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Fandom Fire Emblem: The New World

Orikanyo said:
You most certainly don't know my will power, I'll think on it though.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1435470327465.jpg.9c1458aa904088c817965e6436c7c15b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/1435470327465.jpg.9c1458aa904088c817965e6436c7c15b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fine, i'll think up something as i walk to the store, don't say i don't do anything for you okay?



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Ooh! Ooh! How about this. I was gonna make my character an Ifrinic Mercenary hired by the Tarosian-Ifrinic alliance. How about your character is an actual soldier from Taros and they're both like "Hey this is kinda some fucked up shit, right?" and they're kind of buds cause maybe they're the least brutal dudes and then when the Assembly rolls through they're just like, "Yo man, let's bounce"
SirBlazeALot said:
Sorry about the confusion lol, I gotta clarify that for non-FE heads. Great idea for the panther Laguz, this just in, totally adding Panthers AND Jaguars :D And yes some nations DO enslave Laguz...like our big douchebag nation Taros!
@LupusDeUmbra @SubstituteHero @Sparkstorm1000 (where you at sparky?)

Okay guys the Overview has been MASSIVELY updated and proofread so please go back and read more about the nations, read the rules as they too have been updated, and yeah. There's a lot more detail now I think you guys will like it. Lemme know how ya feel.

Also I proofread it but if you find any typos or whatever lemme know.
I've been busy with a Nuzlocke run, Watching my Nephew's, etc. I'll try making a thing.
LupusDeUmbra said:
Maybe they could see Tarosian generals abusing their power and be all "nah, son, I ain't gon be a part of this shit"
aight aight aight check this out

So they been seeing like some pretty cruel shit.

But my dudes like "well you know im gettin paid a lot so whatever war sucks"

and ur dudes like "well you know im under oath so whatever war sucks"

but one day. they some especially fucked up shit and they're both like

"damn son idk if my conscious can take all this"

but it's like ya know if they just dip, my dude's mercenary troupe's gonna be pissed

ur dude's fellow comrades are gonna be pissed

and it's not like there's a presentable opportunity to dip out until bam

assembly shows up

assembly be like "yo we kinda sorta stand a chance, maybe not, but you'd probably rather die fighting for a good cause than usher in an evil one right?"

and our dudes are like


how's that
LupusDeUmbra said:
I feel like our guys are gonna seem like stoners with all this chill xD but I like it
lmfao chillest members of a totalitarian military force ever

so like lets just kind make our character sheets separately and when they're both done we'll go back and edit them to include some parts about their budding friendship in their history

sound gravy?
It's a Japanese made game... So, I'm sure kitsunes were the main influence for fox Laguz... Also I'm sure we'll find out what +stones do xD they're nothing to worry about at the start since you can't start with one :3
TheFoxWatcher said:
Well yeah im just curious o-o. @LupusDeUmbra
Thanks @BishopOfKings
They look different too they have two rings around them like saturn...with two rings.

the regular ones are just balls


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