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Ten Thousand Club
In this rp, your "Real world" person gets mysteriously isekaid to a FE-like scenario. You-We- must fight to survive and hopefully return to our real world life. If we can win that is.

Some In-Universe rules

1. This world operates just like a real world would. If you get shot with an arrow it will hurt and bleed and slow you down, etc. If you get your arm cut off with a sword, its cut off and will bleed, etc.

2. This world also operates like your typical Fire Emblem game. You can heal wounds/damage with use of heal items like vulneraries, elixirs, etc. And with heal staves like Heal or Mend. It will magically repair the damage you take - GOOD AS NEW! However, these things have finite uses and only heal a certain amount.

3. I will be the one primarily creating the scenarios (if I ask others to help, then thatll be the case, yeah) but it will primarily be me. I will attempt to make winnable scenarios. However, I will also make them dangerous and with real stakes, life-threatening. It will not be a cakewalk, but they should still be winnable.

4. We wont know everything. It will be exactly like a FE game, where you go from playable chapter to playable chapter. Maybe some plot thrown in between them. Im debating if this will be one-long campaign, or literally just random Fire Emblem fights. But anyway, Ill figure that out.

5. Chars will "Level Up". I will primarily be the one to decide when this happens, but like, it can happen diegetically within your posts. Like if you've killed enough enemies and think a level up is upon you, go ahead, I'll either let it through or talk to you about it. What level ups do is simple, they just increase your char's power and capabilities. I don't think Im gunna worry about the fluff of stats, but do keep them in mind. FOR EXAMPLE: If your char focuses on speed, and you level up, just assume your char got faster. If you level up a few times over a few missions then your char should be able to move and react MUCH faster. Think the same for Strength or Magic or Defense, etc.

Some are passive. Well, all are, but anyway. The ones that activate... You can just activate them on your own. Use common sense. Or writing comprehension or go by what would be the most fun or dramatic, etc. If I have a issue, I will mention it.
Your char will have a starter "Personal Skill".

7. I intend for this rp to be relatively simple and "easy" -so-to-speak. I dont intend for it to get too complicated or anything. The issues, fights, and wars will all be relatively simple. Im not going for shakespeare here. Just a simple, normal, obvious Fire-Emblem-like story.

8. OH TO MAKE IT CLEAR. Your character is a "real life" person. They are ISEKAID to a FE-like place. They essentially TAKE OVER some FE character. So they have a "backstory and personality" of the character they are essentially possessing.

8a. Your char should have memories of the FE char they are possessing. So they should be able to recall important moments of your char's past, and other important info of the world at large that the FE char would know. It may come in flashes or be hard to remember, due to those memories sort of being "in the background", that is up to you due to how you rp it! You also wont remember everything. For instance, you wont remember unimportant fluff, just important memories of the FE char. Such as if they murdered someone, or were jailed and escaped, so on and so forth.

9. We'll be gaining weapons, skills, equipment as we progress or level up or reach new milestones. Just like any FE game!

10. BUT DO NOT WORRY if you dont know FE! Thats totally okay! Just think of this as generic medieval fantasy! Ill explain the more minute details, like about classes and class promotions, but other than things like that, this isn't too hard to follow! Don't be too concerned with the "Fire Emblem" stuff!

11. This world will be "gameified", as mentioned, so things in your "inventory" are just... in some sort of magical space. You do not have to worry about them. In other words, you can carry around like 5-6 swords on you, if you wish. These swords will "magically" appear whenever you choose to use them.

11a. You can choose at will to use whatever weapon you have in your inventory. These will just magically appear in your hand and can magically switch upon will. There is no explanation for it. It just happens. So if you want to use a Iron Sword one moment, and a Killing Edge the next, then the Killing Edge will just appear (the iron sword will disappear). However, you CAN still be disarmed in combat, which will work like it does in real life, if you drop a weapon, you'll need to pick it back up or get a new one (or just use another from your inventory).

There will be some consistent LORE no matter what. Speaking of which...


L: O : R: E:

Your usual fe stats, weapons, items, classes, class-promotions, weapon-and-magic-triangles, skills exist. All that stuff is normal.
Your usual fe races exist. Like Laguz.

Think of FE
If a weapon is "heavy" it will slow your char down, but probably hit much harder. It wont slow your char down if your char is based around being strong or being a "big strong boy/girl". In FE this is called constitution. So if your char has HIGH constitution they wouldnt be weighed down by heavy weapons, and can more than likely use them freely. However, you have to be realistic about it. If your char is 5 foot and super skinny, they likely do not have high constitution, etc.

While not a HARD rule for this rp. FE typically works of a weapon triangle. That means swords beat axes beat lances beat swords. What that means is you have a higher chance of landing a strike on an axe-wielder if you are a sword-wielder, but have a harder time against a lance wielder, and typically take more damage if struck by a lance. So on and so forth.

Magic tends to work the same. Anima beats Light beats Dark beats Anima. (Anima just means like.. elemental spells)

Again, this is not a HARD RULE or anything. We'll be sensible.

Magic and Weapons and Staves for healing or other support uses ALL HAVE durability. They work like they would in FE, but in case you dont know, say you use a Heal stave. It has 10 uses, that means you can only use heal from that single stave 10x before it "Goes out" or "Gets depowered", etc. Weapons are the same, but I wont really focus on them too much like magic or staves. Unless you have like SUPER ULTRA POWERFUL SWORD, then it will likely have a very limited number of uses before it breaks/becomes unusable, so use strong weapons wisely!

So what this means for mages -if you want to cast Fireball (as an example) you need the appropriate tome, then it has a limited number of uses. (Tho weak spells can be cast a lot, and strong spells will have a small number of casts, so keep that in mind). However, mages can use like simple, generic magic freely. For instance, if you want to light a candle, mages can just use magic to light it.

Throwable weapons like Javelins, Spears, Hand Axes, Tomahawks, etc, all work like they do in FE. They just magically appear back in your hands a moment after throwing them. Even if it doesnt actually make sense, this occurs, since this world is sorta gameified.

(more to come)
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About the Setting

Krulrund Empire
Typical FE empire.
They currently have the most influence and power across the world. Still they seek MORE. Krulrund has recently begun a conquest of the world map. Well, the war has been raging for around 20 years. They've been held off by other nations, but their superior might is gradually weakening the other nations. Something must change, or these smaller nations will collapse under the strain of war.

Krulrund's campaign has already resulted in many tragedies. From entire villages burning, to small countries already being subsumed into the empire. Their citizens conscripted and forced to fight for their conquerors.

The nation of Eyozoya is a good distance from Krulrund, and is one of the last on the empire's list to conquer. Its also one of the largest in the world, primarily made up of a wide, expansive desert, filled with hardy, strong-willed people, who have been tempered under a life of constant battle in its harsh conditions.

Eyozoya isn't looked upon favorably though, as it is primarily ran by religious fanatics.

Eyozoya produces a lot of strong solitary fighters.

Within Eyozoya's borders is said to lie many mysteries of the world, hidden beneath the sands. Lost to time.

One thing is for certain, Eyozoya's sands are constantly spreading. If the Empire hadn't tried to take over the world, it is said, in some distant future Eyozoya eventually would.

Recently, Eyozoya decided to take up arms against the Empire, whether they feel threatened, or they figured now was the time, or they were called to action by some divine thing, is irrelevant. They finally joined the war effort. With their vast riches they brought together the Blacksteel Mercenaries and gave them backing and funding.

Blacksteel Mercenaries
Known for their black blades crafted with Black Ore. The Blacksteel Mercs -or just Blacksteels- are a prolific mercenary group that has ridden across the world of O'lyr for at least 40 years. Formed from the remnants of the Army of Samsara, when their country fell. The General became the First Captain of the Blacksteel mercs.
Northern Alliance:
The Northern Alliance is a confederacy of duchies and smaller kingdoms/princedoms who banded together to protect themselves from the Krulrund empire encroaching on their land. Each noble house gets a seat to vote in a Moot. A Warden of the North is selected to be a central leader that gains control over the Alliance's shared military and acts as sovereign of the alliance. Due to the nature of a feudal confederacy, however, this often means a good deal of political intrigue and occasional skirmishes between noble houses within the border, and there have certainly been more than one civil war, especially in the infancy of the Alliance.

The Northern Alliance does not have a central economy because each lord's domain is free to be taxed and assessed by that lord. There are also very few trade restrictions, and the lands to the north have a wealth of mineral resources and bountiful forests, making things like ores and furs from the north a sought after commodity in many other kingdoms. This also leads into one of the few trade restrictions, which is that the alliance may not provide any military resource to Krulrund. While Krulrund can trade in things like furs, but any mineral resource has been heavily restricted and is only to be sold to domains whose interests are aligned against Krulrund.

Culturally and Religiously, the Alliance is surprisingly homogeneous. Perhaps this is due to sharing a similar environment, or because everyone agrees that the Great Northern Dragon is the protector of their land. Either way, regardless of where you go, the disposition of the people is generally very down to earth and tough as the iron they mine or the beasts they hunt.

Due to the harsh winters and tundras, many of the Alliance's territories are known for producing fierce warriors. From knight orders to heroic individuals, every noble house seems to control at least one. Each noble house does have a duty to mobilize in the case of an invading force, and those special units and people are often held in reserve for such reasons. Since the last invasion attempt roughly fourteen years ago by Krulrund and the loss of an Aursburg captain to an ambush, a greater call for unity and centralized military authority has echoed within the Northern Alliance. This has led to the creation of a military academy which runs off of funds given by the various lords. The academy is still in its infancy and isn't well-known outside the alliance, but due to the zeal of the noble houses to protect themselves from Krulrund has only led to the academy receiving perhaps more funds than it needs which has in turn led to a growing class of military elites which have only served to strengthen the Northern Alliance's position so far.

Great Northern Dragon:

The Great Northern Dragon is a symbol of the north and a rumored ancestor of the Aursburg house who head the largest domain within the Northern Alliance. The only proof is a draconic crest handed down through the family line. Regardless of the dragon's seeming favoritism, when the Northern Alliance first came into being, every house in the north bowed to the might of the dragon. It is said that the dragon brings snowstorms and auroras, and this has been attributed to what many outside might see as a legend. When Krulrund first invaded, a sudden blizzard came on the tail end of a harsher than normal winter, burying the invading force in snow. Those outside the storm reported a large, resplendent aurora borealis shining with every conceivable color. Some even reported seeing what appear to be a collossal wyvern hidden by the storm. Afterwards, the Aursburg household claimed, "The Dragon of the North, Skaði has granted us deliverence and has ordered that every domain unite to keep the invaders out."

(More to be unlocked later)

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