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For one on one partners


New Member

Hey there!

I'm Cyan, and I'm looking for a few roleplay partners. 

I can play males and females, gay, straight, and lesbian. But right now I'd prefer Lesbian and Straight romances. 

I would prefer females in the straight romances, mainly because I have RPs on other sites where I am playing male roles quite a bit. 

I can be the more dom female in a lesbian romance if you prefer. I generally don't care on that one. 

I would like at least a paragraph of content, but I prefer more. No mindless fluff, though. I can't get into that. 


My rolepays MUST have some form of romance. I don't care if it's a slow-burn... I just get bored with platonic relationships. 

I don't do zombies, pregnancy in a roleplay must be thoroughly discussed before it's even considered. 



The genres I'm interested in are:

Slice of life

Urban Fantasy





Pairings I am currently craving:

Vampire/Werewolf [Vampire Diaries type]


Multiple characters [Vampire/werewolf/witch]

Gifted human/ Gifted human

Gifted guman/ Normal person



There's tons more I'd like to do. Feel free to suggest things. Worst I can say is no. 

I'd be game for a witch/werewolf, modern fantasy thing involving two female characters. I have a werewolf hitchhiker character I've been wanting to work on. Shoot me a PM or whatever if you're game. :)

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