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Fantasy Found family rp?


Magic Eight Ball
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Like the title says I am looking for a found family sort of roleplay with an old OC of mine that I recently remade!

First some introductions... You can call me
Squid! I am 23 years old (and for rp sake I would like you to be around that same age as well), I go by They/them and I have been roleplaying on and off for close to 10 years now! My writing style is I'd say semi-advanced to advanced, I write either a lot of paragraphs or 2 paragraphs per post (depends on the rp and how much my partner writes). I am not natively English so I do make grammer mistakes from time to time but I try my best! Oh and my timezone is CET but I don't mind if your timezone is from the other side of the world.

Also I am ghost friendly. For rps I am usually pretty active myself but I am a student and I work so I'm not always available (plus I got a good old dose of ADHD so bear with me haha), I do struggle sometimes a bit with rp burnout but give me a week and I'll be right back writing some replies. Oh also for rps and ooc chat I prefer to stick to rpn but I do have a discord if you ask for it.

BUT ANYWAY, now that the boring stuff is over with, onto the fun stuff:

Starting off I want to say this will be a strictly platonic rp, no romance involved.

I don't have anything super specific in mind but yeah, I want the plot to revolve around our characters sort of becoming this found family unit after going on some adventure or due too a ton of shenanigans! My character himself is 18 years old and your character can either be of a similar age or an older mentor sort of figure (I don't want characters much younger then my OC).
Oh also, this isn't necessary but I would LOVE for your character to be a member of a church or some sort of 'holy' figure or even a demonic figure, as my OC is a demon. Also your OC doesn't have to be human at all, I can rp my OC against anything! Even other demons!

But yeah I'd love for this rp to have a lot of drama and angst, I love darker themes! This rp can also be medieval or something more modern, I don't mind either!

NOW FINALLY, Onto my character:

rooftop kid.pngThis is Kid, he is an earth wandering Demon.

Kid is 18 years old and has been spending all his life pretty much on his own. Demons cast him out of hell for reasons he doesn't know and humanity seems to hate him for reasons he doesn't quite understand. He struggles making friends as people tend to misunderstand him or even fear him, he doesn't have any family and this makes him quite lonely.

But despite the fact he has been very lonely and has seen a lot of hate, he is always optimistic. He is very happy-go-lucky and faces adversity with a smile. This does tend to make him a little naive about the world, as he is quick to trust anyone who gives him just a tiny bit of love.

He is very curious about the world and loves to learn, he enjoys exploring and getting to experience new things. He loves to create art and enjoys taking pictures of everything he finds interesting.

I didn't mean for this post to be so big but oh well, there you have it! If you want more information on Kid I do have a character sheet that explains a bit more about him.
And if you have gotten through my insane ramblings and are somehow still interested then shoot me a PM! Let's start up a fun RP!

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