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Realistic or Modern Foster Life

Jack extended his hand past his wife, placing it just under the young man's face. "I know it must be a pretty scary idea, doing all of this, but we are here to help." He was smiling as he boy stared down, avoiding the inevitable, "My name's Jack, and I hope you'll be happy here.".
(It only takes a while until its:

(Sorry my cousin wanted to do a reference... Idk why... Just leave it.. Lol, sorry about that)
Cavalier slowly made his way downstairs, but standing about 50 feet away from the door. He was worried that it he stood to close, he might freak them out or something. After all, he didnt really know anything about foster kids since he had never really been one himself. He stood there with his hands locked together behind his back, smiling politely.
John stared at the hand extended to greet him without moving. It took him a second to respond, but he eventually found a voice. "I-I'm sorry." He whispered. "I just-" He stepped backwards again, and couldn't find it in himself to complete the sentence.
Jack pulled his hand back, rubbing Auriel slightly, hoping she would step in. "I know it must be a hard change, will you just step inside. We will show you your room and you can have some time by yourself." He continued to show a smile, hoping the boy would realize that him being here wasn't a mistake.
Auriel smiled sweetly. "I know how hard it is out there, but I promise you, this home will never be anything like the others." She hoped that they'd all love it here. She would never hurt them or treat them horribly. She would just give them as much love as possible.
"The last home I went to promised me that as well. I was there for only a week." John whispered, still unable to look up. This woman reminded him a lot of his mother, before she fell into her endless void of depression. He wished there was some way he could make them understand he wasn't afraid of what they'd do to him, but rather what he'd do to them.
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Amanda closes her eyes as her taxi pulls up to her new house. She bites her lower lip and swallows nervously. She opens the taxi door and holds her stomach as she climbs out. Her eyes immediately land on the house and she begins to rub her stomach. "Well... This is our new house buddy..." She murmurs quietly. She reaches into the taxi and grabs a book bag and a small duffle bag. Her eyes land on the house once again as the taxi drives away. Her eyes close once again before she opens them and begins to slowly make her way to the front door. She notices four people. Two of them were her new foster parents and she didn't recognize the other two, but she began to feel even more nervous. Her right hand is brought to her stomach as she begins to feel her baby move.
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Cavalier sighed, still looking toward the kids in front of the door. He looked like hed been through alot, not only by the way he looked from his point of view but by his facial expressions. Cavalier figured once he got comfortable enough, he would try to talk to him, maybe find out a few things about where ehe used to live and his past.
"Well we don't plan on letting you lose a home again, give us a chance please, I promise you'll love this home just like our children." Nick was stepping out of his comfort zone to accommodate some emotion for this boy. He could see Cavalier standing in the corner of his eyes, but now wasn't the time for morning greetings. Looking past the boy he saw a girl stepping out of a taxi, and it was obvious she was the pregnant one. Auriel had adopted her to help with the baby, and to have another around the house. He sighed realizing how full the house was going to be.
Amanda walks to the front door and looks at the ground. She shifts her duffle bag to her other hand and looks up after a while. "Hi..." She says quietly, not looking at Nick. After a moment she places the duffle bag down, huffing slightly. Her back had started to ache, so she set the bag down, but she'd pick it up in a few moments. She runs her fingers through her hair and crosses her arms.

(Sorry. Took my Dalmatian to the dog park.)
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John turned his head to look at the new foster child that stood next to him. She was very clearly, very pregnant. John looked up again, trying to clear his mind of his negative mentality. He would only cause everyone more trouble if he kept that going.
Amanda glances at the kid who looked at her. She bites her lower lip and rubs her back gently. Her eyes land back on the ground and she closes her eyes, as her baby begins to kick. 'Come on kid... Settle down... I'll sit down in a little bit.' She thinks to herself.
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The pregnant one looked exhausted to say the least, "Excuse me, you are Amanda right? No need to wait for an invitation, this is your house now." Jack side stepped past John, patting his shoulder as he did so. He allowed his hand to hold on to the duffle bag, "Let me give you hand, I'm Jackson Machester and it is a pleasure to have you here.".
Amanda gives a small smile and nods her head. "Thank you." She murmurs, and takes a step into the house. She shifts her book bag and runs her fingers through her hair again, before placing both hands on her stomach as the baby continues to kick. 'Okay, okay. I'm almost to a chair." She thinks to herself. Her eyes scan the house and she lets out a small sigh.
John locks up at the contact, inhaling sharply. His anxiety completely takes over for a few seconds. Shaking his head he takes a deep breath and steps in after the pregnant girl, looking around at the nice interior of the house.
Cavalier heads over to the pregnant girl cautiously. "You need help with your bag?" He asked, pointing to it and trying to be polite. She looked like she was already exhausted, and he didnt want her to be carrying any extra weight. "And may I get your name?" He added with a smile.
((Sorry guys, I havent been receiving notifications, did I miss anything important?))
Amanda looks over at another boy. "I, uh, if you want to. You don't have to, though." She says quietly and begins to rub her stomach again. She holds back a sigh and looks down at the ground.
Cavalier picks up the duffle bag, putting it on his shoulder. "You can sit down over there if you need to." He said, pointing to an empty sitting area. "Ill take this bag up to your room." He told her before disappearing upstairs.
Amanda watches him go before she looks over at the sitting area. She tales her book bag off of her shoulders and walks, well, more like waddles, over to a chair. She sits down and lets out a relieved sigh.

(Nothing big really happened. Amanda showed up. That's about it.)
Cavalier heads up to a room with 'Amanda' labeled on the door. He heads inside, putting the bag on the floor in front of the bed. He leaves, gently closing the door behind him, letting out a small sigh. He goes back downstairs, into the kitchen, ready to eat breakfast for the day.
Auriel smiled at Amanda, "Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling? Are you hungy?" She asked. She was glad that there was a pregnant girl in the house. She would help as much as possible.
"I feel like a whale and I'm exhausted..." She says and leans back in the chair she's sitting in. "And yes I'm hungry." She adds, trying to stand up. She places a hand on her back and uses the arm of the chair to help her.

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