Forever seems so long. [Sign-Up/OOC/Info]


One Thousand Club
Co-Owner: Auzzy (aka ErisianDialects)

Center’s Name: Rose Bundles Marriage Center

Your characters wake up drunk next to someone else. Find out their married, and now are stuck in the marriage for at LEAST a year due to the laws. Luckily since this seems to happen a lot in Vegas they have a special center set up for such. A place where you as a couple can stay, you both share a room sadly but there are two queen size beds in each room so you don’t have to share a bed, and a curtain that if pulled can divide them.

There is even help for the struggling alcoholics, councilors for couples who want to try to make it work, or people who need to figure how things get divided if fights like that arise. The only private areas the couples get are their room, the dining and all is done together.

*Note: You don’t have to start your characters out at the center. You can have them wake up the next morn next to each other and figure out the entire well you know. Then find out about and join the center. You can also have them start at the center if you want or have been there awhile. You could even say they’ve been married and just started to hate each other but came to the center to see if stuff changes since they have to wait a year anyways.


1: At LEAST a paragraph per post.

2: Try your best to use proper spelling and grammar. (I get mistakes, and won’t correct since I make a lot myself, but at least try some. At least capitalize your sentences.)

3: If you want me to randomize let me know, if not please state the one you’re married to.

4: If I’m correct same-sex marriages are legal in Vegas (if not in this rp they are). No matter who you marry this doesn’t mean that your characters swing that way. Yes you may end up being gay and married to the opposite sex, or straight and married to the same. That’s half the fun.

5: No posting in the rp until approved.

6: Try to post within a week if someone is waiting for your post.

7: A rawr, no need for a rule, rule cause I dislike only having 6. lol

Married Form:

Name: (full name, Maiden name if you wish)



Marriage Partner: (Name if not random)




Staff Form:

Name: (full name)



Job at the Center:


History: (Remember staff can be singled, married, etc, but it is against the rules to try to pick up or date any one currently in the center for help.)


Possible Staff Jobs Left:

At least two therapists, a cook, a doctor medical base not mental.



(Alexina) - Jeannie Moore + (Kagura) - Greyson Sharrow

Halo) - Elle Elizabeth Camilla + (IndubidablyAli)- Rayne Rivera

Darksoul90) - Leonardo Grey + (Lily) - Melody Burkle

Michishige Sachiko) - Evelyn Adair + (Esme) - Alexander Ross Distefano

(Legendless) - Byron Payne + (AlwaysChaos)- Nicky Clayworth

*Note new people can join at anytime. There is a few things they must follow first, they must be approved before RPing, and if they aren't staff, they have to find someone to play their partner.

Link to Role-Play:
Married Form:

Name: (full name, Maiden name if you wish) Teegan Marie Jordan (Maiden name)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Marriage Partner: (Name if not random) hopefully a male? Randomize please

Personality: Teegan is a sweetheart. She loves to have fun and hand out, she learns to cooperate with her problems and ah lived to be outside; whether it eb playing sports or walking around town.

History: Tegan grew up in southwest florida. She lived there until her 18th birthday, and then moved to Vegas for 7 years, this would make her 25 years old. She had a family with her mom and her dad, little sister, and now a husband or wife?

Name: Colby Miller

Age: 28


Marriage Partner: (name if not random) anyone interested, I don't mind

Personality: Sometimes can be a hot head, and jumps to conclusion. Other than that, Colby is a flirt and he wants to make everyone happy and make the best out of every situation.

History: He grew up in Nashville almsot his whole entire life until he had to move to Las Vegas for his job. He'd always gone to the bars and clubs when they were open, but nothing extreme had ever happened. Then he woke up one morning with a wedding ring on his finger and someone next to him in bed. What happened last night?
Name: Rayne Rivera

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Marriage Partner: (I'll fill this in when there are more people signed up)

Personality: Hot tempered and strong willed, Rayne is highly oppinionated. She doesn't stand for people treating her like she isn't worth the time and she gives as good as she gets.

History: Rayne moved out of home when she was sixteen, after a row with her father. She moved in with her boyfriend of four years but after about a year or so they split up and went their separate ways. She drifted for a bit before getting a job as a waitress in one of the casino/clubs in vegas. That went well for a few years until one day she woke up with a wedding ring on her finger and wondering what the hell happened.

Appearance: View attachment 6658
Name: Chance Chase

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Job at the Center: Owner

Personality: Chance is either a smart businessman or fantastic conman, who quite enjoys sitting back and watching people before interacting with them. He is a reasonable good judge of character but there are lapses. He is intelligent enough to have set up the centre and run it with a strange mixture of ritz, flair, and professionalism. While this is his own business he actively runs, he does dabble in other aspects of Vegas business.

History: Chance was married young, alas, his wife died of a genetic disorder young. He has been in trouble with the law on occassion, possession of drugs, and the center was started as one of his community service projects. He was born into a family that lived above the bar they owned, and has since through his intelligence and unerring seeming ability to lie, cheat and steal a dollar become a moderately wealthy business owner.

Appearance: View attachment 6666
Name: Jeannie Moore

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner: (someone female)

Personality: Flirty, kind, girly, sassy, drama queen.

History: Jerry (real first name) has always claimed to adore how girls looked. It was upon being taken to a strip bar on his 18th birthday that he found what he wanted to be. Since then, well, let’s just say his father disowned him. He works in that strip bar still, but mostly dressed as a girl. He has a quite a few fans oddly enough of both genders. Now he never claims to be either sex honestly and doesn’t tend to judge either.


*ahem* And the winner for longest history goes to.....

Name: Naiire Watson

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Marriage Partner: Randomize (TBA)

Personality: Naiire follows a high code of etiquette, aside form what she likes to call her "flare-ups," where she would act the opposite of of a proper lady, and begins to dress out of turn (nearly androgynous,) and follows improper behavior at times. Even during these times, she always keeps her hygiene at an optimal level. On a level of interaction she is very polite, and is somewhat of a pleaser.

History: Her parents were always the kind to be classy and conservative, striving for a normal American life, which is why when they learned of her daughter's condition at birth, they kept it a seceret, amd even went as far as ignoring the condition, believing that it won't be much of an issue in the future. Until then, they pampered her and trained her to be a debutante at a young age.

Her parents became especially uncomfortable when she developed into a tomboy and began to prefer more masculine things. She was female in nature, and they wanted her to act like one. Naiire's condition, however, prevented her from doing so, since she had an unusual level of testosterone in her body. She had to face this mildly through puberty, with a slight growth of facial hair and an irregular cycle that she hadn't been expecting, based on what she had learned.

One day, at age 15, Naiire had noticed she was gaining weight, as well as unusual food cravings and nausea. She went to the nurse to find out what was wrong, and she discovered she was pregnant. She didn't know why, or how, it happened, since she knew she was a virgin, but she was extremely scared either way. Once she finally broke the news to her parents, they finally told her that she had been a hermaphrodite at birth, and that her pregnancy may have been, in fact, a clone she involuntarily created herself.

The news had shocked her incredibly, and she refrained from speaking to them for a while. Ten weeks after hearing this news, Naiire miscarried, and she was immediately placed on birth control patches. Throughout the rest of her high school year, she mostly kept to herself, ignoring the rumors until people finally grew up and it was old news. At age 18, she moved out of her parents house and enrolled in a trade school, which provided a sufficient job along the way. Although she is still saving money on surgery, she has been content with her lifestyle, as well as her anatomy, and thought of spending her surgery money on something else, perhaps a ticket to Las Vegas. Of course, anyone who would plan to visit Sin City would wish for some luck during their stay. Naiire simply hopes for her luck to turn for the better.

Name: Greyson Sharrow

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner: Random!~

Personality: Somewhat of a geek, as he enjoys his video games and internet lore, is more likely to keep to himself. Often makes smartass comments and belittles people to make himself feel better.

History: Greyson is a momma’s boy, as he is the youngest son of the family; his father seemed to bond more with his older brother. This made him more inclined to stay inside his room and focus on the things he enjoyed, like gaming. In fact, it was what he did the most, and that made his mother worry about him also. Coming to a compromise, he agreed to going out with his dad to Las Vegas for his 21st birthday. What he didn’t expect was to wake up with a ring around his finger.


**will sign up my second character laterz
Name: Melody Burkle

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Marriage Partner: (random but male please)

Personality: She is a happy and kind person, she gets hyper allot. She often blurts out the dtrangest things and acts like a todler.

History: Her parents got divorced when she was 4 and she stayed with her mum. She recently got out of a nasty relationship and thats why she was drinking


Name: Leonardo Grey

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner: Random, but female.

Personality: Once you get to know Leo, he's a kind hearted man. Although it'll be a bit difficult to. When around people, he tends to talk more than how he would. But when he's alone, or just sitting on a chair or laying down on a bed to just think, he'll be completely quiet unless there's someone to talk to. He feels very uncomfortable when it comes to people asking him about his past, as if you'll need to be at a certain trustworthy level to hear that kind of stuff from him. He doesn't talk bad about others, but if someone catches him in a bad mood, then they will get what's coming. Other than that, he completely respects others unless treated otherwise. He likes to joke around at times. And he would also have nightmares of the incident that took place at the bank, which would make him scream in terror in the middle of the night. But lately, he hasn't been having a lot of nightmares like before. And along with nightmares, he also has a bit of a drinking problem. He only drinks too much when he's remembering about his past and blaming himself for it. But of course, he'll only do that when ever he's alone. Sometimes though, he would rather be alone than to hang out with people when he's not trying to be social with anyone.

History: For Leonardo, his past had completely changed him ever since his girlfriend had died. His childhood friend, Robert, used to be hanging around with a gang called The Diablos. Leonardo didn't want to be apart of the gang, even though they really wanted him to join in. Especially during the end of college. And by that time, Leonardo was planning on proposing to his girlfriend, Michelle. Back then, Leo worked at a bank which was under the control of The Diablos. The bank was large, and within every bank, they had their own safe. This safe that they had in Leo's bank, was one worth dying for. Since it was jack filled with tons of cash. But as time passed by, Robert and a few other gang members would come by the bank to ask for some money in order to protect the turf from any rival gangs. As if the bank owed them for protection. And Leo was the one running the bank for the meantime while his boss was out on a vacation. So the trade was easy, as long as they stayed away from the bank during the day. Now since Robert was a very popular man in the gang, he helped build some trust with Leo and his group. And as their trust had grown, Leonardo decided to just join the gang, giving them more free will with the bank and it's money. Now once Leonardo joined in on this "trust relationship" with Robert's gang, his bank became a high priority for other neighboring gangs to take over. Or to at least rob from it. Now of course Leo didn't bring his lover into this side of his life. She had no idea that their childhood friend had dragged Leo into something completely dangerous. So he tried to live a double life, and keeping Michelle out of it at all cost. The only problem with that was that Michelle worked at a flower shop right across the street from the bank, so anybody could easily get to her in order to get to Leo.

But everything seemed as if things were going by well. That was until a rival gang called The Slayers came into the picture. They came in one day when Leo was already at work, with a few of Robert's buddies inside the building on guard duty. The Slayers literally came in and parked their two Hummers right outside the bank. And about five armed men came out from each of the Hummers, with each carrying a variety of weapons. Soon after, the first shots had gone off, and everyone was trying to hide from the flying bullets overhead. And right in front of him, the people he was working for and the others who were inside were immediately getting shot to death within seconds. And all Leonardo could do was hide behind his work area. Moments later, the gun firing stopped. Then, one of The Slayers' gang member yelled out Leonardo's name. Of course, Leo didn't bother to stand up from where he was hiding. But the man then said "I have your girl, punk." Quickly, Leo cursed at the man and told him that she had nothing to do with any of this. The rival member did not care at all. All they really wanted was the money. And just how Leo had expected, the other man told him that they only wanted whats inside the safe. So slowly, Leo stood up from behind his desk and asked that if he opened the safe for them, they would let the girl go.

The man who looked as if he was leading the robbery just nodded to his request. What else could Leo do? He had six men pointing their weapons at him. And one man holding Michelle with a pistol pointing towards her head. Steadily, Leo walked over to the safe, and readied out his ID card. He typed in the secured numbers for the safe, then swiped his card on the machine. And open-sesame, the safe opened up and the six men walked right in, shoving Leo along the way. But that sick man who was holding Michelle wasn't done just yet. That man wanted to see Leo suffer, and so he pushed Michelle down onto her knees. He thanked Leo for his cooperation, and then clocked back his pistol and BAM! Michelle's body falls onto the ground with a bullet wound on her forehead. Now Leo was screaming his lungs out and cursing at the man and damning him to hell for what he did. The group leader just walked inside the safe while he leaves Leo lie there on the ground, helplessly begging for his girlfriend to come back. Later on, they left with all the money and spared him. And soon after, that was when the police came into the scene, already too late to do anything. After that day, Robert had arranged for Leonardo to move to California in order to be on the safe side. But Leo made sure that he had cut off all ties with Robert, for he never wanted to do anymore favors for that guy. All Leo wanted to do was to disappear. So he took a different trip instead. Which was Vegas, where he worked at a casino and found himself in a bad drinking habit whenever he was alone in his hotel room. He kept drinking over his girlfriend's death. It's a problem he couldn't get away from. And it's a problem that still haunts him till this very day.

Appearance: View attachment 6714
Name: Elle Elizabeth Camilla

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Marriage Partner: Anyone, she's bisexual

Personality: She seems cold at first glance, but she is actually very kind and down to earth. Though at times she has her head in the clouds, she's got her feet on the ground and mind set straight. Usually she is happy-go-lucky, yet she is still open to tears. She bounces back and forth like that so many times that she can be very confusing. People think she might be bi-polar, but she never looked into it.

History: Elle has always known she was Bisexual, but she didn't really keep it a secret. At the same time she was interested in boys, she also started noticing girls in the same way. Soon after, she started getting her looks and began modeling for a long time. She met a boy named James, who brought her out of her preference of girls for the time they were dating. He broke up with her three years later, when she was drunk and making out with another girl at a modeling party. She was alone and single for years, not willing to get back into dating until her friends forced her to go to Las Vegas to meet someone. They didn't expect it to go
this far.


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Adelyn Adair





Job at the Center:

She's a secretary/event planner~


Adelyn is a confident young woman, she's sure of herself and unafraid to make her voice known. Because of her job, she can be quite gentle especially towards patients but when she needs to be firm then she has no qualms about it. However, due to events in her past Adelyn has grown quite reserved and prefers to be left alone. She often keeps to herself unless she's dealing with a patient or if it involves work, otherwise she tries to be strong.

She has a deep love for her family and especially for her twin sister Evelyn. But she often gets frustrated with her sister, especially when Evelyn does something stupid and reckless. When it involves her sister, Adelyn can get a little irrational... Often times exploding at her sister without actually meaning to, which devolves them into an argument. She does try to do what's right for her sister though...


Adelyn was born in Chicago, Illinois to a small but well-off family. She had a younger (By five minutes) twin sister, Evelyn and together they grew up ever so slightly spoiled. At the age of twelve, their mother died leaving them all alone with a stressed out over worked father. Being the elder twin, Adelyn did what she could to take on the responsibilities that her mother had had. It matured her much faster than was good, but Adelyn didn't mind it so much.

After several years, she decided to go into nursing school and through hard work and dedication she was able to get through and get a degree as a nurse. However, it was around this time that she ran into a huge mistake which would nearly destroy her life... Unfortunately she didn't realize that's what would happen.

This was the time she met Henry... The man who became her husband. When she first met him, Henry had been suave and sweet... Easily sweeping the woman off her feet and through a whirl-wind romance. It was a beautiful wedding and Adelyn's family was quite happy to have such a seemingly nice addition. When Henry's job offer in Vegas showed up, she didn't mind at all the fact that they were uprooting their lives in Chicago and moving quite a distance from everything Adelyn has known. She was in such a dream, she never saw it coming when about a year later... Henry divorced her to go off and marry some woman he'd been cheating on her with. This action brutally tore apart Adelyn, as she'd truly loved her husband and to lose him was to lose everything she'd deemed important.

Unable to stand what had happened, Adelyn quit her job... As she no longer wanted to work in the same hospital as Henry and desperate to hide her misery she kept the news of her divorce from her family.

It was then that she thankfully got the job at the Center, which was quite helpful as she was afraid that she'd be unable to find another job. Now it's been several months since her break up and she was still keeping it a secret, hoping to find a way to deal with it by herself before her family finds out.


View attachment 6720



Evelyn Adair





Marriage Partner:

Random, you can choose anyone you'd like~


She's wild, loose and rather reckless. Evelyn loves the night life and absolutely adores partying and especially drinking! She's a bit of an alcoholic and thoroughly enjoys a good drink. Normally she's at least somewhat responsible when drinking alcohol, but there are occasions when she takes it a bit far. She does actually love her family, but often times find them rather confining and annoying, especially when they get angry at how she spends her life. Evelyn does feel hurt though, especially when her sister gets mad at her. She hates it when she and her twin get involved with an argument.


Most of it is the same as Adelyn's, except when their mother died and her sister took on responsibility... Evelyn saw it as an opportunity to become as care-free as possible. Which is how she turned out the way she did. Evelyn did go to school, but once she graduated high-school, she saw no point in going onto college. Instead she went on to party and have fun, thoroughly enjoying everything and ignoring how it effected her family. Evelyn partied mostly off of her father's money, as he couldn't seem to ever say no to his little girls.

A few weeks ago she came to Vegas to visit her sister, but was slightly surprised by how distant Adelyn was... Even to her. But that didn't stop Evelyn from enjoying the night life, especially the clubs. Which is how she ended up in the situation she is now.


View attachment 6720
Possible Staff Jobs Left:

At least two therapists, a cabana boy/girl + maid, a cook, a kitchen wench, a doctor medical base not mental, a handyman/woman + IT person.
Name: Alexander Ross Distefano

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner:


Personality is one thing Ross both lacks and is overflowing with. His moods shift depending on the day, and can not be properly defined by singular personality traits. If he was to take a shot in the dark, the one he'd say that remains steady is passionate, mostly reffering to his work.


Ross, ironically, grew up in a small town in Kansas, population; 30, children his age; 2. And, in a town where everyone knew everything and word got around fast, he had to fight hard with his thoughts and urges to keep his father looking good and his mother proud. Neither hid their thoughts of what he was ashamed to be, and he played everything right, never really finding a true passion throughout school. He played a lot of sports, and broke just as many bones He made varsiety for both Hockey and Football by junior year. Most in the town assumed he would go pro.

After graduation, Ross couldn't deny it anymore. Word spread like wild fire through the town that on the day Michael Distefano's son left, it was from the shame he brought to that family. He has yet to speak to either his mother or his father, though he always wires them money or ships them gifts in the holiday seasons. No one is quite sure who had more hatred the day he left for New York City, and none of them ever saw what his future had in store coming. But everyone was fully aware that Alexander Ross was never coming back

For two years in New York, Ross struggled through a job working in a kitchen in a small run down appartment.He took up sketch art and yoga and frequented cheap nightclubs on singles nights. He met men that made him stop being ashamed of himself, and started opening up more to his true nature. Though he still holds hints of guilt and more readily accepts abuse of homophobes than most that he assiociated with, he stopped trying to be someting he wasn't.

What came with that was finally awknowledging the small voice in the back of his head that often critiqued appearances of other people, and even himself. Following it more lead him to discover a passion he had for an art of gods, a smoke and mirrors trade of selling beauty. Fashion. It was then that he found a serious direction to aim for, and he had placed himself in the city to do it. He dived headfirst into the world, was consumed by the enormous monster that it was, and came out, in due time, a fashionista among men, the next Gianni, Korrs, Klein, or Chanel as some would say.

Mr. Alexander Ross, a simple boy from a shut in town, had become through hard work and a brilliant mind, a well known mute designer. In the years he spent prior to the moment in Vegas, he created several high end fashion lines and designed dresses and suits for many a celebrities for a variety of occasions.

Then, to celebrate a particullary well recieved take off on his latest project, he and several close associates went to spend a night in Vegas. What happened exactly is a blur, and come the next morning, Ross had a ring on his finger and had a stranger tucked against him. When the dust of shock, suprirse, and an angry voice settled, and all was said and done, the two found themselves checking into Rose Bundles Marriage Center, all fees paid for in full by him.


Name: Miriam “Miri” Petri

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Job at the Center: Maid/Housekeep.

Personality: Is very youthful; often cheery, affectionate, bubbly and an overall happy-go lucky girl. Along with her youth comes her naïve nature, and she can often be thought to live under a rock. She is rather sensitive and rather scatterbrained about the work she does.


Miri has experienced very little in her youth, as her parents were very protective of their only child. In fact they were a little too protective; she never learned how to ride a bike, never went to public school and has never kissed a boy. Let alone talk to one.

She was their baby, and although she enjoyed their affections the girl eventually was exposed to the outside world. Upon seeing how others lived, she was both confused and jealous over what she couldn’t do. Feeling rather isolated because of her parents, she tried to spend most of her time outside, but the backyard was as far as she could go.

Eventually, her parents came to an agreement with her, they would let her out of house if she agreed to their circumstances. What that pertained to was an arranged marriage, as her parent’s always thought they knew best for her. Miri wanted to experience the real world though, so she agreed to their plans and became engaged at 16.

She is rather mutual about the agreement as she has never heard about or met the man she is to be married to. The world was now in her grasp though, unfortunately as if her parents knew she might escape their grasp on her they had sent a resume into the Rose Bundles Marriage Center.


Staff Form:

Name: ‘Sassin’ Annie Ryder

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Job at the Center: Handy (woman) – IT person

Personality: Sassin has guts, and will gladly hold her own in a fist fight if need be. She just likes to be left alone for the most part. Most people don’t get her and she finds them ignorant for not doing so.


Annie was always smart for her age and at eccentric. She was that odd child everyone took to be a bit nuts, claiming to see ghost and shadows, given black eyes to those who called her a liar. It made it hard on her parents of course but they did all they could do to help, many shrinks later and she seemed to have gotten worse. For all they know it could have been done due to rebelling. By the time she hit high school she had a brand new dark look and name that she answered to even 'Sassin'. She refused to be acknowledged by anything else, and won’t answer to any other name.

She was always good at fixing stuff though, of course . . . part of that came from getting sick of getting in trouble for taken things apart. So in the end she learnt to put them back together even better than new at times. Sure a part would be left out now and then, but that always happens when you’re fixing something right? She adapted her knowledge into the IT field just enough to figure how it worked and how to fix problems that arise.

As she got older though her, unique ways made it hard to find a job. Luckily with the promise of a dark basement all to herself and a decent paying job she finally found a place she could call home in a ways.




Sassin has a best friend who shows up and hangs around if not spends the night at time that goes by Raven. This girl is rarely seen out and about during the day, but if she is hanging out she appears at night off and on and has been known to frighten the guest if they sneak about. Sassin likes to joke that she is the center’s own personal security vampire at times.

Approved List:

~Username - Character Name

[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] - Rayne Rivera

[MENTION=2424]ErisianDialects[/MENTION] -Chance Chase

[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] - Jeannie Moore

[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] - Greyson Sharrow

[MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] - Melody Burkle

[MENTION=1789]Darksoul90[/MENTION] - Leonardo Grey

[MENTION=3116]Halo[/MENTION] - Elle Elizabeth Camilla

[MENTION=17]Michishige Sachiko[/MENTION] - Adelyn Adair

[MENTION=17]Michishige Sachiko[/MENTION] - Evelyn Adair

[MENTION=30]Esme[/MENTION] - Alexander Ross Distefano

[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] - Miriam “Miri” Petri

[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] - ‘Sassin’ Annie Ryder
[MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] : You may, I was the one who decided on you not to be in, to be honest. I went to everyone's profiles then hit view post. This role-play requires at least a paragraph per post. In the post I have seen done by you I have notice you not hit this requirement in any other role-play. So I was left with a choice of letting you in with one character and taken a risk given you that chance. If I did this though and you couldn't keep up it was your partner who would suffer in my view. It was a hard choice but, that's what decided it.

Paragraph post determined by schools I was taught in are 5 sentences, I am reasonable and allow 4 if the sentences are well written.

I am not unreasonable though, if you can find and show me a past role-play of yours in which you have actively posted a paragraph per character per post, I'll allow you one character in for now. If you do well I'll gladly allow you more. I also don't have much to go off on your characters, but that's not such a big deal. I believe characters are fun to develop in a role-play so profiles are more outlines.
Oh, I wil apologize for my characters right now. I haven't been on the copter in a while do I haven't been able to spice up my characters yet, and I won't do it on my phone. If I did do it on my phone, that would be a living nightmare becuase my guess is that it would probably shut down every ten minutes. It's ok, I don't need to be in this role play, someone else can. But I do have a handful of posts where I did a decent sized paragraph.
@Coedy : I really did mean no offense towards you. That was just how I decided. I'm kinda hoping to keep this role-play one of the few that have decent size post. ^.^ If you ever want to join later and can show me at least a little something of those longer post it'll be fine. It's just harder to tell someone they're out of a role-play once it started and they're partnered so I didn't want to risk it.
Married Form:


Sage Lieberch



Likes: He has a weakness for animals,Piano,and of course girls.

Dislikes: Being irritated/annoyed

Marriage Partner: (No one yet waiting to be paired up.)

Personality: He is a big flirt and a bit of a perv but still has a sweet side to him.Sage is not always flirty...... OK well i lied i guess he is BUT once you get to know him a little more he can be sweet and a bit of a romantic.There are times where Sage can be cold and unappealing well if only you tick him off or flirt with his girl but i think everyman does that,anyways he is kind and caring too and he is family orientated.I almost forgot a superb kisser
;) .

History:Sage lived a good life.His parents where rich and treated him with respect.When ever he was in high school the girls there based a fan club after him.He was known as the most popular guy in school.Every girl gawked over his flirty personality and i wont forget to mention his looks. I guess you could say his life was perfect,the only thing that doesn't make it 100% perfect was he never had a girlfriend sure he had many love confessions but he turned them down the only woman he wanted was one he would love.All his life he waited for the right girl that he could make happy and make her feel loved for the rest of their life's.

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Sorry it took so long. It's not too late to join is it?

Name: Elzy Miller

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner:

Personality: Lazy, easily bored and a little sarcastic, Elzy can be hard to get along with at times. His ownly friends are those you can tolerate he's behaviour. He's easily angered and not very tolerant or patient with people. The only time he acts happy and calm is when he's cooking.

History: Middle child in a well-to-do, upper middle class family, Elzy was never in want of anything nor was he really pushed to achieve anything great, he's parents usually preoccupied with he's other two siblings. By the time they started paying attention to him when he entered the senior years of highschool, he had already developed his lazy habbits. He was going alright accademically; Elzy was just smart enough to score average grades without studying much, but he had no drive to be an overachiever.

When he was 17, Elzy decided to drop out of school and take an apprenticeship, much to everyone's suprise, at a restauraunt to become a cook. Ezly was actually great with food and it was something he really enjoyed. After 3 years he became a fully qualified chef. His job paid enough for the cost of living and to party on weekends with his friends, Elzy was completely content with his life and had no desire to change it. For his 21st birthday, he decided to go celebrate in Las Vegas, believing that when the weekend of was over he'd just catch a flight back home ready for work monday afternoon. After all, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... right?


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Name: Lillian E. Isle

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Job at the Center: Therapist

Personality: Intelligent, respectable, determined, and compassionate, yet is headstrong and very stubborn at times. She takes her job, among other things, very seriously, and at times doesn't appear to have a sense of humor. Though she is willing to make the couples' that attend the counseling center to make their realtionship work, she herself does not wish for a romantic relationship.

History: Lillian had grown up with a single mother during her childhood. Her mother gave her the best she could, outside of a decent father figure; she wasn't the best at relationships. When Lillian was a young age, there had only been one of her mother's "friends" that she truly liked, but that was somehow sabotaged by a her mother's infidelity, of all things. Lillian became somehow used to having random men come at her doorstep, and would often at times make their stay very uninviting, making them leave using tthreats at times.

Of course being familiar to her mother's habits, and her small doses of what would be considered "puppy love" in secondary school, Lillian found it best not to associate herself with such interaction and found it, in simpler terms, a waste of time. Not having things like that distract her, Lillian had graduated at the top of her class, and enrolled into Harvard on a scholarship, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a master's degree in psychology. The marriage center is yet another step into her career, now having an opportunity to work hands on with couples, despite how ironic she finds it.


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