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Fandom Fire Emblem: Rise


The Guide To Salvation
This RP will be based on Fire Emblem. You DO NOT have to play the Fire Emblem games to get the story. This RP is set in another world, the world of Klash. Our characters will be from a nation, that has long fallen from grace. The nation of Phoenixia, that was once the proud ruler of most of Klash, but has been overtaken by the nations of Frouvania and Whelia.

Phoenixia is now a collection of many small villages,companies, and fields. After many years the former Great King Rohan's descendant plans to take back his nation, and tear the innocent citizens from the Tyranny of Frouvania and Whelia. The New King has gained many supporters, even bringing volounteers from the other nations, into his barracks.

This is where our characters come in!

We are new warriors, that will make up the 2nd Militia in Phoenixia. Led by The New King Rohan III we must take back the land and free the citizens fom tyranny!

I'd say we might wanna get just a few more people, considering a militia needs a few more than 5.
yeah, we wouldn't bea huge team xD but I do want a good amount of people! Plus, the whole story isn't completely finished yet.
If everyone in the thread is still, interested, we'd have 8, so I will start setting up the thread (New players may also join mid rp, like in the games)

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