First Aeon: Age of Creation [Dawn of Divinity]


The Great Ao



The Void is empty. There is no up, nor down. No light, nor dark. No good, nor evil.

Only the Gods exist, and it is around them that the new universe will form. Everything is up to them. They feel a gnawing in their essence- an insatiable drive to create and destroy, to astonish and disgust, to rule and to serve. What wonders will they bring this cycle?

Welcome to the Void. The first Aeon begins. Go be a God.

Rules of the First Aeon:[/hr]

Advanced life forms cannot be created in this Aeon (animals, sentients either biological or elemental).

Primordial life forms can be created in this Aeon (cells, bacteria, etc).

Primordial Heroes can be created in this Aeon. (they can be sentient and be either biological or elemental, but they must fit the setting and moment, no humanoid heroes).

Posts here cannot be edited by any God. Only Ao can edit posts in this thread.
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As Sulvan is peering into the Void from the grand balcony of the Halls of Divinity he raises his robed hands forward, the sleeves covering them fully. Then moving his arms to each of his sides and began spinning, fast and faster. As Sulvan transformed into a infinitely spinning whirlpool he re-appeared along side his spinning self. Putting his covered hands around the whirlpool he shrunk it until it was small enough to fit on his chest.[/hr]

Looking one more time into the Void he placed the whirlpool on his chest and watched how out of his energy suddenly burst towards the Void, headings towards the very edge of the Void itself. That energy, his energy will forever cause all that will ever come into being in Creation to decay, fade out and die at the hands of Time. There would be no exception to this other then the very Gods themselves, who would ever be untouched by the effects of Time.

ACT: Sulvan creates Time out of his own energies.



Time becomes the first creation in the Void, affecting all of Creation until the end of Creation itself, with only the Gods outside the cold touch of Time.[/hr]
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With[/hr] a, quite literal, 'blink' of it's eye- Lividus transported itself into the void, spinning around slowly, as it looked at the emptiness, though feeling the effects of Time. It was an intriguing sensation, though it did not affect Lividus, as it was a God itself. And Gods are eternal.

As far as I know, anyway.

"It is so dark here." Lividus mumbled, as it thought of a suitable, first deed. It gathered it's power, then unleashing it's energy in waves and waves, unto the void, and as the waves traversed the infinity, particles of Lividus' energy, fell from the collective into particles on the canvas of creation, forming into bright spots- Bringing light into the darkness. "I shall call them. Stars."

ACT: Lividus creates the billions and billions of stars, from particles of it's own godly energy.



The dark and empty Void suddenly become littered with billions upon billions of Stars, each sending its own light into the Void, lighting it up for the first time in Creation. As soon as the light of the Stars leave them to travel the Void, the Stars succumb to the forces of Time, causing each Star to fade out of Creation eventually, as nothing is eternal but the Gods.[/hr]
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Rushing to the shrinking Void, Xyros looks around. What good is Time when it is a time of creation, and he's got a lot to create. And the Stars... they might shine, but are so boring. No, this Creation needs something interesting. Something to occupy his time, however briefly.[/hr]

"I, Xyros, will create something that is better than before. Something good. Henceforth, Things will always Change. Nothing will stay static anymore, because that iust so boring."

ACT: Xyros uses his divine power to make sure that nothing stays constant for too long. Everything from now on will change.



Change appears into Void, seeping into the very being of Creation forcing all that is and will come into being to forever Change. At first the Stars change their behavior, instead of creating Light into the Void, they absorb it, then they change again, sending Light into the Void, in a never ending cycle. Time too is affected, and instead of causing things to decay it reverts itself, causing some Stars to disappear as Time heads back to its moment of creation when the Void was empty. Then Time returns to normal and flows again outwards, in a never ending cycle of its own.[/hr]
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Ohh[/hr] the headache change can be. Wriath scratched his head as he saw changes happen and such a dysfunctional order and method. This simply can not be, there was simply one thing that game to his head balance. And honestly with time, things should not be going back, that was most of all confusing. He thought in his head, there will always be change, but how to tame change is the question in its regards. He see change, and he sees time, two separate creations contrasting and effecting the realms on each other. With a simple touch he draws a simple string tying Time to Change. Not effecting the two separate creations them selves, but bringing them closer together to create something of his own. Time and Change belong to their gods, but he will be the force that binds them.

Wriath connected Change and Time to be coherent with each other, instead of dysfunctional.



Change stops from influencing Time chaotically, instead it focuses on working with Time to change Creation. Thus as Time resumes its intended path, Creation is forced to change as Time passes by. Thus the Stars themselves now return to normal, spreading Light into the Void instead of absorbing it, and as an effect of Organized Changed, the Stars change in intensity over Time.[/hr]
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As[/hr] Lividus once more appeared into the void, it hemmed and slowly rotated in place, looking upon the vast canvas that was the nothingness of the void, though slowly, they had begun filling it with creation. It looked upon the billions of stars, and observed the newfound harmony between time and change, although it had much love for disorder, some things were best when they were balanced with creation.

"Let's see, then." Lividus thought, and began flying through the void- Passing by and through countless stars and absorbing some of their time-changed properties, which it then brought back closer to the Hall of Divinity and unleashed into a wide plain. "Not quite." It thought and manipulated the particles into a square and finally, into a large sphere. "Perfect." But what was it? "The next step, of course." The eye god concentrated on the gathered particles, pushing them closer together, until they condensed into a solid mass, like a small star. Lividus then reached out tendrils of it's energy and wrapped them around the molten mass, forming a hard shell around it, to keep it in shape. "It shall be called, Celestis." It thought, once it's creation was complete.

ACT: By combining the various elements of stars into a molten core and it's own energy to envelop the core and keep it in place- Lividus forged the first planet of Creation, it's molten core and hardened surface. And for as long as there was Creation, this planet would be known as 'Celestis'.



In the middle of Creation Celestis appears, the first planet of creation with its own molten core and energy, with a hardened surface.[/hr]
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Racing[/hr] to where the useless lump of rock was hanging, Xyros inspected it. He had multiple ideas on how to make it better, but it took some energy to make these things happen. In a eureka moment, he decided upon a course of action.

Gathering his divine power, he eyed the lump of rock, and let out a breath of power. "Now, we can't be static like this rock."

ACT: With his power, he created the laws of Motion.



The Laws of Motion appear into Creation affecting all material objects.[/hr]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.4c4cfeffae553819c6aab55626c21333.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.4c4cfeffae553819c6aab55626c21333.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Narlon Tarlens

Narlon Tarlens bore witness to the acts of his fellows and decided that it was time for him to act as well. He spoke an unknowable word and brought his will to bear on the nascent universe, twisting the stars into intricate patterns, weaving their light into images of beauty. He focused and caused the stars to pull on each other, in accordance with the concept of motion. He paused and saw how they pulled and moved them into their rightful places.[/hr]

ACT: Narlon creates Gravity

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates Galaxies



Gravity appears into Creation and begins affecting all celestial bodies, some to such expend that it forces them to group forming the first Galaxies of Creation, creating a spectacle upon the skies of Celestis.[/hr]
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Wriath just looked at the creation that the other gods have created. Though with the creation of the Celestis ball of rock, it seemed lacking in its attempt.[/hr] "Ahhh Lividus, not what I had in mind." He looked back to the void and then back to the rock, his gaze swathing back and froth causing another swirl of confusion in his mind. "Its just to empty." With that he snapped his fingers, and got an idea in his head. While all the other gods created, new toys for him the young god will play with them.

He placed his finger on to the top of the small little rock ball that is Celestis and started to spin it, faster and faster it span as it increased in size and started to flatten out. At first a little ball that just covered a small part of space, and he turned it to fill up half of the void.

ACT: Filled half of the void with Celestis rock.



As Clestis grew in size it clashed with many of the Star and Galaxies in Creation, the impact decorating the surface of Celestis with a myriad of craters, seas and rivers of molten mater. When Celestis stopped growing, it filled half the Void, a planet of a universal size so big that could be seem from all corners of the Void.[/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] stands in the nothingness that is the Void itself. Before him lay the creations of his siblings, simple yet elegant. The stars that his brother had created are beautiful, twinkling with their own little light. But yet, beautiful as the stars were, Auryn found them missing something. They were light without warmth, too small to warm the planet that his brother had made. And so Auryn cupped his hands, breathing warmth and energy as light shone through his cupped fingers. His energy swirled together in a storm of power and majesty. It was not a star, but rather something greater, something grander.

Auryn expanded his hands as the light grew brighter and larger than before. But it did not sting the eyes of the gods, nor did its light drown out the beautiful stars that his brother had made. When he was satisfied with what he had made, he released it into the Void to bring warmth and light to Celestis. It stood in the sky, swirling beautifully with prismatic energy as it lit up half of Celestis in Light. He was confident that his brothers would know what to do after.

"You are Helios," Auryn declared to the orb of energy, "And your light shall herald a new beginning."

ACT: Auryn created the Sun to warm and light up Celestis.



Helios appears in the Void and begins to warm part of Celestis. Due to the increase in Celestis's size, Helios is nothing but a spec in comparison, but its light does warm a very small portion of Celestis.[/hr]
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Beyond furious with the brash, impulsive actions of his compatriots while he yet slumbered, Kuas endeavored to bind the world to a rational order. First, he examined the energies that Sulvan had created. He knew that he could not stop the inevitable change and decay that were eternally bound up together, but he could at least make it so that it came to pass in a circle, the most rational of all shapes.. Taking a claw, he dipped it into the current of time, molding its waters like a sculptor with clay. Eddies and tributaries were pruned away, and when he stepped back, the energies his fellow god had unleashed passed in a perfect, unending ring.

"You say that all things in our Creation will eventually fade away, die, or otherwise end, and that will be true," he says, stepping back to allow the other gods to inspect his handiwork. "But all things too will return, for time is no longer a line, but a circle. And that, also, shall be true. In this way, what we bring forth shall last forever, past the end of Time itself."

Inordinately pleased with himself, he next examines the way in which Xyros had brought motion into their creation. He sighs at its limitless freedom, and begins to work to control it.

"Motion is caused by energy," he says "the same energy that brings about the change which you so relish. And so the energy of motion shall be forevermore bound by law." With a wave of his claw, glistening formulas appear in the air. "Kinetic energy shall be the force that powers motion, and it shall be defined as the difficulty of stopping a moving object."

A further effort of will sends the formulas spinning into the Void, and motion becomes rational and measurable, velocity, speed, kinetic energy, and mass all being tied together by comprehensible laws.

ACT: Kuas created Reincarnation.

ACT: Kuas bound motion to the laws of Classical Mechanics as they exist in our universe.



Kaus overstretched his reach and as thus the Wrath of Ao came upon his ACTs. For as Time was now a circle, as things would end they would stay faded, ended, but they would reappear as the day they were first created since Time was now a Circle, and as such Time began repeating itself, starting with the enlargement of Celestis and the creation of the Sun. All thing that would come into existence from now on would disappear only to reappear as they were originally. Time was no longer a line, as such past a point, Time would no longer go forward, thus disrupting Change and evolution of things. As for the Laws of Classical Mechanics, as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared, only to reappear again and disappear as Time reset itself at the moment of their creation. [/hr]
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Sulvan seeing the path of Time disrupted and miss-used began to whisper into the Time energies emanating from him, in order to create the fundamental Laws of Time.[/hr]

1. Time is linear so that Creation and all within it can Advance, Change and Evolve properly. Disrupting the flow and direction of Time can only lead to the disruption of Change and Evolution.

2. Time affects everything and everyone except for the very Gods themselves. All that exists shall eventually perish, some things faster then others. No matter how long something can last, it will eventaully fade out in the end.

3. Time allows only one present and only one future to come to pass. The What if's do not lead to another possible future. There is only one present and only one future, all other possibilities end when those paths were not chosen.

4. Time remembers that came, all that is and all that shall be.

ACT: Sulvan creates the Fundamental Laws of Time.



As the Laws of Time appear in Creation, Time returns to its linear state repairing part of the damage caused by the Wrath of Ao. As such Reincarnation as intended by Kaus dissipates into the Void, but without being reset anymore the Laws of Classical Mechanics start affecting Creation as soon as the Laws of Time start affecting Time.[/hr]


This[/hr] just won't do at all, oh grandiose one! Look at what has become of Celestis, it is unreasonably huge! The size of the Void itself, almost! We must do something to punish whomever it was, that brought this change to- Change! Of course! It is that impudent Xyros again, let's go teach him a lesson, oh divine one!


No!? What do you mean no!? They have ruined your creation! Defiled it! Mutilated it! Made it.. made it.. HUGE! "It is perfect." Yes, it is- Wait, it is perfect? Perfect how? "Be quiet now and observe."

Lividus floated around the near-infinite Celestis, though such a journey was nothing for a god. It observed the puddles and streams of the molten remains of stars and Galaxies. The craters, scrapes and bruises upon Celestis' surface, left behind by the millions of impacts. It was perfect. The eye god gathered all of it's energy, as it plummeted itself into the expanded world, burrowing deep, deep inside- Reaching all the way into the molten core, where Lividus unleashed it's energy in an explosion of godly proportions, shattering Celestis into billions and billions of pieces.

It then flew to Helios, which it studied for a moment, before using the remains of grand-Celestis, to recreate the normal-sized planet, by Helios' warming light. It then looked at all the shattered fragments that remained and hemmed, "Toys, is what they want? Things to play and experiment with? The void is infinite, there is room for all of us- But even so, I shall make more!" Lividus exclaimed, as it began bringing the fragments together- Using the lakes and rivers of molten remains as new cores, Lividus forged into creation, new planets!

One after the other, it brought another planet into the gravity well of Helios- Each a different size, each at different distance from the sun of Auryn and it continued it's work, until there were seven planets besides Celestis. "And each shall bear the name of one of my brethren! Sulvan, Xyros, Sarasti, Narlon, Wriath, Auryn and Kuas!" Lividus span around and gazed upon it's creation, "And in their entirety- They shall be known as the System of Ao!" Lividus decreed, then sending off the remaining fragments of rock and molten matter, into the Universe, so they might form more planets, around the billions of remaining stars.

ACT: By shattering "Super-Celestis", Lividus returned Celestis to it's original size and forged into creation seven new planets, to orbit Helios, each named after one of it's brothers and as a collective, 'the system of Ao'. The remaining fragments of "Super-Celestis", Lividus used to forge even more planets, which it sent into the Void to orbit the billions and billions of distant stars.



Super-Celestis is shattered into billions upon billions of normal sized planets. In its original place, around the SUn Helios, the System of Ao is formed, with one planet for every God in Creation.[/hr]
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"Well done, brothers!" Kuas exclaims, clapping Lividus and Sulvan on their backs. "You have repaired my mistake, and I am not too proud to thank you for that, Sulvan." With a flap of his mighty wings, he propels himself among the lumps of molten rock now orbiting the sun before becoming small enough, with a single thought, to land upon the rocky surface of the planet that bore his name. As the planet circumnavigated Helios, the dragon god realized that one side remained in the dark, while the other remained always in the light.

"If the law of this universe is change, then how can our planets remain always half shrouded?" he asks, flying among them and seeing that conditions are the same for each. "There must be a way of measuring this "time" that you have created, and I think that I have determined it."

As he flies, his wings beat harder and harder, propelling him around the planets as they begin to spin on their axes, each side receiving an equal amount of light and shadow. Satisfied, he lands among the other gods, a smug expression on his face.

"The whole of each planet shall experience all that our universe has to offer, in equal measure. For a time, one side shall be dark, and the other light. When that time has been completed, the aspects shall shift, and what was light shall be dark, and what was dark shall be light. It is by this cycle that Time shall be measured."

ACT: Kuas has created Day and Night.



The cycle of Day and Night is born for all planets of Creation, giving future Life on those planets a sense of Time.[/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] concentrated as he gathered the scattered fragments of Celestis. He forged them into a larger sphere and imbued it with his energy like he had done with Helios. It glowed in a mysterious and callow light, constantly dancing. It enhanced the stars' beauty as it lit up the cosmos, sending a gentle light throughout the Night that his brother had created.

"You are Luna," Auryn declared, "With your gentle caress, the Night shall come to life."

ACT: Auryn created the moon to enhance the night.



The moon Luna is created, without being attached to any planet, it Orbits Helios like all other planets of the System of Ao.[/hr]
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Sarasti watches his peers work with great care and interest, and realizes they have not thought more than a moment ahead. It reaches out a delicate claw to the new moon and twists the reflected light into delicate, invisible threads before binding all things together in a pattern near impossible to distinguish. Pleased, Sarasti then adds water to the world named after itself.

Finally, Sarasti scatters a tiny amount of it's divine essence into the waters.

Sarasti creates Fate

Sarasti created oceans on one planet.

Sarasti added bacteria to the ocean



Fate is created, dooming every being and object of Creation to one, unmoving, restrictive path through Time, everything is decided from now for all in Creation. On the world of Sarasti, oceans of water begin to cover its surface, and within these oceans, primitive bacteria appear.[/hr]
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Rushing back from the far reaches of the Void, Xyros roars as he comes back. "There shall be no One Fate to rule life! Let the laws of Change affect this Fate you have created!" Dipping his hand into the Fate created by his brethren, Xyros adds change and tangles to it. Let there be no one true fate, but a multitude of paths to choose from.

He then looked around, growing in size, and said. "We have created much, but we have failed to build something for us. So from now on, let there be Overworlds, a place for each God to live as he chooses."

ACT: Xyros adds Change to Fate, so that there is no one Fate that things cannot escape from.

Xyros creates Overworlds.



Fate can now be changed, not by the desire of the being Fated, but by Change itself, uncontrolled & unpredictable. As such, Time no longer keeps track of the future, as it always changes. Outside the material fabric of Creation the Overworlds are born in the spiritual realm, one for each God in Creation to rule. But the Overworlds are not safe from the influences and actions of the other Gods.[/hr]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.345de70bb1b915d3ba4ca612d3d6e33a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.345de70bb1b915d3ba4ca612d3d6e33a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"What a beautiful blue gem you've brought forth on your world, brother," Kuas says, looking over the ocean now covering Sarasti. "Actually, that gives me an idea."

Diving through the hardened crust of his planet, the god reaches the molten core, then retreatsthe way he came, pulling the magma along behind him. He bursts from the interior less than a second before the molten rock spews from the surface, quickly hardening on contact with air. Higher and higher he builds it, into a peak that towers above the rest of the planet. At the very pinnacle of the mountain stands a huge crater, and here Kuas conjures cool, fresh water to fill it, a basin with an ever-flowing spring pouring forth the life giving liquid.

ACT: Kuas has created an enormous mountain on the surface of his planet.

ACT: Kuas has created an everflowing spring that will bring forth all the water his planet might need.



On the planet of Kaus a great mountain emerges, high enough to reach and almost strike beyond skies themselves. Atop of this mountain a crater appears filled with ever replenishing fresh water. The water begins to flow down the mountain unto the lands below, filling them until the entire planet is covered by it, up to the peak of the mountain itself.[/hr]
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Yawned and stretched as he saw the other gods doing their work. He had a bit of a good rest and felt that he could do a little more to try to spark all thing surrounding Helios. At the moment there is fate, and change, is it the fate of things to change? But why always lead to change for the shack of change? Why not a bad change, or a good change, or perhaps left some were in the middle. He rubbed his thumb on his fingers as a simple coin appeared in his hand. "Hope they get some better luck then I do."

He tossed the coin in to all of reality as it spread disappearing.

ACT: Wriath creates Luck in to all of reality,



Luck comes into Creation affecting the outcomes of actions either favorably or unfavorably.[/hr]
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Choosing floating rolling? Enjoying! Being directing creating, choosing shrinking rolling, approaching heating shining. Thinking... beginning creating isolating, experimenting, following expanding. Agreeing.[/hr]

Length reach touch, connection planet surface tendril. Substance creation: weather swirl, surface liquid, volatile mineral, spark reaction. Materials requirement life abundance, exception, omission life! Self intention true; ideal life creation, self distance, exclusion divine. Greater interest current circumstances. Enjoyment surprise, self supposition.

Slithering has chosen a smaller planet in the Ao system close to the sun, seeding it with the necessary ingredients for life but not creating life directly, instead waiting for it to catalyze naturally.



On the planet Slithering, close to the Sun, the seeds of Life are sown.[/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

Narlon Tarlens appeared on the world named after him, causing the land to raise up and form his symbol. Pleased with this reaction he continued to increase the height of some parts of the land, and lowered others. When he stopped the world was covered in various symbols, each symbol resting upon it's own section of raised land. Narlon Tarlens then looked to the sky, and the stars that his brother had made. He knew that they were beautiful, but from this perspective they were meaningless. He enforced his will upon the stars once more, causing them to form patterns that any intelligent being would be able to recognize and admire. Content with his work Narlon examined the works of his fellows. Water and oceans were all very well and good, but they were missing something. A system of laws like that of motion and time. He willed clouds to form on first his world, then on all others. He then forcefully blew the clouds across the skies of the worlds, causing them to rapidly move. As water began to fall from them he knew that this was called rain, that his breathe would continue and would be called wind and that together they would form weather.[/hr]

ACT: Narlon creates hills and valleys on the planet Narlon

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates Constellations

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates weather



The planet Narlon has its landscape filled with hills and valleys. Suns in the Universe are rearranged in a way that does not conflict with the Laws set in place beforehand, so that they form Constellations visible from the planet Narlon. Also on the planet Narlon rain and other weather patterns form on worlds with Water on them.[/hr]
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Allazo[/hr] chose a planet with a more moderate rotation around Helios, not so close as to have its surface scorched away by its intense heat but not so far away as to scorn Helios’s heat all together as well a planet with… what was the word He searched for… Balance…

As he watched this planet he decided that something needed to be don.

“You are in a position of great potential but yet you are barren and with out ability to realize this greatness. You are out of balance, what’s worse is there is no balance to be had, I shall create for you balance my beautiful little orb and your potential will be realized. For you I would give even my own blood”

Allazo split his wrist open and spilled his blood on to the planet giving life to that witch had previously been barren of it.

As he preformed this act he looked on to the other planets and felt sorrow for they to were barren, but all had been given their own planet with witch to create and Allazo did not wish to upset father, but it was still not enough for him, so whilst there was still enough blood in his veigns he spilt it on to all of creation so that all could have that potential for life.

Act: (I should have 2 saved up by now, sorry for the mess up earlier)

Allazo creates the initial concept of balance to even out the chaos that restrictive order and law are bringing.

Allazo spills his own blood onto all of creation creating life.



Balance appears in Creation, forcing that both Chaos and Order work together to keep a sort of balance between the positive and negative aspects of both. Various forms of Primordial Life are sown through Creation.[/hr]
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With[/hr] a sigh, Kuas leaps from his overworld, created over his wellspring by his brother, and flies around his planet, noting the spots that had been indeliably stained by his lupine sibling's blood. Landing in one of the larger regions, Kuas unleashes a breath of blinding white fire, melting the landscape to slag and drawing forth a perfectly geometrical crystal, the essence of the life force that Allazo had shed upon that spot. He flies to each region that had been touched by the blood, and one by one gathers their essence, eventually returning to his overworld with a bundle of crystals in his arms.

There, he once again bathes the collection in fire, fusing them into a solid sphere which he hurls deep into the spring.

Nothing seems to happen at first, but then a long, sinuous form bursts forth from the still waters, coiling itself and regarding its creator with adoration. Its serpentine form is built fully from the waters of the spring and translucent, and its face is graced with the image of whiskers and a beard, lending it an air of wisdom.

"You shall be called Khlun-Long, the Dragon of Water, and you shall be my first champion," Kuas says, smiling in spite of himself. "You shall watch over this, the most sacred of springs, and over all its tributaries that extend throughout the land. This I charge you."

With a solemn nod, the creature flies high into the sky before crashing back into the waters, leaving an expanding ripple behind him.

ACT: Kuas has created an Elemental Hero, Khlun-Long, the Dragon of Water, to watch over and protect the spring and whatever adjacent waterways might be created in the future.



The Elemental Hero Khlun-Long, the Dragon of Water, is born to safeguard the waterways of the Kaus planet.[/hr]
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Experimenting ruining, rolling floating covering bleeding! Being experimenting fixing. Changing, creating living decaying, extinguishing.[/hr]

Four. Four self number association. Four tendrils grasp, four universe constants, one solution Allazo interference. Balance, Change, Fate, Time, synthesis. Creation: life destruction constant.

Balance, Change, Fate, and Time come together to create Death, the counterpoint to Life: what is alive is not dead, and what is dead is not alive, and all things that are alive will die when they are fated to.



Death appears into creation, Balancing out Life. Time no longer leads things to fade out, but it leads them to die. Change no longer changes randomly the paths of things and beings, but now affected by Luck, half the time it makes the Die, and the ultimate goal of Fate is to lead all things to their eventual Death.[/hr]
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Some[/hr] what annoyed at the fact Slithering seemed to be dancing rather close to destroying that witch he had so generously created, Allazo simply let it go, if it was a violation father would make him pay and if father did not it was there fore in his rights to do so.

However the idea continued to bug him in the back of his head, he could not let it go. Fine if if he did not wish to have the gifts of life on his planet then so it shall always be. He thought and so revoked his gift of life on the planet Slithering all together. The god could create to his hearts content for all he cared but never again would life grace its surface, it would never be able to sustain it, in this regard it would be void and empty.

Allazo Revokes life on Slithering



The Wrath of Ao strikes at Allazo, for NO GOD shall ever be allowed to Revoke or Destroy directly the Creation of another God. As Life upon Slithering was seeded by Slithering himself, Allazo's action has crossed the Laws of Ao. As such the Life on the Planet Allazo is taken by Ao, leaving the Planet Allazo barren and lifeless.[/hr]
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