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Fleeting Dream

Her gaze followed him, even as he left. He's not okay, is he? She thought as she watched him, sitting there quietly as the medic stitched her wound. She could feel the man's stare to her tattoo and mentally was amused that he was staring at her family crest, a Sakura flower. It had two chances to bloom, as did a person. The chance to better oneself. She let her gaze travel to the man again, watching as he left, and when she was free to do so, she followed after, to at least get to the building that his brother was supposed to be at. Though, she was vaguely concerned about him, she decided not to think too much of it, after all what could she do about it anyways? She was no doctor nor did she have a vast knowledge of medicine, she knew that basics so to keep herself or someone else alive. Anything regarding sickness, she did not know.

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