Forbidden Love RP


Senior Member
Skeleton, please be descriptive:

Role-play you want:

Character you want:




Sexuality (unless that is already given):

Appearance (pic is preferred, no anime):



Special trait:

Theme song:


Role-play you want:

Angel x Human

Character you want:

- Human


Dallas Jones










Dallas is a young girl with a happy free spirit. She loves

helping people out and can be as sweet as she needs

to be. She loves discovering new things everyday and enjoys

solving problems. Dallas has a short attention span and

is often getting in trouble because of it. She always tries

to pay more attention to what she does. She is easy to fool and

has been cheated in the past. She truly wants to fall in love so she

has someone to care for and hold when their down. Dallas likes

to do anything to make life more interesting for herself. She always

dares to believe in others even if they aren't high in the social latter.

She's girl who also loves to do things with her family

and is very social so she's proven to have a large amount of friends.


Dallas grew up in a one pay check family she has two

older twin brothers who she would always play with. She would play

princess or superhero with Jason and sports with James. Dallas started school at

the age of 6 and began becoming happier by the day and making friends was no

problem for Dallas. She rode horses every time she went with her mother to her

job on a ranch. She soon started entering riding compositions at the

age of 15 and didn't care if she won or lost. She never complained

about practice or a competition with riding she would be their before anyone had

to tell her to. She won half of the competitions because of the determination

and drive she had while riding. Her social life never got in the way of

riding either. If she planned to meet with a friend it had to be on a day when she

didn't have practice or a competition. Aside from riding she also loved to

have a good time. She would go and party when she had time

away from riding and school. At most of the parties people had stolen

or asked for money leaving Dallas broke most of the time so

her mom forced her to get a job. She now works with her brothers

as a waitresses in a coffee shop. She hasn't stopped riding and is almost

done with high school and making plans for college.

Special trait:

Dallas speaks to other languages.

Theme song:

Still That Girl - Britt Nicole

Role-play you want: Girl x Girl

Character you want: Girl 2

Name: Eren Hunter

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality (unless that is already given): As far as she knows, Heterosexual. But, that's not true :3

Appearance (pic is preferred, no anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/hair.jpg.81d68625775c87216683177501c7cf59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18858" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/hair.jpg.81d68625775c87216683177501c7cf59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shy, reckless/impulsive, strange. Loves physical stuff or being active, and almost never wears shoes. Works at an ice-cream stall, and is heavily tanned from all the time spent on the beach.

Eren has never really felt attracted to guys, but has never considered being anything but heterosexual, nor even really the idea that someone could love her in that way.

Generally sweet, but is very introverted, and has trouble expressing herself. Even though she's shy, she isn't afraid to speak up, especially if someone's in trouble or it's something she feels strongly about.

History: Fairly normal childhood, Eren grew up with 3 brothers and her parents, life a steady version of chaos. Living with three boys, Eren quickly got used to sports, wrestling, and all the usual thing young boys do, but whereas most girls would veer away and find other girls to play with, Eren stayed with her brothers.

They moved closer to the water when she was 14, and have lived there ever since. Eren spends almost all her time either at the beach, or deep in books, sports, or her job.

Special trait: Plays quite a few instruments, and sings on occasion, though never in front of people.

Theme song:
True colours ~ Artists Against



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Role-play you want:

Girl x Boy

Character you want:



Adrian(Addy) Kings





Sexuality (unless that is already given):

Straight as a line



Addy likes to think of herself as a comedian, cracking a joke in every situation, good and bad. She makes friends very easily with her bubbly and outgoing personality. But she can also be extremely fierce when she wants to be, and when she is angry, get as far away as possible.


Addy grew up in a small apartment complex in the city with her mom. It was hard for her, her mother always hitting on a zillion different guys and barely gave Addy a second glance. Because of this it gave her a reason to focus on her studies throughout elementary and middle school. And also, for this reason, she hates guys. No matter how hot they are.(Or so she thinks. :3)

Special trait:

She loves playing guitar, riding horses, and is a pretty good photographer.

Theme song:

Role-play you want: Girl x Boy

Character you want: Boy

Name: Zachary (Zach) Ashworth

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality (unless that is already given): Straight as a ruler!!!!

Appearance (pic is preferred, no anime): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/819667.jpg.a5d8d3e9d58334b544a178947edb688e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/819667.jpg.a5d8d3e9d58334b544a178947edb688e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Funny and out going, loves to be the center of attention. Most times his attitude gets the best of him and gets him into trouble. Not very mature (he is a high school student sooooo that's to be expected) but loves to flirt around with girls. Has a good heart but doesn't want others to know because he wants to be known as the cool guy not the lame one.

History: Grew up in a wealthy household, full of athletes. Both his mother and his father played sports professionally. His father played football professionally for the NFL for 13 years as a Quarter-back for the Titans. His mother still plays golf professionally to this day. His parents raised him to become the perfect athlete and that's just what they want out of him, but they don't know that he secretly doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his parents but that he wants to become something greater than a just a jock, he wants to create and plan out his own future.

Special trait: Very good at playing sports, and is very successful with the ladies ;)

Theme song: LMFAO: Party Rock ------or------- Lil Jon: Turn Down For What



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Role-play you want:

Angel x Human

Character you want:



Maxen Kazama




19 (If Angels are immortal here, 102)

Sexuality (unless that is already given):


Appearance (pic is preferred, no anime):



"Meh, I'll help ya anyway, whether you like it or not."

Maxen's a nice guy. He'll help people out in any way he can.

"*laughs* Sure, sure. But don't worry, I got your back."

Maxen is supportive. He supports people, even if they're strangers. He's an
angel what do you expect?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

He isn't afraid of voicing his opinions. If he knows it's bad, he'll tell it to the person guilty.

"Calm down, man. Chill!"

He's laid-back and easy-going. He tells people to solve their problems calmly, or they will surely screw up for sure.

"Look man, I understand what you're saying, okay?"

Maxen is understanding. He's been through problems similar to others, but he didn't give up.

"Hmm... I think Darth Vader would've won a fair fight with Hitler on their last rap battle if he didn't cut in in half."

He's thoughtful and is all about playing fair. He doesn't like those gamblers who cheat people.


When Maxen was a kid, he imagined he could fly, soaring through the skies. He wanted to be a pilot when he grew up. He would jump from sofa to sofa while making plane sounds with his arms spread. Then, he would pretend he was pressing buttons on the plane and make shooting noises. "Pew pew pew pew pew!" He would "shoot" his targets, which were the furniture, and the street cats and birds he would see out the window. His father brought him a pilot helmet with goggles for his birthday and he was delighted. He then started saying things a pilot would say like, "Mayday!" and a lot more. His father would playfully spray him with water with the garden hose when he's playing outside and he would say, "I'm going down!"

Then, he started studying at a private school. He made lots of friends. He had high grades, and for some reason, bullies didn't bully him. Odd. He became the top one of the class, and a lot of girls had a crush on him. He was oblivious to this at first, but soon, he noticed. He didn't know how to respond to their affections, so he did the first thing at came into his mind: Run away. Of course, the girls chased after him. This made his days at school hard. As much as he wanted to study
without getting chased by a mob of girls, he couldn't. He was, others would call it, a "chick magnet". Don't expect him to reply to your affections, though. But if he does, you're really lucky.

Special trait:

He can speak French and Italian fluently, and is very imaginative so you can count on him when you want to write a story.

Theme song:

Role-play you want: GirlxGirl

Character you want: Girl 1

Name: Emerald Mjolnir

Gender:...what do you think? (female)

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance:(Can't find what I'm looking for, so I'll describe as best as I can.) Emerald is a short(5'4), well built woman with short, emo style black hair with red streaks. She has big, emerald eyes (hence her name). She usually wears long sleaved black shirts to cover the scars on her wrist and shorts, but surprisingly, she has some dresses to spare.

Personality: Emerald is shy and blushes easily. It's kind of obvious when she likes someone and can get really clingy and protective. Furthermore, she's self-conscience.

History: Emerald was from a lonely home. Her mom was a nurse, so she was never home, her dad was just..gone. No one knew where he was. This lead to a divorce. The only person she had to actually love was her sister, Jade. Jade taught Emerald the piano and drawing. Emerald taught herself how to write and draw. Their mother eventually passed away and now Jade takes care of things in a small apartment. During that time, a guy fell in love with Emerald. He was strong, kind, but something seemed off. She decided to go with it anyway because she wanted to see how things go, and she's kinda scared of him. Jade finally to save up money for a beach vacation for summer, and could even afford a cabin. Emerald goes to vacation, excited to be with her loving sister.

Special trait: Good writer, drawer, and and excellent singer. Is also moderately skilled with the piano.

Theme song: My Immortal by Evanescence
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Role-play you want- Teacher x Student

Character you want- Student

Name: Eliana

Gender- Female

Age- 16


Personality- Shy,Entergetic,Always Smiling,Always sees the good in everyone :) .

History: Eliana Has been bullied all of her life. She has attempted suicide after her dad left her and her mom with no money. Eliana & her mom stayed in a homeless shelter. She moved to different schools constantly, But one day her mom got this good job & They moved to a nice house :) So of course eliana wasn't too pleased to be moving again but she was used to it. Her dad sexually abused her constantly all through her childhood until she finally told her mom. Good thing about her no matter what her & her mom went through she always had a smile on her beautiful face those lonesome nights she would hear her mom cry about the bills she held on to her. Eliana always mad peoples day with her beautiful smile :)

Keep Holding On- Avril Lavinge<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/untitled.png.7573695fb4f93bbdc4764de5eb2faf41.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/untitled.png.7573695fb4f93bbdc4764de5eb2faf41.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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