Foster (BlueMist And Jeccka)


New Member
I had bounced around from home to home for years. After my mom tried to kill me. I could never stay in one home too long, I was too much trouble. A bad influence they said! Well I guess they were right. I have never been able to be me so I have retreated into what you could call a shell, I don't talk to people often, I find that it requires too much work, especially when it comes to explaining my past and my future. What would i be? I knew what I wouldn't be. I wouldn't be some successful woman, I am sure I will end up as a teen mom. What else is there to be when your as screwed up as I am?

Today I am heading to a new place, I knew I wouldn't stay long. Who would want a social outcast like me? No one. My old foster parents were driving me there now. I clutched my ipod in my hands tightly. I had gotten the ipod as a Christmas gift from my grandmother this year, it was a life saver. I currently was listening to Aerosmith's Sick As A dog and I was trying to drown everyone out. It was definitely working. The music was so loud I couldn't hear myself think which was good because if I did I would get even more angry. Why me? Why did this always happen to me? I smiled despite how horrid I was feeling, I was remembering the one time I met the band. I had even snuck backstage., it did lead to a disaster. Soemthing I never want to happen again. It will always be a night I regret. I was jolted out of my memories when they pulled up to the house dropped my two bags off and shoved me out, they drove away quickly and I picked up my bags and walked to the door.
Today I knew that we were getting another foster child. They weren't knew to our household in fact they were welcomed. My blood related, younger sister Emily and I had a brother who we adopted from the foster system and there were two more but they moved on to college. At first I had been skeptical, weary that they would steal something from my room while I wasn't looking or come between my family and I but none of them were anything like what I had expected.

Having cleaned the house, the four of us were ready for the new arrival. Of course she'd be sleeping with Emily in her room as they were closer in age (Emily at 13) though I even went so far as to clean my own room. "Brandon!" My mother called up to the two story estate. "Alice is here! Come down." Hurriedly I closed my bedroom door behind me and treaded down the stairs. Emily was already opening the front door and everyone was ready, set with smiles on their faces to greet our newest edition. Eager to see her, I stayed back, waiting until she had a chance to come in. She'd probably be overwhelmed anyways.
I stepped inside and glanced around. I bit my lip, and tugged on my black hoodie sleeve's to cover the scars from my mother and some I made on my own. Then I couldn't forget the lone swirly words that in circled my wrist that made my tattoo. I turned off my ipod and took my headphones out of my ears. I said quitely "Hey, I am Alice. " I glanced down at my worn out cowboy boots, I tried not to blush but it was impossible, I just sounded so dumb!

I Instinctively touched my tattoo as if for good luck. I stood straighter and then I said "Nice to meet you all....." I am sure I looked quite odd to them, I mean they looked well normal. I stood out with all my makeup, blond hair and pink streak, then with my black hoodie that clung to my very clear curves that would make any boy drool. Or most atleast, I had paired it with a pair of ripped jeanss and my lucky cowboy boots. Yeah I was something special, I probably looked like trouble, which I can be. Anyway I nervously pulled my blond hair over my left shoulder and glanced up.

When no one answered I froze, did my foster parents before say anything bad about me? About my grades slipping? About my sneaking out to who knows where? Did they say anything about what happened after I was hauled back to their place after the concert? Well alotnof people already knew, it was all over the press though they didn't use my name but my pictures were there. I blushed even more and looked at my feet again imagining what they could of heard. All bad of course, nothing about the good I do.
I could tell Emily was taken aback by the sight of our new resident. She didn't say anything right away which made me slightly nervous. Being the last one downstairs I had to wait until my parents got of the way to see her for myself. We all seemed to be competing for the chance to lay eyes on her, crowding around the door as if we were trying to keep her out. "Hey, Alice! Nice to meet you, dear." My mom said, her voice cheery and what I associated with cheerful. It wasn't until Alice stepped inside that I saw her. Now it was my turn to be surprised. She came complete with a pink streak in her hair and, and ripped jeans! "I'm Emily." My sister said, looking up at Alice. "C'mon guys, let her in." I threw in, a bit quieter. If I was coming to a new place and everyone was crowding around the door, I would've been rather shy as well.

At first glance she seemed a little sketchy, what with the hair, the hoodie, the cowboy boots... I always try not to judge, especially someone moving in but I couldn't help it - at least a little. "I'm Brandon." I said, moving to take her bags up the stairs. She had so little I wondered if she was used to staying in one place. It's always possible that a foster child doesn't get to settle down but hopefully she was ready for the long haul. The Downings don't give up on anyone. There was no way she was going anywhere fast, even if she wanted to.
I looked at him and I followed him. I said "You are?" I blushed a bit and I ran my hand through my hair. I would try not to be too bad. I woud really like to settle down and be in one place for a while. But now I looked at him, and I mean I really looked at him. I clenched my jaw so it wouldn't open. He was so so so cute., I couldnt fall for another guy! No not after the last...

I then ducked my head and tried not to look him in the eye, if I did I might fall for him I wouldn't be able to stay here, I wanted a stable home but could love triumph all of that? No, I don't know much about him and he doesnt know what I have done. What is going on and what has happened. I couldn't drag him into my messed up life, I was already dragging one innocent in already. I jumped a few feet when my phone went off blaring I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, just the person I didn't want to hear from. I couldnt face him ever. I then looked at him wondering if I could trust this new "brother".
I resisted the urge to laugh as Alice innocently asked for clarification on my name. I knew the rest of the family was still watching her closely and made no move to deepen the conversation between us. "Alice, I'm dad. You can call me that if you want to." Dad said, trying to be friendly. Emily was standing by, still taking in our newest addition. Mom probably already had a special dinner planned and everything. She was always prepared. They were trying so hard to be welcoming and accommodating but I wasn't trying to steal the show on purpose.

I stepped inside, almost like clearing the way for her as everyone stepped aside so I could get upstairs. Alice moved to follow me only to stop as her phone rang, loudly. She didn't seem to mind though I could tell Mom and Dad were concerned that she already had people calling on her and she had only just walked in the door. "Are you gonna get that?" I asked with a smile and perhaps a little teasingly, picking up her suitcase and taking the first step up the wooden staircase.
I shook my head and said "No...No way." I pressed ignore on my phone and I looked around warily. I was shaking a bit, well more than a bit. I was shaking alot. I seemed quite scared which would be a good thing. The person wasn't exactly the best. I bit my lip and tried to stop shaking It was hard. I was just so scared.I looked up at everyone else and blushed again. My phone went off again and this time I answered it and spoke to the man. I was close to tears this time when the man yelled at me through the phone. I hung up soon after and I sighed softly, now wanting to dissappear and go hide.
Everything stopped. Nobody was quite sure what to do when Alice answered the phone. I certainly didn't know what to do. Everybody sort of stopped and backed off, trying not to intrude. I sort of stumbled on the next few stairs, unsure about the conversation Alice was having. She definitely came in with a bang.

It was the tears at the brink of falling from her eyes that got me. I had no clue who she was on the phone with nod what was he was yelling at but no one deserved to be talked to that way. I looked around at my family, staring at Alice, concerned and somewhat frozen. "I'll show you your room." I said, turning back to the stairs without waiting for an answer. Emily had made sure that her room was extra clean and it would probably suffice for Alice to get settled in and calm down.
I tried not to look at everyone. I already seemed like a freak to them and now they heard my partly psychotic boyfriend screaming at me they probably guessed I was quite screwed up. I touched my wrist and I looked down. Even though I had covered most of the bruises with coverup and any other sort of makeup I could I felt as if they could see the bruises. It freaked me out, alot really.

Life sucks, atleast for mebut hopefully these people will only have to put up with me for two years until I could move out or unless my sort of boyfriend could get custody of me like he wanted to do. I didn't want to move in with him, the last girl he did that two ended up a screaming wreck. That would be me next. I finally looked up at the one with my bags and I said "Thanks..." I took a step towards him and then a step back, I couldn't trust them. I didn't know them and they didn't know me.
"No problem." It wasn't until I got to the top of the staircase that I realized Alice wasn't following me. It wasn't like I was taking her to the dungeon... "Um..." I turned to face her, looking down the hall toward her room then flicking my gaze back to her. "This way." My voice had a question like undertone, as though I was unsure of where I was going when in fact I wasn't sure if she'd follow me. Downstairs I heard the soft murmur of my mother though I couldn't make out quite was she was saying. Instead, I walked into Emily's surprisingly clean room and set down Alice's suitcase right in the middle of the room for her to sort out later.
I looked at him but I followed slowly, as if I didn't trust him. I glanced at him and said "How much do you know about me?" I might as well tell him straight up what I did, or well what happened. Or should I? I blushed lightly and glanced at my feet, why did I continue to blush? Maybe it had to due with that fact that it made me seem vulnerable and that usually stopped my boyfriend from hurting me. I sighed again and said "Would everyone freak if I...I..If I was..." I was trying to figure out how to put this into words. I took a deep breath and said "If I wasn't alone? I...I mean I am..." I blushed even deeper.
Alice didn't seem to notice nor appreciate the cleanliness of Emily's room, something I think she'll come to acknowledge later. Emily hadn't had a roommate in a while and she probably would try her hardest at being neat. "Not much, just the basics. And that you've been to quite a few families but, don't worry, my parents never give up on a foster child." I turned my back on her, facing the east side of the room where Alice's bed had been recently moved in. "This is your side of the room," I gestured toward the half farthest away from the door. "And you can keep your clothes and stuff in here." I tapped a little bedside table with three drawers down the side. "We do have a guest bedroom that is being renovated so you can move in once it's finished." I moved around her and stood in the doorframe. "The room flooded after the sink in the bathroom on the other side of the wall broke and the wall is all screwed up and the floor has to be redone. It'll be finished soon." I took a step back, separating ourselves even more so now I was standing just outside the room. "Are you gonna be alright?" I asked, unsure of whether I should dismiss myself or stay and talk.
I nodded and glanced around. It was better than any place I had stayed before. I said "It's a good place." I sighed softly and then I would rather have him stay and talk to me. I then said "Mind....Mind staying here with me for a while?" I glanced down at my hands and I said "Oh...Good you dont know about the...The band thing." I blushed and ran a hand through my hair and I sat on the edge of my bed. For a moment I was lost in thought, I didn't know if I should tell him about it or not. I looked up at him and said "A few months ago I went to go see Aerosmith, I went backstage and hung out with everyone and uh It went quite far." I blushed and said "I ended up quite drunk and I went home with the.. the lead singer and now I am knocked up but I will be moving out as soon as I can. I don't want to burden you all." I looked down,my eyes filled with shame and then I looked up to see what would this new "family" member would say...or do. I was sure I had messed everything up. I shouldn't of said anything but they would of figured it out sooner or later anyway.
I stopped and watched Alice as she asked me to stay. I was rather surprised and I bet my family would keep us apart for the next few days as they probably assumed that we were hitting it off which, maybe we were but, maybe we weren't. While she sat on her bed, I leaned against the door frame, my arms folded casually across my chest. I watched how the constant blush in her cheeks didn't seem to ever go away and I wondered if it was just because she was unused to this place and me and my family or if it was a common habit that she just didn't seem to be able to help. Her story was rather compelling though. It seemed as though she wasn't as excited as I expected her to be. I thought that girls liked getting knocked up by famous guys in bands...

"Like I said, we don't just give up. You're not a burden, Alice." I looked over at her, the pink streak in her hair and the way she held herself as though she was shy and fragile. "I'm sure you can learn to call this home. It's not so bad." I didn't want to intrude on who had called earlier and I now assumed that it was this Aerosmith dude. Well, now I can tell everyone what a jerk he is.
I sighed and said "Here is not so bad...I guess. Well can your family even put up with a child? And then the dad....." I winced and I sighed softly. "The father isn't so nice but he is better than before atleast." No, I wasn't excited. This was illegal due to the fact I was a minor and that steven wanted to take custody of me. This poor family was stuck with me. I felt quite bad for them.

I glanced up and said "Atleast you didn't freak like everyone else." I touched the bruises which were covered by makeup, or so I hoped and I ran my hand through my hair sighing softly as I then said "I'm going to sleep a that okay?" I stood up awkwardly and stretched a bit, I winced at the bit of pain I had but I blushed and glanced down. It annoyed me that I had blushed. I hadn't done anything wrong but here I was, blushing! I shook my head, mentally scolding myself for it.
I stayed where I was, just inside the door as Alice told her story. I hadn't expected that she'd be so quick to share such information and hadn't previously known about any if it. I doubted that hardly anyone did. "Sure, take your time." I answered her question about sleeping though made no attempt at leaving just yet. "It's not about whether we can handle a kid, are you ready to be a mother?" I didn't feel like it was place to get down and deep with advice to her when we had only just met, she hadn't asked for my opinion. "Come down whenever you like," I added, grabbing the doorknob and pulling it gently closed behind me as I left the room. Alice didn't seem like she had had too many good experiences with the foster service or life experiences, really. I was at a loss of what I was supposed to say or do and really believed that she would be here a while. My parents never give up. Unless... No, she wasn't that bad.
I sighed softly and I changed out of the clothes I was wearing into a pair of black yoga pants and I simple purple shirt which showed the very slight baby bump I had. I was completely exhausted so I crawled under the blankets but I put my headphones in my ears and played Aerosmith's Dream On and I fell asleep to steven's voice which was how I preferred to fall asleep.

I woke a few hours later to my phone going off, I blindly reached for it and answered it. Of course it was my sort of kind of boyfriend. I listened to him rant for a while but I quickly hung up and then I got out of bed and quickly msde it, my second foster mom had been a neat freak so I knew to clean up after myself. I then pulled my hair back imto a bun and I walked downstairs. I peeked into the front room trying to figure out where everyone was. I hoped I looked alright, I had my hair back no makeup on and then I was in some yoga pants and a random clean shirt that wasn't mine. It was steven's but sadly it showed to bump. I was hoping that not all of them could tell, most likely if the mom saw she would know but hopefully not the girl or the father. I took a deep breath and continued to look for everyone.
A few hours later I heard the small creak of the old wooden floorboards as Alice came down. We were all in the kitchen, eating a late lunch we had tried waiting for her but given up at two. Non of us blamed her for taking a nap as we were certain that all this change and with everything going on, it was difficult. "We're in the kitchen, Alice." Dad called out, pulling away from his sandwich so his voice could be heard. I was positive that no one had heard the story she had told me and I wasn't about to spill the beans to everyone however, I did take Mom aside and told her. Teen pregnancy isn't my specialty, pregnancy at all isn't my specialty and it isn't Mom's either but she was better equipped to help Alice. Hopefully she wouldn't freak out on me if Mom tried to help her.

When she finally found the kitchen she was clad in tight clothes that made showed off the slight baby bump on Alice's midriff. Emily probably didn't think much of it, if she noticed it all, though Dad could maybe guess at it. Mom and I exchanged looks. I was finished with my tri-tip sandwich and got up to put my plate in the sink. "Do you want anything? For lunch?" I asked, leaning against the kitchen island.
I looked at them and said "No thank you." I then said "Sorry, I fell asleep. I wasn't feel to well." I blushed and bit my lip. I wasn't sure why I was so worried. Maybe it was because steven was coming to get me to take me to the doctors. I needed to get some medicine that would help fight my morning sickness. I played with the ends of my hair and I leaned against the counter. Should I tell them all? Nah, I would have to wait until it was a bit more obvious.

I said softly "Do you mind if my boyfriend comes and gets me? I have a doctors appointment. " I glanced at them all wondering if I needed to ask permission or just go? Steven was on his way over, but I shouldn't of said he was my boyfriend. It wouldn't be so good if they knew but now they did. I quickly glanced at the son and I walked towards him a bit, I wanted to know if he did keep my secret or not.
"Your boyfriend is taking you to the doctor?" Mom asked skeptically from the table. I knew that she was going to object. Even I didn't know that Alice had entrusted him with the knowledge that she was pregnant. "I'd be more than happy to take you myself." Mom already knew about the pregnancy and I had even included that the father was a hotheaded band member. Alice didn't know that though and I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she wanted to talk to me. I turned and reached into a cupboard for a bag of chips that was sealed haphazardly with a rubber band. Then, walking around the girl, went back to the table and placed the open bag in the center for everyone to reach. I gave her look as if to say, 'help yourself'. Mom got up from the table, having finished her sandwich, and stopped beside Alice. "I know what you're going through," I heard mom said softly, regarding her pregnancy but to the rest of us could of sounded like the foster family relocation.
I blushed and said "Its today in like an hour it would be....I don't now I didn't want to bother you all.." I looked down at my hands trying not to look at the food. I was hungry but I really didn't want to admit it, but then I did hear steven and I said "Would you all rather I not go with him?" I was torn. Should I go with him like usually I would or should I stay and go with the family....Hmmm. All sorts of decisions. Steven poked his head in and he said "Alice?" He looked like how he usually did or like how he looked when he went on stage. I said "H....Hey." I immediately but distance between the son and I. He was always quite jealous and would not be happy if it seemed like I was "cheating" on him, but come on I had only been there a few hours. He glanced at the family and said "Uh..Hey." It was kind of awkward. If they knew who he was they would know there was a forty to fifty year difference.
I had seen posters of Steven Tyler, the cover of his album and perhaps even a music video or two but nothing could have prepared me for that face as it rudely entered the house. Steven was much, much older than Alice and I had to wonder if there was any sort of remorse for what they had done together. I know teenagers have a tendency to obsess over their favorite bands but I assumed that that wouldn't carry into illegal intercourse. If she wanted to, Alice could sue the man though I doubted she had the heart.

Father stood up abruptly at the sight of Steven. I recognized the taut muscles in his jaw and the tension in his hands as he approached the man. "What do you think you're doing?" Father demanded. The rest of us stayed at the table, save for Alice who was by the kitchen island. "You can't just walk in any old place you want - no matter who you are." He said, looking past the rockstar at the front door which was carelessly thrown open. "Get out of my house. Now." Dad didn't have the stern edge in his voice that would have made him seem more assertive. He was more telling Steven than demanding. I rose from my seat, along with mom and stood behind dad, not blocking the path but acting as a sort of moral support.
Steven glanced at them and said "Take it easy, I am just here to get Alice." I sighed softly and walked towards him but stopped. I noticed the dangerous glint in his eyes and I knew he wouldn't most likely take his anger out on me and well anyone who stood in his way. I said "Steven, it's okay I can get someone else to take me." He took a step foreward and said "No you need to come with me anyway." I made a face and said "I don't want to go." With those careless words he started foreward and pushed past them. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me against a counter and then he slapped me twice. He said "Shut your f***ing mouth." I trembled and said "So...Sorry!" My one free hand went to cover my stomach incase he got mad and started to possibly harm our child. I hung my head and he said "Now lets go."

I felt bad I hadn't wanted the family to see this, I mean I wanted to hide it as long as possible. I glanced up and I blushed. I had fallen for the wrong guy and truthfully I did not want to be with him any longer but it was impossible to get rid of him. I had tried a few times and I had failed. I quickly said to the family "Sorry....I didn't want you all to see that." Steven still had my wrist and he was dragging me to the door.
I saw mom flinch as Steven pushed past us and then again as he cursed in the presence of her innocent young girl. Mom took Emily through the sliding glass door just behind the table and out onto the patio. I personally didn't know what to do, stunned that this was happening. Nobody had ever come to us like this before. "Call the cops." Dad hissed at me through his teeth as he pushed past an aggressive Steven Tyler and slammed the door shut. "Just what do you think you're doing! Let go of her, now." Dad demanded, and I feared for his safety. My voice sped up on the phone as the police answered and I told them our address and that we needed reinforcement, that my sister was being kidnapped. Dad blocked the door, his body holding off this strange man's escape. Distantly I heard the shrill cry of sirens and was relieved that there were squad cars nearby and ready to help us.
Steven whirled around and tried to find a way to get out. He held me close to him and I pushed him which really set him off, he punched me hard and I gasped. He started to beat me and I flinched and backed away. He followed and he got one really good punch to my sto, ach and I went down. He stood over me and then he picked me up and said "Got to go babe." He then tried to get away, I watched with a frown on my face and I sighed softly as I watched steven try to push past. I was quite dizzy from the blow he landed to my jaw and I was worried that he possibly harmed my child. I pulled myself up and said "S....Sorry." I had so messed up this family's day all because of my boyfriend. Steven cursed again when he figured out he couldn't get away, he said "What The hell? She's my girl there no reason for you to protect her." I looked down at my feet knowing that he was right, they didn't need to be involved, it would of been easier for them just to let me go.

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