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For You, Always

Sole Survivor

Roll for Initiative
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This is a private role-play between @twiisted and myself. Please feel free to read, but do not write within the thread. Thank you very much!

Three months.

It had been three long months in the making – this royal ball. In a sense the whole palace was up in arms about making sure all the details for the night would be settled with nothing being left out of place. Maids had been running around dusting, mopping, and straightened out all the guestrooms. The cooks ran through runs of the 10 different menus that would be offered. And even the royal guard were forced to practice their safety protocols as well as run through possible scenarios. In the past there had always been a jealous noble or drunken uncle (that had been five or so times removed) causing a huge problem over something trivial.

Knight-Commander Ryland had given very specific orders to whom would be escorting the royal family into the ball. A few lower level guards would stand on the outside while Ryland and Theirin guarded the family (as per the normal). It was still in transition since Theirin had been gone for six months, and now he had to get everything back in line.

“The king has requested that you assist the princess today. She is going to pick out a gown for the ball.” Knight-Commander Ryland said as he marched forward down the main hall which lead to the throne room. “You and the princess haven’t seen each other in what now? Nine months? He assumed it would be good for her personal guard to get back in her good favor. Especially since you’ll be escorting her to the ball.”

“She would not notice my disappearance.” Theirin rolled his dark toned hues. “I am sure Arryal enjoyed the time that I was not following her.”

“Perhaps. But it is about her safety. You know this.”

“Uh-huh.” Theirin reached up, combing his fingers through his short black hair. His silver and red toned armor clanked with each step.

Upon reaching the large doors adorned with symbolic designs that matched the family’s crest, the two entered the throne room. Theirin stood not too far from Ryland as they approached the royal family. He politely bowed.

“My lord and lady.”
It was silly, really, all of the trouble that her family and the members of the castle put into these balls. They were quite enjoyable, she had to admit, but at times the fuss and protocol were tiring. Perhaps it was her free spirit and inclination to do as she pleased that caused her irritation with such trivial matters as these. Really, she just wished to have fun. Being the princess of such a respectable kingdom and a part of one of the most notable royal families could be tiresome.

And she knew her mother would be itching to find her a suitor at the ball that evening. Yet again. Just like always.

With a roll of her eyes, Arryal stood politely to the side of her mother and father. The heavy doors opened and in entered the guards that would be their escorts for the day. Her emerald eyes widened slightly at the sight of her former guard (former only because of his absence). It had been a while since she had last seen him, and his presence was somewhat surprising, but not unwelcome. Remembering formalities, she bowed after the guards did and smiled gently.

Her mother had insisted that she find a new gown for the ball, one that was "eye catching" as the Queen had put it. Arryal was dumbfounded as to why any of the gowns she already possessed would not do.

"It is so nice to see the two of you," the Queen exclaimed as she tilted her head slightly in response.

"Hello men." The King said flatly. He was not an unkind man, but he hardly spoke.

Upon her mother's wish, a handmaiden stepped forward to gently take hold of Arryal's arm and guide her toward the door. The Queen was wasting no time in assuring her daughter look her absolute best for the ball.

"Theirin, if you would be ever so kind-" her majesty gestured toward the princess with a warming smile.


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