Flight OOC

Yep, maybe we could start tomorrow? c:

[QUOTE="Renn Skye]Oh goodness, did I hear Maximum Ride and yaoi mentioned in the same thread? Is there any way I can jump onto this bandwagon?

Totally, the more the merrier O u O

Hmm. . . so I was thinking we could have:

A leader.

Second in command.

Slightly impared, Iggy type character.

And a few younger ones, to make a similar dynamic to Maximum Ride.

Sound cool to you guys?

Mm-hmm. Quite. Should one of us come up with an acceptable skelly plan for the rest to use? I figure something simple like...






Alterations: (like Angel's long list of them, Iggy's thing with colours, etc.?)


Position in the flock:


Or something like that? 
I figure we all kinda have the same backstory given the plot so that doesn't need to be put in?
...any chance I can scoop either the impaired character or the second in command? I tend to write those parts best.
Renn as the second in command and Skys as the impaired one sounds good.~

I'm cool with playing the leader, if thats ok with Behind the Mask. (We could add another older character so we each get one.)


I'm also ok with playing a Gazzy type character, but more around the 15-16 age range.

Are we going with an age range from the books (15 at the oldest) or do we want to expand it a bit more?
Okay. I'll give you Fletch's full skelly later - I gotta sleep since I have work in a few hours, and I don't feel like hunting down an image right now.
Yeah oh and I will only be on about one a day normally and that will be around this time just saying I might only reply once a day. Sorry about that.
Same - I have a full scheduled life with work and summer courses so I'll be on one to three times a day.
Gonna leave this here to be edited in the morning. It's WIP so I'll add an image to it later. I want to have it posted up so I don't loose it or forget I have it partially finished. All ideas about Xavier (Plume's character) previously discussed in PM - Plume if you see anything out of line from what we talked about let me know.

Name: Fletch

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Wingspan: Seventeen feet

Appearance: I'll be posting a picture shortly - probably some time tomorrow. For the moment just know that Fletch has tawny wings with white-brown down that give the apex an almost golden hue and deep brown-black tips on his end feathers, giving them the appearance of gradually fading from gold to black. He's fairly tall and as thin as all the other avian-hybrids in his flock dueto genetic engineering. He has light brown hair, shocking green eyes, and more freckles than most of the Irish combined.

Alterations: Fletch can fly higher than should be possible even for an avian-hybrid like himself. He can endure extreme levels of cold (and is resistant to ice forming on his face, wings and other limbs) and requires a decreased oxygen intake, allowing him to safely soar significantly higher than the rest of the flock - he can go as high as if not higher than most air planes with little to no extra effort to keep himself warm, fully oxidised, and mentally functional. In regards to his resistance to the extreme cold of higher altitudes it seems that he generates his own heat as things get chillier at a rate far faster than the normal temperature climb of a body trying to keep itself warm (increased blood flow to the outer areas of his body - as opposed to inward as is the general inclination of a freezing body - allow him to become, in essence, a living, breathing, flying radiator).

Personality: While Fletch could never be described as 'comic relief' he is the person who tries to keep the team in high spirits whenever possible - all the hard decision making is for Xavier to handle, and while he's keeping the flock alive and together someone has to balance the tough decisions. Fletch works hard to make sure that everyone is settled - Xavier has enough on his plate without trying to be a parent to their orphaned family, and while Fletch might not be a brilliant leader he can at least be compassionate and alter to his families needs on a more emotional and social level.

While he doesn't particularly coddle anyone, Fletch tries his best to notice as soon as someone starts to get tired or frightened or distraught - he's usually the one to notice first if someone's slower than normal, and the one to suggest that maybe they stop for the night, though the where and how are normally left up to Xavier. If Xavier is the brain and backbone and soul of the flock, Fletcher is the heart and hands of it - the one that holds tightly when the reality of their world is too much, and the one that quietly checks that everyone is sleeping well or stays up with a younger one if they have a nightmare. He's often the more emotionally open of the two - and the one that it's easier to go to when there's a social/emotional problem, though any actual physical danger should obviously be taken to Xavier directly. He's usually the one to advocate for little bits of fun when they can be found - the life of a runaway is never easy, and theirs is especially hard, so any chance he sees to give the littler ones a chance at bits and pieces of a childhood he'll almost always suggest and argue for.

He's also the one to try and settle Xavier whenever he's getting too uptight or moving too fast for the rest of the flock to handle - the calm to Xavier's fire, the water to help soothe and cool things down when they get too heated or intense. He has no problem speaking up or out against Xavier if he feels it's best for the flock, but he tries to do it in private. After all, it’s not good for anyone if they start fighting in front of the little ones, and he'd rather settle any 'domestic disputes' in private and takes most of his disagreements to Xavier when the other's are asleep or distracted.

Fletch is very open and approachable, though he rarely likes to talk about any problems that he himself might be happening. A classic case of "everyone can come to me with their troubles, but I will go to no one about mine."

Position in the flock: Second in command, Fletch is the softer side of the dynamic, the 'mother' of the group, as it were.

Other: None at the moment, but check back as the roleplay progresses for added information. 
Okay, that's it for me at the moment. Goodnight, all!
Name: Hakushi

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Wingspan: six feet

Appearance: Pale skin, Green eyes, Long waist length White hair parted over right eye and tied back in high pony tale, White short strapless dress with black trim to acomadate her wings, short black healed boots, wings are a pure white colour.

Alterations: Completely blind in right eye, and almost blind in left eye. She can fly extremely fast and is very agile in the air. Her speed and agility is unmatched and she prides her self on it and loves to fly.

Personality: her blindness has made her quiet and somewhat cold. But to her flock members she is kind and understanding.

Position in the flock: impaired

Other: not available yet.
I'll get Xavier's profile up tonight if I don't fall asleep suddenly.

Fletch and Hakushi. . .they're. . .they're. . .so beautiful. *sobs* ;w;


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