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Forget Me Not

Tyrant Pancakes

Supreme Dictator of Breakfast Meals
Heyo! I'm Tyrant Pancakes, pleased to meet you! Whoever you may be, I present to you this plot I thought of... and when I say thought of, I mean ripped off of one of my favorite games. Well anyway, give it a read if you will.

Forget Me Not

Human X AI


The year is 2082 and man has finally created a virtual reality system. Despite this grand achievement, it was never released to the public. That is because it had one crippling flaw: by creating new memories in the virtual world, memories from the real world are replaced. Just by entering the program, your memories for the last five years are erased to make room for new memories.

Four years after it was developed, a law was passed allowing for the program to be used. The law deemed that the program could be used as a rehabilitation on criminals with psychological problems that started within the last five years. So when these criminals enter the program, they will supposedly wake up five years ago before they commit their crime or become psychologically insane.

But there will be one slight alteration to their life. An AI will accompany them, seeing to it that they undergo no stress or trauma and will ultimately determine whether the patient is ready to leave or not.

But unbeknownst to both the AI and government, a certain virus has entered the virtual reality of one of the patients undergoing rehabilitation. And it's determined to make their stay as unpleasant as possible.


Human: So this would actually be my preferred role. I sort of imagined him as a guy and his history (or future since he would believe he's five years in the past) would be a mystery. Though it's hinted that his crimes are severe.

AI: I'd like for this to be your role but I could fill it if you really insist. I'd imagine the AI would be a girl and her role will be to monitor the human and send him off when he's ready.

Virus: Either one of us could take this role, I don't mind. He could be either male or female and would be an AI. His role will be to come in and try to make the human's life hell. It's also hinted that the virus knows who the human's history.

Other: Ehhhhh... not sure if there are any characters. But if you think of one, do share!


So the story would start with the human waking up five years ago. He doesn't think anything is odd and proceeds with life. Five years ago, the human would probably be in highschool, so after arriving at school perhaps the AI would transfer into his class (IDK, this should be your role. You figure it out :3)? Then after the two get settled in and are comfy, the virus comes in to rain on their parade. After that, I guess we'll find out!

So yeah, that's it. If you like it or have suggestions, feel free to send me a PM or something. All of the site's rules will apply and I hope you will be able to post one or two times a day (I understand if you're busy, I'm taking four AP's). A paragraph or so is fine, and please be able to use proper grammar.

Oh! And one last thing: don't die after a day please!
Sure thing! Can you send me a PM with your character info? I'll get back to it later, I need to write an essay right now ;-;
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Role: (Human, AI, Virus)

Age: (15-18 though the human can have +5 but appear five years younger)


Appearance: (Anime picture preferred)


Background/Backstory: (I guess this is mostly for the human)




Random Quirks:

Other information:
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This sounds amazing. :o if you're still interested in doing it, I'd love to give it a go, but seeing as you already have some other replies, I understand if not :)

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