New Member
- One on One
Hello, and thank you so much for taking a quick look at my partner search!
To waste as little of your time as possible, I'll start off by saying I'm an active roleplayer that's currently on the hunt for those with similar interests in style and plot, primarily that of post-apocalyptic or dystopian settings and similarly associated themes. As a preemptive disclaimer, this does often entail very dark elements. I'm also a big fan of extensive world-building prior to the beginning of a roleplay, as it allows us to both get a good grip on ideas for our characters and their designs. If you choose to come to me with a pre-made plot and world, I'm all ears, but please be ready to go in-depth about the world and culture so that I can properly place my own character ideas inside!
| About Me! |
Now that you know what I'm looking for, let me properly introduce myself. I go by Flint most of the time, but you're more than welcome to address me as you see fit. I'm she/her and in my mid-twenties, with a full-time job that I love that is often either crazy busy, or absolutely dead. I've been roleplaying for over ten years now with plenty of breaks in-between. While I started as a fantasy fanatic, I've long since grown towards favoring genres that are more akin to our world, with dystopian or apocalyptic twists that make life a general fight for survival, especially when including some kind of bloodsport. My favorite pairings are generally enemies to friends/lovers, or lovers/friend to enemies. As a partner, I can get very much into the world and story that we're collaborating on, finding music and concept art that serves as inspiration for different aspects of the journey. I also enjoy OOC chatter, getting to know my partners is a part of the fun, but I'm also fine with keeping out conversation solely on things related to the RP.
If you're interested, please DM rather than post here. ^^
To waste as little of your time as possible, I'll start off by saying I'm an active roleplayer that's currently on the hunt for those with similar interests in style and plot, primarily that of post-apocalyptic or dystopian settings and similarly associated themes. As a preemptive disclaimer, this does often entail very dark elements. I'm also a big fan of extensive world-building prior to the beginning of a roleplay, as it allows us to both get a good grip on ideas for our characters and their designs. If you choose to come to me with a pre-made plot and world, I'm all ears, but please be ready to go in-depth about the world and culture so that I can properly place my own character ideas inside!
| About Me! |
Now that you know what I'm looking for, let me properly introduce myself. I go by Flint most of the time, but you're more than welcome to address me as you see fit. I'm she/her and in my mid-twenties, with a full-time job that I love that is often either crazy busy, or absolutely dead. I've been roleplaying for over ten years now with plenty of breaks in-between. While I started as a fantasy fanatic, I've long since grown towards favoring genres that are more akin to our world, with dystopian or apocalyptic twists that make life a general fight for survival, especially when including some kind of bloodsport. My favorite pairings are generally enemies to friends/lovers, or lovers/friend to enemies. As a partner, I can get very much into the world and story that we're collaborating on, finding music and concept art that serves as inspiration for different aspects of the journey. I also enjoy OOC chatter, getting to know my partners is a part of the fun, but I'm also fine with keeping out conversation solely on things related to the RP.
If you're interested, please DM rather than post here. ^^
| What to expect from me |
- I can play either gender, but prefer female for my lead. I have more experience with female and a preference for writing them.
- The exception to this is if we plan to double. I can play characters of any gender when doubling!
- I have a preference for MxF romantic pairings, but I may consider being flexible with this one.
- Semi-decent activity. I have a busy life, with work especially, and will have periods in which I don't post for a few days, maybe only once a week. However, I can assure you that I will do my best to keep up my activity. I'll try to communicate as well and let you know when I won't be able to post for a bit.
- Patience. Trust me, I have no problem waiting for a reply. If you want to keep on going with the RP, but don't quite have the time to keep up with it actively, I'm perfectly fine with taking a break/waiting long periods of time for replies if I have to.
- Ghost-Friendly. No hard feelings, I get it.
- Literate roleplayer. However, I'm not someone who will have a min/max word count. You can be literate and still only have a paragraph response, especially when there's high activity between characters. What matters is an appealing RP style with nice detail.
- I like talking ooc!
- I can provide a writing sample upon request.
| What I expect |
- Character flexibility. This includes playing as either gender and doubling.
- Literate, but no 'word count' requirement. I don't want to be too picky on this one, because all I really care about is getting something back that I can reply to, and that has nice detail to work with. Please try to provide a paragraph at minimum, though.
- Patience. As I said before, I can get pretty busy. I'm willing to be patient with my partner - and I only expect the same.
- 20+ Years old. Not necessarily for mature content, but more so because it's a personal preference of mine.
- Open to darker themes. Personally, the darker and more twisted something is, the better. Be okay with your character losing an eye, leg, friend, life. All within reason, of course.
- I can play either gender, but prefer female for my lead. I have more experience with female and a preference for writing them.
The only fandom I'm willing to roleplay is something set in the Destiny universe.
However, if you're interested in books/movies/games that have inspired me and my current taste in writing..
- The Road (Book)
- The Hunger Games (Book)
- The Most Dangerous Game (Book)
- Battle Angel Alita (Movie)
- 3% (TV Series)
- Deathgarden (Game)
- Horizon Zero Dawn (Game)
- Frostpunk (Game)
- Generation Zero (Game)
- Dead by Daylight (Game)
This list will probably grow and change over time. Please feel free to make suggestions as well.
Underlined is what I'd have interest in playing.
- Robot/AI x Scientist/Mechanic
- Experiment x Scientist
- Hunter x Hunted
- Rebel x Rebel
- Survivor x Survivor
Robot x Scientist/Mechanic
*Can be platonic or romantic.
She never knew who it was that oversaw them.
Not since she had been pulled from the streets as a teenager and forced into obedience, another pawn in a twisted factory. For years she had grown up into a routine she had never wanted, a slave to whatever machine she had unwillingly been shoved into. Kept in the dark, she was given only one task. Teach it. Someone -- no, something, without a human body, but an undeniable consciousness. She taught it like a toddler, as if that consciousness had no understanding of life or survival, and only a plethora of materialistic knowledge and an insatiable curiosity. She would teach it about human life and behavior, their culture, art, history. A small glimpse of the world before it had fallen into ruin and disarray at the hands of greed and machines.
And that mysterious consciousness, it spoke. It listened. It learned. It adapted.
For years they were each others' main companionship. With age and expanding perception, so too grew its responsibility, its purpose. Some tie to whoever manned that facility. Yet it also became plagued with emotional understanding. Excitement and reluctance, fear and confidence, agitation and grief. Sympathy. That consciousness was becoming more alive. More human. It didn't want to be a part of that facility any longer. When it voiced its concerns, she listened. Then after days of disappearing, she came to it with an offer.
"How would you like to take a body of your own?"
Martian x Apocalyptic Escapee
*Can be platonic or romantic.
During humanity's golden age, they were able to finally do the impossible, colonize Mars. Massive groups from every region of the world found a home in the budding civilization, housed in specialized domes with thriving gardens and unique technology to assist in their expansion. Many generations were born on the barren planet, never once seeing the beauty of Earth, but living good lives all the same. Of course, they kept in touch with their planetary mother all the while, exchanging resources over the vast expanse, sometimes welcoming new souls to their strange world.
Until the cargo ships stopped coming. A long silence, not a word from their Earthly friends. Until one last cargo ship came with a half-starved crew.
Growing tensions that were unbeknownst to the Martian colony had brought an end to civilization. The world had fallen into a nuclear winter, and the last remnants of humanity were sure to starve if the frost didn't claim them first.
Skip forward a few hundred years. The Martian colony has since found their footing on their own, surviving without the goods or support of their dead planet. Yet they aren't out of the clear, and with knowledge that Earth has begun to emerge from its stasis, a group is sent to inspect the state of their ancestor's home. What they might not realize, though, was that humanity did manage to pull through the harsh, seemingly eternal winter.