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Fandom Fire Emblem: The New World

I'm assuming that Reaver is still on the prisoner ship unless to kill My5 he had to have left the ship and be on the assembly ship.
Can't do a post today until way late, sorry. I was at Rocky Horror last night and I'm with my gf most of the day today
@LupusDeUmbra @thekinginyellow @BishopOfKings @Leaf Fi

Alright guys.

The shit is about to get very real. It's time for a mid day announcement.

First things first. @Leaf Fi is going to be playing our new Mage Lord, Vivien. Some of you know her from my other RP. She's cool as fuck. She's putting together a sheet. Remember... there was never an Amadeo. Only a Vivien.

Second things second. After a couple closing posts in this bitch and once Leaf's done with Vivien's profile, The Assembly is going to arrive in Satrella...and things aren't gonna go well. @Orikanyo and myself will be playing the villains in this Chapter. Basically, it's a trap yo. The Assembly will be lured into a false sense of security and then they're gonna get ambushed. The goal isn't to kill everyone, the goal is to escape.

3rd things 3rd. This map is going to test who's a dropper and who isn't. I can tell you for a fact...not everyone is going to make it through this one.

I'll be controlling enemy troop movements. If you're not posting then that basically means that your character is having trouble defending themselves...and they'll die.

So if you don't wanna die in the next fight make sure you post regularly.

Take a look at the map. I haven't equipped all the enemies yet and I haven't stocked up the stores either but I'll tell you guys when it's all finished. For now take a gander at what we're looking at for chapter 2.

@LupusDeUmbra @thekinginyellow @BishopOfKings @Leaf Fi

Oh and alsoooo. If you check the character sign up sheet I added some things and changed some things.

New Classes: Merchant, which promotes to Transporter or Alchemist.

Pit Fighters, who promote to Executors or Weapons Masters.

Ninjas, who promote Shinobi or Puppeteers.

I also changed some classes. Holy Fighter is no more...now the second class for mercenaries is called Crusader. The only difference is that they now use Swords and Staves.

Smugglers are now called Tricksters. I think that's about it for the renaming.

I also added various explosives in the items section, check em out they're pretty sweet. I added lockpicks as well, which are exclusive to thief classes.

Also y'all, remember to update your inventories on your character sheets as you pick up and drop things.

And everyone from this point on is allowed to use C Rank weapons. YAAAAAY.
@LupusDeUmbra @thekinginyellow @BishopOfKings @BishopOfKings have the prisoners introduce themselves.

And I think that's about it. After that we can begin Chapter 2.

Peace out guys, have a good day and thanks for playing.
*shifty eyes*...nobody is talking about the money she found... good...

@SirBlazeALot You think we should have the support talks cannonically between battles? We still gotta have those cursing lessones Hayden wants.
Orikanyo said:
*shifty eyes*...nobody is talking about the money she found... good...
@SirBlazeALot You think we should have the support talks cannonically between battles? We still gotta have those cursing lessones Hayden wants.
Yoooomp. We just gotta specify when the conversation is taking place. In this case it would be after chapter one. :3

I'll start that today :D
Alrighty, once 11:30 comes around I'll peel myself from bed.
Vivien's cs isn't up yet right? Interested to know what Reiji's 'new' master will be like.

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