>> Forsaken Betrayal ((One on one RP with Jabber)) <<


Senior Member


........The frothing grey waters roared as they broke against the jagged slate coastline, rumbling like the stomachs of hungry giants as night continued to blacken the sky. It was a starless conclusion to another pale blue day, the weather steadily growing colder but no more than a few degrees or so. The climate was always as pleasant as receiving a bullet to the forehead. The rising dunes of opaque sand formed a solid wall that prevented the candle-lit luminescence of the city from casting its gloomy yellow glow onto the beach, leaving it as bright as the moon would allow.

.........In the almost eerie heaviness of the salty air, several black silhouettes could be made out a few miles down shore. Their faces were veiled by the hoods that cast dark shadows over their skin, and the foreboding menace of their perfectly erected posture and motionlessness could chill the blood of the most fierce opponent. They were the Sect, and they held rein over the underground assassin operation. Today was the day you chose, to join them as a subordinate and support their fiendish ways, or face them as the great threat they are...

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Character Formatting:


Code Name:



Time as an Assassin:

Sect or Rebel:








--- Merged Double Post ---


Name: Romulus

Code Name: Anguis Niger (Black Serpent)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Age: 23

Native Tongue: Latin

Second Language: English

Time as an Assassin: 9 Years

Sect or Rebel: Rebel

Comrades: Augustus and Remus

Rivals: None Yet

Personality: Very welcoming once you've gained his trust. Mentally sound and quite clever.

Appearance: (to come later)

Weapon(s): Duel-bladed sword, concealed dagger, and a pocket knife


Other: He can make things a bit... awkward.

Name: Remus

Code Name: Filius Diaboli (Devil's Son)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight as a board. e_e

Age: 37

Native Tongue: Greek

Second Language: English

Time as an Assassin: 22 years

Sect or Rebel: Rebel

Comrades: Augustus and Romulus

Rivals: None

Personality: He is quite eccentric, not very sane, and always experimenting in ways to improve efficiency--but no necessarily humaneness.

Appearance: (to come later)

Weapon(s): Two bronze pistols, a dagger, and a thin plastic cord for strangling victims ...*coughcough*


Other: Tends to abuse his co-workers both verbally and physically. Origin of the phrase "You can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter.'"
Name: Sarah Garber

Code Name: black bird

Gender: female

Age: 32

First language: Greek

Second language: Arabic

Third language: Spanish

Forth Language: English

Time as an Assassin: 10 years

Sect or Rebel: Sect

Comrades: work alone

Rivals: everyone that is not on her side

Personality: Sarah is a very outspoken and independent. When she has a goul, she keeps it no matter what. If you are able to get he to open up she is a sweetie and cares about the ones she loces and will stand by them no matter what.


Weapon(s): guns and a dagger

History(optional): Her father was a assassin and taght her at a young not to let anyone push her around and to show no mercy. They were very close and loved each othe with all there hearts. When she was 10, she witnessed a rebel kill her father, she vowed then that she would carry out her father's dreams.

Other: none
(If you are not okay with the history, i am so sorry and i will change it)

Name: Alexa

Code Name: Snake (Sorry couldn't think of anything. I will most likley change it later.)

Gender: female

Age: 18

First language: French

Second language: English

Time as an Assassin: about 10 years

Sect or Rebel: rebel

Comrades: Remus and Romulus

Rivals: none yet

Personality: Alexa is consitered the baby of the group, no one really takes her seriusly. She is working hard to get the respect she wants from her comrades. They normally annoy her, but at the end of the day she know they will do anything to protect her and she loves them. She is very outspoken which gets her in trouble a hole lot. She is headstroug and tuff as nails and will show no mercy, but is actally a very sweet and caring girl, that you can't help but love.


Weapon(s): dagger is her favorite

History(optional):(If you are not okay with this i will change it) Well, her parent never knew about her trianing with Remus who saw great things in her, but one day he came over to her house to help her with her fighting. Alexa's parents should have been at work, but came home early, expecting to see there sweet, only child doing homework, but instead they saw her stabbing a dummy with an odd man helping her. After Alexa trying to explain and a bunch of yelling her parents through Remus out and locked Alexa in her room. Alexa was so angry, she ran away and stayed with Remus, while continuing to train. She has not spoke with her family since.

Other: none

(Sure. It may not be the best, sorry. Is it okay if I do Sarah a bit later?)

Alexa kicked a punching bag in the work out room with frustration. She had been trying for the last hour to bet Romulus in a fight, but he just kept on beting her over and over again. She turned to him "Come on, one more rematch!" She said in a confident voice, when inside she was a bit regraded.
..He eyed her with mute amusement, hands folded across his chest and beads of sweat glistening on his chiseled features. He wanted to decline, but she was resistant Perhaps one more round wouldn't be the end of him? Bringing a folded hand to his chin, he rested it there for a moment longer, building the suspense and wearing at the climax. He always had a knack for prolonging things as such. "Last time for today, I'm tired," he purred, thickly accented voice audibly appeasing.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Yeah, that's fine. ^w^))
"Fine," Alexa grouned "But next time I'm taking you down." she said with fake confedance. She walked out of the room and picked up her ipod, putting on the headphones she switched the song to Army of me by Bjork and headed up to her room. She plopped on her bed and sang quietly to the song while sketching a snake, her favorite thing to draw, in her sketchbook.
Sighing, he went to the far side of the room, collecting a towel and rubbing the moisture from his hair. "Atticus!" he called to his faithful companion, a 4 year old German Shepherd he'd had since puppyhood. At request, a massive russet and black canine bounded towards him, fanned-tail wagging wildly and tongue dangling, covered in drool. "Oi', where ya been boy?" he cooed, rubbing the mongrel's head. When he stopped, Atticus nudged his hand for affection, and when he received none he tool hold of the towel, tugging on one end, forcing the man to engage in a game of tug-a-war.
Alexa stripped down turned on the shower, making it as hot as it could go. She stepped it, it took a little to get used to the hot water. She pumped 4 pumps of her green apple sented shampoo in to her delicate, but stroung hands. She ran the shampoo through her long brown curls, while singing to herself, as every teenage girl does. Getting out, she grabbed the robe laying on her messed up bed. Putting it on, she Got out her blow drayer, she couldn't wait to go out with her friends, tonight. After blow drying and tuching up her curls, she put on one of the only drees she owned http://paucaverba.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/White-New-Years-Eve-Dress.jpg . She put on her black flats and went down stairs, trying to make sure Remus didn't see her, because she kind of didn't tell him she was going out, she crept to the door.
"Eh hem," scoffed a deep, somewhat irked voice that held the monotone of a displeased prince. Eyes glowing like embers from a dying flame, Remus sat in the hunched position of a predator, hands braced against the intricate molding of the arm of Romulus's favorite chair, feet packed beneath him to support his buttock and hair a fronted, somewhat alternative-mow-hawk. "Where you off to, Alex?" he purred, voice saturated with venom.
Alexa turned around slowly, with a fake smile. I had almost gotten away with it! she thought to her self. "Now where! Where are you going?!" she plurted out in a panic. She wanted to scold herself for being so stupid, instead she waited for her favorite peron to yell at her and tell her to go do 30 push ups. Standing there, with her rolemodel's eye's beating down on her, made her want to run and hide, but she stood there and started to fiddle with her silver braclet.
.."Mmm, no where and you're dressed like that? Peculiar. So how old is No Where? What does he do for a living?" Resting his chin on his scared knuckles, he observed her with a smirk, debating a suitable punishment. Maybe he should wait? Perhaps prolong the irony until the suspense ate away at her... but then again, maybe 40 Pull-Ups was more merciful.
Alexa groined"Fine, I am going dancing, so what?" She said trying to keep it cool. She looked at him with her big, blue eyes, hoping he would be cool about it, which is very rare. She put her little black purse on the confer next th the door, waiting for him to scold her.
"Then dancing we shall," he purred, hopping off the arm of the seat, black boots hitting the ground without sound although each weighed a considerably amount. Hands driven into his pockets, he stalked towards her, grinning as he loomed before the door. Snagging his jacket in one hand and the keys in the other, he unlocked and opened the portal to the outside world. "Ladies first," he retorted, half-bowing and raising a brow inquisitively. There was no way she would be going to such lengths of sneaking out for dancing. Besides, did she even dance?
Alexa looked at him "Your not seriouse?" she asked, praying he was. She grabbed her bag and walked outside, thinking it was no use arguing. As they got to the car, Alexa looed at him "If you are coming, can I drive?" she asked, which took a lot of courage. She looked at him beggingly, she didn't even want him to come, but it was the least he could do.
Without protest he tossed the keys towards her, listening to them rattle midair and sighing. "You crash, you pay," he stated curtly, keeping it short and sweet and to the point. Folding his arms across his chest, he smirked, brows creasing with dark humor.
Alexa cought the keys and smiled. As they got into the car a stupid teenage girl worry drifted into her head, she looked at her mentor "You not going to do anything to imbarress me, right?" Alexa was praying that he would just stand in a corner and be creepy, like what he always does, but with him you never really know. He could either bunch you in the face or give you a hug, it was a little freaky.

(Sorry for the short post, my sister was nagging me to give her the computer.)
(It's fine. It was longer than mine. xD )

Like a phantom with an insatiable desire to inflict suffering and inferiority upon the mortals of his realm, Remus paced towards the passenger's seat, thumbs in his pockets and posture promptly perfect, eyes condescending and lips twisted into a scowl. Climbing into the vinyl upholstery, he grunted, folding his arms across his chest and murmuring dejectedly. "No promises," he chortled, slamming the door shut although it only uttered a faint hiss as the air between was compressed.
Alexa sighed and started the engine. She backed out of the draive way just barley hitting the mailbox. After a while of driving Alexa pulled into a hip club, it was so loud you culd hear the music from outside. She parked inbetween to cars and got out.
At approach Remus stiffened, the savage pulsing of the bass already irritating him. As they pulled in he was ready to commit suicide. He hadn't bothered to buckle in, and the pressing silence in the car had brought about some tension, so he then slipped out of the seat and pushed the door open, heels clicking against the pavement as he shifted his incredulous gaze onto the girl. She couldn't be serious... of all places...

A drunken girl stumbled out, heels in one hand, a drink held in the trembling other. He bet she wouldn't make it to her car before puking. Unfortunately, he was correct. Now her windshield looked like a blend of bean-dip and waffles smeared across the glass; he was repulsed. A man came shortly after, two wasted youths on his arms, both seeming under-age. He shook his head disapprovingly. Sighing, he walked towards the entrance, watching Alexa with an under-shadowed sense of protection.
Alexa took no notice to the man and turned to Remus "Are you okay?' she asked gazing at his disapproving gaze. He looked like a lion unpleased with his catch. She knew he would be unhappy with the place, but she didn't think he would be this disapproving. Alexa started to walk to the enterance still looking at Remus, waiting for him to yell at her to take him back to the house.

(Sorry awful post.)
(No it's great. ^w^)

Remus snorted, pushing open the door, stunned as the fluorescent black-lighting struck him. It was already night... why the hell would they make it even darker in here? Sighing, he glanced around. The only way he'd manage is by a lot of alcohol and pretty women. It was only natural that he'd locate the bar first. "Find me when you're ready to go," he huffed, resting a firm hand on her shoulder before slouching away.
"Will do." Alexa said, running of into the croud to find her date. When she found him through the crowd, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled him on to the dance floor. As she was swinging her hipps, she was praying Remus woudn't drink to much. As she danced she noticed a woman shifting through the crowds, she looked like she was hiding something. after watching her for a while she looked back at her date and focused on dancing.


Sarah moved through the crowd trying to find the rogue she was sent out to kill, she had gotten info that he would be there. Looking around she couldn't find him. After a while of people watching, she decited to go get a drink, she sat at the bar, with a sigh.
Remus had downed 19 shots, his alcohol blood level was dangerously high, and still he had the accuracy with a trigger that most snipers failed to possess when completely sober. Through the reflection of the bottled of liquor he'd managed to scope out the place without so much as moving a muscle, and he was repulsed to see that idiot being groped by Alexa. Did she really have such little self-respect? He grumbled, he had promised himself he'd leave her be for the night... but this was absolutely atrocious.

A seat or so away from him a woman sat down, and a cold chill passed through his body. Something wasn't right about her, he concluded.

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