Foster (BlueMist And Jeccka)

Just as Steven yelled at Dad, cursing possessively over Alice, there was a knock at the door. Dad quickly moved aside, pulling the door open with him. Two officers stood outside, both armed. I thanked the receptionist who had helped me, telling her the police had arrived and hung up. I moved to Alice's side, worried about the beating she had taken. It was a good thing we were going to the hospital today. The hit on her face looked like it would bruise and I wasn't sure how all this was going to affect her pregnancy. Dad told the police that Steven was the intruder here and the officers intervened just in time to protect Dad from a forceful blow. Steven was taken down and handcuffed, Dad ready to press charges. It was no longer up to Alice if her 'boyfriend' was prosecuted, she was a Downing now and under the Downing authority. "C'mon." I said, taking her by the arm with the intention of going to get Mom and driving to the hospital.
I followed him willingly, I was moving slowly and I was clearly in pain. I put my hand on my stomach, I was quite panicked. How could steven ever try and hurt my child? I said "th...thanks." steven fought the cops but was soon taken away, he had enough money to be bailed out and I was worried that he would come after us. I looked at the floor holding my stomach and wincing in pain, I knew he hadn't broken anything but I was quite bruised and I was bleeding heavily. I ended up slumbing to the floor and I weakly brushed a strand of my blond hair away from my face and I looked up at them, I had probably scared them. I put my head between my knees while trying not to panic anymore than how I was.
I lead Alice outside in the back where I knew Mom and Emily were before she collapsed on the ground. Steven hasn't been as brutal as I had expected him to be and distantly wondered how much pain she was really in. A few bruises no doubt but nothing much more than that. Mom knelt beside the girl, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright? Let me have a look." I had rubbed my cheek, giving her the idea that she had at least been slapped. "You have that appointment, right?" Mom added, trying to help.
I tried to get to my feet, I was dizzy and felt sick. I said "I am okay...I don't know about the baby." I put my hand on my stomach and sighed softly. I continued to bleed and my stomach was cramping up, I immediately worried that I could be having a miscarriage. Steven had landed quite a few hard blows, I said "Ye..Yeah I do I should go." I awkwardly stumbled fowards the street and to steven's car I could just drive it there. I was so used to doing everything on my own it was odd having people trying to help me out not hinder me. I slumped against the door and pulled the door open and slid in, I fumbled around trying to find the keys. He usually had a spare pair in the glove compartment. I opened it and felt around and I pulled it out and said to myself "Good..." my vision was blurring and I gripped the seat willing mysepf not to faint.
I don't guess Alice really got the message. Mom reminded her of the appointment so she could take her to the hospital, not so she could go herself. Worriedly Mom followed the girl around front. Emily and I exchanged glances and after a moment followed them both to the front of the house. Mom held the driver's door open, addressing the girl inside with, "I'll drive. My car is just here." She tried to coax Alice out and over to her own vehicle.

Now we were among Steven and the cops. He had the man in cuffs and was leading him to the police car. Dad was explaining the situation and they requested to talk to Alice. Mom stepped aside and one of the of officers knelt down to be level. "Hi, Alice. I'm officer Deker. I want to ask you a few questions." He paused for her approval but didn't wait until she responded, "Who is Steven in relation to you and would you like to press charges? Your foster parents would like to set up a restraining order, are you alright with this? We just want to help you and keep you safe."

I stood by with Emily, defeated. This was by far more than any of us had expected or bargained for. We walked up to the porch and sat on the stairs, watching the scene before us. The neighbors even came out of their house and over to check on us. We're good friends with the surrounding families and it was reassuring to have them check in, worried about our well being. "Is everything alright? What happened?" Mrs. Trenton asked, clad in her cooking apron. I told her that our new foster girl arrived today and that she had some noisy visitors, that everything was going to be fine and thanks for asking. We had at least one other father onlooking and at least two mothers, a child or two peering out at the scene from their comfortable and safe bedrooms. This was a safe neighborhood, sirens are rare, not to mention the like of Steven.
I felt sick, I couldn't believe Steven had messed everything up. I had mentally checked out leaving a small, shivering, scared young woman but when the police officer spoker I snapped out of it, I said "Steven's My boyfriend and the father of my baby. " I bit my lip and considered pressing charges but really it would only aggravate steven so I shook my head and said "No." Once he mentioned the restraining order I sighed and said "He won't respect it."

I pulled my knees to my chest, I was feeling as if I was going to pieces. Steven had clearly broke me. The question was would I have someone to pick up the pieces? I covered my face with my hands, memories rushed over me. It was all about Steven, Our first date, the days we had been together and the experiences we had shared together. I needed someone new, someone better but when you spend your whole life being with one type it's like a drug.

As soon as I could I got to the doctors, they had confirmed my biggest fear. Steven's beating had resulted in a miscarriage. Once they finally relased me I was tired and depressed. I was crushed, I wanted a child. I wanted one terribly and I had lost my chance. I refused to speak with anyone and I spent hours curled up in a ball and I cried.
I think I speak for all of the Downings when I say we all took a sigh of relief that Alice had had a miscarriage. Sure it was unfortunately and ultimately emotionally draining but the girl was not ready for teen pregnancy and didn't the need the extra tie to her abusive and highly over aged boyfriend.

Mom hadn't let anyone go to the hospital, wanting to make this experience as painless as possible. Emily and dad occupied the couch, watching TV while I went out back to photograph the plants. Photography is my favorite past time, how could I resist?

As we all guessed, Alice went and sulked in her room, albeit for good reason. I could hear her sobs from down the hall and despite mom's stern warnings to leave the girl alone, I couldn't help myself from knocking lightly on the door with a tall glass of water in my hand and a plate full of cookies. "It's Brandon." I said at first, staring at the floor, my head nearly pressed against the door. "Mind if I come in for a minute?"
I was quiet for a long time, then I called out in a raspy voice "O...Okay." I then pulled the blanket off my head and I pulled my hair back while trying to wipe away my tears. I glanced to the door where he was and I got up as if to open it. I said softly "Hi Brandon." Then I carefully opened the door.

I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest, I had pulled on a old shirt of Steven's. It was tight, Tiger print and sleeveless so naturally I felt uncomfortable. I also pulled on a pair of his jeans that really were not ment for a girl but they reminded me of him and I wore them to try and comfort myself.I glanced and Brandon trying to figure out what he was thinking, was he glad? Sad? What, usually I was quite intuitive but I guess not today.
I was about to give up when Alice let me in. Her attire didn't surprise me as I had guessed that she would moping around in lazy clothes. "Hi." I breathed with a small smile. "I brought you these." I held out the measly gifts in my hands. "Thought they might help." She looked more than beaten and by beaten I mean emotionally drained. It was clear the toll the miscarriage had had on her. I couldn't attempt to understand her, not then. She seemed, to me, in a paradoxical world, spinning herself in circles. I could tell, even from the half day she had spent with us, that she was far better than Steven and deserved so much more.

I stood, offering the glass and the plate, a smile on my lips, hoping she would accept. Mine were simple and nearly useless tools to cope with her tragedy but still I stood, despite my mother's warning too. Alice wouldn't bite, would she?
I smiled a small crooked little smile and I took them and said "Thanks" I set them on the table beside the bed and I said softly "Wanna come in...and I don't know talk?" Crap. He was quite handsome and in a moment I would start stuttering like I always did when I was near a cute guy. I glanced down and tried to fight the small blush that was threatening to show, I instinctively reached out took his hand and led him into the room and she sat on the edge of the bed, I blushed then and let go of his hand. Now I felt bad, I couldn't mess with him. It would be wrong. I needed to stay away from him, I would corrupt the poor guy.

I tried to stop my inner battle, he probably just thought as me as a friend anyway. I really needed to stop, and move away from him but no I was still just a few centimeters away from him. I couldn't move, I should of but I didn't want too, wow I was messed up. I played with my blond hair and said "Sorry I put you all through that. I told you I am trouble."
I was pleased to see Alice accept my offerings as she set them down on the old bedside table Emily used to have by her bed. I laughed mentally. Both girls would probably appreciate their own room. It was only a matter of time before the guest bedrooms would be fixed.

I have to admit that I was rather surprised by Alice's forwardness, taking my hand and all. I sat beside her, trying not to stare. "You may be trouble but not enough. You're never going to get rid of us." I said with absolute ease. It was the truth. The Downings never give up, we're all too stubborn. I reached across Alice and grabbed a cookie off the plate. They weren't homemade, of course, I can't bake for my life, but they still tasted perfectly fine all the same. "So, you ready for school on Monday?" I asked, unsure of what to say. It was lame, I know, but I couldn't find anything else to talk about.
I smiled slightly and said "I am more trouble than I am worth." I couldn't help but well stare I blushed and said "I...Never mind." I blushed even more and I ducked my head and I took a cookie and bit into it, trying to shut myself up. I sighed and said "Hell no. I hate being the new girl." I quickly finished the cookie and I layed back on to bed and I looked at him and said "I bet you are quite popular, I bet you have a few girls who are dieing to be with you."

I looked from him then at the ceiling, I knew I would most likely end up in the same position with another bad guy. I seemed to attract the bad ones, I twirled a strand of my blond hair around my finger as I started to think about what could happen. I did instinctively reach towards him as if I nedded him to reassure me which was quite dumb.
I couldn't help but let out a laugh. We both had misconceptions about the other, mine about Alice's social skills and hers about my luck with girls at school. "I'm not that popular." True, I had had luck with a girl or three but definitely not anywhere close to the attention Alice was implicating. "My school isn't so bad. I'm sure you'd fit in somewhere." I added, trying to be encouraging.

In actuality, I wasn't sure how well Alice was going to fit in. She was still seeing Steven and had a sort of rebellious spirit to her - well, at least at first impression. "We have tons of clubs and don't worry, I'll help you through the first day - at least." I teased a little. Maybe she would fall into place with a certain group, I just needed to figure out who. "What were your other schools like?"
Alice raised an eyebrow and said "Really? Wow you are...." she blushed unsure of what she should say and what she shouldn't. Alice said "Just never mind that." She looked down at her hands and said "I didn't go to class much. I would meet steven and ditch most of the week." She shrugged and sighed softly, Alice knew she was behind, more of a freshman than a junior really. Alice said "I....I got good grades because I persuaded my guy teachers to give them to me."

Alice tugged on her blue streak in her hair and she partly drifted off and she said "Ha Ha Yeah thanks, but once I get there you won't want your reputation to be messed up by me. I do not get along with a lot of people." She smirked and then she said "How old are you?" Alice crossed her arms and she curled into a ball and she rested her chin on her knees as she awaited his responce, She glanced at her phone as it rang. Steven of course, he wanted to convince her to go see him and she was thinking about doing so. She asked "Would your parents be mad if I went to see him?"
With all the others we had fostered, I always helped each of them get acclimated with the high school. It wasn't really a matter of reputation, the school has always been accepting and knows that we foster people, many of them have good friends now. I had to hide my eye roll as Steven called and Alice respond the way she did. "I think my parents would mind very much. In fact, good luck with getting out of the house." I stood, unable to keep a frown off my face. "I don't quite understand you. He killed your child, attacked you, and you still want to see him?" It wasn't a question, more like disbelief, a rhetorical accusation. She just wasn't seeing the light of day and it was more sadly pathetic she couldn't see what was right in front of her. It was the first day after all and she still didn't want to stick around for very long. I guess the temptation is greater with a rock star, abusive, boyfriend... "I'm not judging you, Alice, but it's only been a day..." I walked out and closed the door gently behind me. Downstairs I counseled my mother about my last conversation with the new inhabitant of the house.
Alice was slightly stunned, why did she actually love him? She had no clue why she did she was completely honest she really didn't love him, he was just a guy. A guy she needed around. Alice was the kind of girl who needed a boyfriend, she had always had one around since she was twelve.

Alice looked at the door and she finally stood and she walked downstairs, she peeked her head in the kitchen to see what was going on. Alice called out in her soft little voice "Hello?" She leaned against the door way with one arm, her injured arm around her if she was worried or scared which she was a little of both. She leaned into the room just a bit more, her eyes were wide and she glanced around and the looked at the door. Would she? No. Alice glanced down at the phone that was buzzing in her hand and she sighed softly and then told steven she was done with him. Alice rested her head against the doorway and sighed softly, Alice knew she probably knew he would make her pay for this but she didn't care at the moment.
Brandon had been in the living room, sitting on the couch when he heard Alice come downstairs. Despite her soft voice, he heard her and was apprehensive to greet her. The whole family had opinions about Steven and the way he was treating Alice and the way Alice nearly invites her boyfriend's abuse. Nevertheless, Brandon stepped into the kitchen, Alice's bright blonde locks catching his eye immediately. "Everyone's out getting dinner. Take out." He said, walking to the middle of the room and leaning on the island counter. "There's plenty of food around if you're hungry." He nodded toward a set of cabinets. It was best to ignore the fact that the house was completely empty apart from the two of them and that Brandon had heard her whole phone conversation. He was proud of Alice for refusing Steven but then again, it was only day one. How long could she keep away from her addiction to him? How long would he let her stay away?
Alice jumped when she heard his voice and she watched him carefully, wondering how much he had heard. Alice nodded and said "Oh okay....No I am good." She leaned against the doorway again and said softly "Let me heard right?" Alice sighed and said "Hopefully he doesn't mess up your family, he has all that money andnhe knows how to use his power. Really I would rather him mess me up and leave all of you out of it." Alice blushed and she looked at Brandon with a shy smile, she tucked a strand of her blond hair behind her ear slightly nervously. Really she did trust him, she knew he would be a pretty good brother as long as she didn't corrupt him or fall for him both could easily happen since Alice fell for someone easily and she was a pretty bad influence at times. Alice said "Well anyway, I haven't really gotten to know very much about you. Tell me about yourself. " she looked at him briefly but went back to looking at the floor though she moved closer to him.
Brandon laughed once, short and loud. "Likewise." He held himself up by his elbows, rubbing his hands together. The way she inched closer to him reminded him of some of the girls at school; the ones who are so eager for attention and practically throw themselves at the nearest available guy. Alice, this must be how she ended up with a guy like Steven.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" Brandon kept his stance, weary but not unfriendly. "I grew up in this town. It's small but it's a nice community," as long as you're accepted, he thought to himself. "I'm on the swim team and the volleyball team. Every Tuesday I go to the church for Youth Group. Every Saturday is family night, we have pizza and watch a movie. Friday is date night and everyone hits the town." Pausing, he looks over Alice's face, raking over her hair and the clothes as they sit on her body. "I'm partial to dogs - never been a cat person."

Brandon looked out the window, out of things to say. It was just then, out of pure convenience, that the automatic garage door opened. They were back. He nodded at the side door on the opposite end of the kitchen. He licked his lips and raised his eyebrows. "They're back."
Alice listened as he talked, she stayed back. She was a bit afraid and she didn't want to upset him at all because she always seemed to upset someone. Alice had her arms crossed over her chest as she stood awkwardly in the kitchen listening to him carefully. Alice said softly "Swim team huh? I never learned how to swim." Then she smiled and tried to joke with him "If I ever fall into a pool or something and you are there maybe you can save me."

As soon as she heard the word Date, Alice sighed and said "I see." She watched him carefully but when he looked at her that way her eyes widened slightly and she cocked her head to the side, what was that? A accident? It probably wasn't anything but Alice just wanted something to puzzle over. She grinned and said "Not a cat person hm? We might have a problem, I prefer cats and Horses." Alice did move closer but not as slow and shyly as before, she moved quickly, gracefully and confidently. She looked at the door and said "Should we go help them?"
Brandon nodded at Alice and led the way to the door on the opposite of the kitchen. There it attached to the garage and the outside refrigerator where all the big, excess food is stored. Mom popped the trunk and Brandon grabbed a few bags from it's depths before making his way back inside. There was a method, a routine so to speak, that they all followed. Everything was deposited from the bags and then sorted into the fridge and cabinets - dry food on the left and perishables on the right. Brandon got to work right away.
Alice grabbed the backs that were left, she hauled them inside and started sorting through them like Brandon did. She made quick work of the task and helped Brandon In silence. Alice bit her lip and nibbled on it thoughtfully as she put things away, her mind wasn't exactly on the task she had it was more on her life she was focusing on than the groceries like she should. Alice nearly dropped a can and it snapped her out of her daydream like state and she muttered something under her breath before finishing up.

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