Forget Me ((Recruiting))


Junior Member
((NEEDS MEMBERS~ANYONE CAN JOIN~POST IN THE CHARACTER SHEET THREAD~DON'T WORRY I'LL ACCEPT EVERYONE~Loves whoever does :3 And I type in caps to get your attention >.> Do I have it now? I hope so c:))

Everyone is moving on so fast around you, but it seems like for you things are slowing down. People are starting to move on without you, starting to forget your existence. You lose your job because none of your coworkers no who you are. Your family puts you on the streets... And then, when you think you can't loose anything else, you just start to walk. You don't know where you're going. You just know you're going somewhere. The truth is, you're something more than human, more than mortal. You keep walking until you see a light--you don't know what colour it is. You've never seen that colour before. It comes towards you... Your fingertips lightly touch it, and then, you're gone.

You're somewhere else. Somewhere that no one will find you, except for the people on this plane, but that's okay because the people on this plane are your true family. You belong here. This is your home. But your home has many secrets... Many dark places. The battle between good and evil isn't just between mortals. It's everywhere--here especially.

You have been forgotten by everyone around you, and now you're in a completely separate world with trolls, ogres, vampires, mermaids, fairies. You belong here. This is your home. This was truly where you were born. Someone somehow took you into the Mortal world, but now you're back. What will you do?

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