Forbidden Love RP

Eren raised an eyebrow, watching Emerald's face change as she seemed to be thinking. What could she be thinking about? Her eyes are almost as big as her head. She thought, watching.

Turning her head back to Jade, she managed to hear and answer the question just in time. "Oh, It's on the house. Think of it as a thank you for giving me something to do other than slowly melting into the counter." She said, waving a hand.

Moving around the counter and out of the stall, she stretched. "Well, I have to go for a swim now, because i feel like I might melt if i stay in the sun for much longer. It was, uh, nice meeting you." Eren said, suddenly shy. It had just dawned on her that she'd just had a semi normal conversation with someone. Wow.

"I'll see you around, since you're here for two weeks." She said, then gave a quick wave and walked towards the water, breaking into a run and hitting the water with a dive.

@Coko_Bacon ~ Finally I posted! Sorry for the lateness! :D )
(@KaiaWolf It's fine. Good to have you back!)

"Thank you!" Jade shouted with gratefulness. Emerald licked her ice cream and admired Eren's figure as she ran into the pool. Jade did the same and added, "Damn, I bet all the boys hit on her." Emerald observed Eren swimming around in the water. So graceful, beautiful, and majestic. Emerald took another lick of her ice cream before Jade clapped her hands, snapping Emerald out of her trans of admiration, announcing, "Welp, time to go back to our spot on the beach!" The two walked over to their towels and sunbathed. It wasn't long before two men, around their late teens to early twenties, show up. One big and muscular, the other somewhat skinny, but still fit. The muscular one asked, "Hey, ladies. Looking for a good time?" Jade snared and replied, "No." Emerald remembered the muscular one, because he was the guy who flirted with her earlier. He was suddenly reminded of Eren fending him off. Such bravery. Emerald was snapped out of her trans again by the skinny man asking, "Hey, isn't that the girl you told me about?"
The muscular guy must've told him about me, Emerald thought. The muscular man confirmed that Emerald was indeed the person he talked about. He leaned forward to Emerald and informed her, "You still didn't give me a peak." Jade stomped in between the two and barked, "Like hell she is! Who the hell do you think you are to DARE ask my sister to show you her boobs!?" The men cowered in fear, as Jade's eyes burned with hell-like wrath. Emerald's face flushed to a deep crimson and she shrunk in herself like a turtle, sheltering her from the embarrassment. Jade continued, "Perverts! Don't you DARE come near us again hmph!" Jade collected her things and stormed off to the pool, and Emerald followed without need of instruction. They set things down at two, unoccupied chairs and sunbathed there. Jade growled, "Pervs...!" She turned to Emerald and asked, "You didn't say yes when he asked before, did you?"

Emerald replied in an offended tone, "Hell no."

"Good." Jade kissed Emeralds forehead. "Love ya sis, and good job for not showing him anything."

Emerald rolled her eyes. "Like I would." They both laughed for a short moment.
Just before she hit the water, she stripped off the T-shirt and shorts she'd been wearing, revealing a simple black two piece bathing suit, and ran into the water until she couldn't run anymore. Collapsing into the surf, she dove underneath and held her breath for as long as she could, gasping when she came up for air. Taking deep breaths, she relaxed into the cool water. "Oh man... It's so nice." Eren mumbled, floating in the water for a while.

Emerald was cute. Her brain said, making Eren choke on some water and sputter for a moment.

"W-what? I mean, yeah, sure she was. Lots of girls are cute." She replied, fully aware she was talking to herself. No one was around at the moment, so it didn't matter.

Come on, did you not notice the looks? Her eyes were all over you. Her brain said again.

Eren shook her head and submerged again, trying to make her head stop talking to her. "Geez, I really need to stop having conversations with myself..." She muttered.

After a while of swimming, she sighed and got out of the water, veering around the men she'd gotten used to avoiding. She was on her way back towards the ice-cream stall, but had gone the long way in the hopes of drying off quicker. While walking, she had to pass by a pool and didn't notice Emerald and Jade right away, being too focused on her own thoughts.

@Coko_Bacon )
Emerald enjoyed the warmth of the sun and curled up to sleep, along with Jade. That is, until she saw Eren. Her eyes sprang open and she watched Eren walk away, which Emerald didn't mind, but she also wanted to talk to Eren. C'mon, Emerald! She's worth a shot. Just ask her to hang out with you sometime. Emerald whispered back to her brain, "But I have a boyfriend. I can't cheat on him." Her mind replied, So? You don't really like him. He just scares you. Why not go for someone you have actual interest in? Emerald answered, "Being scared of him is exactly why. Although..." She looked at Jade, for reasons unknown. "...He doesn't know about this..." Jade intervened, remarking, "True." Being startled, Emerald jumped a bit. Jade continued, "I won't stop you, but your boyfriend'll be pissed." She turned to Emerald and gave a smirk. "If worse comes to worse, I'll help you out. Now..." Jade pointed to Eren, who is in the ice cream stand, and ordered, "Go. Follow your desires, and be with Eren." Emerald was curious to her sister's knowledge of the case so far. She asked, "How did you-"

Jade interrupted, "Emerald, please. You were checking her out like groceries." Emerald blushed and nodded. A new determination was found in her voice, "I'm off." Jade nodded as her younger sister jwalked to her desire. To Eren. Jade muttered, "I'd go for Eren to, if it wouldn't mean being a d*** to Emerald."

Emerald walked up to the working Eren and called her name, still shy. "Eren...!"

Looking up, and finally snapping out of her various thoughts, Eren saw Emerald. "Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't see you there." She said.

Eren was suddenly extremely aware of how much of her skin was showing. She hadn't dried off enough to be able to put her clothes back on, so she was still in the black two piece bathing suit.

Geez, why am I so self conscious? It's the beach, everyone wears bathing suits. Eren thought, unconsciously fidgeting with her fingers. She forced herself to make eye-contact with Emerald, ripping her eyes off the ground. Come on girl, I wasn't like this earlier. I was casual as hell. Eren ran a hand quickly through her hair. Oh my god. I have a crush on her. That's what's happening right now, isn't it. That's why it feels like my brain might explode if I keep talking to her. She thought.

Walking up to Emerald -and trying not to think about the perks of being eaten by sharks- she smiled. "Hey Emerald."

@Coko_Bacon ~ Sorry it's kinda short, I'm having a writers block moment XP)
Emerald suddenly went silent when Eren replied. Emerald's thoughts went haywire. What the hell? I was just fine a moment ago, but why am I silent now? Just man up, and ask her. What if she doesn't say yes? What do you have to lose!? GO! Emerald took a deep breath, summoning all of her courage, asked. "Would you like to hang out sometime?" She stood stiff, trying to hide her blush. She checked her out, and noticed that Eren had the same type of suit as Emerald was wearing. Emerald gestured to Eren, and added, "Nice suit, by the way"

@KaiaWolf It's fine. Keeping up creativity at these types of parts is hard...)
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"No, don't worry, it's fine, it's fine." Maxen said shaking his head as he took the cup from Dallas. He

sat down on a chair next to the window.
"Say," he said taking a sip of his drink as Dallas stood patiently listening

to what he was going to say.
"Would you like to hang out some time? Of course, only if you are willing to.

I'm not forcing you." Dallas looked at him taken back by what he had said to her." Uh Y-Yeah s-sure why not. I mean

beside the fact that I just met you but sure!" She nearly shouted at him gaining looks from customers and glares

from the girls not to far away. Dallas stumbled back a little and looked down. There was a slight blush on her cheeks as

she said
"When should we uh you know hang out? I mean like what day what time you know?" she rubbed

her arm biting her lip as she felt the ice cold glares from the girls nearby.

( Hey sorry it took so long to post but I kept procrastinating. It's not even that long I'm really sorry.

It's okay if you're mad at me. Again sorry really sorry.)


((It's fine.))

Maxen nodded slowly. "
Is tomorrow okay for you? Three o' clock PM?" he asked her while drumming his fingers on the table. She said yes! She ACTUALLY said yes! he thought to himself, shouting in his head. "I'm available anytime." he added so that he won't pressure her or anything. Then, he mentally face palmed. Dallas had a job, while he didn't. He needed to find a job that won't take most of his time. Hmm... Job at the bank? No. Store clerk? No. Something that makes him look cool... Golf or basketball? Golf. Maxen made a mental note on going to try and join a golf... thing later. He looked up at Dallas, waiting for her reply.


Maxen slowly nodded and asked if she was available tomorrow at 3. Tomorrow at three. Wasn't there something I had to do tomorrow? I have a competition tomorrow don't I? Dallas looked at Maxen with sad eyes." I'm available anytime." Maxen said

before Dallas sighed." I uh have a competition tomorrow. It starts at 2:30 and ends at like 4. Can we uh maybe meet up for dinner or something?" Dallas stood and thought for a minute.
Dinner are you crazy! Dinner! You just met him! Dallas shook her head pushing the thought to the back of her head. She looked at him and said." So what do you think?"


((Sorry for the short post. Writer's block.))

Maxen looked a bit disappointed when Dallas said that she had a competition tomorrow. But, he inwardly started a party when she suggested dinner.
She suggested it! Not me! he thought to himself. Maxen nodded, "Sounds good. So, any restaurant you wanna go to? I'm not the only one going there, after all." he said while grinning. Maxen ran a hand through his hair while waiting for Dallas' response.


He wants me to choose. Dallas thought pursing her lips she played

with her fingers pondering her choice.” Uh, we could go to ‘Outback’ it’s

one of my favorite restaurants. I mean only if you want to,” she said finally making her decision.

I hope this isn’t a bad choice. Dallas thought biting her lip.


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