Forest fire


Magic Eight Ball
// Hey! First rp on rpnation. This idea came to me a while ago and I hope it will be fun!//

Centuries ago, the earth was covered by thick, lush forests. Now, dry desert is what resides in their place. The animals that once lived in these forest have blamed this horrible incident on Fox. Her ancestors once possessed the power of fire. The outcast treatment the foxes endured caused them to rise up and reveal they're power to all the animals of the forest; burning the trees to the ground. The burden of the past remains upon Fox's shoulders as she begins a journey to bring back the forest.

Crappy explanation!!! :saddd:

Alright, here are the rules for joining.

Choose a forest animal as your character.

Its name should be something unorthodox (aka- no Ashley or Zack type names)

Please read the whole Rp if you would like to join mid-play. And in you do join mid-play, join in a way that makes sense... :P

Also please try to add more that one line posts. Put ja heart into it ;)

Now lets begin!

Fox walked across the barren desert, the hot dry ground growing painful upon her paws. It has been three days since the others have chased her out of the watering hole. The same story about her ancestors had resurfaced. She now walked aimlessly, hoping to find another place to drink. But, as the sky began to dim and the hot air grew more humid, she knew she had to find a place to settle for the night. A spiky shrub seemed to suit her needs. Fox scrambled over to it and peered beneath it, checking for any dangerous creatures that might dwell beneath. She was shocked to see something beneath the sharp branches, it stirred slightly before turning towards her.
I hope you don't mind me just jumping in like this but I really liked your plot line and I am new to role playing. I thought this thread would be a good place to start :) Its not much but I didn't want to make s large post if this isn't what you wanted.

The bear turned over looking into the eyes of fox. "Well didn't you learn any manners? peeping on someone as they take their evening nap?" She stretched as she began to stand to get a better look at her intruder. "You seem more tired than me anyway. You can have that spot, I have been sleeping all day. If you would like I will keep guard for you since everyone from the forest lands wants you dead" She gave fox a playful smirk as she sat next to the shrub.
(Ahh yay! Thank you so much for jumping in! I am honored to help you begin your journey into the magical world of role playing! X3)

Fox was taken aback by the bear's kindness, relinquishing this small haven to a generation of the destructive fire wielders. "Well, thank you," She said quietly, hesitant to crawl beneath the bush. But eventually made up her mind to scurry into the shelter. The slightly cooler temperature clung to Fox's fur and burrowed its way to her skin. She couldn't help but sigh with pleasure. Resting her muzzle on her paws, for an instant Fox forgot about the bear's presence. She blinked up at her, with curious blue eyes, wondering why the bear is acting so kindly. Surely she knows about the foxes of the past... Then again, Fox had never seen this bear around before. Not like she memorized each and every animal that came about these parts, but this one seemed different. "There's room for one more," Fox said nervously scooting over into the branches, "If the heat is to much out there," She awaited the reply anxiously, hoping the bear would not lash out and leave her. She seemed kinder than the others and Fox wanted company.
(Thank you :3 I didnt expect to recieve such open arms lol )

There was a small huff then a moment later the shaggy red-brown fur of the bear appeared, shrinking into the space the two now shared. "I guess it was obvious that I wasn't too fond of being out there either," she took a pause looking up at fox as she curled tight into herself. "The name is Komala, Komi for short. What are you doing out here so vulnerable? I haven't seen a fox for a long time," Komala had never had any angst against anyone no matter the issues that arose. Everyone needed someone at one point or another, needless to say she didn't mind the company of the destructive descendant even though with as nervous as she looked it was hard to believe she could harm even a rat. Komala mistakenly chuckled aloud at the thought.
Fox rested her head on her paws once more. "I got driven out of the watering hole a ways back there. I think they stopped following me by now," She glanced out toward where she had come, just to make sure there wasn't a stalker. "My name is Fox. You seem kind, Komi..." Fox rolled over onto her side and looked at her with tired blue eyes. A while passed by when the only thing that passed between the pair was the sound of the dry desert wind. After a while Fox gathered her courage and asked the bear the thing that was weighing heavily on her mind the longer they sat together, "Komi... Do you believe in the story of my ancestors?" Komi didn't seem to mind Fox, so she thought that maybe this bear was oblivious of the things that haunted her fiery past. Fox flinched as she nervously awaited the answer to this sensitive question.
Komala just yawned and moved to lay on her back. "Of course I believe it. There would be no desert so vast and dry if it wasn't true but I don't know the motives of your ancestors just like I don't know your motives now. If you wanted to kill me I would be dead," She popped an eye open to look in Fox's direction. "Plus what has been done is done. There's no going back on it now and as for your wondering of my strange liking toward are not your ancestors. Why should I judge you for what they did before? A lost person is a lost person. We should all stick together," Komi just smiled warmly at her. "Everyone needs a friend sometimes Fox and you just happened to find yours in the middle of the desert. Now go to sleep, you need the rest." She looked back up at the darkening sky, keeping guard over the tired creature that laid next to her.
The sky had transformed into a musty purple, creating yet another dry and desolate night in the desert. Fox had digested what her new companion had said to her. And she was right. She was the first one to accept that the time of destruction was in the past and that it wasn't her fault. Even Fox herself had a hard time convincing that the destruction wasn't her fault. Nonetheless, she curled up next to her new companion. "Thank you," She whispered before slipping into a light sleep.
Small rays of sunlight shone thought the open spaces of the shrub to gently sparkle on Komala's eyes. All she could do was grunt an roll over as she cursed herself for falling asleep on the watch. She looked over and saw Fox to breathe out a sigh of relief. "Safe another night," She smiled as she carefully climbed from under the shrub to look around. It was still early and the sun was just peaking over the horizon. Komala's just stated at the sunset's beautiful hues until the full orb was just barely visible over the dunes. "Fox" she whispered, "fox it's time for you to wake up. It's best to travel before the sun is high in the sky" she went on as she softly nudged her with the end of a large paw.
A shutter racked Fox's body as Komala's paw prodded her back. She stirred slightly and turned to face the bear. "Oh- It's time to move already?" She stretched and meandered out from under the bush. The land was scorching today; hotter than the days before. As soon as the sunlight had met the fox's fur, she instantly began to pant. Her throat was dry and her stomach growled. "Komi, we should find water today," Fox wheezed to her friend.
Komala nodded and slid herself under Fox's body to bump her onto her back. "You can rest your feet and I can cover more ground anyway." She sniffed the air looking for an answer. "I smell a stray tree off toward the east if that's the direction you are headed," she stated as she was already walking off. "You have already gotten yourself a travel mate so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't convince me otherwise. Just in case you were thinking it," a coy smile played across her muzzle. She pressed one through the heat almost unfazed since the coolness still clung to her thick fur. She would learn to regret that heavy coat later.
Wolf was padding along the desert sand. The hot grains seethed at his paws and dug into him. Looking over, he could make out two shadows looming in the distance. Too far to see what animal they were, he saw one slightly larger than the other. He stood there and stared at the shadows.

(oh srry I forgot to ask. May I join? :D )
The small fox cub dashed out of her den, shuddering at the large wolf chasing after her. She cowered behind a rock, praying her mother would come home sooner. She let out a small sigh, thankful that the wolf wasn't in sights. Until.... PLOP! A large plop of water dripped on to her small head, followed by a warm breeze. Hmm. Didn't look like rain.... Then it hit her.

"WOOOOLF!" She cried out, making a failed attempt to run. The wolf easily picked her up by her tail and grinned.

"Ah, I've heard much about you, Flame. You are Fox's niece, if I am correct. Never known and still won't be..." He began, opening his jaws and lifting her above it. Flame whimpered, and without even thinking, flicked her tail softly, curiously turning around after being dropped.

"I thought it was a myth.... The return of the Fox Flame.... It has come! I must warn the others! As for you, well, you'd be lucky if you saw the light of another day. See ya!" The wolf cried out, dashing away.

Flame was still confused. What was he talking about? She peeked at her tail, yelping as she noticed it was on fire.

"EEEAAAP!" She shrieked, leaping in to the air as the fire extinguished. Once she landed on her feet again, she felt more relieved. The odd part was it didn't hurt her. It didn't burn, it didn't even singe off her fur. Everything was just like before. She lifted a paw, and flicked it, watching as a long wisp of fire stretched out and burnt the bark of an old oak tree. Grinning widely, she pranced in the direction of the wolf, ready to show him what this Flame could do.
Wolf saw a bright little flame in the distance. He pricked his ears toward it and followed. He saw a little fox with a flame on her tail. He thought she might've been in pain but she wasn't. He waites a while before coming out," Um, hi. I couldn't help but notice...your...uh, tail," he tried to be as polite as he could.
QUESTION!!! Do I just join in or do I have to descibe what my character looks like and such? AND would Tazar be a good name? I know someone that has that name, but, it is a unusal name...
Ava Deere, the deer, sped through the desert faster than the roadrunner. In the distance, she saw flame.

"Another Fox? How interesting."

Ava skidded to a stop and saw Wolf telling the Fox its tail was on fire. She stood a good distance away from Wolf, she didn't really trust him. Then she saw the fox. It was small, tiny even. Ava waited to see what Wolf was going to do next.
Wolf's ears pricked up. Deer. He spun around, to see a deer and licked his lips and growled slightly," Hello. You know, you shouldn't creep up on an animal with a keep sense of smell, Miss Deer," he said, lashing his tail.

(You guys wanna revive this thread? [MENTION=3774]Vitez[/MENTION] [MENTION=3656]Scribbler101[/MENTION] [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] [MENTION=3511]vhoid[/MENTION])
Flame tried to look proud, whipping her tail once as the ember ignited once more. She held up a paw wearily, finding that her body began to quiver. Her paw lit a small fire, and the smoke filled her breathing air, forcing her to cough quietly. "S-stay back! I-I know how to use this thing, I could do some... Some serious burning!" Flame whimpered, taking a step back and glancing behind her. The wolf was sashaying away slowly, its bushy tail curving with sass. It mocked her. She felt the heat and anger boil within her, and the flames on her body rose more, almost engulfing the pup in the bright fire.
Wolf stared blankly at Flame," My, why would EVER think of eating you? I'm not THAT cruel," he said, pricking gis ears back in offense," Plus, we're both canines, so it would basically be cannibalism," Wolf said, flicking his tail in disgust. "What do have with me? We have just met and you're threatening to burn me!" He huffed, snorting a bit.
Flame let her anger drop, curiosity pinging her face. The fires quickly extinguished with a small whoosh, and she took a step toward the bystanders, cocking her head. "So you're not going to kill me?" She questioned quietly, a tone of fear hinted in her shaken voice. Hunger knotted at her stomach, and she watched carefully as a small rabbit pounced past. She attempted to leap after it, only to have dirt kicked to her face. She sighed, her eyes searching around for prey. She spotted a small mouse, and faintly flicked her paw. The mouse burned, cooking in to death. A grin smeared across her face, and she eagerly ate it. Flame quickly dashed back to the wolf, looking up as high as she could to try to see his eyes.
Wolf looked down at Flame. She was a bit small compared to him, but noted that she could easily set his tail on fire. Flicking his ears back, Wolf grumbled," Well, I DID say I wasn't going to kill you, right?" He bared his teeth and licked his lips," So are we alright, fox~?" Wolf sat down calmly, putting off any previous signs of irratation. "Why is a little fox like you in this hot desert? Surely you aren't out here for the fun, yes?"
Flame sat down, looking up to the wolf. "Me? You're funny," She scoffed disgustedly. "My mama lost me, er, I lost my mama, um, I got lost." She mumbles ashamed, silently sighing and letting her tail catch fire. She swiftly moved her tail back and forth in an intimidating way, a small smirk on her face. It hit her. She was valuable, dangerous, those who tried to eat her would burn to the ground. She heaved a loud breath, trying to rid of her greedy thoughts.
Without the protection of the trees these days, finding a safe place to hide was hard to come by. Luckily for Luna she spotted a small cave in the ground a few months back and it's been her home ever since. It's miles away from anything so not much wanders by. There is no one around to steal her safe haven but bugs and the occasional mouse, which made finding food a simple task. Luna poked her head out into the piercing sunshine and winced. She closed her eyes fast and pulled back into her cave. The heat was unbearable some days, like today, when she couldn't sleep and with water hard to come by, made her even more restless in her tiny rock.

A cave was no paradise for a horned owl, but it kept her warm rather than hot out in the open. She decided that tonight she would fly to the watering hole to hydrate and clean her feathers of the dirt and sand that had slowly been building under her ruffles. She worried most about leading the foxes to her home. Where could she go, where would she sleep during the long hours of the blistering hot days! She shook her beak and rustled around until she became a little more comfy and shut her eyes in hopes of an early sunset.

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