the rest of the kids who would constantly beat him up. Eventually running away after meeting the previous leader of the Jokers, Jake became Skull and was able to go up the ranks quickly with his strong will. When the leader eventually became lost and was assumed dead from lack of results from searches, Jake took up the position of leader due to the wishes of majority of high ranking members.
When Jake became leader, the focus of the Jokers shifted a bit from before. Jake's direction with the jokers is to gain equal privileges for all people, no matter what ranking that person may have. As such, the alliance with the enemy continent is only for weaponry and resources and then the alliance with Guineverre Victoria y Blanca, and her band of people, is because they have similar ideals for equal status along with the power to get it done through time. Over the past three years, Jake spent it going around the Suits learning techniques along with training his perception of things. After the time away, Jake is finally ready to gather the powers and start gathering everyone's acceptance...


Joker Leader

Enhanced Condition: After years of intense training to get better and join the city guard, Jake got physically better.
-Peak physical condition
-Enhanced reaction time, allowing reactions to attacks to be more successful
-Can see up to 100m away with good clarity and focus
-Gained slight nightvision, and can see somewhat in it with minimal light
Adoptive Muscle Memory: Jake is able to copy any physical action he sees performed in front of him. (I will try and keep this updated with what he sees.)
-Expert Swordsmanship (From Marillys Argossia)
-Sniping (Gained before Parma's battle started)
-Overall firing of automatic weapons (During Parma's battle)
-Minor field healing (Mainly from staying inside of the hospital after Parma, Jake could see the nurses and such people work)

Breathing styles can be switched, with a lull in combat for about 3 seconds.
-Serpent Breath (Mastered)
A martial arts that relies on quick and sudden movements to throw off enemies, out-speed defenses and strike effectively at opportune times. Through a particular breathing pattern that one must master, you can temporarily boost your muscles in sharp bursts to deliver strong and swift strikes at a time. This style is particularly effective for assassination or striking your opponents vitals to incapacitate or destroy organs. Techniques also include disconcerting evasive movement, a favorite being "Blink Step", where the user sharply darts forward during an opponent blinking to appear as though they've teleported forward. Simple deception tricks like this are common for enhancing your combat.
-Wind Breath (Mastered)
Joked about over the redundancy of it's name, this martial art is an all-encompassing style that switches from technique to technique seamlessly, allowing users to flow from defense to offense with relative ease, often throwing opponents' rhythms off and breeding hesitation. Techniques involve breathing styles and stances that utilize as little unnecessary body movement as possible, affording users advantages to move into openings or barely dodging attacks with measured and precise strikes that often feint or change before the moment of impact. Techniques are often centered around creating openings and dismantling defenses with moves like "Seamless Gale", where the user counters an opponents attack by moving forward and around into the overextended space, to then deliver a powerful blow to the body, neck or knee without stopping or changing pace. Users generally don't practice blocking or have particularly strong attacks, but can shut down defenses quickly with no fear for counters.

Tous is a Pole-arm that Jake uses as his main weapon. It is capable of changing size based on what rune is said, which was enchanted by a woman who gave this to his family generations ago. Saying the name of it, 'Tous', returns it to a size of a normal pole-arm. 'Sous' makes it smaller, into a more sword sized of a weapon but the same shape. "Wous" does something similar, but the size of a small knife. Jake keeps it in Wous normally, to perverse space on his persons.
The mask Jake uses is something he keeps dearly, as it was given to him by his first boyfriend. Sensitive about the topic, no one knows the story behind it. Rumor about it, which is true, is that it has a resistance against illusions and in which they shimmer. It is the one pictured below, however is black instead of gold.

Twig- A blooming love interest after meeting at both Parma and the jail cell Jake was held at thereafter. During the three years away, their relationship grew into something people would consider as "a little more than friends" with is a nice touch to Jake's hectic life constantly in fear of being caught.
Declan Sarmiento- WIP


Name | Regina Spork
Age | 25
Gender | Female
Rank | Jack
Affiliation | Spade
Personality | Regina gives of a dull-witted vibe...meaning stupid. Her lack of seriousness has always been her downfall. Not to mention, her attention span is that of a dog, but that's why people get manipulated around her. Regina is the damsel in distress, can't fend for herself always gets into trouble. To her, its all a facade some start to catch on, but it's tough to decide when she's playing this charade, or she's genuine, she herself also gets lost in what is real. Despite having this aloof personality, Regina is cunning and cold-hearted. She isn't one to show mercy unless she gets something out of it. Kindness isn't one of her traits either; she won't do anything for you unless you have power over her.
Regina cares for only three things her vanity, her safety, and her wealth. If she realizes she isn't safe, she will throw you away like garbage. Regina isn't to be trusted. She herself has admitted that she can't commit. If a better deal comes along she'll take it no regrets. Having her around is tricky and unpredictable.

Biography |Regina grew up as the only child, which wasn't entirely true. You see, Regina's mother was a bit loose, and it's unsure how many siblings Regina truly has. It's a miracle she didn't die the first few years because of malnourishment and the lack of love given to the infant. By the age of 7, Regina was the mother figure in the household to her new baby sister. Regina had taken care of her sister until she was three years old at that time. Their mother died. One night she never showed up. Nights turned into days, and days turned into months. Regina had assumed her mother was murdered because most of her business deals were at night.

The sisters were split up. Regina ended up with a wealthy family who offered her the opportunity to do whatever she desired. Regina threw herself within books and educating herself. As time passed, she learned to push her feelings aside.

Abilities | (every thing is taken I didn't know what to put)
Hair Manipulation
The user has complete control over hair of oneself and others, allowing them to freely alter, grow out, chance texture, color, etc., shape and manipulate it as if it was appendage, weave the hair into different shapes, etc. Due to hair lacking nerves or being directly affected by changes in the nervous system, attacks and damage are virtually harmless to the user.

User can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves and/or targets which can be objects or living beings, numerous times, while usually being able to recombine the clones. Most users have both of these abilities (if subconsciously), copying their clothes/equipment along with their body. Original target will normally be able to maintain control over all copies. In case of living/sentient clones, mental/physical properties are exactly the same as the original one's, although each copy will have different experiences and may gain independent personalities over time

Knowledge Replication
The user can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it knowledge over a subject, a foreign language, or mastery of a fighting style. They can duplicate information from creatures or inanimate mediums of data, such as books, computers, etc..

The user is or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, eyes etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing user to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs. They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but may still feel pain.

Gear |
Necklace (image above)
Extremely important. Very unlikely that she takes it off.
It was given to her as a gift and has the power to sense others presence.

Small grenades she always carries in her hair.

Other |
-can't walk straight
-Is always drinking wine

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Nathan Clemson

Name: Nathan Clemson

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: Twenty - Two

Affiliation: Argossian Empire

Status: Alive - Active Duty
Military Service
Branch: Argossian Army; Infantry Corps

Time in Service: Nine months (Active), Four years (Training)

Unit(s): 1st Infantry Battalion, Bravo Company, 2nd Platoon “Clemson’s Crusaders”

Cadet Corps of A.E.M.A. (Argossian Empire Military Academy): Commissioned Officer’s Basic Training, Close Quarters Combat (Armed and Unarmed), and Infantry Leadership & Tactics. [Graduated]

Rank/Role: Second Lieutenant (2ndLt.) / Platoon Commander

Nathan is a mannerful and professional soldier, whose sole purpose is to complete his tour of duty and go home. Though he’d much rather be in the back lines of the army, he’s grown to accept his new unit and assignment with a lack of disgruntlement. To his comrades and subordinates he is approachable while still maintaining the gentlemen-like conduct expected of him. He’s a man of few words, but when needed he’s able to hold a lengthy conversation.


Hailing from the remote south-eastern parts of the Argossian Empire Nathan, considered a country bumpkin with a remote accent. A family of Citizens both his mother and father served dutifully under the Argossian banner for their status. Rewarded Citizenship for their service they settled in the desolate south east and began their agricultural business. Since his adolescenthood Nathan had learned at a quicker pace than his peers, learning the language and basic arithmetics.

As Nathan entered his pubescent years he was able to continue his education through his continuous academic excellence. On top of that, his father drilling military discipline and martial skills facilitating a future path of military service for Nathan. Finishing his secondary education he was granted admission into the prestigious Argossian Empire’s Military Academy located in the grand capital city.

Upon being formally admitted into the academy, Nathan kept his head low and to adapt to his new lifestyle. Being in an unknown environment full of nobility and wealthy heirs he kept cautious not to cross paths with any of them if possible. However, upon his second year his name rose to prominence; ranking second on the annual cadet assessment. Being seen as an “underdog” much of the poorer cadets rallied behind him as a representative of their will. Immune to all the drama and discussions about his fame, Nathan continued his military education in hopes of being able to be tasked as a logistics and supply officer after commissioning.

The fourth year had came in a snap as Nathan made preparations for his final annual assessment. He was tasked with commanding a squad of cadets on a search & destroy mission competing with other squads. Completing the mission diligently Nathan ranked second, angering a certain arrogant cadet with influence in the army. Nathan did have a calming and charismatic way of negotiating his way through conflicts with others, however some are too ignorant.

Successfully graduating the academy with an army commission as a Second Lieutenant, Nathan’s unfortunate luck had seen his peaceful and stress-free job a logistics & supply guy ripped from him as he was re-designated as an infantry officer on the tip of the spear in the new invasion plan of the Argossian Empire.

Training and familiarizing himself with his new unit, Nathan quickly established strong bonds with his men in the upcoming invasion. After being with his unit for nine months the time had come as the mobilization orders came; push into the Four Suit Kingdoms.

  • Trained Marksman & Swordsman: Consistently training at the academy Nathan has gained familiarity with the weapons at his disposal.
  • Excellent Tactician: Though originally planning to become a logistics guy, Nathan continued to excel in leading his fellow cadets in a variety of combat simulations and assessments. Being able to command a squad or platoon to its fullest capabilities.
  • Gifted Smarts: Since his growth as an adolescent Nathan has always been a step ahead of others from a naturally gifted package of smarts.

x1 Field Argossian Army Uniform w/ Second Lieutenant Insignias
x1 Argossian Combat Armor
x1 PF-201 Pistol
x1 Standard Issue Firearm
x1 Standard Issue Bayonet
x1 Standard Issue Backpack w/ Supplies
The Ace of Diamonds


William Rundell Haus Code

Ace of Diamonds, The Blinking Crystal, Frostus, The Crystal Ace


Human Subspecies


William is reserved, calculative and well grounded. He rarely loses his cool and takes work ethic very seriously, holding those who give in to the sin of sloth in bad graces. William is a machine, he is methodical and uses logical reasoning to achieve any goal he sets for himself. Never one to engage in pointless banter, he is rather unempathetic and it is said that drawing sympathy from him is like drawing blood from a card. William has respect for those who work hard for their power and intelligence and holds freeloaders or those who are too easy going in great distaste. Crossing him will not fail to incur his cold fury, no matter how well hidden it is, and rest assured he will never let go of a grudge.

William was born into a noble family, silver spoon and all. One would expect a life of shelter, happiness and prosperity with this blessed start in life. In fact, only one of those said things was actually true. William was born a defect, a subhuman, a mutant. In terms of physical changes, it seemed his ears were pointed like a fabled elf and as time passed it was observed that he was slightly shorter than men his age. However, it was the metaphysical implications brought on by his mutation that most worried his parents and the other nobles.

All residents of the suits kingdoms were assigned a number based upon their magical capability, 2 being the lowest and 10 being the highest a non-royal could achieve. Residents all had an affinity for this magic, some spent years learning their craft, some were born with a natural talent for something specific. William fell into the latter category, but his natural talent had scary implications. By age 4, William was capable of generating portals around the estate he and his family lived on. This lead to more than a few missing child mishaps. By age 6, could catch an arrow shot at him with his bare hands, much to his parents worry and disapproval. By age 8, William induced an unnatural winter upon the city for a week, blanketing the entire area in thick snow and freezing temperatures despite it being the middle of summer.

It was due to these reasons that William grew up feared and even hated. By such a tender age he already possessed more raw power than any of the suits royals. By this point, his parents, the nobles, the people, even the royalty had had enough of this. William would have a teacher, not for the etiquette of noble life or for his studies, but to hone his incredible powers. William trained and improved himself with unshakable determination, apparently hellbent on controlling these abilities to somehow find a purpose. It seemed he was uncontented with being told what he was and what to do, unsatisfied with merely living a normal life. A certain calling led him to aspire to something much greater than serving in the diamond army.

10 years later at the age of 18. William had finished his formal training and decided that it was time to truly test himself. He challenged the royals and he challenged the diamond ace. Jack of Diamonds was unable to land a hit, William's ability to react and dodge simply being too capable, and was quickly knocked out in hand to hand combat. The Queen of Diamonds fought well with their barrage of weaponry and melee skill, but each projectile was swallowed by a portal and they suffered the same fate as the jack, outmanoeuvred and unable to land a solid hit, falling unconscious from a sharp blow to the head. The King of Diamonds had to struggle through two hellish constructs that possessed William's two previous abilities, and thus was unable to even make it to the man himself.

With the royals dealt with, William moved onto the Ace of Diamonds without yet having utilised his trump card. What ensued in their fight was little more than a magical shoot out. Having taken place somewhere far from civilisation within diamond territory, the ravaged land now known as "The Crystal Marking" becoming a cultural landmark for residents of the suits kingdoms to visit. The battle itself took longer than William expected. As they poured magical energy into attack after attack at each other, William swapped his frost and portalcraft powers to his two skulls to keep up the barrage, whilst dropping into an open portal that left him directly behind the ace. Thinking he was still firing at William, he failed to notice the gauntlet that descended over his head silently.

And thus, after having executed the previous Ace, William took his place. The Crystal Marking became known as his personal abode and William found a sense of fulfillment in his victory. Here, he realised that his power had purpose: he had to protect those of the diamond with his power as an Ace because now no one else would. Resolute in his mission, William continued to hone his powers and abilities for 5 more years as an Ace, bringing him to the present. Word of the Argossian's aggression was stirring fear in the population and the Aces would undoubtedly be called to lend help. Whether William would deem it necessary for him to get involved was another issue altogether.



Portalcraft - William is capable of instantaneously generating a portal that will transport matter that enters it to a different location. The only rule is that he must have seen the location before to be able to form a portal there. So far, William is capable of generating a portal the size of a large city with a bit of struggle, but his limits stop him from being able to envelop the planet. The edges of every portal will split apart matter at an atomic level, meaning anything that gets stuck halfway into a portal when it closes or runs into its side will be bisected on every level.

Cryomancy Lord - William is the most accomplished cryomancer in the world. He may control the moisture in the air to form ice that he may freely manipulate and he may also simply generate ice from his body in mass amounts. His control takes precedence over other cryomancers or controllers of substances that utilise a frozen liquid. William's power has reached the point where it has conceptual applications, allowing him to even freeze time itself for brief periods.

Ultimate Perception - William has an enhanced ability to notice or perceive the hard-to-perceive and has the best reaction and reflex speed of all the aces, capable of discovering, processing, assimilating and acting accordingly to new information much faster and more easily than anyone else. This almost always allows him to make the first attack and affords him a few extra seconds to dodge or deliver attacks more easily, see through traps, find hidden objects/people or meaning in words, detect stealth magic and predict enemy movements.

Genetically Enhanced - Due to William's extraordinary powers deriving from his randomly mutated genes, he also possesses a level of physical superiority to others. William is capable of utilising super strength, speed and durability. However this is rarely seen as he generally relies on his other abilities during combat.

Gauntlets of Crushing - Near-indestructible battle gloves that can crush anything up to 5k phys. This enhanced grip only applies if the gloves are actually holding/crushing something, does not allow for enhanced power punches. The only thing that has ever been known to withstand the absolute crushing power of these gloves were those with incredible durability and strength.

Chaos Skulls - These skulls, when deployed, form ethereal bodies and are granted the use of a weakened version of one William's powers as well as his physical prowess. They are loyal only to William but are only able to accept basic commands (as they are not sentient). After sustaining enough damage, their ethereal bodies retreat back into their skulls and they deactivate. William cannot use the power his Chaos Skulls borrow at the same time as them. William has two Chaos Skulls.


He's heterosexual, but don't expect him to fall for a lass so easily! To him, love is a distraction, a weakness!
He’s a very short boi.
William has completed all three of the formal royal educations.​
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Name: Hanz Brandwald

"The flamethrower"

Age: 25

Gender: male

Rank: 8

Subranks: 500 magic/300 physical

Affiliation ( Suit, Jokers, Argossian): suits, spades
Member of the raiders "The legion of death"

Personality: coward, pyromaniac


Hanz spent his early days living on the streets, never knowing who placed him there. He made some money begging and performing with his fire magic. After some time, he gained the attention of a wandering circus. There he grew up and eventually became one of the performers. He wore a military costume and was known as

Hanz "The Flamethrower"

After a few years of the circus performing in the spades kingdom, Hanz accidentally lost control of his fire magic during a performance. As the entire tent and the people within screamed and burnt, Hanz was not struck with fear, regret or horror, but with amazement. He never knew, his flame could be this big, this beautiful! He stood in awe on the stage, as everything around him turned to ash. After the fire burnt out, he slowly calmed down and his first thought was: "I want to see it again!" Thus began the mindless rampage of Hanz Brandwald, "The flamethrower", through the spade kingdom.

After some time, Helmur "The spade-breaker" heard of Hanz and wanted to recruit him into his band of raiders. Searching for him was not exactly hard, as he left a clear, freshly burnt trail wherever he went. But as Helmur reached Hanz, Hanz ran away. After all, he didn't know that he didn't want to kill him and Helmur is really scary, especially when he is backed up with his raiders. Eventually, Helmur convinced Hanz to join him, promising him protection from the law in exchange for his loyalty. Being chased down too many times by different officials, Hanz eagerly accepted. He is now part of "The legion of death", a good friend to "the demoman" and still leaving a charred trail, whenever he is allowed to do so.


Eternal flame:
Advanced pyromancy and pyrokinesis. Can create and control all flames that he can see, including those of lesser pyromancers.
Hanz can create, control, strengthen and grow any flame that he can see. On top of that, he can create fire out of thin air, often times accompanied by a "dragon-breath" motion, but it is not necessary. If fire he wants to control is already being used by another caster, and said caster is unwilling to let Hanz control the fire, Hanz can still try to take over control. This usually only works with casters of lower magical power and/or weaker fire controlling abilities.

Piercing flames:
When the ability is active, resistances and shields are less effective against his fire magic. If any kind of magic prevents, negates, blocks or lessens the effect of Hanz's fire attacks, and Hanz uses this ability, the reducing effect is lessened or outright cancelled, depending on it's or it's casters magical power.

Small firearms training:
He taught himself how to use small firearms and can now use the standard Argossian pistol, the pf201


Old war pistol, with several clips. No one knows where he got it from
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basic information

Full Name: Callum Mallard
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Rank: 9
Affiliation: Himself, Spades [selectively]

abilities & gears

  • Gravity Magic - Callum uses mana to be able to affect a certain object or area and change the effects of gravity upon that particular area. He can freely multiply the effects of gravity on the area to make moving difficult and even nearly impossible for those with low physical abilities. Given enough time, even structures can crumble under the heavy gravity with one great push. He can also lighten the effects of gravity for potential gliding or even flight if he concentrates.
    • Gravity Ball: Forming a dark colored ball of magic in his hands, he can throw this magic ball which would - while it is in the air - pull the objects around it to itself. Depending on how heavy and fortified something is, it can pull the object completely to its core and sticking to it or it can merely tug something to its direction. The bigger the surface area of the sphere is, the larger the area it can affect.
    • Graviton Tendrils - Using an advanced form of gravity manipulation, Cal can pool together sediments [sand, gravel, etc.] and create two tendrils that come from the ground. He can use them to attack freely with a length dependent on how much he can pull together. The tendrils are solid but easily cut - though they can easily be mended as well. He can use them as weaponry or a spear.
  • Ray of Decay [Dysidia] - With the usage of Dysdia, Callum can form one straight line of this pure magic to essentially make a path of destruction. Anything within the diameter of the ray has its decomposition sped up to an abnormal rate. Plants and animals die within these rays and will be found in an advanced state of decay. Inorganic objects crumble when it is within the ray. It has a maximum diameter of twenty meters and a length that can reach up to fifty meters. He can use this at close range with simply his touch.
    • Touch of Death - By focusing Dysidia magic into his hand, a surface that he touches rapidly undergoes decay. Inorganic substances crumble under it. Armor tends to take a while before it crumbles. Those with magical resistance can resist long enough before it starts to affect them as well - usually in the form of a grayish spot beginning to spread throughout the point of touch.
  • Mage Armor - He can coat himself and other people with a layer of mana that would substitute a typical armor. He can passively put it on without much toll on his mana but once it takes a hit, it saps his mana quickly. He uses these in emergencies and when he has plenty of mana left.
  • Magic Sight [Passive] - Due to circumstances during his travels, he had been blinded in his left eye. However, replacing his regular sight is the ability to see mana and dysidia flow through the use of a magical eye prosthetic. Remnants of magic spells are typically faint in color. Anything that contains mana can be seen through this sight. Every user has a unique magical signature that he can see.
  • Dungeoneering - With years of practice gone into traveling and delving into ruins, Callum can be considered an experienced adventurer. He has entered and exited ruins most people would have avoided out of self-preservation.
  • Alchemy - The creation of poisons and potions using various herbs has been a favored past time of his. Studying them had been mandatory for him when he had started travelling too so he wouldn't accidentally poison himself because he grabbed the wrong herb. To an extent, this has allowed him to also know a couple of things regarding cooking.
  • Axe Mastery - From swinging it to cut lumber to swinging it to cleave a man's head off, Cal has a lot of experience with the usage of most types of axes. He's also capable of wielding great axes with relative ease with the combination of both his training and his magic.
  • Backbreaker - An enchanted greataxe-hammer hybrid that is typically found strapped to his back. The enchantment is gravity based - wherein Callum can easily manipulate the weight of the weaponry whenever he prefers. He had personally enchanted it so that it consumes less mana. Another added enchantment is to increase the durability of the weapon itself so it does not break easily.
  • Throwing Axes - He has two small hand axes that hang on either side of his hip.
  • Hunting Knife - A knife used for more day-to-day usage and not for fighting unless needed for emergencies.
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in depth

Personality: Often seen with a calm and serene look on his face, Callum is seen as someone with a good head on his shoulders. And typically, he does. Callum doesn't easily let his emotions rage out of control because he already has a companion who has that going for her. And for him, letting too much emotion cloud one's judgement could lead to disastrous results but he does know that it would do him no good to lock it up either. He tries to maintain a good balance of logic and emotion in his decisions. He isn't too keen on letting one or the other override a decision lest he makes the wrong one, but even he isn't immune to bouts of emotional outbursts.

He is a driven man with a goal to pursue - and he will stop at nothing to get what he yearns for. He isn't above paying people or even forcing people to tell him what he wants to know, but he typically likes to go about it in a calm manner. There's no use in scaring someone off and having them lie to you after all. With a keen eye for detail, he typically collects all the information he can get and then try to deduce possibilities from there. Artifact hunting requires both skill and patience and the latter he has quite an advantage on.

Callum, however, is a friendly soul outside of his obsession. He is a man of conversation even outside of information gathering. He simply likes to sit down, relax and talk with some people to exchange experiences. He loves a good story after all, even if it wasn't his. Callum even appreciates the exaggerations of bards since it makes the storytelling even more interesting. It was how he got into artifact hunting in the first place - legends and rumors of powerful beings long forgotten. Sometimes, the stories of old are all true and people brush it off as something someone just decided to tell their children for fun.
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Biography: It would be a lie if Callum told you that his life started off rough. Not really. Born into a commoner family, he lived a lot of his young years in a farm and barn, tending to crops and animals. He never really minded the farming life. They had enough money to scrape by everyday and they were happy and content. His parents were low ranking citizens but they made do with what they have. Crops tend to rake in good money as well as their swine, so they don't complain. This was a good and honest way of life and Callum was content with that.

Up until when he was a young teenager, first discovering his magical affinity, when his parents offhandedly told him about an artifact locked away in the Spades Castle. Callum had become invested in the story, wondering why it hasn't been opened yet and why they aren't pooling resources into finding other artifacts because when he asked again, his parents just shrugged and said that it was the only known artifact to have been found. But Callum grew up on legends - of dragons wielding helmets of great intimidation and a spear that could pierce the heavens. Exaggerated, yes, but if one artifact exists, then why can't the others?

Callum's parents hadn't agreed to him leaving at first, despite him training nearly everyday so that he may be an apt adventurer. It had taken him a while - after all, in between tiring work and having only a few people to teach him, he was mostly teaching himself. He wanted to follow where the legends would take him. Callum wasn't in it for the glory, he was in it because he was curious. They were real, they had to be. His older sister had been the one to convince his parents to let him go. He promised to come back every now and then to help with the farm. It was a tearful goodbye and Callum knew that there was a chance he wouldn't get to come back. But he kept that to himself as he left.

Callum has spent years trying to find an artifact, collecting clues and rumors and legends and found nothing. It was a bit disappointing and discouraging but he was aware that there were others who delve into ruins to find these artifacts as well and have come up with nothing - but they couldn't give up. These must be unearthed. In the time that he spent searching for these artifacts, he had learned magic as well from fellow adventurers and good natured magic practitioners. There was one who had told him about Dysidia and taught him how to utilize it in a destructive array - one Callum didn't mind learning. He had an encounter with a magician who took away his eyesight on his left eye but the magic he used to blow away the sight had granted Callum the ability to see magical signatures.

During this time, he had also met Jana in a pub at Nalore. He had been visiting his family and was about to embark on another adventure when he decided to stop by the pub. There, he met Jana who was spouting off her life story to him - very drunk already. Apparently, she was an outlaw after a disagreement with her previous troupe. Callum decided to share his own life story even though he was aware she was too inebriated to understand but then she had expressed great interest when he mentioned the possible yield one artifact could give them. Soon after that, she got into a fight and Callum had to drag her out and ever since then they've been travelling together - hunting artifacts.

Note: His family owns a farm in the Spades kingdom
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Jyotiranjana Baila [Rank 9]

"She's my partner, what else can I say? We look after each other and we got each other's back."

They had started off rather rocky, with Jana's personality. But Callum merely brushed off most of her bad traits and found that she was actually a rather useful companion. They've been together for years and they have come to an acceptable dynamic where they can effectively work together. Though, Callum is often the one that is delegated to hold Jana back when she gets a little too feisty for her own good. He also keeps their money, what little they have, knowing that Jana is a little addicted to gambling her money away.

codedbycrucialstar | click words [ tabs ] , hidden scroll
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〘 Jyotiranjana Baila 〙

Nicknames: Jana and several synonyms for “bitch”
Former Aliases: Hestia, Vesta and Priy

Height: 180 cm (About 5’11”) | Weight: Private | Build: Fit and lean
Age: 28 | Gender: Female | Species: Human
Rank: 9 | Affiliation: Clubs(?)

A straightforward person with no filter for her words and who acts on emotions alone, logic not included. With no stopper to her temper and an exceedingly self-serving personality, she becomes quite the hated individual no matter where she ends up. While she is habitually rude, crude and just plain bitchy, those who can see past her spiky exterior will find... a just as idiotic impudent interior. But she can be a loyal friend once one can find it in themselves to stand by her.

Jana was once the daughter of two sword masters, so as a child, she wielded the blade before she could speak. Then again, her learning disabilities might have also played a role in that. Soon after her fourteenth birthday, both of her parents died in a riding accident and she inherited their school of swordsmanship. Convinced by a conniving neighbour to sell the school, she gave it away for a slice of what it was worth and thought she had cut a great deal. As a pampered daughter that did as she wanted and never looked back, Jana took the payment and gambled it all away.

Once she was flat broke, she got kicked out of the house her parents left her and became a street performer to earn her meals. Her other qualifications were nonexistent and her personality really couldn’t be mentioned in polite company so her only option was self-employment at the time. She joined a circus after a few years of barely getting by for a better working environment and better pay. In the beginning, they had convinced her that she would be rolling in dough if she performed with their troupe, which although sounded doubtful, was very tempting during her dreariest days.

While things were just looking up, she abruptly broke off with the travelling company after a disagreement lit her fuse. And being the spiteful bastard she was, she took that fuse and burned their tent down to smithereens. That, of course, didn’t go so well with the owners and she ended up gaining a bounty to her head.

Running to the Spades kingdom to lose her pursuers, Jana didn’t know she would soon meet an offer that would turn her frown upside down. She bolted to a pub the moment she set foot in Nalore, spent and in a mood to complain about all the woes in her sad, sad life. There, she met Callum, an artifact hunter who listened to her long and distorted epic chronicling her days past without a peep of protest. In a drunken haze, she heard him speak of the insane amounts artifacts sold for and jumped to the opportunity when he invited her to join him. As part of the introductions, Jana showed off her ability to separate work life and social life by starting a fight with a tavern regular over the matter of incorrect change. Cal was so moved by her occupational ethics that he dragged her out of the place and never took her back.

Now, she shuffles between the four kingdoms with Cal to hunt down any leads to rare artifacts.

Skills and Abilities:
| Many Ripples Make a Wave |
The exploitation of water is one of Jana’s main skills, and with it, she can manipulate any liquid water and tiny particles inside within thirty metres. If there happens to be none or not enough, she can summon waves of saltwater from the closest coast that connects to the sea. If she keen to waste all of her mana, she can summon or control enough water for a tsunami or waterspout, though this would be a last-ditch effort in the case that everything else fails. The longer she manipulates water, the quicker the movement of the water can be, rising up to speeds of 1000 m per second, which is enough to cut through sheets of most metals. Homogeneous liquids can be affected by her power if water makes up at least 50%, but her control over those are much less precise.

| Foxtrot in a Fairy Ring |
When Jana dances the foxtrot with or without a partner, small spheres of light similar to a firefly’s glow appear and incircle her. Within fifteen metres of her person, all creatures with the right limbs for the motion are forced to partner up and dance in a ring centred around herself. While the dancers are not blocked from doing anything else, they must have the minimum form to be considered foxtrot and stay within the circle. It doesn’t matter whether the afflicted know how it goes since the skill forces their body into the basic steps, even if they have not the right muscles for it (which is quite unfortunate). The dancers' energy is also drained thirty times quicker than simply moving normally and the extra potential unneeded for the continuous movement is transferred onto Jana and anyone else she specifies. The skill lasts as long as she continues dancing or until fifteen minutes have come to pass.

Once she stops dancing or the time is up, everyone in the ring gains a three-minute magic slowdown. The rate at which the affected can cast is influenced by the overall mana capacity, so someone with an extremely large store of mana may only have a minuscule increase in casting time and vice versa. Using this skill in a period of eight hours from the last usage will double the mana cost.

| Slight Step to Recovery |
The number of steps the recipient of this skill has taken in the past hour determines the speed at which their wounds will heal. This ability only amplifies and quickens the receiver's natural healing capability by the number of footfalls they have taken and will not realign broken bones or regrow hacked off limbs. Pain from the restoration is not relieved, so whatever wound the cast-upon has will hurt much more than if they had naturally waited for it to heal. Within a day, the total amount of time spent on this skill can only add up to at most three minutes.

| Swordsmanship and Other Sword Arts |
She has basic knowledge of wielding all sorts of short blades and is absurdly experienced in the dagger. Jana is also excellent with any sword in hand, though a little rusty, and literally spell-blinding at sword dancing (when her talwars work, at least).

| Kismet the Fortune Cat |
A porcelain statuette of a cat with five eyes. One on the forehead, two on the face, one on the chest and the last on the tip of the tail. If mana is poured into the figurine, one can then pull the tail to draw a paper fortune out of its mouth. The user can pull anything from great luck to great misfortune. There are seven fortunes one can pull, each giving a different outcome.

Jana named it Kismet as a child. Gifted by her parents on her sixth birthday, it originally was only meant to be a toy.

| Assorted Daggers and Short Blades |
On her person is currently an ornamental dagger stolen from a wealthy landowner, a small blade without a hilt, a fruit knife gotten cheaply from a pie seller at a market and a kukri that was given as a souvenir. She switches her weapons and gets new ones fairly easily, so what Jana has now may not be what she has in a few weeks.

| Mirage and Oasis |
Twin talwars made of questionable steel and bought cheaply from a dubious vendor. They used to have longer names, but Jana found them troublesome and pretentious, so they’ve been shortened to what it is now. They used to be props for her dance performances but now that she doesn’t perform anymore, they’re restricted to being dangerous-looking decor. Colourful flame effects are supposed to appear when she waves them around, though they frequently malfunction and spurt smoke instead. Mirage and Oasis are weak to force and definitely not for combative use.

| Callum Mallard |
“Cal? He’s my partner-in-crim—I mean, my partner. He’s a better guy than I'll ever be—don't you dare tell him I said that—but too uptight sometimes. Also doesn’t like putting too much in my hands, the cheapskate.”

If you call her old, she will murder you where you stand. Or sit. Or lie.
An avid gambler with absolutely no luck or skill at the game.
Mildly proficient in certain other dances.
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The Jack of Diamonds


1.89m tall, muscular built, medium length dark brown hair, blue eyes (Picture recommendations welcome)

Macdolas “Mack” Vikice von Turberg

Righteous Fury, Mister Nightmare (do not call him that)

27, looks a bit younger

Half Human, Quarter Elf, Quarter Vampire


Jack of Diamonds

Suits, Diamonds

Macdolas is a rather serious guy overall, although not as serious as the other Royals of Diamonds.
He seems annoyed all the time. This is the result of his observing skills, which let him see every little thing that is out of place, his perfectionism and his tiredness, which come from his biological sleep requirements being vastly different than what his daily schedule allows (he would prefer to be night-active).
But he is a decent guy once you get to know him better, which is rather hard, since he is a rather closed off person with poor social skills. He also doesn´t know a thing about romantic relationships and would most likely miss obvious hints or ignore them, since he doesn't know how to react to them.
He knows how to behave around people with higher ranks and has a decent vocabulary, which he uses quite effectively for his formal speech. He likes to speak less formal around equals an people with lower ranks.
Due to his rather poor social skills, he dislikes places with many people he might have to talk with and tries to avoid verbal conflicts, since he doesn't really know how to resolve them without hurting anyone.
He has a strong sense of righteousness and would love to purge all unjust the moment he sees it.
It is rather easy to get Macdolas angry, but his anger is displayed differently depending on the situation:
When he is in a formal environment, his anger is shown through a tensed up way of speaking, a bad undertone, “hidden” insults and extensive use of sarcasm. If he is provoked further, he will very likely explode without a warning, with terrible results.
In an informal environment, he will tell whoever is provoking him what he thinks rather clearly, intimidating most people into stopping. If the person doesn't stop, it will most likely get physical and he won't stop until you run or stopped moving.
The things he hate most are injustice, incompetence, racism and cocky people.
But he is a very intelligent man with great mathematical and analytical skills.
In his free time he likes to go on long walks in the forest, to study and to write stories.

Macdolas was born to a noble family as the first and only child.
For his first eight years, he was raised taught by his half elven mother, who deeply cared for him.
In this time she realized that her son had great talents in mathematics and magic.
He didn't really know his father up until he was eight, since travelled a lot as a part of his job as a military inspector.
With eight years he went to a private school and was a decent student, best of course in math and magic. But he had a hard time finding friends, partially because he didn't really try.
He would spend his free time with wandering in the woods, reading, writing, studying, or, with his father, who was a rather successful merchant by know and gave his best to teach Macdolas everything about fire magic he knew, in addition to the water magic his mother taught him.
Over time, Macdolas became an even better student, taking great interest in science. But he would also seclude himself more and more, because he felt unwanted by others, who mostly saw him as a freak.
During his time at university, studying mathematics and economics by the wish of his father, he stumbled upon something interesting in the library. A book titled “The Magical Abilities of Vampires“. After reading the book in one night, he wrote a letter to his father. He then invited him to visit, so he could teach Macdolas what he could about about this magic.
After finishing university, he joined his father in his business, soon taking great interest in artifacts and technology. While slowly becoming an artifact expert, he kept improving his magical skills, soon becoming a 10.
After the war broke out, his father's business was ruined and Macdolas joined the military where he served his country on the front lines, respected bi some, frowned upon by others.
Later, gratefully accepted Arimands invitation to join his newly formed science team.
The last time the Jacks tournament was held, he was encouraged to finally partake in a royal tournament. So he did and won, surprisingly. Now he is the latest addition to the Diamond Royals, slightly frustrated by the new duties he has and all the people he has to deal with.

Fire Magic:

Not his first, but his most trained ability.
-Fireball: He throws a fireball of variable size that explodes on impact.
-Fire Beam: A beam of fire shoots out from somewhere close to him, destroying everything in its way.
-Wall of Flames: A wall made of magical fire appears somewhere in his seeing range.
-Burning Weapons: Handheld weapons he can see are set on magical fire foe extra damage. This works with wooden weapons. The fire gets weaker, the further away the weapon is from the caster, completely disappearing at 100 metres.

Elven Water Magic:
Special water magic Macdolas learned from his mother, whose original tribe is close with fairies.
-Splash: A small burst of water with no real purpose.
-Water Beam: A strong beam of water that can push enemies over and can put out fires (ironic).
-Bubbles: A special elven ability that mixes the water with a magical soapy substance.
-Bubble throw: The caster throws big soap bubbles that can confuse enemies and leaves a slippery substance on impact.
-Slip field: The caster throws soapy water that can fly up to 10 metres, leaving a strip of very slippery ground that is up to 3 metres wide.

The Art of Death:
A powerful vampiric ability Macdolas learnt from his father.
-Drain: He absorbs magical energy from his surroundings which he can use for his powerful spells. This comes in two variations:
-Dysidia Drain: He absorbs Dysidia from the surrounding area as well as from weaker Dysidia users.
-Area Drain: He absorbs Dysidia and Mana from his surroundings as well as living creatures he sees as enemies.
The Dysidia dissipates after 48 hours, but he can release it earlier.
The more Dysidia he has absorbed, the colder and more aggressive he becomes, because the dark energy corrupts his mind. This comes from a curse running in the vampire bloodline.
-Death Lance: A thin beam of dark energy that can pierce many types of armor and other obstacles.
-Slash of Destruction: A short range attack, casted through a melee weapon, that causes great destruction.
-Dark Explosion: A mighty blast of pure darkness which terrifies many living beings and is straining on the user.

A truly magical place:
A spell his mother taught him, as she worried he was becoming too aggressive.
This powerful spell creates a strong illusion in a 50 metre radius. The centre can be up to 30 metres away from the caster.
Everyone within the area immediately stops whatever they are doing to admire the wonderful looking surroundings.
All negative thoughts disappear for the duration of the spell and everyone affected calms down.
A powerful barrier erected around the affected area that keeps people, objects and spells from entering or leaving the area.
Only a strong minded individual can resist the spell.
The spell can only be used three times a day.

Melee Fighting:
He is a great fighter with various weapons and without.

Skilled Mathematician:
He is an excellent mathematician.

His mathematical skills allow him to increase the precision of his projectiles, mostly fireballs.
(tests with golems pending)
This also works with siege weapons.

A heat resistant metal mace made for single hand use. He loves to set it on fire.

A medium sized shield in the typical diamond shape. It is very heat resistant and can even survive smaller artillery fire.

Custom Armor:
A set of armor made of metal and heat resistant fabric. It offers a great balance between protection and freedom of movement.

Pendant of the Dragon:
A round metal amulet with a yellow crystal dragon embedded in it. It enables the wearer to temporarily grow dragon wings and a dragon tail which can be used for flying. For Macdolas, they have a metallic grey colour.

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Kaiden Alderidge


Age: 25
Gender: Male
Rank: 10
Affiliation: Hearts​
Calm. Confident. Indifferent to his own clever ways, Kaiden's a guy who manages to hold conversation pretty well with the right amount of playfulness. It's not unusual to hear him tease a few familiar faces then smoothly shift over to much more sensible matters. That's right, he's practical too. This man's innovative mind is usually in some process of developing the next advancement, whether it be in terms of tech, magic, mana conservation, architecture, food, you name it! Kaiden is unafraid to venture out of his own comfort zone, often landing him in the most random situations. Not a problem. He's just as unpredictable as the situations himself.

With a prominent, genuine exterior, it may be hard for anyone to detect Kaiden's actual skepticism when it comes to trusting others. He keeps to himself that his heart's been numbed after previous years of marinading aggression and vengeance. Although he still remains cunning to this day, his vengeance and hidden aggression have managed to subside to unrecognizable levels. Nowadays Kaiden's generosity and drive for self improvement underlies most if not all his actions.

Kaiden Alderidge couldn't remember much about his parents even if he wanted to. The mere vision of his mother desperately swiping one silver over his head, and his father shoving him into a random person's hand clouded every other memory there was to look back on. Kaiden was sold at the age of 7. Worst part? He didn't even realize it. It all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye he was stuck in some kind of old room with a handful of worried kids, accepting whatever fate Kaiden still hadn't been briefed about. It was later that night when he got pulled from the bunch for his stubborn, aggressive behavior though. Slamming his fist against the steel security cage till it slightly dented, and yelling for his parents didn't really smooth things up for him. Instead, Kaiden was greeted with a number of silencing kicks and punches. Those weren't what really hurt him though. A receipt. A crumpled receipt dangling in front of his face in the hand of his "buyer" seemed to explain it all.

Lies. He wouldn't believe it. Long story short, Kaiden took advantage of his position beyond the security cage that night. The kid quite literally blew his enemy away . . into a wall before jumping out a tight window. A sweet escape it was, until he returned to an empty home.

His family left him.

Rage and despair were the only things the kid had. Without any other means of survival, the boy took to the streets forcefully assimilating into the criminal lifestyle. Beggars barely received copper. Thieves . . they had whatever the other person carried. On that reasonable note, it only took a few days for Kaiden to almost cleanly replicate the thieving habits he witnessed on the streets. Yeah, you could say he had a knack for adopting others' muscle memory. These weren't the only actions he found himself studying though. Street magicians. You know, those people without abilities who knew how to make things sneakily disappear and reappear all over again? They controversially made coin as well. Those tactics helped ease Kaiden's thievery process too.

After 2 years of transferring from city to city, Kaiden was abruptly recruited by the Assassins Guild at the age of 10. A figurative family was just what he wanted needed. Plus, their mainly physical maneuvers helped him understand the importance of mana conservation. Kaiden was only 13 when he started tackling assassination assignments for higher earnings. Overriding his own emotions to assassinate people was nothing compared to potentially letting his newfound family down. Besides, no one ever suspected a young teen as much as they did his older comrades.

All was going smoothly until a new local leader took over, almost instantly throwing Kaiden into underground battles at 15. Let's just say the new leader wasn't exactly adhering to the guild's rules. Because of this, Kaiden was quick to become a punching bag regardless of whether he won or lost. The misuse of trust instinctively traumatized the teen all over again. With no intention of having the past repeat itself, Kaiden managed to escape the gang, stealing their money and taking off for the mountains. All of this narrowly before the local corrupt division was assassinated. The guy ran and climbed as the night went on despite the pain he felt from the earlier fight. It took a few hours for him to eventually stop at what he thought was the middle of nowhere. Actually, he kind of fell . . into a lake. Kaiden nearly drowned.

The following day, he woke up next to a smiling monk. Turns out, the monk along with his few remaining buddies were rare masters experienced in something called Stream Breath Martial Arts. What followed next was an odd adoption to say the least. Stream Breath was a mysterious ability that Kaiden fully mastered after 2 years of dedication even with his adaptive muscle memory. He stayed for an extra year though, picking up the monks' alchemy skills. They even worked to refine him as their own!

Kaiden never admitted his past, yet the monks somehow sensed the darkness in him. It was as if they took it upon themselves to give him the right spiritual tools to push down his aggression. Thanks to this, Kaiden's faltering hope for future relations wasn't completely shattered. Who knew climbing multiple mountains and swimming to the bottom of a mystic lake would be so beneficial?

By 18, he was back in the real world. The young man looked for ways to keep himself directly out of trouble. Anyone usually found him taking on random adventures, reading school books, or repairing objects for just the right amount of income. The latter of which came rather easily to him due to his instinctive aptitude.

It didn't take long for Kaiden to finally join the military at 20. Clementi fascinated him with its zeppelins and wind mage training. In someway, he managed to get to a place where he actually wanted to be. Now, he's a High Commanding Officer in the Hearts Air Force.

Abilities: (Four main abilities. Extra information mentioned in each section = merely applications/techniques of the abilities.)
Instinctive Aptitude
. The ability to quickly learn and understand the complexity of organisms, items, etc. without the need of long-term education.
Kaiden can almost immediately understand the workings and mechanics of objects. Adoptive Muscle Memory. This application let's him replicate non-magical movements after observation. The user can copy most movements after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. Kaiden can replicate how a person aims, giving himself incredible marksmanship. Despite in the moment replication, he must dedicate little time and training to movements for permanent learning. Adaptive Learning. The application to rapidly understand knowledge and adapt it. Allows one to read quickly for several different books and subjects at the same time. User can apply this to forms of knowledge/learning, including skills/talents, language, writing, reading, body control, etc.

Enhanced Physical Abilities. Supernatural Strength and Speed. Kaiden is immensely stronger and faster than his species can achieve by any method of training since capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level. These enhancements are genetic. Hyper Senses. He has enhanced senses, allowing him to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of his species. The user can potentially sense through illusions that others attempt to deceive him with. Sensing the presence of mana in one's vicinity is also possible. This is due to the fact that a mutation in his eyes makes them sensitive to mana energies. Aside from detection, this ability provides heightened awareness for tracking as well.

Chi Martial Arts. This ability allows Kaiden to manipulate the flow of latent energy that is present in the physical body. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, he can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. Stream Breath Martial Arts. This application focuses on deflecting, blocking, and deftly counterattacking during an opponent's attack. Durability enhancement, swift dexterity-based redirection, and blocking techniques make for a good mix of raw defense power and practical method skill. Stream Breath creates extraordinary durability and reflexes, enabling the use of chi energy blasts, occasional bulletproof durability, and limited cutting immunity. Kaiden is partially immune to most conventional gunfire and blade physical damage only if chi is intentionally manipulated for deflection in section of contact.

Aerokinesis. Attacks vary from simple gusts of wind to miniature tornadoes and cyclones. Even a simple movement can create an air gust and Kaiden increases the power by performing larger sweeps and spins, using the momentum of movement to produce larger gusts. The power to release concussive energy/force on a specific target area. Aerokinetic Flight. The user of this application is able to take flight by riding the air currents, by a wind storm like a tornado, and/or self produced air.

Other abilities: Combat, sharp shooting skills, alchemy, engineering, improvisation, fake magic tricks (mainly production and vanish), criminal maneuvers (pickpocketing, lock picking, stealth movements), networking . . ballroom dancing

Kaiden carries hidden weapons like his gauntlet (contains hallucinogenic darts, rope launcher, hidden blade), handgun, and chain whip.
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THEME SONG: "Let's just live"

Appearance: Wysteria stands 6'3, and is rather tall for a female. She handles herself with grace, poise, and beauty; however, no matter the situation you can tell she has an apathy and lack of interest for the things around her. She prefers to wear dark clothes and armor.
Name: Wendy|Wysteria|Wuu....heh heh
Age: 24
Gender: L-, Female
Rank: 9
Affiliation: Club-no

Personality (optional) : H-Hi it's nice to meet you....Wysteria suffers from multiple personality disorder and currently houses 3 personalities. Wysteria is cunning, cold, and calculating. She is not afraid to use less than honorable methods to achieve her goals and has little trust, or respect for anyone other than herself. She is ruthless and would not bat an eye at even the most gruesome sights. This is her base, or primary persona. Wendy, that's me, was created after she had escaped the dungeon. One could say I represent her innocence. I'm shy and I hate getting in trouble I often advise that Wysteria take the more righteous, self sacrificing path. I'm a friend to all, and sensitive to emotions of others as well as her own. I take pleasure in doing favors for others and I'm really childlike. Wuu is dangerous...

Biography: Wysteria's birth would have been celebrated by most households; Let m- however, her birth destroyed her family. At birth Wysteria's mana reserves were abnormally high. In fact, they were much higher than the next official heir of their noble family. Needless to say, due to optics and politics they quickly made efforts to bury her existence. They did not kill her, for they could always utilize a potential powerful resource, but until such a time transpired she would be locked away in an underground dungeon as if she was a monster. She spent most of her childhood isolated from the world and her family. Servants would come to provide her with whatever food was leftover, as well as teach her the basics. Unfortunately, several experiments were also carried out to test the limits of her abilities. One servant, Eren, who was only a few years older than Wysteria befriended her. He would often sneak full meals, tell her stories of the outside world, and commend her on her strength. He became a mentor, and good friend. In fact, this was the only time she really began to question the kind of life that she lived. As time continued to pass they eventually hatched a plan to run away and disappear once and for all, but that would prove futile.

Despite her isolation, the feeling of inadequacy never -me left her father, who was now considerably weaker than his chained up daughter. Eventually, his perceived inferiority overwhelmed him to the point of obsession. Not willing to kill his own daughter, mainly for his own selfish reasons, he decided to seek other ways to become stronger. This included research on dysidia. He began to dabble in the forbidden, malevolent magic in order to increase his power. A day before Wysteria and Eren planned their escape, her father attempted a spell he could not control. The LET- entire estate was turned to ruin...save for Wysteria. YOU B****-, Her family, the servants, Eren HAHA all became denizens of the dead, unable to live and unable to die. Free from the mental chains her father cast upon her she continued to wait...bound by the chains of a newfound friendship unaware of what became of him. It was during this time that W-Grwgeigswf was born. To adjust to the isolation, pain, and denial of neglect, she created Wuu. Nevertheless, even this defense mechanism wasn't enough to stop her body from succumbing to her lack of proper nutrients. She began to deteriorate with the faith that Eren would come for her. -IN bueibgieb was reported that she remained in that cell for 4 months. Eventually, mages took care of the zombie incident before it spread to far. They did not find Wysteria, but not too long after this event, Wuu took ov-REMEMBER and escaped. There was nothing left.

Wysteria managed to survive on her own before wandering to a nearby city. Once the citizens saw her condition she was immediately placed in a hospital. Later, it was quickly discovered that she possessed immense mana although it had no direction, or form. With any guidance she could very well be a competent mage, likely nothing less than a seven once her full potential was achieved. She was unsure of what to do with her life, and the mages did not know exactly what to do either. Since she had no documented past, and no one else to take care of her she was taken in by an older, veteran mage who became her teacher. He knew she had the potential to be talented, but her growth surpassed all expectations. After finding out what spells she had an affinity for she quickly developed her magic and sharpened this sword overtime. Her magic was practically harmless at first and she was no more than a rank 2 once she finally joined the rank of the mages. However, her growth was faster than anyone could have expected as she quickly rose through the ranks. Eventually, she achieved a rank 9 by the age of 16. The remaining years of her life was spent learning new spells, and better ways to utilize her existing spells. During this time her mentor would pass due to natural causes but she would continue to fulfill her potential regardless of his status. In fact, she felt nothing at the time of his death. Her motivations for living still remained, power and revenge. Revenge on the world that allowed her to be born. This is my story.


CLOUD MANIPULATION-Wysteria can create and manipulate different kinds of clouds and there properties. Some uses include but are not limited to flight, shields/barriers, fog, storm clouds.


Cumulonimbus -A dark storm cloud used to generate lightning which Wysteria can blast at the enemy. The amount and strength can vary given the amount of mana poured into a technique, or the situation.

Stratus (Snow)-Creates a cloud to generate ice that can be rained down at the enemy. The cloud itself can be used to attempt to freeze/chill the enemy (not instant). Nevertheless, the most common use of Stratus (snow) is to shoot hail or iciciles that can very in size, or amount.

Stratus (Rain)-This is used to unleash a torrent upon the enemy. It can be cast as rain, or all the water can be released at once, crushing the enemy or putting out fires.

Nimbus-Cloud utilized for flight. With more mana it can be expanded to carry multiple people.

THERMOKINESIES-Controls the temperature of objects and her surrounding area by generating or absorbing heat. To directly control an objects internal temperature she must be in direct contact with the object. Objects such as diamonds will take much longer to melt, as well as objects already enhanced by mana. In general, she can raise or lower the temperature of her immediate surroundings (range?). If given enough time she can bring about local drought, or boil water/(generate freezing temperatures)

Heatwave-By concentrating her thermokinesis in the air by a specific point, or path she can generate a concussive heatwave to travel toward her target rather than generally heating her surrounding area.


She can change the properties of water to that of a corrosive liquid, or gas and then manipulate it for her own purposes. Of course there is a limit to the amount of water she can create.


Special Gloves that are highly resistant to extreme temperatures.

A butterfly sword she utilizes for close combat, or to augment her attacks.

a canteen usually filled with water.

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Name: Ebel
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Substats: 300/600
Race: Diwata
The Diwata as a species has had a long and illustrious history, forming tribes and getting into tribal warfare whenever a dispute arised. But as the era of tribes ended, the Diwatas stranded south found themselves no people or person to follow. Many became nomadic,as a result, others decided to stay down south and await a person of great strength to show them the path. Most of their history as a result, has been meddled with due to the varying amounts of leaders and cultures meshed with their own. Time kept progressing however, and the Diwatas assimilated themselves within the new rulers of the land they inhabited; the Club Kingdom. Although the population was small, they did contribute more than a lot to the Club Kingdom and were well-respected for a time. The Diwatas were skilled in the arts of breathing, although the martial arts were still in it's infancy, they were spearheaded by the Diwata. It's speculated that the pre-Club Diwatas were the progenitors of the breathing martial arts. As civil wars passed and the dust settled, Diwatas were less needed within the army and were put on reserve until further notice, this caused many to see the military as having no need for them. The now medium-sized population of Diwatas traveled out of Club Kingdom and established a small wandering tribe within the borders of the Club Kingdom, moving from city to city and time once again passed. Many of the traveling Diwata settled down when passing through cities, those who didn't eventually ended up doing so as their tribe slowly decreased in people. Those who settled were very off the radar, living on low-income farms as farm-hands. Generations passed and their way of living really hadn't changed. The Diwatas entered an age of obscurity, their culture had been revamped and recreated so many times it had no consistent themes and the divided Diwatas had no similar definition or explanation to their culture. Some Diwatas still practiced the breathing martial arts and passed it down the generations, others did not.
Rank: 9
Affiliation: Clubs (loosely)
Ebel has tanned olive green skin with gray lifeless eyes. His ears are leaf-shaped and his hair is black. When threatened, his canine teeth grow sharper and longer. His nose is moderately bridged high and he has no philtrum. He stands at a menacing 6'7" and weighs an average weight of 199.7lb. Ebel is rather lean and doesn't have much in the way of muscles that just show themselves, he actually has to flex for most of them to even be visible. Have that be no indicator of his strength however as he's been known to tear doors off their hinges, not the small house ones; the grand ones used for entrances to throne rooms. Ebel all over his body, has an assortment of tattoos depicting arcane and occult iconography, most in the form of leering demonic faces, these range from subtle to openly ostentatious. Ebel's right hand has the runic symbol of Attractive Touch on the palm of it.

Ebel is go-getter and it shows. He has desires and he’s willing to do anything to get them. Ebel learned a lot from his father now long gone, becoming a more social person because he saw the power his father’s sociability got him. Ebel aspires to be like him but because of the changing times, his aspirations aren’t quite as viable and he understands that. Ebel understands when a situation won’t go in his favor and he’s quit to give up when it appears the deck is stacked against him. Though he has learned to give the situation some more time, he still has little patience to wait for a long plan to work out.

One thing Ebel doesn’t give up is his goals, the things that have motivated him the most. Because of those goals, he works for his late father’s goals and strives to achieve them. No matter the hardship, no matter the setback, what his late father told him is what carries him to go forward. Ebel isn't a very social person and was born a warrior at that, meaning most engagements, hostile or otherwise, end with a fight or a declaration of one. He's quick to resort to violence to achieve his goals, being a firm believer in the whole 'end justifies the means'. Ebel doesn't mind how he gets there, as long as he's there, he's okay with what he's done.

Born from a long line of people such as himself, he's a direct descendant of an old king/leader from an era now taught in classes of history. The king in question was a man named Belial Athame, his last name being the name of the tribe and small nation he led. When Ebel was a child, his father had told him to aspire to be just like Belial in terms of power and land. Ebel took these words to heart and still remembers them to this day. Raised under the idea that until the family of Ebel regains the lost land and power once owned by Belial, they will have no last name and no banner to follow. Ebel grew to find this idea to be restrictive but one that he could follow, one that he understood.

As years passed, his father grew ill and soon passed away before he could give final words. When Ebel's father passed away, Ebel gathered what little possessions he had and went off to fulfill the words he had been so graciously told long ago. To retake the land and power once owned and controlled by Belial Athame, and to retake the last name lost to them all that time ago. Journeying to a small hovel built into a decently sized mountain told to him by his father as the only other place of refuge besides his own home, Ebel traveled without rest to arrive there. Greeted by a middle-aged man wearing tattered robes over what appeared to be tight-fitting clothing, Ebel gave the man his concerns and was welcomed into the small hovel. The hovel had an assortment of humanoid shaped hay-made dummies. Ebel was told to stand in the middle of the room and the man before him stood parallel to him. Ebel was told by the man to throw a fist and he did as the man commanded and after only a second, found himself in immense pain and on the floor.

Ebel was told almost immediately the process of how the man, now known to Ebel as Keli, of how he took down Ebel in just one throw. After recovering, Ebel was quick to pledge his allegiance to Keli to learn the techniques the man had. For years Ebel trained but as his training neared it's eventual end, he had to further dodge the draft as the upcoming war reared it's head. Dodging it grew harder and harder but soon the King of Clubs ordered that Ebel and Keli be left to train before they are officially drafted, this left Ebel to speed through the remainder of his training as he prepared to scour and then leave the nation of Clubs in search of an artifact and a god to be his sponsor. These were difficult enough and as the war officially started, Ebel left the nation to search for ancient scriptures. He's been traveling for three years, with the war still in it's prime and soon, he'll probably be found and drafted, but he has hope he can find a patron god in the remaining time he has.

Eye of Belial

Ebel has a unique ability inherent to his direct bloodline. This is a status link-infinity area-of-effect that causes people around him to unwillingly share up to 50 physical ability depending on their magical resistance.
Belial's Target
Ebel is capable of focusing Eye of Belial onto a single target, causing them to unwillingly share 50% of their physical ability, this also depends on magical resistance.

Stream Breath
A mainly defensive breath using counters and deflections to reroute attack or counter one. Ebel is more than skilled in this breathing technique, having for an undetermined amount of years, been training to master it. Ebel is able to effectively reroute attacks with and without weaponry. Ebel learned how to use Stream Breath with the most basic forms of weapons but should he wield a more complicated or oddly shaped weapon, it may take longer for him to get used to it. Ebel has been training in Stream Breath for whole years.
Removing Spirit
Ebel trained for a year to gain this unique technique which allows him, with some preparation, to push a soul out of somebody. This is, however, in the form of a counter skill. Removing Spirit is divided into two different stances that both require Ebel to counter, and strike with a ball of condensed Chi.
1st Stance: Temporary Removal
By countering and striking the chest region with a condensed ball of Chi; Ebel is capable of temporarily expelling the soul of a person. This however only lasts for as long as Ebel was able to condense the ball of Chi, meaning he could have as little as a second of time to defeat his opponent. The expelled soul will return after the amount of time, granted the body is not dead.
2nd Stance: Permanent Removal
This stance takes can take upwards of a minute to charge and is not guaranteed to permanently remove the soul of his opponent. The stance requires charging the condensed ball of Chi before countering and striking, causing Ebel to have to be particularly careful with how approaches his opponent and how he uses his next move. Technically, a soul expelled or removed by this technique can still return to the body if it's not dead.

Dance of Four Gods
When left alone to his devices, Ebel was told by Keli to develop a skill that would surprise even him. Ebel for a full year, traveled to a few shrines and statues, sometimes praying, and then developed a martial arts move based on the experience that had given him. Ebel ended up only finding an ancient tome on the warrior pantheon, and finding a statue to Raen, the Wayward God of Direction, whom he was comfortable developing a move around. While he originally developed 5 techniques, the last two had such a similarity, they were combined into what it is now. This unique skill partially uses Joining Spirit within it's techniques. The Dance of Four Gods is a set of attacks patterned to interrupt an opponent's forced offense; offset their balance; and finally break their defense. However, Ebel only partially designed it for this. The Dance of Four God's true goal is to create an unnatural flow of air and wind around Ebel's body and direct it to create an unblockable blast of air.
1st Stance: Denri's Stab
The first stance of the Dance of Four Gods. A technique that uses Joining Spirit to match the Chi and momentarily lead the attacker into a position to be countered, using a powerful punch to then interrupt the incoming attack. This also creates a minor shockwave that can sometimes knockback surrounding things/people. In the last duel he ever faced against Keli, Ebel minorly adapted Denri's Stab into an explosive uppercut. By ditching Joining Force and instead of interrupting an attack, Ebel carefully moves his feet and arm to create a small upward current before punching upwards and sending the current upwards and outwards. The current is, however, only above the waist and has not been fully developed beyond it's base form. This derivation is named Denri's Upward Stab.
2nd Stance: Jerin's Heavy Weight
The second stance to the Dance of Four Gods. To offset the balance of an opponent, Ebel carefully moves to create a small moving current around one of his feet, then by kicking the ground, he sends a powerful shockwave through it. This still applies if Ebel instead stomps on the opponent's foot or leg, the shockwave will still travel from his foot upward.
3rd Stance: Kinshar's Dance
The third stance to Dance of Four Gods. It's a sequence of strong, sets of counters and attacks meant to penetrate an opponent's defense and attack. Ebel uses Joining Spirit in this technique to illicit defensive and offensive responses from his opponent. This sequence is often picked carefully because of how it further sets up the airflow required for the next stance to Dance of Four Gods. Any interruption to his balance or own attacks have the chance to ruining the airflow for the 4th Stance.
4th Stance: Raen & Vern's Dragon Storm
The final stance to Dance of Four Gods. Using the airflow setup from before, Ebel can take control of the flow and direct it towards their opponent in a powerful blast of air. This attack is strong enough to leave a street destroyed and destroy a set of houses like a tsunami hit them. After the first three stances, air should be flowing and moving around the two calves, around both of the thighs, and around the elbow of the arm that used Denri's Stab. The only place without air should be the other arm and thus, air diffuses from the highly concentrated areas to the arm’s low concentrated area. By putting his hand into a paw position, Ebel is able to force the diffused air in a controlled direction. This force is so strong, however, that the force puts ridiculous amounts of strain on the arm and the force of wind is liable to cutting and/or bruising the arm.

Attractive Touch
By saying “Set” and placing his hand on any object, Ebel is able to place a runic symbol on the object. Any object with the runic symbol on it can be teleported instantaneously to Ebel’s right hand using a certain word: "Summon". He’s limited to 10 runes and once an object with a rune is summoned, the rune is automatically removed.

Torn Ceremonial Robes

Robes of a forgotten era damaged beyond repair and recognition by the harsh winds of time. Ebel holds onto them as a keepsake from his late father.

Just very tight pants that also have shoes otherwise known as heels where the feet are inserted.

Halberd of Athame
While Ebel does physically have this item, it's still a piece of his gear. This halberd was a heirloom passed down from his grandfather to his father, then to Ebel. The halberd is made of a suspicious material that, while under Ebel's care, has yet to even have a chip in it. While the material isn't known to slice through anything like butter, it's cut some armor into nothing but shreds after a few swings of it.

(To be updated, hopefully)​
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[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=BackgroundPicture] Background:url(https://d39l2hkdp2esp1.cloudfront.net/img/photo/162968/162968_00_2x.jpg); Padding:30px; //The background image that become the border// [/class] [class=BackgroundColor] padding:20px; background-color:#fbe7d1; Color:Black; //the solid block of color that makes the border appear as a border all your content will be in this box// [/class] [class=Name] float:right; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; background-color:#142740; padding:5px; color:#fbe7d1; width:calc(100% - 35% - 33px); //The Box around the name// [/class] [class=Img] border-right:20px SOLID #fbe7d1; border-bottom:10px SOLID #fbe7d1; width:35%; float:left; //this class has a border to create a false margin so the horizontal lines don't appear to go behind the image if you change the back ground you have to change the colors here too// [/class] [class=Image] border:1px SOLID #142740; line-height:0px; //The border around the image// [/class] [class=Line] border-top:1px SOLID #142740; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; //The tiny lines everywhere// //You can see here they have a set width, which is the shorter length, the bottom two lines have a specific 'style' which overrides what happens here to make them full length. if you need longer lines, copy and paste the style from the bottom two (be careful, they float right, making them too big at the top messes the code up) If you need the bottom lines to be shorter, delete the Style=" and such// [/class] [div class="BackgroundPicture"] [div class="BackgroundColor"] [div class="Img"] [div class="Image"] 2345D448-5C88-4451-B0D8-6FCC791A23C8.jpeg [/div][/div] [div class="Name"] Lazara Faust[/div]

Nickname: Twisted Faust, Bloody Baron (Is more commonly known as BB compared to it in length), Guild's Second
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter
Suit: Diamonds
Rank: 10
[div class="Line"][/div] Magic/Skills
-Blood Magic: Through blood magic, Lazara can crystallize blood, mainly into objects or creatures which can be controlled through psychic magic (explained in it), but also simply used to stop it from flowing. With liquid blood, he can ‘grab’ it as soon as eye contact is made or is in proximity. With enough blood supplied, Lazara can heal minor wounds and can go into lost limbs with enough blood to replace the volume missing. Lazara can also curse victims causing constant bleeding, requiring healed or stopped with other measures as it doesn't stop until the source of energy is removed.
-Psychic Magic: Projecting his consciousness, Lazara can put it into blood constructs (mentioned earlier) to control them and get information from their eyes while regaining his own body's information through minimal brain power left inside. If the construct is destroyed, a massive headache is sent to Lazara fitting it almost impossible to concentrate on minor things. Without projecting himself, information is still gathered but commands must be given. Lazara can also communicate telepathically, and can tune into "channels" to listen. Cursing his opponents, Lazara can both cause headaches to people, rendering concentration to a minimum, and can also knock out people with sensory overload as he transmits certain gruesome videos in a bulk package directly to the brain. Finally, he can get simple pictures and emotions through reading a single person's brain through repeat trials on welcoming test subjects.
-Weapon Magic: Lazara can summon weapons made out of pure mana, with the obvious ability to control them without physical touch. With them being made out of Lazara's mana, they cannot be manipulated and can only destroyed when the mana it is made out of is removed. The swords are, of course, stronger than typical weapons out of an armory. Through rigorous training, Lazara is a master in every type of weapon, allowing a variety of weapons to be summoned with this magic. Takes one second for small weapons to form, two for a normal sized weapon, and three for two-handed weapons; the max range is fifty feet. Max amount of weapons is 100 at a time.
-Serpent Breath: A martial arts that relies on quick and sudden movements to throw off enemies, out-speed defenses and strike effectively at opportune times. Through a particular breathing pattern that one must master, you can temporarily boost your muscles in sharp bursts to deliver strong and swift strikes at a time. This style is particularly effective for assassination or striking your opponents vitals to incapacitate or destroy organs. Techniques also include disconcerting evasive movement, a favorite being "Blink Step", where the user sharply darts forward during an opponent blinking to appear as though they've teleported forward. Simple deception tricks like this are common for enhancing your combat.
Gear: Lazara has an enchanted sword with sharpness, durability, and bleeding. Alike the other assassins in the guild, Lazara has a ring of invisibility.
[div class="Line"][/div] Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ac lacinia purus, sed posuere enim. Quisque rutrum metus ac eros luctus eleifend nec et arcu. Proin sed vestibulum nisl, in aliquam arcu. Nulla congue metus in velit fermentum aliquam. Donec mattis faucibus nisi. Ut tincidunt enim vitae pulvinar faucibus. Phasellus efficitur fringilla dolor vitae scelerisque. Sed in pretium sem. Suspendisse scelerisque efficitur purus a rutrum. Vestibulum ornare cursus enim pretium consectetur. Aenean consequat dolor eget pulvinar venenatis. Morbi nec diam ut justo finibus ornare id in odio. Nam iaculis turpis elementum erat molestie ultricies. In sit amet turpis nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ac lacinia purus, sed posuere enim. Quisque rutrum metus ac eros luctus eleifend nec et arcu. Proin sed vestibulum nisl, in aliquam arcu. Nulla congue metus in velit fermentum aliquam. Donec mattis faucibus nisi. Ut tincidunt enim vitae pulvinar faucibus. Phasellus efficitur fringilla dolor vitae scelerisque. Sed in pretium sem. Suspendisse scelerisque efficitur purus a rutrum. Vestibulum ornare cursus enim pretium consectetur. Aenean consequat dolor eget pulvinar venenatis. Morbi nec diam ut justo finibus ornare id in odio. Nam iaculis turpis elementum erat molestie ultricies. In sit amet turpis nunc.
[div class="Line"][/div] History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ac lacinia purus, sed posuere enim. Quisque rutrum metus ac eros luctus eleifend nec et arcu. Proin sed vestibulum nisl, in aliquam arcu. Nulla congue metus in velit fermentum aliquam. Donec mattis faucibus nisi. Ut tincidunt enim vitae pulvinar faucibus. Phasellus efficitur fringilla dolor vitae scelerisque. Sed in pretium sem. Suspendisse scelerisque efficitur purus a rutrum. Vestibulum ornare cursus enim pretium consectetur. Aenean consequat dolor eget pulvinar venenatis. Morbi nec diam ut justo finibus ornare id in odio. Nam iaculis turpis elementum erat molestie ultricies. In sit amet turpis nunc.
[div class="Line"][/div] [/div]
Code by @AgWordSmith
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  • Name:
    Throm Iglis

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male



    Rank: 8

    Affiliation ( Suit, Jokers, Argossian):
    Suit - Diamonds

    Personality: Cool, calm, and collected in the face of elevated stress. A bit shy when meeting new people but is quick to become fast friends with those who treat him well. He tries to look at the bigger picture and is willing to do some unsavory things if it means a greater good in the long term.

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Lemmy Jeenkins

He is a 175cm tall guy, with a pale skin, brown eyes and also brown middlelong hair. Usually wears he a dark grey robe with brown leather boots and a shoulder bag.

He is in the middle 30's

He is a human male.


Sub stats:


Lemmy is very determined and curious. Also is he pig headed when someone discusses with him about magic, because he don't believe in magic in itselve and sees it as a addition to science.

He has a great knowledge in chemistry, astrology and philosophy. Also is he very nondescript, because he is not that popular and had a regular hight.

In his bag has he laboratory stuff and "elements"(which are just elements like copper or iron). Also walks he with a walkingstaff and somewhere at his body he hides a dagger

Lemmy grows up as an orphan. Because he don't like the other children, which sourounded him he started to read about science and the persons who watched after him teached him to work scientific. When he was a adult he started to work as an alchemist with a old magican in the city Licoris. But when the war was there his master dies and he runned away so that he survive. Now he searched a new place to live and build a new life.
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Adrian Bellamy
[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: black; --bg-color: Gray; --fontFamily: 'Courier New'; --fontSize: 15px; --tab-hover-color: white; --tab-hover-bg: Gray; --tab-select-color: white; --tab-select-bg: #2980b9; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder][div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab
Basic[/div][div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]Behavior[/div][div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]History[/div][div class=tab][div class=tabID]4Tab[/div]Power[/div] [/div][div class=tabContentHolder][div class="tabContent 1"]

+ Name: Adrian Bellamy
+ Titles:
+ Age: 54
+ Gender: Male
+ Race: Human

+ Kingdom: Diamonds
+ Rank: 7

Appearance+ Height: 6'2 (188cm)
+ Weight: 192lbs (87kg)
+ Hair: Grey, almost always pulled back, and straightened when it isn't
+ Eyes: Amber
+ Build: Lean Muscular
+ Complexion: Lightly toned, fairly marked and scruffy

[/div][div class="tabContent 2"]

PersonalityAdrian Bellamy, or Bell as he is called by his close companions in private, is a natural born leader. He has the strength and the confidence in his decision making that instills hope and a deserving respect from his crew. Given a different circumstance, he could have been made a powerful commander in any of the kingdom's armies. A genius in the art of dictating leadership, and knowing exactly when and where to strike, it is almost calculative.

However, Bell is fairly versed in splitting his business with his private life, being seen as someone akin to an adoptive uncle to those close to him. Given his age, he has no problem appearing to be so. Through his actions, it is absolute that he views those who have earned his respect as equals even though it is he who holds the title of captain. He is a man of character and heart, often thoroughly trying to empathize with his crew; a self-proclaimed professional at reading facial and unspoken expression, despite it being a running joke that he's shit at heart to hearts.

Bellamy garners excitement from the thrill of being considered a criminal. It were as if the rebellious streak stereotyped to go through all teens manifested in him but never faltered. He enjoys causing havoc to the kingdoms, destroying trading vessels and stealing from the ships of rich merchants. Something peculiar but never questioned, is that he hardly ever directly attacks with the intent to kill. While in his profession it is unavoidable, he never attacks other ships purely to wipe them out, and has never caused harm purely with the intent of malice. Often so, he will shoot to disarm or weaken, and leave them in a shape capable of recovery. While he holds this true to himself, he does not make any physical effort to stop his crew from doing so.

Traits+ Protective: Bellamy is extremely picky with who he decides to let into his inner circle. Those he does, he becomes extremely protective and trusting towards. They are the ones he turns towards to assist in making his decisions, and rely on to hold the heavy burdens of the crew. Although they do face more difficult and often dangerous tasks being entrusted to them, he is well aware of their limits and would never needlessly endanger them before himself.

+ Zealous: Eager for adventure and the thrill of the chase, Bellamy would swiftly give the order to advance if there was so much of a whisper of exciting news. At least, if he was confident that the crew was up to the task. Like a child being told he could go to the toy store, his face lights up at the mere sound of adventure, a contagious eagerness. But he is smart enough to know, that if enough were not up to the task, or it risked too much danger, that it would be a journey that would have to wait until another day.

+ Encouraging: Although his encouragement often comes in the form of flaming and teasing, he is well aware of the limits of his companions. When he is fully confident, where others are not, he spurs words of action and glory to inspire others to take the leap of faith and follow him. Like a catalyst, he has enhanced the growth of many within his crew, and has created a legacy of fighters throughout the years that have reached many feats.

Likes/Dislikes+ An advocate for "living in the moment", Bellamy acknowledges the feeling of enjoying the little things in life. He would rather sit idly by and enjoy the weather at the beach, than continue onward towards their next treasure if he knew they could spare the time and risk the loss.
+ Although he is the captain, he enjoys when he sees others take initiative aboard the ship. As long as the actions aren't directly conflicting with his own and don't put any one at risk, the few he trusts are free to do their own thing. However they must be prepared for him to immediately take charge given a change in tone.
- While he does enjoy others taking charge, there is a boundary that must of be respected. He is still the captain and he does not like his authority being challenged. When he needs assistance, he will ask for it. When he trusts you, he will know it. A coup, on the other hand, he would not hesitate to quench in a moment's notice.
- Needless sacrifice. Being the captain of a ragtag group of criminals for a majority of his life, he is well aware that there comes a time where sacrifices must be made. However, if it can be avoided, it will be at all costs.

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Adrian was the first and only son of a fisherman from a village along the Diamond’s coast. A self-sustaining village, that played no real role in the kingdom's trade, or political agenda. He had not known his mother all his life, however his father always described her as a gentle woman, but she was also rather stubborn with how she wanted things done. Irrelevant, really, since he wasn't really one to dwell on the past, nor did he think much of her. He lived quite well for himself, already putting himself to work among the village's fisherman at the age of six, and pretty much independent as far as casting nets and pulling them in went.

However, sometime after he had hit the age of eight, he was taken from his village by a slave ship. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, nor was it any unusual grievance. Given that slavery wasn't exactly illegal across the kingdoms, nor was his village under the kingdom's direct protection, they were easy prey. He was of the right age, proper strength, Adrian could have sold well. He fought and cried for his freedom, but of course, who were they to listen to the pleas of some child...

It was by his own stroke of luck, that pirates roamed the seas. And they did what all pirates do, they pirate. And what more could they get from a slave ship, but slaves? Adrian was one of their spoils, and taken under the flag of none other than pirate captain, James Bellamy. The captain was a righteous man, not unlike Adrian is currently. Although he was a pirate, he was honorable in what he did, and a respectable figure even among the other pirates. He was not very powerful in his own right, but he commanded his forces with such vigor, the man was just outright charismatic. Having no one else to follow, that was who Adrian chose to lead him.. not like he had a say in the matter, really.

Almost a decade later, Adrian was seventeen at this point, and still a pirate. Somehow, he had worked his way up the ranks as a pirate, and developed his abilities to become one of the more powerful among his crew. Enough so, that he had developed an unspoken role as the captain's true first mate. He was far too young to have contested the role against the current first mate, but the captain's actions surely put Adrian in his favor.

With the death of the captain occurring within the next year, Adrian took the reigns of the ship, as well as his name. He was the captain's legacy, and the crew knew it. There was very little question, and those that did, very well got the walk the plank treatment without Adrian even able to justify himself. Even at the age of eighteen, Adrian Bellamy was a powerful.. powerful figure.

Being a pirate around the Diamond coast for a majority of his life, his reputation and also his lifestyle stayed primarily within those territories. It wasn't until the very beginning of the war with the Argossians did he flee for the Club kingdom, not seeking to involve his or the life of his crew. Since then, he has maintained his pirating within the coasts of the Clubs. From here, rumors of a legendary relic of the past would flit by him every now and then, and he was eager to pursue it. Between attacking Argossian vessels, he began to pirate other pirate ships, taking nothing but any hints and rumors for the alleged weapon.

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+ Liquid Manipulation: The ability to create, shape, and manipulate anything that is water. The user is not susceptible to drowning in any liquid, and can even still produce speech although fully engulfed in water. His manipulation is locked to water and anything water-based, and he is capable of controlling near anything liquid at varying strengths. This applies to blood, however with a much higher toll on his mana.
- The user can use liquids to attack at varying intensities, can be used as projectiles, and even be used as a part of melee combat.
- Liquid Solidity: Liquids under the users control can be manipulated to different forms: solidified to create a tangible weapon, or even dispersed into the air to increase humidity or even create clouds of the used liquid.
- Liquid Constructs: The user can create objects, weapons, and semi-sentient beings from liquids. The objects and weapons can be manipulated by anyone Bellamy willingly gives them to, meaning they can not be grasped by the opponent. The beings created from his powers disperse when far enough away from him, and simply follow the commands given to them. They do not have a thought process of their own.
- Liquid Aura: The user can surround themselves in liquid, creating armor or bubble surrounding them like an exoskeleton used to deflect attacks.
- Physical Amplification: When exposed to water his physical strength, endurance, and speed is amplified. His levels of strength and endurance become near superhuman. He does not have to be fully engulfed in water, a rainstorm that drenches a majority of his body will suffice in amplifying Bellamy.
- Liquid Healing: When completely emerged in water, all external injuries can be healed away scar-less. Meaning cuts, burns, and bruises can be washed away when he is submerged. However, he is incapable of healing damage done to organs and bones.
- Liquid Draining: Bellamy can use any sort of fluid as his source of power. He could draw from the fluid from the air, the plant-life around him, and even the animal/human-life surrounding him. When drawing from other sentient beings, he is limited to those with absolutely minimal magical abilities (-200 in magic). The first telltale signs is a dryness of mouth, followed by dryness of skin, and following the signs of simple dehydration until the target becomes dizzy to the point of losing consciousness.

+ Gillman Shapeshifting: When underwater, the user can willingly develop traits of a gillman, sprouting gills to sustain extended living underwater, and razor fins across his forearm and spines sharp enough to slice through steel. These characteristics can be carried onto land for roughly one hour, or immediately dispersed the moment he steps onto land. However, maintaining these traits outside of the water pull from his mana reserves, whilst being in the water while being in the water when activated does not. Bellamy currently can not initiate the traits outside of the water.

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basic information

Full Name: Morquira Vierdante Tollamber
Nickname: Vier
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Race: Human [bound to Raiju]
Rank: 8
Affiliation: Mercenary Guild Member | Diamond
Substats: 600/200

abilities & gears

  • Beast Summoning Magic - Focused on the capture of beast souls and inserting them into mana stones - binding the will of the beasts to the order of the user of the magic. Beast summoning is a delicate act of capture and order, favored by those who spend their time with nature.
    Memory Tap - This subspell allows the user to delve into the memories of their summons within a 60 feet radius.

    4x Carette - Rare beasts. Docile. Herbivores. Mana stones grow on top of their heads which allow them to use magic to grow mana spikes on top of their horns. [500/400]
    5x Syilax - Deep cavern dwelling beasts who thrive best in no to low light areas. They also have thermal vision which makes them better at hunting in these areas. Their claws allow them to crawl on walls. Their sharp claws and teeth make them dangerous but what really makes them dangerous is their speed. Deer sized. [150/300]
    3x Garadune - These beasts burrow underground and try to get a sense of the world above through seismic tremors and then they pop out to bite/attack/consume whatever poor being is above. Their presence is obvious when they're close to the surface where the ground becomes disturbed according to its movements. [200/400]
    4x Lacertia - Both aggressive and docile, the Lacertia are capable of blending in with any object and are known to be very sneaky and aggressive when actively searched for. Commonly found in forested areas and mountainous regions. Fast-moving; the skin of the Lacertia is said to hold mystical properties, causing the species to be hunted and are a popular catch for any hunter. [200/500]​

  • Soul Binding Magic - The magical art of trapping a soul into a mana stone - binding the will of the bound soul to the owner of the mana stone. This allows for the owner to force the bound soul to follow their every command and they even have the ability to control their mana and their usage of magic.
    Bound People: Howard Dellin - Passed down to her by her father, Howard is the resident telepath of the Tollamber family. Despite being soul bound, he is generally loyal to the family but his mana stone is there just in case he thinks about rejecting their orders.
    Nathaniel Dower - A young man who swore fealty to Vier when she had rescued him from a beast attack. Much like Howard, he is bound to her for the sole reason of safety. Despite not being magically inclined, Nathaniel was once an adventurer, using bows and arrows as his main weapon.

    Shock Collar - Using her lightning magic, she has created an enchantment in which when a servant of hers disobeys her orders, they will be shocked. She can adjust how high the voltage of the shock is.​

  • Lightning Magic - Due to the Raiju that has been bound to her soul when she was a child, Vier has developed a natural skill in the manipulation of lightning. Often utilized for long ranged attacks and enchantments.
    Call of Lightning - A small thundercloud appears above a point of interest within a thirty feet radius and sends an electrical wave within five feet of the point of impact.
    Raiju’s Hunger - A subspell that allows lightning to jump from one target to another, the maximum of which depends on the mana used up. Usually, it ends within five jumps. The targets have to be within ten feet from one another or else the jump will fall short.​
  • Beast Researcher - Having spent her entire life researching them, Vier has a wide knowledge about beasts - from those who are common enough to be listed in a bestiary to those who are a rarity. She’s also become a skilled tracker because of this. She is also capable of accurately guessing certain actions through the observation of behavior.
  • Survivalist - Most of her years were spent in the wilds, giving her good instincts as well as knowledge on what’s deadly and what’s safe in most of the wilds. She’s been known to stay in the forests for months on end with little to no contact or help from the outside world.
  • Marksman - To aid her summons and to conserve magic, she trained herself to be accurate most of the times.
  • Gauntlets of the Beast - Made from the armor of a beast, it was specially crafted for Vier. Enchanted to make attacks made with the gauntlets to be more powerful using physical reinforcement magic. It is then enchanted by Vier to allow the flow of lightning to be more natural, making it doubly effective when used as a weapon.
  • Cloak - Clipped by the pin of her family, the cloak is enchanted to be able to insulate her from both heat and cold - adjusting comfort in extreme areas for the owner. It is also protected from the wear and tear that one might associate to age of the cloth, but it can still be broken.
  • Bestial Mask - The mask gives a temporary increase in the usage of the user's sense of smell and hearing.
  • Tollamber Tome - Passed down from generation to generation, this tome contains the secret of the Tollamber family. Detailing the intricacies of spirit magic and spirit binding to continue the family tradition of the passing of the Raijuu. Vier had recieved the tome from her grandparents who had tragically died before they could teach her the magic themselves.
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in depth

Personality: Vier is more used to beasts than to people - that much is clear the first time someone sees her. With beasts, she can learn how they move, how they act, how they do things by mere observation of some samples in a population and it would be accurate. With people, however, they act far too different from each other. It makes them unpredictable. And while she is fine with the occasionally unpredictability - observations aren’t always accurate, there are always outliers - people just make her plain uncomfortable.

Vier has dedicated her life to the study and the capture of beasts. She had never taken them for granted - not when she was bound to one as well. She wanted to learn more and get more of them. It was a burning need by now. She knows she was bred for fighting but this was what she offered to her family - knowledge. And perhaps, a new source of income if they approach this correctly.
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Biography:Vier was not the firstborn. In fact, she was the fourth one - hence her name. She was the only successful child, as the first three had died when they underwent the binding process. It was tradition after all. They had to produce a child who can contain the soul of the Raiju without being rejected. Once she was bound to the Raiju, they had to make her learn how to control the lightning that it would give. And just like that, her family went back to normal with her focused on training.

The bearer of the Raiju could always choose their own path - so long as they heed the call of their family. Vier had gone on to become interested in the various beasts that dot their beloved continent. And so, she had gone on to learn all about Beast Summoning Magic, with her background of Soul Binding magic - it had been relatively more simple for her to learn. She then set out to travel the four kingdoms to both record and capture beasts of interest.

Her entire life has been dedicated to their search and study.of the beasts of Ornare.
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