:Footprints: Pokemon X/Y - Additional IC


Thesis of Hope

This IC will be specifically for the party that sets out from Lumiose! I assumed that having a single topic for both parties could get a bit hectic, so I separated them into two for ease of writing.
With the letter clutched in hand, and Kipp in his hood, Seth narrowly dodged a taxi as he raced across Lumiose City to the lab to finally become an official Pokemon trainer.

"Woah! Sorry! Sorry! Kipp, you okay, buddy?"


As he passed by Lumiose Tower, he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to battle at the top of it. To be able to look down at the city below and out at the vast rest of Kalos while battling alongside his Pokemon partners was just an amazing thought. Looking back on all of the towns and cities that contained gyms he had already conquered and looking forward on those he had yet to defeat would be such a breathtaking moment as a trainer. Seth was bursting with excitement. But he thought to himself, "I won't ever battle if I don't get to the lab," and picked up the pace.

When he got to the lab, Seth sprinted up the steps he knew all too well and threw open the doors. He waved hi to his dad as he got into the elevator. He thought it was funny that for a laboratory filled with high tech equipment, the elevator was insanely slow. Eventually he made it to the third floor with the office of Professor Sycamore.

"Hey, professor! I've got your letter and my Pokemon. I'm ready to become a trainer!"
As Seth entered the third-floor research area and made his way around the corridor, the person who he greeted in the office was... different than expected.


A visitor? Now, of all times?!

"Heeh... um, I-I mean, hello!" greeted an unfamiliar voice. A dark-haired girl looked slightly on edge before turning around in a gray swivel chair to see the new visitor. "Oh, um... your name is Seth, isn't it? You're the person whose father is employed here, right? Um... Sycamore left not so long ago to complete some fieldwork on Route 5, but I'd be pleased to help you with anything you need." She looked back at the desk, noticing gift-wrapped parcels marked with names- one was indeed labeled with the name Seth.

She looked from the parcel to Seth, before taking a deep breath. "I'm Miki Fukawa, from Celadon City in Kanto. I'm an intern researching divergent evolution in Pokemon." she introduced herself, before giving him the wrapped parcel.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but... I think it contains a Pokedex, a Holo Caster, five Poke Balls and a messenger bag for you to carry your stuff in. If you want a word

the Professor himself, I'd get going if I were you. He's likely going to head all the way out to Camphrier Town at this rate."
Poor Talia. Her day had started off awfully, with Treecko being sick, and the situation only got worse from there. The paparazzi seemed obsessed with celebrities for the day despite it being fairly quiet. Maybe it was their way of stirring up Lumiose, getting the town moving.

Regardless, they wouldn't stop hounding her. Everywhere Talia went she seemed to be followed by one cameraperson or another. Behind them came the flood of fans, idiots who wanted autographs or for Talia to just say hello. It never ended, and by midday she was emotionally and physically exhausted from running all over. Her studio? Flooded. Her mother's cafe? Flooded. Even her neighborhood was filled with fans.

With Treecko inside the pokeball she hated so much, Talia took a cab to the last place anyone would expect her to go: The pokemon lab. The professor wasn't even an acquaintance of hers, but someone there had to have some idea on how to help Treecko recover. It broke her heart seeing Treecko so weak, she had to do something for her closest friend. It was just an added benefit that nobody would know to follow her inside.

Talia followed the directory and headed up the stairs to the third floor of the lab, where Professor Sycamore had to be. Unfortunately for her it seemed he was absent, in his place were a young woman and a boy probably just barely younger than Talia. "Excuse me, is the professor around?" She asked the duo, hoping neither recognized her.
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"Oh, I'm sorry, Miki. I didn't realize he wasn't here."

He wondered why the professor would give him a letter telling him to come into the lab today if he wasn't here. He decided he would figure it out later after having his first Pokémon battle. He's trained with Kipp practicing attacks on aluminum cans, but they'd never had an actual battle and he was eager to start.

Seth pulled out his brand new Pokedex. He knew how to use it since his dad was one of the main designers. He decided to test his own out on Kipp, so he focused it on his Mudkip and the Pokedex spurred to life and a little electronic voice spoke.

"Mudkip: The Mud Fish Pokémon. The fin on Mudkip's head uses a highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon is able to determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes."

Just then a girl, not too much older than he, walked into the room. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he had a feeling that he had seen her before, but he really couldn't think where. After a couple seconds, he gave up and figured he'd probably just seen her around Lumiose somewhere and shouldn't bring it up.

"No he's not here right now, Miki here just told me. I'm Seth what's your name?"
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Miki seemed more than a little flustered, now that two Trainers were here requesting the professor.


"Oh, my... a-again, sorry for the inconvenience. To be honest, I think that whatever went on back there was pretty serious. It had something to do with a Legendary Pokemon potentially being drawn to Prism Tower. It's a little outside my usual research frame, but if a Pokemon that strong were to roam around Lumiose, it might cause a little trouble, and--!"

Talia's appearance reminded her- another parcel that needed giving! Miki walked over to the taller girl, a green gift-wrapped box in here.

"Here, it's the thing that the Professor wanted to give you. A Pokedex, Holo Caster, and Poke Balls... and..." she narrowed her eyes at Talia, as if focusing. "Wait a moment... aren't you one of those TV stars?" she asked Talia, surprised. "You are, aren't you! Sycamore told me that he'd be inviting someone famous into this endeavor, but I had no idea he meant an up-and-coming idol such as yourself..." she said. "You should really try entering a Contest at some point!"

She then blushed and averting her eyes, worrying if she had gone too far.

"But I digress... you should get over to Route 5 and see what the hubbub is about. I'll see you two another time!"
"Wait, a what?!?" Talia was -extremely- confused. Before she could say another word, however, the assistant or whatever she was vanished, leaving only Talia and the boy alone in the room. She knew what Poke Balls were, everyone did, but what was a Pokedex? All in all that girl had done nothing but put Talia in an annoyed and confused mood, with no answers for her troubles except to go to Route 5. Hell, Talia didn't even know what the Professor looked like, let alone where in the Route he would be.

"I'm Talia." She said to the boy, feeling a small spike of guilt for not answering him immediately. She didn't actually care about him, but Talia knew that strangers who had done no wrong deserved at least a little respect. Not to mention they seemed to be placed on the same path to Route 5, forced together by a gigantic coincidence. "You know where to go?" She didn't really bother with full introductions or conversations, Treecko was her only priority.
"Talia, cool. Nice to meet you! Yeah, I know where we're going!"

Seth switched the Pokedex over to the map function with ease. He'd seen his dad tinker with prototypes of this thing for years so using it was a piece of cake. He showed Talia where they were, South Lumiose, and where Route 5 was.

"We're here and the professor is somewhere over here. So we just need to follow South Boulevard all the way to the Route 5 exit. From there we'll take Route 5 until we find the professor. You want to go find him together? It'll probably be easier and more fun that way! Do you have any Pokemon? Do you want to have a battle first? I haven't actually had one, but I'm really excited for my first one!"
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"I... What?" Was he trying to piss her off? Seth seemed young and stupid, and he had no way of knowing that Treecko was sick, so Talia was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Despite her private acceptance of the boy, his nature still rubbed Talia the wrong way. "I know how to get there, I've lived here my whole life. I'm asking where in Route 5 to go. But whatever, just lead me there." She didn't feel bad about snapping at him, he kind of deserved it.

She didn't bother remaining kind to him, her goal was to protect Treecko, not make friends. Not to mention he continued to push her buttons by assuming she wanted to battle him. She ignored his request and waited for Seth to finish instruction and begin leading, anxious to protect her partner.
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Talia's attitude kind of annoyed Seth, he was just being as friendly and helpful as he could, but he figured it must have come across as annoying. He decided to just let it go and go looking for he professor with her without making further confrontation. He'd worked with people of the same kind of attitude before. He knew he could work with it to make friends, but it would take more work than normal.

"Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to... Sorry. So let's go find the professor."

Seth walked over to the elevator and pressed the button to call it to the third floor.
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The elevator arrived at the third level as Seth had planned it to, allowing both teenagers to exit. Yet... there was still something of an odd atmosphere lingering after that odd girl left so suddenly. A Legendary Pokemon...?
As he was walking out of the lab, Seth looked down Vernal Avenue at Prism Tower. He was curious as to what that girl had said about a Legendary Pokemon drawn to the tower. What kind of Legendary Pokemon could it be? What about the tower drew the Pokemon closer. The only way to find out was to go talk to the professor on Route 5 and ask him. Eager to find the professor quickly he wanted to just run down South Boulevard, but he figured that since he'd already annoyed Talia with his rapid questioning she wouldn't really appreciate running through the city, so Seth settled for walking.

He tried to engage some light conversation with Talia, but it didn't seem to go anywhere, so he decided to talk to Kipp. Even though Kipp couldn't speak English, he knew that his Mudkip could understand him and he could kind of tell what Kipp was trying to say, based on his tone and emotions. The back of his neck tickled as he felt Kipp lick it. He reached back to pet Kipp who cheered in response. It made Seth smile to know that his best buddy had his back. Literally, since Kipp was sitting in the hood of his jacket on his back.

When they finally reached the exit for Route 5, Seth couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He shouted "Come on! Let's go find the professor and see what's up!" as he ran through the exit onto Route 5.

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