Forest [Inactive]

Sakura and Lei Nikos submitted a new role play:

Forest - Big forest, lots of places to go.

Its a forest, There is a lake and trees. Pretty much it.
Read more about this role play... 
~Lei and Sakura are walking threw the forest. Not really knowing what there is out there.~

::Lei walks along with his sister looking around wondering if they can find a good place to stop and rest:: "This is just great, you had to go running away in the woods behind our house.

::Sakura walks behind her brother as she gives him a glare:: "Hey I never wanted to have you come get me, Its not my fault that you got us lost." 
::Lei sighs as he stops. He looks up at the tall trees seeing the little sky that he can:: "Its going to get dark soon, if we don't find our way back were going to have to sleep in this forest for the night."

::Sakura's eyes go a bit wide:: "What!? I don't want to stay in this creepy forest, I want to go home and sleep in my nice warm bed!" 
"Come on lets get going, were got going to get anywhere if we just stand here." ::Lei starts walking again::

::Sakura looks at him walk away from her. "I'm just going to stay here and rest for a bit Lei. I'm tired and my legs hurt from walking this much." ::She flops down on the grass laying on her back looking up:: "I wanna go home.."  
::Lei stops and looks back to his sister laying on the grass.:: "It's going to get dark soon so rest quick." ::He walks over to a tree and sits down leaning on it.::

::Sakura yawns some and closes her eyes:: "yeah yeah..will do."
::Shadow decided to go into the forest. After all, He was the hunter of the town. It was his job. He slipped his axe of his back and found the nearest tree. As he made one big chop on the tree, He heard some voices. He was wearing a strange outfit but with it he pushed his hood over his face. He slowly started walking in the direction of the voices with his axe in front of him.::
::Lei looks up at the sky again seeing it beginning to get dark out. He then gets up and walks over to his sister.:: "Hey its time to move on now. Its getting dark now."

::Sakura opens her eyes slowly as she looks at him.:: "But I just sat down Lei. Five more minuets come on." ::Sakura closes her eyes again.::

::Lei puts his hand on his face and moves it down.:: "You have to be kidding me..Fine we will do this the hard way!"

::Sakura's eyes go wide as she gets picked up by her brother:: "Hey wait! What are you doing?!"

"If your not going to get up then I'm going to have to carry you, Lazy girl." ::Lei carry's her by her waist so her front side is behind him::

"Lei!!" ::Sakura yells as she pounds on his back.::
::When Shadow gets closer he saw 2 children. One big and one small. He went up to him and began to make a comment:

"Why, Hello there! What may you be doing here at this time of night?" He asked walking closer...and closer...::
::Lei's eyes go a bit wide as he looks at the person walking to him.:: "Stay there, Who are you!?" ::He says as he takes a step back for each step he takes::

"What's going on? Who is that?" ::Sakura says as she tries to get free from his grip:: "And will you let me down?!"

"Stay still will ya." ::He says to his sister::
::Shadow continued to walk. There was no reason for them to be scared of him. Oh...Wait...The Axe! He dropped the axe to show that he meant no harm.

"I mean no harm! I just came here to chop down some trees. Its just you looked quite lost...Am i correct?"
::Sakura's gets free of her brothers hold and drops down on the ground.:: "Well that was nice.." ::She stands up and looks over to the guy. She stares for a bit then gets an idea. She looks over to her brother and smirks. Lei looks over to her:: "Don't you dare--" ::Sakura rushes over to the man:: "Hes trying to take me away from my family!" She goes behind the guy and points over to her brother. "He said hes going to do things to me!"

::Lei's eyes go wide:: "Are you crazy!?"
::Tristan, walking out of his Aunt's home and wondering where to go considering they had forgot to pay the internet bills, had nothing to do there. Seeing a forest nearby he walked into it while listening to music on his mp3 wondering what would come of it.::
::Lei decides to take matters into his own hands. He rushes over and grabs his sisters hand:: "Are you crazy Sakura?! That guy has a weapon if you forgot about that!" ::Lei takes his sister and starts running away from the guy going deeper into the forest::

::Sakura looks at her brother and sees that she really made him mad with the comment that she made:: "Lei..I'm sorry. I just.." "I know I know, But right now we have to get away from that guy. We know nothing about him and your going all crazy!"
::Continues walking very deep into the forest listening to loud music, when he sees two people running in his direction. He quickly turns the volume up on his mp3 in case they talk to him, in which would cause him to panic because of his low social interaction. ::
::The Brother and Sister keep walking. Lei is looking behind him to make sure they are not being followed:: "Good I think we lost him." ::Sakura looks ahead and sees a person walking to them. She then remembers what Lei said about that other guy with the weapon. She looks at the guy and sees that he has no weapon. She takes a deep breath of air:: "Hey you!! Your not going to hurt us are you?!" ::When Sakura says this Lei looks over to her:: "What are you doing?" ::He then looks and sees the person walking to them:: "Well at least this guy does not have a axe.."
::Sees the two people talking to him and tries to pretend he doesn't notice them, however his mp3 starts to glitch out and shuts off:: "Man..." ::He starts to go into a different direction upon realizing he now cannot use his music to ignore them talking to him.::
::Sakura gets her hand free from her brother and rushes over to the guy:: "Hey!" ::As she does this Lei just decides to just let her have her way. He goes over by a tree that is not that far from were they are and sits down:: "Here she goes again.." ::He sighs::
::He sees and realizes that he cannot just be rude and ignore someone going out of their way to talk to him. He sighs and turns to the girl.:: "Hey...."::He waves his hand awkwardly not knowing what to do in this situation, and as he does so, he gets out a small bag of unopened chips::
::Sakura smiles at him then looks at the bag of chips, She thinks nothing of it for now and looks back to him.:: "Are you lost in this forest to? Me and my brother over there-" ::She goes to point over to her brother and sees that he fell a sleep:: "-He..passed out." ::She brings her attention back to the guy and smiles.::
::He blushes at amazement at the girl for being able to talk to a stranger so friendly. Not counting the fact that she and her brother are lost in a forest, yet she seems calm as he could picture her as being:: "Umm.......n-no not really Im actually pretty good at finding my way out of forests...." ::As he says this he looks around suddenly and notices that he has strayed very far from the patch of forest he recognized.:: "W-Well I wasn't lost until now that is" ::He looks down at the bag of unopened chips and opens the bag.::
::Sakura sighs as she thought for a second that she and her brother could get out of the forest:: "This forest never ends.." ::She shakes her head trying to stay positive. She looks at the guy and gets a surprised look on her face:: "Man and I stupid. My name is Sakura and the sleeping fool over there is my brother Lei." ::She smiles::
::He eats some of the chips from the bag, and listens to the girl. After she smiles at him again he realizes he should respond back:: "O-oh my name is Tristan...::He looks at the girl to the bag of chips in his hand, and back to the girl. Afterwards he outstretches the bag to the girl thinking she might be hungry.::
"Nice to meet you Tristan." ::She looks down at him offering her some chips, She then looks back at him and waves her hands:: "Oh no I don't want to take any chips from you, there yours and I'm really not that hungry." ::As she says this her stomach grows and she sweat-drops::
::He hears the girls stomach growl, and wonders how long exactly this girl has been lost out here with her brother. However since it is not really any of his business, he just continues to outstretch the bag of chips to the girl:: "Don't worry I can go awhile without eating, but I don't think you can much longer..." ::Notices that an acorn dropped on his head, he just ignores it because it is normal for acorns to fall from trees. However he checks his mp3 to see that it is working again but puts it back in his pocket::
::Xaavia sits in the tree watching them interact with each other. She pulls out her sketch book and begins to draw out the scene::
::Sakura sighs:: "thank you.." ::She says as she gets a little embarrassed as she takes a few chips from the bag:: ::Lei still sleeps by the tree and begins to lean over and flops on the grass, this not waking him up. A few feet away from him a snake slowly comes up to him::
Xaavia said:
((Ok sorry to interrupt I'm kind of new at this. Can some one help me. Sorry again))
((ooc: What do you need help with. Let's talk in the Out of character chat. its the tab right by the character sigh up))

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