• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Forging the Legends of Ravinia

Odette noticed the man with all the weapons handing someone a rope. That’s it? All of those weapons and all he does was hand them a rope? She thought to herself. That bothered her. She wondered why he didn’t help out. She was about to walk up and asked but stopped when she saw the half slit the lionfolk’s throat. “Hey! Why’d you kill him like that? He was already out for the count. That wasn’t necessary.”
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Arvios Arvios
revior revior
Archemis Archemis
Location: City of Redvale
Shady Pub, somewhere in the Marketplace

With the sound still echoing in her ears Nyrea watched the lionfolk turn around and fall unconscious on the floor. "Tha's what I call anti-climatic" she said mostly to herself with a grin.

What she had a hard time wrapping her head around was to why they were tying the remaining thugs. Not letting herself relax just yet she moved behind the now unconscious lion all wrapped up. "Are you keeping him? I heard they're hard to train. " she said to the ravenfolk in front of her, keeping her voice light while one hand moved around on the lion's fur close to his neck area. "I'm assuming that's why you're keeping them alive? Or do you want some information?". Nyrea wasn't going to let this stay like this, this people are not thinking strait. She noticed on the corner of her eye another lionfolk being tied up. If they needed something they could make the other talk, this was stupid. Not up to wait any longer she moved her hand to the lions neck and without flinching cut his throat open. The sound of blood was masked by the howl of the female lionfolk, trashing around her eyes full of hatred and fixed on Nyrea.

With a shrug she just moved to the bar, sat down and took a big swig of her ale, ignoring the silent astonishment at her actions.

Arvios Arvios revior revior BackSet BackSet animegirl20 animegirl20
(This just went from 0 -> 10 in no time.)

Caius Grants
Redvale: Shady Pub
Jut as he thought this was over, that peace had been restored to this establishment, a fountain of red spilled out in the corner of his vision. He turned to look, finding in horror that someone have had their throat slit. Why? Such a question appeared in his mind, for the victim was defenseless at that point. But he quickly understood. Some people are just too dangerous or troublesome to be left alive, his master had certainly made sure to have Caius understand that, and surely, the lady that had committed the act thought the same. However, just because he understood it does not meant he condones it. At a time like this, there was only one things an upstanding citizen should do.

Caius nimbly slipped out of the window he sat down beside, just as planned, and once out in the open, he shouted at the top of his lungs.


It must have been a odd sight to find a man loaded with weaponry to be crying out for help in regards to murder. However, just because Caius possesses weapons, that doesn't mean he'd use them whenever. To him, weapons are not simply tools for fighting, they are instruments of death, and when he unsheathes his blade that would mean someone is to die, or be maimed, their life forfeit of ruined, there will be no half measures when he wields them, else he may be the one to perish next, such were his master's teachings. That is why he must always know exactly what he is unsheathing his blade for, lest it gives birth to pointless casualties. Not to mention, Caius himself is a bit too fond of it, swings his blade, executing each move to perfection, cleanly bisecting his foes, and feeling his own skills improve with each kill. He enjoys it all too much, too much for comfort, to the point that even the man himself is disturbed.

Arvios Arvios BackSet BackSet animegirl20 animegirl20
Cross recognized that Rapier anywhere. That was the guy who showed up during the loudwater raid a full year ago. Cross then whispered something to Asterus. Whatever it was needed the Phoenix to take it's leave for a moment. Cross had some money prepared. He was not sure what Joseph was planning but he had to get a info so Cross nor Ellie could screw his plan over. That and Joseph never saw Cross without the mask so Cross had to prove to Joseph they had met before. Cross chose to sit in one of the spots near Joseph. Still heavily unsure of what to say. "Um Hello what brings you here?" Cross asked while mentally he was facepalming. If only his wife were here. He still had issues with speaking to humans. Especially humans who he recognizes but don't recognize him.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 P Paint The Wind
Lair Aelnor
Location: Ravinia, city of Redvale
Shady Pub, somewhere in the Marketplace

Lair winces at the sight of the Lionfolk's demise, his sight fixed as yellow fur became stained red with lifeblood. The sound of someone drowning in their own blood was one of the most horrifying sounds that Lair recognized, and today he was hoping that he'd be able to avoid it a second time. Although yes, the brute did threaten to kill them and steal everything precious that they owned, life wasn't something to carelessly waste, especially on someone who had already been apprehended. This is why laws existed, and how order has been maintained for centuries.

There's immediate backlash against the half-elf's action by the hooded girl, and Lair was on the verge of joining her until he hears the man who supplied the rope to Oahu alerting the guards at the top of his lungs. At this point, had Lair's face not been coated by feathers, he surely would have appeared pale. The outlook was rather poor, he thought, with all four of them being in the conflict, they would likely be detained and put on trial for participating in the murder. Should he run away? Though wouldnt that make him appear guilty? Should he pin the blame on someone? Try to defend himself? His thoughts were scurrying away faster than he could process them, which left him frozen in anguish.

It didn't dawn on him soon enough that the second in command, who was likely also a Lionfolk, though wrapped in cloth to conceal her identity, had gone feral. The man's call for law enforcement was distracting, but not so much to not hear the sound of the thin rope snapping. In a fit of revenge, she hastily pushes Caius out from her path, her claws fully revealed, and aims at mutilating Nyrea.

BackSet BackSet , Archemis Archemis , revior revior animegirl20 animegirl20
Silas O'Vera

Silas did the opposite of Luna, eating some of the vegetables but all of the chicken. It was fantastic. "Nothing special. Just be yourself. Don't drink any blood in public and from no other than a willing source. Be open-minded and let me do any talking about where you stand in terms of us and the pack." He sighed. "I'm gonna rustle some fur regardless, but I got this. Your father is pretty open-minded, and so is a surprising number of us werewolves." He stood up, leaving about half of the vegetables still on his plate. "My pack is pretty loyal, so they will get over it."

He then smiled. "If you want the werewolf senses, you're free to get it whenever. You DO have full access to my blood." He would just cover the mark made on his neck with his fur. He was determined to not let this turn into a Romeo and Juliet story. He wanted as normal a life as he could get as an Alpha, with the woman of his dreams. Not too much to ask from the leader of a notorious wolf pack who wanted to marry and bare puppies with a vampire, right? He didn't think so.

"When you're ready, we will head out. Arm yourself, as you will be asked about your battle ability otherwise. You won't have to prove yourself in battle unless you want to be inducted into the pack." Werewolves valued some form of use in battle. While it mostly came in the form of physical strength, Mystic (magic-using) Werewolves were being valued more and more amongst their ranks. If Luna could use a form of magic, that alone would prove her worth unless it was paper-like in its casting. Silas wasn't expecting her to actually be inducted into the pack. The only other way was to bear the child of the Alpha or have the pack vote on it
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sir Joseph Watson
Lerwick City Warehouse- Slave Auction

"Bidder. I'm far too old to sell. We have our eye on that one there." He pointed at Eliana. "I need a maid around the house at my old age, so don't think we'll spare a cent for her." Cross came off as a slave bidding virgin. He seemed to have no real idea what he was getting himself into. Joseph was pretty good at it at this point, having done this a million times before. His acting was on point. He was comical yet serious about his intentions, even though they weren't what people actually thought. He was very social amongst the people he wanted nothing to do with other than to throw in jail. No one would expect an old man in leather to be the one that takes them down, because they had no idea he was one of the most renowned swordsmen in the Ravinian Kingdom

"ALRIGHT FOLKS!" Cheers then silence. "Let's get this thing cracking. Let's start with this little thing here." A girl was shoved on stage. Torn clothes, dirty. People started murmuring about her attractiveness, some pointing and laughing. The bigness of her bust, what they would find under her dress and how dirty it could be due to her external condition, the thickness of her thighs. "5,000 gold!" A man jumped up and yelled. A low ball offer in this context, but still VERY high for a gold amount. He was one doing most the talking about her attractiveness. He was likely one of the guys who actually took a sexual turn in their slave driving. Joseph wanted to vomit, but he stayed his hand and nodded to Jenny. They had about 100,000 gold to spend here. If they went over, their plan could go awry. Was Jenny good at auctioning?
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
P Paint The Wind
Silas O'Vera

Silas did the opposite of Luna, eating some of the vegetables but all of the chicken. It was fantastic. "Nothing special. Just be yourself. Don't drink any blood in public and from no other than a willing source. Be open-minded and let me do any talking about where you stand in terms of us and the pack." He sighed. "I'm gonna rustle some fur regardless, but I got this. Your father is pretty open-minded, and so is a surprising number of us werewolves." He stood up, leaving about half of the vegetables still on his plate. "My pack is pretty loyal, so they will get over it."

He then smiled. "If you want the werewolf senses, you're free to get it whenever. You DO have full access to my blood." He would just cover the mark made on his neck with his fur. He was determined to not let this turn into a Romeo and Juliet story. He wanted as normal a life as he could get as an Alpha, with the woman of his dreams. Not too much to ask from the leader of a notorious wolf pack who wanted to marry and bare puppies with a vampire, right? He didn't think so.

"When you're ready, we will head out. Arm yourself, as you will be asked about your battle ability otherwise. You won't have to prove yourself in battle unless you want to be inducted into the pack." Werewolves valued some form of use in battle. While it mostly came in the form of physical strength, Mystic (magic-using) Werewolves were being valued more and more amongst their ranks. If Luna could use a form of magic, that alone would prove her worth unless it was paper-like in its casting. Silas wasn't expecting her to actually be inducted into the pack. The only other way was to bear the child of the Alpha or have the pack vote on it
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sir Joseph Watson
Lerwick City Warehouse- Slave Auction

"Bidder. I'm far too old to sell. We have our eye on that one there." He pointed at Eliana. "I need a maid around the house at my old age, so don't think we'll spare a cent for her." Cross came off as a slave bidding virgin. He seemed to have no real idea what he was getting himself into. Joseph was pretty good at it at this point, having done this a million times before. His acting was on point. He was comical yet serious about his intentions, even though they weren't what people actually thought. He was very social amongst the people he wanted nothing to do with other than to throw in jail. No one would expect an old man in leather to be the one that takes them down, because they had no idea he was one of the most renowned swordsmen in the Ravinian Kingdom

"ALRIGHT FOLKS!" Cheers then silence. "Let's get this thing cracking. Let's start with this little thing here." A girl was shoved on stage. Torn clothes, dirty. People started murmuring about her attractiveness, some pointing and laughing. The bigness of her bust, what they would find under her dress and how dirty it could be due to her external condition, the thickness of her thighs. "5,000 gold!" A man jumped up and yelled. A low ball offer in this context, but still VERY high for a gold amount. He was one doing most the talking about her attractiveness. He was likely one of the guys who actually took a sexual turn in their slave driving. Joseph wanted to vomit, but he stayed his hand and nodded to Jenny. They had about 100,000 gold to spend here. If they went over, their plan could go awry. Was Jenny good at auctioning?
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
P Paint The Wind
“I haven’t fought since the war, it may be nice to get rid of the rust you know” standing up Luna opened a small pocket dimension pulling her staff from it. Stretching to shake off the tired feeling from her fathers food and to prepare herself for the journey. “I’m ready to when you are lover” winking as she stretched a little more, really she was just posing for him at this point. “I’d like to see how far your pack has come over the years, but I’m not very good at close combat, dad says I go into a blood rage so he never lets me fight anyone” giggling as she spun around before heading to the front door. Which is what occurred during the last war when Raven was weakened by Ari’s child.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Location: City of Redvale
Shady Pub, somewhere in the Marketplace

Still siting at the bar drinking she heard the ruckus the knight was making outside the pub. “Oh just great! She thought to herself, now sure she wasn’t going to be able to finish that drink anytime soon and had to find a way to disable the situation. She was more than tired now and didn’t fancy the idea of fighting guards, they were better equipped than her and probably more strong and definitely less tired.

Moving as fast as she could under the circumstances, thinking on her feet, she removed her dagger again and made two shallow cuts, one on her left cheek another near her collarbone, just under her throat. Getting that done she went to the now dead lionfolk and made a quick work on the biddings and started talking to everyone in the room “If you want to get out of this one follow my lead” her voice betraying how tired she felt.

Nyrea barely had time to put her cloak on top of the ropes, obscuring them from view before the other lionfolk just got free and came running in Nyrea’s direction claws fully withdraw. She didn’t heard the lion woman moving before it was too late and claws pierced the skin in her back through her armour, pushing her forward and slamming against a table, still on top of her. She muffled a groan of pain, her mind racing again. She hoped the others would help, not because of her but because the lion woman would probably turn against them too when she was done with Nyrea. This didn’t look good for her in any way. Close combat was not her strong suit and she was just so tired. You’re not dying like this Nyrea. Don’t you dare! She though.

On the brighter side this would help the story to the guards, if she survived that long that is. She felt the hand on her back retreat, probably for another slash. Summoning most of her strength that was left she murmured another spell, this time a strong wind seemed to come from her and blast against the creature pushing her a few feet back. Nyrea turned, facing the other woman who looked lost in anger and panted loudly. She could barely stand now. She knew that even if the others interceded she was marked.

Her head turned when the door bell ranged again, three guards entered the place, quickly looking around and noticing the dead bodies, the rest of the party and the lionfolk woman in locked combat with Nyrea.

“What the hell is going on here?! Stop this now!” The guard that looked to be in charged shouted to the two women.

“Can you tell her that? She doesn’t seem to like me that much, believe it or not.” Nyrea tried to joke while the lion jumped her again, tumbling on the floor she could barely escape the claws, just trashing around to make it harder to get hit but still managing to make another slash in her arm.

Arvios Arvios revior revior BackSet BackSet animegirl20 animegirl20
Odette suddenly heard someone yelling out to the guards about there being a murder. Murder? Well I guess technically it was...but she couldn’t help but wonder if that was extreme to tell the guards. Curious she walked over to the window where she could of sworn she saw that guy sitting. She then looked out the window slightly dumbfounded. “Your the one calling the guards?” He’s a strange one. Feeling her hood move she pulled it back down trying to keep her face covered. She then suddenly heard ropes snapping and the other lion went to attack the half elf girl. They started fighting and then the guards came. Oh no. She looked out the window and then back inside debating on what to do next. Would they take everyone in? Was this about to be another bar fight? Yeah she wasn’t fighting guards but she will run from them.
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Arvios Arvios
revior revior
Archemis Archemis
Silas O'Vera

Silas did the opposite of Luna, eating some of the vegetables but all of the chicken. It was fantastic. "Nothing special. Just be yourself. Don't drink any blood in public and from no other than a willing source. Be open-minded and let me do any talking about where you stand in terms of us and the pack." He sighed. "I'm gonna rustle some fur regardless, but I got this. Your father is pretty open-minded, and so is a surprising number of us werewolves." He stood up, leaving about half of the vegetables still on his plate. "My pack is pretty loyal, so they will get over it."

He then smiled. "If you want the werewolf senses, you're free to get it whenever. You DO have full access to my blood." He would just cover the mark made on his neck with his fur. He was determined to not let this turn into a Romeo and Juliet story. He wanted as normal a life as he could get as an Alpha, with the woman of his dreams. Not too much to ask from the leader of a notorious wolf pack who wanted to marry and bare puppies with a vampire, right? He didn't think so.

"When you're ready, we will head out. Arm yourself, as you will be asked about your battle ability otherwise. You won't have to prove yourself in battle unless you want to be inducted into the pack." Werewolves valued some form of use in battle. While it mostly came in the form of physical strength, Mystic (magic-using) Werewolves were being valued more and more amongst their ranks. If Luna could use a form of magic, that alone would prove her worth unless it was paper-like in its casting. Silas wasn't expecting her to actually be inducted into the pack. The only other way was to bear the child of the Alpha or have the pack vote on it
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sir Joseph Watson
Lerwick City Warehouse- Slave Auction

"Bidder. I'm far too old to sell. We have our eye on that one there." He pointed at Eliana. "I need a maid around the house at my old age, so don't think we'll spare a cent for her." Cross came off as a slave bidding virgin. He seemed to have no real idea what he was getting himself into. Joseph was pretty good at it at this point, having done this a million times before. His acting was on point. He was comical yet serious about his intentions, even though they weren't what people actually thought. He was very social amongst the people he wanted nothing to do with other than to throw in jail. No one would expect an old man in leather to be the one that takes them down, because they had no idea he was one of the most renowned swordsmen in the Ravinian Kingdom

"ALRIGHT FOLKS!" Cheers then silence. "Let's get this thing cracking. Let's start with this little thing here." A girl was shoved on stage. Torn clothes, dirty. People started murmuring about her attractiveness, some pointing and laughing. The bigness of her bust, what they would find under her dress and how dirty it could be due to her external condition, the thickness of her thighs. "5,000 gold!" A man jumped up and yelled. A low ball offer in this context, but still VERY high for a gold amount. He was one doing most the talking about her attractiveness. He was likely one of the guys who actually took a sexual turn in their slave driving. Joseph wanted to vomit, but he stayed his hand and nodded to Jenny. They had about 100,000 gold to spend here. If they went over, their plan could go awry. Was Jenny good at auctioning?
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
P Paint The Wind

Rose nodded to Joseph. “5250 gold!” She didn’t want to let this poor girl go away to someone who would rape her. She couldn’t just let that happen.
88b5f6fd80d13c1b01af0b084214439b.jpg Aeryn O'Connor
Streets Of Redvale
Interation: Foster Lincs Lincs

"I'd say yes, but whats the fun in lying about something like that?" She asked with a smirk, running her hand through her hair, "Astrid Melusine, and sorry about knocking into I wa-" The shouts of guards pushing their way through the crowd filled the air and hushed a majority of the chatter around them. Aeryn got quiet, watching for the parting sea of people as it got closer, before she suddenly moved to Foster's side, with her face to a nearby stall as if she were looking at something. The guards moved past, allowing her to once again live infront of Foster to speak to him as the chatter picked up once more while the guards continued their search further down. "The guards are after me, but for a very silly reason. See, a thief took my necklace, and when I took it back, he went to the guards claiming it was his. Unbelievable really," Aeryn said with a huff.
The Chronicles of Warren Lovely
After Warren vanished I quickly checked the surrounding area and found what must have been his actual body rifling through the two dead men's posessions. He was horribly rushed, and understandably so considering the true inspector was in the room below him.
"Damned inspector, they're usually busy or lazy enough to leave the scene for a day or so." He grumbled to himself while shoving everything in the room that looked vaguely important into his bag. He then wove an illusion of a large man covered in gore holding a sizeable hammer moving it to block the view from the door to the window. Warren was throwing the window open when the door opened and the inspector let out a yelp of surprise at the horrid sight of the illusion, and by the time he came to his senses Warren was already on the ground outside the window. He disappeared for the third time that day into the center of the city.

Warren was back in his rooms going over everything he had on the case. (His mask was removed as it usually is when he is alone, but I always take measures to avoid viewing his face.) After searching through many papers and items of little significance Warren came upon the sealed letter. It was written from what seemed to be the perspective of the two traveling men. The names they gave to the innskeeper were aliases. Their true names were Kiefer McKenzie and Barrod Rochelle. They were two men from a Norbury Village after a relative of theirs who was taken by slavers years ago, seeming to have finally caught a hint at where she may be found. After finishing the letter sent back to their friends and family Warren punched the wall in frustration strangling back a shout of anger. With that he got up gathering his things and rushed out.
Sir Joseph Watson
Lerwick City Warehouse- Slave Auction

The bid war went on and Jenny was resolute, Joseph noted. She won every bid and Joseph was there to retrieve the captured and hold them in wait until it was time to go. Unfortunately, as smart as Jenny was, her resolution was even stronger. This caused her to lose sight of the primary target..........and for the head auctioneers to get suspicious. No one would buy that many slaves back to back. Also, Jenny lost sight of the money they needed to buy her. At the 9th one, they were left with only 25,000 gold. Eliana was by far the best looking one and her value was inevitably high. The talks were high the moment she was brought out. The auctioneer announced the start of the bidding "20,000 gold!" That was the FIRST bid. They weren't gonna win this bid without some help. If they lost, they'd have to abort Plan A and do things the hard way.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
P Paint The Wind

Silas O'Vera
Silas took her hand and led her out. Right at the entrance was a wolf standing there, armored with equipment packed on it. As soon as the wolf saw Silas, the wolf seemingly got happy as its tail started wagging. "Hey Maverick," Silas said in greeting, touching his nose to the wolf's. That was their greeting custom. "I want you to meet Luna, my fiance and a vampire."
The wolf hesitated a bit when he mentioned she was a vampire, thinking for a bit that Silas got manipulated with some form of magic. The wolf started sniffing Silas all around, its nose glowing green. When done, the wolf jumped up and flashed white. It turned into a woman, who, like the wolf, was chock full of stuff on her back. "Had to make sure you were speaking of your own mind. You have a heightened level of Oxytocin and Endorphins. That, along with your significantly increased Dopamine, makes me believe you mated with this vampire. Is that true?" Her nose smelled the literal chemicals released to his brain.
"Yup, sharp as ever," Silas said, no embarrassment or hesitation. "Like what you smell?"
That actually embarrassed HER. She DID just smell him up and down. She smelled all the smells of the bath and the more........ intimately generated smells. "You lack shame, Alpha, at something you know may cause some problems."
"No shame in my first time with my best friend made fiance."
She chuckled and turned to Luna, shaking her head. They were obviously pretty close, even though Maverick was formal. "Good afternoon, Luna. Maverick is my pack name, given to me by Alpha. I smell the same on you with a higher level of Dopamine. Confirms you're not a succubus since your dopamine shows no signs of dwidling. Maybe it's the Alpha's blood. I trust he offered it willingly." Maverick looked at her with raised eyebrows

Maverick was VERY medically oriented. Oxytocin was all about social bonding and sexual reproduction. Endorphins has the effects of morphine and causes the effects of euphoria. Dopamine was about lust, addiction, and motivation. Basically Maverick was saying that Silas was on cloud 9 and head over heels due to their earlier escapades. Silas's pride and wagging tail at introducing Luna wasn't helping his case.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
He tried his best to look nonchalant as the guards passed, drifting slightly in front of Astrid to hide her from view as she pretended to browse the market stalls. It wasn't exactly his strong point, but thankfully the authorities weren't looking for a bearded man with a gun.

Foster whirled back towards the woman as the last of the guards faded back into the throng of citygoers, a wry smile on his face. Gotta say, that was kinda fun. He listened intently as she explained her problem with the guards, and then snorted in amusement. "City watch... I'm surprised they can tie up their boots in the morning without a helper." Something felt wrong. "Oh! Yeah. The name's Foster, by the way. Foster Windam. I was goi-" he cut off as a wet something pushed into the back of his neck, and turned slowly in disbelief. The mule! It stood there, taking up enough space to fill one of the market stalls, munching contentedly on something. By some miracle, it had found its way back up the street and gotten to him among the crowd. I don't even believe it.

"And, uh, um... this is..." He patted the animal's nose, thinking. I never had time to give him a name, did I? "Well, I guess it's not important right now. What I was going to say was, it might be best for you to just lay low somewhere instead of just running around." Foster scratched his beard as he scanned the crowded streets, and then nodded towards a particularly seedy-looking pub. "Maybe there? Looks like the kinda place the guards wouldn't want to go digging around in." His stomach rumbled as food again drifted to the surface of his mind.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Sir Joseph Watson
Lerwick City Warehouse- Slave Auction

The bid war went on and Jenny was resolute, Joseph noted. She won every bid and Joseph was there to retrieve the captured and hold them in wait until it was time to go. Unfortunately, as smart as Jenny was, her resolution was even stronger. This caused her to lose sight of the primary target..........and for the head auctioneers to get suspicious. No one would buy that many slaves back to back. Also, Jenny lost sight of the money they needed to buy her. At the 9th one, they were left with only 25,000 gold. Eliana was by far the best looking one and her value was inevitably high. The talks were high the moment she was brought out. The auctioneer announced the start of the bidding "20,000 gold!" That was the FIRST bid. They weren't gonna win this bid without some help. If they lost, they'd have to abort Plan A and do things the hard way.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
P Paint The Wind

Silas O'Vera
Silas took her hand and led her out. Right at the entrance was a wolf standing there, armored with equipment packed on it. As soon as the wolf saw Silas, the wolf seemingly got happy as its tail started wagging. "Hey Maverick," Silas said in greeting, touching his nose to the wolf's. That was their greeting custom. "I want you to meet Luna, my fiance and a vampire."
The wolf hesitated a bit when he mentioned she was a vampire, thinking for a bit that Silas got manipulated with some form of magic. The wolf started sniffing Silas all around, its nose glowing green. When done, the wolf jumped up and flashed white. It turned into a woman, who, like the wolf, was chock full of stuff on her back. "Had to make sure you were speaking of your own mind. You have a heightened level of Oxytocin and Endorphins. That, along with your significantly increased Dopamine, makes me believe you mated with this vampire. Is that true?" Her nose smelled the literal chemicals released to his brain.
"Yup, sharp as ever," Silas said, no embarrassment or hesitation. "Like what you smell?"
That actually embarrassed HER. She DID just smell him up and down. She smelled all the smells of the bath and the more........ intimately generated smells. "You lack shame, Alpha, at something you know may cause some problems."
"No shame in my first time with my best friend made fiance."
She chuckled and turned to Luna, shaking her head. They were obviously pretty close, even though Maverick was formal. "Good afternoon, Luna. Maverick is my pack name, given to me by Alpha. I smell the same on you with a higher level of Dopamine. Confirms you're not a succubus since your dopamine shows no signs of dwidling. Maybe it's the Alpha's blood. I trust he offered it willingly." Maverick looked at her with raised eyebrows

Maverick was VERY medically oriented. Oxytocin was all about social bonding and sexual reproduction. Endorphins has the effects of morphine and causes the effects of euphoria. Dopamine was about lust, addiction, and motivation. Basically Maverick was saying that Silas was on cloud 9 and head over heels due to their earlier escapades. Silas's pride and wagging tail at introducing Luna wasn't helping his case.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Luna bowed, smiling as she held onto Silas’s arm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Maverick, you have quite the nose on you and apparently strength to go with it, I bet when he gets wet his fur must stink even more than usual” joking around some to try and lighten the mood while dodging some of the questions for a moment while trying to think of a reply to her questions. “I could never force him to do anything, even when we were kids he used to be the one to get us into trouble....but I do love him....to a point that if he wanted my throat I would willingly give it...” blushing as she looked up at Silas, running her hand up his chest. Examining maverick she could see why Silas had mentioned the girl earlier, she was beautiful and very talented. Her natural abilities were oddly strong for someone so young. “He willingly gave his blood to me, I promised to only drink from him and when he would allow it, I don’t wish anyone in the pack harm..” Luna’s tone throughout the conversation was calm and soft, her composure changing some with how silas was acting when he introduced her. It made her feel warm and vulnerable, but she didn’t mind it at all.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Cross could only sigh. If Asterus were here he would have the phoenix whisper to the assistant she screwed up. Thankfully Cross had called for his wife to fetch his mony... well his big money. But for now he figured he owed joseph. "20'500." He blurted. Cross was playing it safe. He had to wait for when people were getting desperate then he could start adding much more.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 P Paint The Wind
Silas O'Vera

Maverick scoffed. "His fur stinks when it's dry. If you were one of us, had you smelled him even before that bath, you'd run."
Silas turned back, offended. "Oi, I keep the highest class soap for my fur. Never a stench unless I'm by water without it."
"Oh I know it's high class. My fur has been glowing lately."

Maverick nodded approvingly with a smile. Ignoring him because she knew he really didn't care, she turned back to Luna. "Right then. If Alpha approved by his own volition, I give you full benefit of the doubt. I'm a medic first and foremost, but I also carry what he and I need. Otherwise it'd get lost when he turns. I'm a Primal Werewolf, so I lack the Bloodlust Demon." A primal werewolf was a werewolf that turned into a quadrupedal wolf (Like the ones IRL just much bigger) instead of a bipedal one. They were much faster, but bipedal werewolves were much more versatile. Primal werewolves carved themselves roles that made them vital to a pack. Messengers, Pack Wolves, Spearheads, and most support roles. Their lack of bloodlust kept them level headed and efficient in their jobs. They made the best Mystic Werewolves.

"If it seems like I carry more here than in wolf, it's because I use minor aether magic to store it while transformed. Regardless, it'll be nice to work with you Luna."

Silas stepped forward. "We need to get going. Gotta introduce Luna to the rest." One of few opinions he actually truly cared about, he was glad they seemed to get along. Silas knew he made the right choice in choosing Maverick to train into a Beta Leader
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Silas O'Vera

Maverick scoffed. "His fur stinks when it's dry. If you were one of us, had you smelled him even before that bath, you'd run."
Silas turned back, offended. "Oi, I keep the highest class soap for my fur. Never a stench unless I'm by water without it."
"Oh I know it's high class. My fur has been glowing lately."

Maverick nodded approvingly with a smile. Ignoring him because she knew he really didn't care, she turned back to Luna. "Right then. If Alpha approved by his own volition, I give you full benefit of the doubt. I'm a medic first and foremost, but I also carry what he and I need. Otherwise it'd get lost when he turns. I'm a Primal Werewolf, so I lack the Bloodlust Demon." A primal werewolf was a werewolf that turned into a quadrupedal wolf (Like the ones IRL just much bigger) instead of a bipedal one. They were much faster, but bipedal werewolves were much more versatile. Primal werewolves carved themselves roles that made them vital to a pack. Messengers, Pack Wolves, Spearheads, and most support roles. Their lack of bloodlust kept them level headed and efficient in their jobs. They made the best Mystic Werewolves.

"If it seems like I carry more here than in wolf, it's because I use minor aether magic to store it while transformed. Regardless, it'll be nice to work with you Luna."

Silas stepped forward. "We need to get going. Gotta introduce Luna to the rest." One of few opinions he actually truly cared about, he was glad they seemed to get along. Silas knew he made the right choice in choosing Maverick to train into a Beta Leader
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Luna covered her mouth quickly, trying not to laugh at Maverick’s response to her, in the end she failed miserably at it. Laughing hard enough that she started to cry momentarily “are you sure that you aren’t brother and and sister?” Breathing somewhat heavily as her laughing quieted down, leaning over for a moment to sniff Mavericks hair. “It smells really good too, Silas to you not bathe until earlier? Because you didn’t smell like this when we met” she liked to tease him a little more than every now and then. But it was never over anything serious. Glancing back to maverick she replied.
“and I with you maverick” Luna let Silas lead the way while she stayed back a bit to talk with her. “Hey maverick, since you are so sensitive to smell and even scents that I can’t even begin to smell...” blushing Luna looked down at the ground fidgeting with her thumbs for a moment before gaining the confidence to ask “a-are you able to smell if I’m....if I’m pregnant? And if you can could you let me know so....well it would be my first so....if Silas’s trusts you then...” Luna was nervous about asking her help on that subject, she didn’t fully understand how the pack worked and didn’t want to get her in trouble “but don’t tell Silas if I am, I want to surprise him” looking back at Silas she Smiled as her heart rate sped up, crossing an arm under her chest and resting the hand from her other arm on her face. “He’s....so....hot and strong...” she whispered, somewhat talking to maverick wanting to do a bit of light teasing to see if she could make her blush.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Last edited:
Caius Grants
Redvale: Outside Shady Pub
As Caius was calling for the guards, it would seemed that another fight had broken out from inside the bar, apparently a friend of the murder victim was attempting to take revenge, and it seemed like the avenger was winning. Then came the guards arriving sooner than expected, and as they rushed over, Caius pointed them into the bar. From their swift respond, Caius figured that they'd be reliable enough to take cae of the situation and decided to find elsewhere to have a meal. However, as he was walking away, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Caius turned around and found a guard glaring right at him.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm going to need you to come with us for some questioning."

Caius didn't need to ask why, he'd already figured it out. From another's perspective, he likely looked like some murder machine with all those weapons on him, so of course he'd be suspected. He didn't want anything to do with this, but if he runs now, he'll only be suspected even more. He had no choice but to comply.

Arvios Arvios BackSet BackSet animegirl20 animegirl20 Archemis Archemis
Luna covered her mouth quickly, trying not to laugh at Maverick’s response to her, in the end she failed miserably at it. Laughing hard enough that she started to cry momentarily “are you sure that you aren’t brother and and sister?” Breathing somewhat heavily as her laughing quieted down, leaning over for a moment to sniff Mavericks hair. “It smells really good too, Silas to you not bathe until earlier? Because you didn’t smell like this when we met” she liked to tease him a little more than every now and then. But it was never over anything serious. Glancing back to maverick she replied.
“and I with you maverick” Luna let Silas lead the way while she stayed back a bit to talk with her. “Hey maverick, since you are so sensitive to smell and even scents that I can’t even begin to smell...” blushing Luna looked down at the ground fidgeting with her thumbs for a moment before gaining the confidence to ask “a-are you able to smell if I’m....if I’m pregnant? And if you can could you let me know so....well it would be my first so....if Silas’s trusts you then...” Luna was nervous about asking her help on that subject, she didn’t fully understand how the pack worked and didn’t want to get her in trouble “but don’t tell Silas if I am, I want to surprise him” looking back at Silas she Smiled as her heart rate sped up, crossing an arm under her chest and resting the hand from her other arm on her face. “He’s....so....hot and strong...” she whispered, somewhat talking to maverick wanting to do a bit of light teasing to see if she could make her blush.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Silas O'Vera

Maverick stayed behind Silas to converse with Luna in secret. "If you are, I'll be sure to let you know," she said to her, keeping her voice down. Silas was dense when it came to medical jargon, so he wasn't listening anyways. "I will be able to smell when the HCG starts, which is a day or two after conception. If for some reason I can't smell it, I need you to come see me if you start getting powerful blood cravings. Since the child will be a hybrid, you can expect that you'll have to drink blood for two.......Otherwise, the baby will feed on you, so no room for hesitation to see me if you get those cravings." Maverick wasn't discriminatory in what medical stuff she learned, mostly because she wasn't discriminatory in general. What happened in pregnancy mostly remained the same with human-like creatures. In the case of vampires and werewolves, who were pretty much an alternate version of a human, it was the exact same with different side effects between the species.

When Luna complimented Silas, she smiled and turned a light shade of pink. "I really shouldn't be looking at him like that. Not only is he my Alpha, but he's your fiance," she said. As informal as Maverick was allowed to be with Silas, she needed to keep it on a mostly professional basis, even if that were really hard at times. "He's strong and kind-hearted..........but he's an idiot. He doesn't care about his own well-being, he's reckless. As smart as he is, he doesn't always think or assess risk. I think he chose me because I force him to think. As for looks, well...........You're marrying the youngest Alpha in our history. You're gonna get quite the hate club, from jealous former prospects."
Silas O'Vera

Maverick stayed behind Silas to converse with Luna in secret. "If you are, I'll be sure to let you know," she said to her, keeping her voice down. Silas was dense when it came to medical jargon, so he wasn't listening anyways. "I will be able to smell when the HCG starts, which is a day or two after conception. If for some reason I can't smell it, I need you to come see me if you start getting powerful blood cravings. Since the child will be a hybrid, you can expect that you'll have to drink blood for two.......Otherwise, the baby will feed on you, so no room for hesitation to see me if you get those cravings." Maverick wasn't discriminatory in what medical stuff she learned, mostly because she wasn't discriminatory in general. What happened in pregnancy mostly remained the same with human-like creatures. In the case of vampires and werewolves, who were pretty much an alternate version of a human, it was the exact same with different side effects between the species.

When Luna complimented Silas, she smiled and turned a light shade of pink. "I really shouldn't be looking at him like that. Not only is he my Alpha, but he's your fiance," she said. As informal as Maverick was allowed to be with Silas, she needed to keep it on a mostly professional basis, even if that were really hard at times. "He's strong and kind-hearted..........but he's an idiot. He doesn't care about his own well-being, he's reckless. As smart as he is, he doesn't always think or assess risk. I think he chose me because I force him to think. As for looks, well...........You're marrying the youngest Alpha in our history. You're gonna get quite the hate club, from jealous former prospects."
“Then I guess when we arrive I’ll have to put them off from trying to move in on him” winking at maverick she nudged her a bit “I don’t mind if you look at him, just don’t touch or I’ll tear it off, but when it comes to my previous question about pregnancy...” what she was referring to about when she mentioned putting them off was that she would not have any problems fighting a female wished to challenge her. watching Silas walk for a moment she shook her head and cleared her throat “if I were to need blood what could we do to acquire it in order to cause the least amount of discomfort among the pack?” Watching maverick for a minute she couldn’t help but wonder “can I touch your ears? I know it isn’t something most werewolves would allow but you are so damn cute” her voice more chipper than usual.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

The Streets of Redvale

Interacting with unknown man ( Kallo Kallo )​

Ruby laughed as the man struggled to lift the blade. She watched, almost with tears in her eyes, as her new acquaintance attempted to wield the Prism Sword. She always found it amusing when others, especially men, try to lift Prism. It usually angered most of them - after all, how can a woman half their size be able to life something that a big strong man couldn't even budge? It was even funnier to her if those said men injured themselves doing it...men were so obsessed with pride that they had so much of it, it got impossible for them to swallow it and admit defeat. To the point where they'd rather pull a muscle or sprain a wrist in the process.

She saw the scales on his neck, and realised the only reason he was even able to lift the metal thing at all was because of his inherit strength. She would've been impressed, otherwise. Still, she did make note of his strength - Draconians were quite savage in battle. She had fought a few of those before, in her travels, so she knew of other ways around them. Even if they were to transform into their dragon form. Chuckling, she began taunting the man. "Come on, it isn't that heavy. If a little half dwarf girl like me can lift it, surely a strong dragon man like you must be able to?"

She bent over to pick up her blade, as easy as you'd like, and held it to her side again. Upon further inspection, she didn't seem to carry it in any sheathe...although, if it weighed about as much as a forgemaster's anvil, it was easy for an outsider to see why. In truth, she just liked to carry it. It added to her 'intimidating mercenary' visage, and usually got her more jobs, with more juicy pay. Still giggling slightly, her face flushed from it all, she moved her hair to the side as she began speaking again. "So, where was that jewellers? Third street on the right?"
Streets of Redvale.

Interacting with the Unknown woman ( The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald )
He had started to get a fair bit annoyed at the fact he couldn't lift the blade much more than holding it by the handle with it dangling from there. Starting to hear the taunts as his jaw clenched for just a moment before relaxing, glancing at her once more when she takes the blade back. A chuckle sounding from him as he shakes his head at that. "Half dwarf...Makes sense now as to how you carry and move as easily as you do." He taps his chin for a moment. Chuckling before shrugging to himself. "And you called me a 'dragon man'? That wouldn't be my name...That would be Xonrot, and yes, third street down and take a right."

Though after a few seconds he looked back at her. "Now...Out of question, how do you use the sword as easily as you do? That easily weighs more than most things I've even fought, and that's me being generous."
Lair Aelnor
Location: Ravinia, city of Redvale
Shady Pub, Marketplace -> Prison transport carriage

Two of the lesser guards immediately parted the lioness from Nyrea, while the leader spoke with Caius. Even with the two trained men, they were having a difficult time neutralizing the beastfolk; eventually without warning, one of the guards reaches for a wand-like device imbued with two yellow gems. The topaz powered weapon suddenly let's out a powerful jolt of electricity, instantly incapacitating the feral out of her before she crashes to the floor, seemingly lifeless.

"Yup, she's still alive," one of the guards comments, implying there was a risk of death from using the contraption, then looks at everyone sternly in the room. "Usually bar fights only lead to property damage and cases of assault and battery. Death is a bit on the uncommon side, even in this part of the neighborhood... So we're taking all of you in for questioning. That, of course, means that we'll be confiscating your weapons."

Just then, four more guards arrive, totaling out to a force of seven heavily armed law enforcers. Running at this point was going to be a fool's end, so there was little option but to comply. As a guard begins walking to each individual, he would start patting them down for anything that may be concealed; the guard assigned to Lair glared daggers at him as he turned in his lance that was stained with a small streak of blood from the now deceased Lionfolk. Both his bow and quiver, alongside his spare dagger were taken, only to be handcuffed after. "For security purposes," the man counters before the Ravenfolk gets a chance to question the action. It really did feel like they were on the verge of being arrested.

"T-This is all a misunderstanding," Lair argues as if trying to reason with the lawman. He's guided into a large carriage made up of iron bars and sheets of metal drawn by three horses, probably to be conveyed to the jail. He turns back to check if everyone was being processed in a similar fashion, though only sees Oahu lying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by his raptors.

"Take him in, too, but be careful with those dinosaurs," calls the leader of the group as they start rounding them all. One of the guards stays behind, speaking with the owner of the pub.

BackSet BackSet , Archemis Archemis , revior revior animegirl20 animegirl20
Saia honraven
Location: in front of the four elements monestary
Interacting with The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

"Maybe because you are a mage and I'm a monk. We see magic much differently. And I am still offering you to be under my wing. And sorry if you want a master immediately but this is how we train. You start with the Monks who have been here for 5 years. And I am the only one that fits that category. Train 5 years yourself and then the masters will train with you. That is how I had to train anyways." Saia was fed up with the arguement and chose to answer the man on his inquiry about being trained. And he was stuck with her if he said yes.

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