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Fandom Firefly (Original Characters) - CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Jonathan Rhand


Owner - Engineer

  • Hair: Dark brown, almost black
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 6’7”
    Build: Rugged (extremely strong for his size)
    Other Features:
    Tends to wear dark clothes. Prefers blue jeans and a black T shirt. Atop this he wears a black duster - Tombstone style. No tattoos, piercings or jewelry - except for a wedding band. He wears fingerless gloves most of the time. Also wears sunglasses.

    He has scars from multiple gunshot wounds. The one most people see is on his left hand where it was once cut in half. Walks with a slight limp favoring his left hip. Only the doctor and his wife will ever know the rest.

Note: Some of this information WILL be false! There are also a lot of gaps. I left off some skills that probably won’t apply. (He knows some languages from Old Earth … like that is of much use.)

Aliases and Nicknames:
Diane Rhand


Owner’s Wife - Cybertech / Comms

  • Height 5’10”
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue (very intense)
    Clothes: BLUE!!!! She has a tendency to go with jeans, or blue jeans looking blues like the shirt above. Also will get a brown leather jacket for cooler weather, maybe a jean jacket.

    Jewelry and Tattoos: Wedding Band and engagement ring (silver with sapphire)
    Scars: Covered with them. Most small ones have faded or she uses makeup. Looks like she might have tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists - straight across and jagged. Not true. Gang tried to kill her and she ended up in a bad accident.
    Other: Always wears sunglasses and earplugs

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Cressida Lee7877A195-FC41-4010-94B2-D2245ED98147.jpeg

Aliases and Nicknames: “Bunny” “Crissy”

Age: 23

Position(s): Medic

  • Height: 5’ 6”
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Scars/ Other Facial details: A small burn scar on her right shoulder, from a cauterization
    Attire: Usually picks cargo pants and loose fitting tank tops, combat boots ect. Always dark clothes, since she’s typically the one dealing with bleeding people. Occasionally in flannels. Has a full sleeve tattoo with a variety of things: constellations, some animals, a depiction of a fox mask ect.

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