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Fantasy Four Suits - Vol.1 Kings & Jokers (Reboot - Always Open)

Kloudy Kloudy unless there is any changes to Ace power limitations, I may just revamp my old character if that’s fine dude.
Edit: Basically just going to make him more benevolent and possibly a few years older.

@VioletShadow If ya want to discuss characters and connections with Spade leadership, I’d be more than happy to. Especially once we get more people to fill in the other two spots.
Yeah that’s fine~

lowkey thinking of using houseki no kuni's gem idea but would that be okay? Kloudy Kloudy

Lemme look it up, but I’m sure it’s probably fine.
We should probably get a Discord server or at least an OOC page soon, so we can freely discuss character relationships and world building.
Cosmos Cosmos hey so I need you to build me a discord server lmao
'Nother question (I'm having a lot of these) How hard is it to imbue an object with magic? I'm assuming there's some hard limitations to it since it would be pretty crazy for a 10s and up to be able to mass produce magical artifacts, asking since I may or may not consider making a blacksmith character that focuses on making magic equipment
'Nother question (I'm having a lot of these) How hard is it to imbue an object with magic? I'm assuming there's some hard limitations to it since it would be pretty crazy for a 10s and up to be able to mass produce magical artifacts, asking since I may or may not consider making a blacksmith character that focuses on making magic equipment
Magic is something that naturally resides in you and could be said to be linked closely with one’s soul, meaning that whatever magic you have is what you’re stuck with. So a pyromancer can’t become a cryomancer for example, or a two can’t become a ten. There are exceptions to that, and one is the use of magical items and artefacts.

Usually they can only really be made by highly skilful magic users that are also masterful crafters. Imbuing magic into items is difficult and thus quite rare, but can result in highly effective and dangerous equipment. For example, my ace has a set of magical gloves imbued with incredible crushing strength and are nigh-indestructible. Lost relics and artefacts holding immense power are scattered around the continent if anyone cares to adventure for any, dropped by slain heroes or hidden away by fearful craftsmen of legend.

Speaking of magic items, Diphylleia grayi Diphylleia grayi your gem idea will work with some tweaks. You will be a precious stone imbued with magical energy that simulates a soul of sorts, thus giving you a personality and such. You won’t technically have immortality however, if you’re shattered then the pieces must be gathered and more magic imbued to replace your dispersed soul. That would mean a new personality and memories, so you can technically die in that sense. You may have multiple magic abilities of course, you are not limited to simply existing haha
Oh, and bare in mind a magicsmith can only imbue a person’s specific magic into an item. So you’d be using your own magic or someone that’s mastered their own magic as a medium for crafting.

Welcome to the planet Yune, a rich planet of Magic and Marvels of technology. Two vast Nations Battle over control of the world. The heavily industrialized Argossian empire, and The Magic Kingdoms of the Four Suits. Recently the battles have grown far more intense with the Argossian Empire gaining access to Air travel and A seemingly endless supply of oil. Meanwhile the Four suits kingdom suffers from a terrorist organization within their own countries called the Jokers who have support from the Argossian empire. With no recourse the Four Suits kingdoms have called their Aces into battle for the first time in over 600 years. Can the four kingdoms stand the pressure, or will this house of cards come tumbling down?


The Four Suits kingdoms.
The four suits all have the same government system. Three separate royal figures represent three seperate Functions. The Kings Are the military leaders, the Queens are the Justice leaders, and the Jacks are the Economic leaders. After that each civilain is granted a number between 2 & 10 to represent magical prowess and social rank which go hand in hand. 2 is the lowest class and 10 is the highest. Finally there is the ace, he/she is hands down the most powerful mage in all of their kingdom, they act as a buffer and protect the people from the three rulers.


Ace-x1- SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
Queen-x1- Melon Bomb Melon Bomb
Jack-x1- @VioletShadow
10- x1- Open (May have more positions later)
5-Unlimited- Open

Ace-x1- @Spellsword_Kirov
King-x1- Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Queen-x1- . D O V E . D O V E
10- x1- Open (May have more positions later)
5-Unlimited- Open

Ace-x1- @Spoiled Bread
King-x1- ChunkyBeef ChunkyBeef
10- x1- Open (May have more positions later)
5-Unlimited- Open

Ace-x1- Kloudy Kloudy
King-x1- @TPBx
Queen-x1- Diphylleia grayi Diphylleia grayi
Jack-x1- @Kisaki
10- x1- Open (May have more positions later)
5-Unlimited- Open


The Argossian Empire
Strictly NPC for now. Let me worry about them.


The Jokers
A gang of terrorists or freedom fighters as they would have you believe. They Use both magic and technology but aren't exactly very powerful. Most members are 2's with a few 3's. Two 7's make up the commanders with a 9 as the leader.
Right now only three roles are available but more may come if people choose to join them. Be warned they did earn the title of terrorist, their methods are very extreme.

Leader- x1- open
Commanders- x2- open


“(Hello everyone. Heres an idea thats been bouncing around the noggin for a few years. It is supposed to be a 4 part series but we will see how it goes. The four kingdoms have a loose lore for a reason. I want each of your characters to have a piece of the world lore in their cs. YOU make the story here to a certain extent. The only thing i ask is that your characters do not remove free will and have a believable feel to them. I know this sounds like fantasy but its listed in modern/realistic for a reason. We will all be expected to make our characters as "real" as possible. No one is good all the time, or evil for that matter. I want realistic personalities and believable reactions to unrealistic scenarios and unbelievable situations. I hope this tickles someones fancy lets make this a great story you guys. ; ) )”

Hey guys, this is an rp previously made by @Agent23 that @TPBx and I are rebooting. Although the rp was originally listed in modern, it technically begins with more fantasy themes but still possesses large influences from modernism and industrialisation, especially concerning the Argossian Empire, and can be expected to cross over into modern/realistic territory. We’re looking for a large cast of characters to influence the ever-changing politics of The Four Suits kingdoms. You can look forward to elements of open world creativity and an extensively planned main plot that will affect the entirety of Yune for aeons to come. Will you side with one of the kingdoms, turn traitor with the Jokers, or even aid the Argossian Empire’s reconquest? Here, in The Four Suits Vol.1, you will find your place in the deck.


Here is the cs thread!

Contact SentinelSevn SentinelSevn for the discord link~​
I would've preferred to be the Queen of Spades like I was last time. I might go with a 10 of Diamonds instead of King, but we'll see.

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