Forgoten Fates (3.5 D&D)


New Member
You are an Inhabitant of Kith-Kannan . For some time and have come to notice that your tend to slip through the cracks of the world. Your name disappears from lists and you find that people forget you more easily than others. You might even have noticed that you catch people off guard often, stepping into a room when people are doing things they rather should not do. Sometimes it might be useful to you, like when you stole that item and the shop keep could not describe you well enough, but other times it works against you, like when your boss forgets to pay you. Either way you noticed something is not right, something is happening and its effecting you.

You've come to a crossroads, a Merchant town near the middle of the continent called the Shire. After finding your place to stay and settling in you are sent a summons to the Library of the Brotherhood of the Book, by a scriv Priest known as Shaedyn. If you ask around you find out that Shaedyn used to be an important member of the order but was recently removed from the order and put under House arrest. Despite this he is still held in high regards to most in the Shire.

His summons hints towards how you slip through the cracks of the world and it mentions some dangerous tasks he needs done and is willing to pay to have accomplished. For your own reasons you answer the summons and make your way to the Library where you meet others in a lounge, having some time to talk depending on when you arrive.

If anyone is interested in the World history or information on any of the other locations on the map you can ask and I'll post as needed.

  • 3.5 D&d using PHB+DMG and any others people want (check with me first though)
  • Starting lvl 3, 2700gp, 30 point buy
  • HP is max at 1st and Average round up every other. so d8=4.5=5+con
  • 3-5 Players
  • I have 3 players already interested
  • No set date, Games will be played when at least 3 players and Myself are Available.
  • Lycus: Human Barbarian
  • Stealthfox: Dwarven Fighter
  • Crimsom: Gray Elf Rogue
  • FoeHammer: Human Cleric

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