First thread!


Queen of this tree
I feel so accomplished. (^U^) (I love these emoticons) Anyway, I'm really new to roleplaying. I mean really new, as in; the first time I roleplay here will be the first time I'll roleplay ever. To be honest I'm slightly intimidated by it. My fears have been (mostly) alleviated by all the nice people I've met so far, but I still want to start out slow and easy. I'd like to start with one liners (hasta la vista, baby(B')) because I tend to be a very slow typer/writer. (but it's frowned upon? I don't understand why) And, yeah. I think that's it. I'm kind of just looking for a "mentor" so to speak and someone to roleplay with. (because goodness knows the group ones still scare me)
Welcome to RpNation! The Nation of Creation! My name is Carter, and you can always just Personal Message me anything you need! Can not wait to see you around the website!(*U*)
Welcome! I remember my first time roleplaying. I also found it quite intimidating, but eventually grew and improved greatly after working with the amazing people of this site. You should improve leaps and bounds in a short amount of time if you try hard enough! Hope that you have a good time here! Also, don't worry about the slow typing thing. I've been doing this for quite some time and I'm not that fast either.
Oh that's such a relief, I always get this idea in my head that every website I visit that's nice has to be the most prestigious place. I don't know why I think that.
Hi and welcome to RPN I hope your having a good time and wish you good luck. Also if you ever want to role play or need me to answer questions just pm me k.(*U*)(:3)

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