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Realistic or Modern "....Flowers In Your Hair." [Kaoru Asuna x Gears.]

"He was a great doctor," Ria stated, and even drunk, she could feel the pride and longing welling up. Was sure Granite could see it in her eyes. "You should have seen the kind of Black Jack surgery he could perform. It was horrifying. But when it was over....a little boy had a working leg again. Or a woman had her pregnant belly reattached, and a sweet baby girl was born a few months later, unharmed.
And you would have never met a more kind-hearted, subtle, submitting man. He was a husband to widows, and brother to lost men. A father to children who weren't his. Like Owen. Like me."

Despite the intoxication limiting her emotional responses, she was suddenly on the verge of overwhelm, and brought the mouth of the bottle to her lips. She stared down at the pieces, knowing where she would move, but not reaching out.
Granite listened, smiling a bit as he heard of the good doctors deeds. He had never crossed Granites paths or had been well known in the towns he stayed in- and he and Crystal had mostly stayed in less reputable areas.

He could see that the bottle was doing a lot of the talking- and that it had gone on long enough; too much may kill her. Granite gingerly reached for the bottle, slowly pulling away after letting her have a last sip before placing it aside. "Do you need to sleep or something?" Granite only dealt with Crystals hangovers- and she usually just walked back from wherever she had gotten drunk hours later without any drunkenness.
Ria wasn't happy he'd taken her booze. She moved a piece on the board. She wasn't tired yet, and the alcohol ingestion was doing its job -- no dead Raider spinning around her mind. That relief wasn't going to last when she sobered up.

"No, not yet. I'm not tired." And before he could catch her hand, she snatched the bottle and set it between her thighs. She'd love for him to try and take it from there. Her hand was still tingling from his touch. She didn't think she'd mind if hem made a little more contact.
"Your turn."
Granite was going to put the bottle aside- he couldn't leave Ria unattended to hide it- before she reached back. Keeping an eye on her temperament, trying to find the "asshole" she said she would become.

When she grabbed it back, hiding it between her thighs, Granite considered grabbing it. He didn't want to embarrass her or seem like he had intentions with her, so he sighed and leaned back, folding his arms. "Hand me the bottle and I'll play."
She smirked, probably a wobbly one. "No. You just think you'll lose, so you're stralling," she slurred a bit, just a liiiittle.
She ran her pinky around the lip if the bottle, missing it halfway around.

(Hey, I'll be going at 4pm here-time, so if I stop responding, I'm gone. I might post later tonight/early in the morning.)
Granite tapped his foot, getting a bit annoyed as she didn't yield- would he have to really grab the bottle? Her speech and movements showing she was decently drunk. He narrowed his eyes and quickly grabbed for the bottle, trying to catch her unsurprised so she didn't try and keep hold of the bottle- going for the neck so he would have less contact.
She tried to catch his hand, but missed, feeling his fingers brush her thighs as he took the bottle with a little yank. She really didn't think he'd do that. But she wanted it back. She stood and held out her hand, feeling the same tingling where he'd touched her jeans. "Gimme my liquor." She might have sounded petulant. Or sensual. She couldn't be sure. Either one fitted her current state of mind.
Granite had been hoping that her reaction time and the tiredness would allow him to grab the glass without any unnecessary contact, but she had struggled a bit and he had touched a bit- a few years back he would have gone red as a flame from the accidental touch. He moved a piece forward- not even caring about the direction it moved or which one it was before moving a bit back- his seat falling to the ground as he raised the bottle out of her reach.
She gigled when he fell, dodging around the table to make a grab for the hand with the bottle, not really feeling the fall when she tripped over his legs.

(Got to go, so this is it for now. Later alligator.)
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Granite found himself smiling a bit as she got up, finding this better than chess. He took a step back as she approached, before she rushed him- not helping himself as he let out a chuckle- before she fell; quickly moving to catch her- still keeping a hold of the bottle so it didn't fall
Granite caught her around the waist, smiling. She just snatched for the bottle, but he was holding it high and she was not the tallest. So, in an attempt to distract his mind from the booze, she pressed into him, wrapping her arms around his back under his duster, trailing a finger up his spine. She hoped he'd lower the bottle arm so she could grab it.

But he was pretty warm, and her legs were still ecstatic. She didn't think she'd mind if he took it a different way.
Granite raised the bottle as she tried to reach for it, before she went closer. He froze up, completely mortified for a moment- stunned by the sudden touch. It would have helped if she mentioned this could happen in her drunken state- and he was tempted; but no- she was drunk, probably had no idea what she was doing. He couldn't pry her off without possibly hurting her- so he threw the bottle into a nearby pile of hay- hoping she would go for it.
She watched the bottle go flying...and didn't really care about it anymore.
"No fair. You're making me choose?," she murmured into his chest, ceasing her fingering of his back and just holding him. Warmth or alcohol. She kept singing the choices in her head. She might have been humming, too.
When she didn't go for the bottle, Granite froze-
shit, she was worse than I thought. He sighed a bit in relief as she moved a bit, but when she didn't let go he just awkwardly stood there, trying to figure out how to pry him off her. "RIa... Can you please let go?"
"Hmm?" She looked up at him, and decided to shake her head. "Mm-mm. You remember I told you I've got an a-hole somewhere inside --" she laughed, then took a breath. "-- Voila!"
"Besides...you're warm." She'd burrowed her face into his neck, so he might not have understood that last part.
He groaned when Ria shook her head, trying not to think of how it would look when Crystal came back- or someone came looking for Andrew. If the farmer saw Granite had a feeling he would end up beaten or full of lead- maybe both. Folks out here would be against anything of this manner- so he had to think of something fast.
She wasn't satisfied with his response.
"Hey, you took my booze. Consequences..." She untucked his shirt in the back and shimmied her arms up underneath, almost up to his shoulders, pressing her body against him.
When she began to reach underneath, Granite decided it was a bit too far. "Ria you are drunk. Stop." His voice was firm and serious, finally deciding he would need to pry her away.
He sounded like he meant it. Normally, she wouldn't give in so easily, but the booze was still available, so she slowly let her hand slip out of his shirt and quickly kissed his cheek before grabbing the discarded bottle and sitting herself down in the hay pile.
She started singing Faron Young's "Hello Walls."
"Hello walls / how'd things go for you today / don't you miss her / since she up and walked away..."
He actually blushed when she kissed him- running too the booze. He shook his head and moved to the corner. He was still close enough to watch, but he wanted some distance to ensure she wasn't tempted to come back.
After she started singing, he got to his feet, cautiously approaching- hopefully she was back to her previous state; he sat down, a bit of a distance and tapped his foot on the floor. Not sure what to say.
She randomly switched to another song, "I'll With Want."

"I am sick with wanting / and it's evil and it's daunting / how I've let everything I've cherished laid to waste / I am lost in grief this time / it's definitely me / I point fingers / but there's no one there to blame..."

She glanced at Granite, but looked away, taking a drink and tossing the bottle cap in the general direction of the table.
Granite looked at the bottle, once again considering drinking. He found himself humming along with her song, looking back at her for a moment. "Can I have a drink or do you plan to drink it all still."
She held out the bottle after a seconds involuntary delay. If he didnt drink, she didn't really want him to start, but he could make his own stupid decisions. She tried to get up, but slipped on the straw.
"Come get it. I'm not standing up."
Granite took the bottle after a moment- feeling the cool glass as he raised it to his lips, taking a smaller drink. He hadn't drank for some time, not because of a particular vice but more because of one night when he had given in to the pressure of bastards and monsters. The drink itself wasn't what had caused the events of that night- more what was added when he wasn't looking- but his hands still hurt, he was getting a headache from dealing with the drunken Ria- he might as well get a bit drunk.
"A need for something / nah, let me break it down again / a need for something / but not more medicine / something has me / oh, something has me / I could like someone I don't wanna be..."

She decided to be magnanimous -- Granite must be a good influence on her drunken self --and let him have the rest of the whiskey, changing songs again.

"I fall to pieces / each time I see you again / I fall to pieces / how can I be just your friend / you want me to act as though we've never kissed / you want me to forget / pretend we've never met..."
(Patsy Cline, "I Fall To Pieces.")

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