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Forever (WhyNotRP and I)


Taimer of all horses!
Art walked along the brick path and walked with his head down, trying to keep his feet off the cracks. He bobbed his head along to the music. He noticed someone waving at him and grinned. It was someone from home, someone he actually liked from home.

He waved back but kept walking as a group of her friends swarmed around her. He lost his grin, trading it in for a condescending smirk. He ran a hand though his over grown red dyed hair. And mumbled under his breath, "Girls." to no one in particular.

After the first classes of the day, Art sat under a tree on the quad and leaned against the trunk. He opened the lunch that he had bought on the way here, chinese food. Pulling chopsticks outta his bag, he tugged out his trig book as well. Math had always been his worst subject and he was tired of being the dumbest one in that class. Reading and history he was the smartest. He set the book on the ground and put the food in his lap.

He missed (insert your name here). For the longest time they had been friends, since they had lived in the same neighborhood, before Art had lost his parents in an accident. She had always been there to help him with his math homework. She would finish the problems first and walk him through it.

He sighed and looked at the food in his lap, crab rangoons looked back, taunting him with her missing presence. He never really liked the crab taste, he had bought them out of habit. Like it was back in the days when they used to walk to school and she would have her lunch but he had 'forgotten' his own.

The sound of foot steps broke into his revelry. He looked up to see a girl who looked a lot like (you). He shook his head and thought, Man, I really need to get more sleep. I'm seeing (you) everywhere now. A second thought made his stomach tighten and his hunger head for the hills. His face paled and he blinked at the ground, wondering if he was right about what he was feeling.

To test the theory he closed his eyes and thought of the times when they had slept together, like in the same bed. He had a sleeping problem, couldn't sleep unless someone what with him. He had slept with his mom before his step dad came along, then they had bought him a dog.

He had (you) wrapped up in his arms, her back to his chest and his head a tiny bit above hers. Her steady breathing had always made it possible to fall asleep quickly. Except for the last time before he left for college. He had been awake all night, not able to focus on anything but her. The smell of her, the feel of her, the way she muttered in her sleep.

He opened his eyes quickly....he had been right. A small part of him was excited, the majority of him was pissed that he hadn't realized it sooner. He thought back to the moment when he told her that he was leaving and how she had seemed indifferent to it. How much that had hurt him. How much he'd wanted one more hug before he'd left but she wasn't to be found anywhere.

He sighed and set to eating the chinese food, pork fried rice and chicken fingers, around the crab rangoons. All the time wishing she was here, or he was there.
((Unless you wanna play Art, I can come up with another character.....doesn't bother me any.))
((Idc.. I was assuming that you'd play Art and i'd play the girl who is not his friend anymore or something like that but if not idc))
((Then yes, you will have to come up with a name, I only have Irish names on hand otherwise I would offer some.))
((The only thing that comes to mind for me when I think Irish is Niall, so if you want to offer some names you can))
((Shea, Slaine, Blyana, Cara, Cassidy, Colleen, Darcy, Fiona, Maire, Nessa, Ryanne....Theres some.))

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