Fire Emblem Dawnward Song Lore and NPC Directory

Fire Emblem Dawnward Song - lore


  • Description:
    The Korlovian Empire, also known as Korlovia, boasts a vast population and extends its hegemony from the frozen tundra in the north to the fertile, agrarian heartlands in the south. Its culture, deeply rooted in aristocracy and composed of various cultures, is characterized by a resilient populace with a robust martial tradition. However, this has led to unfavorable views from many neighboring states due to the empire's unchecked expansion and the domineering nature of its aristocracy. Political adversaries and potential revolutionaries are swiftly and harshly suppressed, with the majority of economic efforts directed towards military endeavors and the pursuit of technological and magical advancements.

    The empire harbors a societal-level War Cult dedicated to the War God Kongol, and at the opposite end, a Death Cult venerating Malfarius, the God of Darkness. This militaristic and somber perspective has fueled the empire's expansion, which has only faced two significant setbacks in the past millennium, drawing many to its cause. The presence of temples for both deities and an Academy of Study devoted to the God of Darkness has nearly monopolized the training of Lunar Knights and Dark Mages. Nonetheless, internal dynamics and Machiavellian politics often decelerate its growth, leading to sporadic unrest and political assassinations.

    Korlovia's origins trace back a millennium to Archduke Alexia Orlovsky, who united the Korlovian Princes and subdued the wilderness, setting the stage for the military conquests of subsequent emperors, notably the Golden Five. The empire's expansion was notably hindered by the Republican rebellion and the endurance of Reantel. Information about the empire primarily comes from defectors, refugees to the republic, and the accounts of traveling merchants.

    Within the empire, numerous cultures exist, most having little influence as their regional identities have been annexed and assimilated into the larger imperial identity.

    OOC Culturally, the Korlovians resemble Tsarist Russia, while other cultural groups are reminiscent of Eastern and Central Europe. Notable ethnic groups include the Wallonians, akin to Romanians/Bulgarians; the Burgandians, similar to Germans; the North Men, who are like Nordic peoples; and the Szevadi, comparable to Polish/Hungarian groups.

    Capital City: Korlovgrad

    Demonym: Korlovians. Other ethnic groups of significant numbers include the Wallonians, Burgandians, North Men, and the Szevadi.

    Iconography: The flag features a four-quadrant design divided by a black cross, with a golden double-headed eagle at the center. Each quadrant displays an emblem—a rose, a stag's head, a bear, and an eagle grasping arrows—representing the four major royal houses and states of the Empire.

    Head of State: Emperor Pavel Drachma Korolev III.
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Timeline (subject to future expansion):

OW = Old World

~1500 OW - Ancient Human Civilization falls under the control of the Dracanous Empire.

1000 OW - The Dracanous War commences.

800 OW - Dragon ranks experience defections.

600 OW - Humanity is pushed back, with the old civilization suffering extensive damage.

200 OW - Saints emerge at various conflict stages to replace the fallen Gods; the Holy Sept is established.

40 OW - Humanity braces for a cataclysm and retreats into what modern Dogma refers to as caves. Omen is defeated.

0 OW - Humanity reemerges to find the Gods of the Era ready to assist in rebuilding, to a certain degree.

1 - The Reclamation Era begins.

121 - The Laguz are enslaved and eventually deported to their current island, marking the first discord among the Ten's intentions.

481 - Korlovia unites; the Emperor declares Kongal has granted his nation and lineage the right to Conquest.

553 - The Sultanate of Izmir is established.

832 - The Laguz initiate a slave rebellion with the Manakeke's help. The Laguz achieve complete victory 15 years later.

912 - The Iwata-Xuanyu Dynasty is established through marriage and an unforeseen disaster.

1000 - Goddess Amaria's Avatar descends, inciting the Region to rebel against the Imperials, securing the current borderlands over 70 years.

1034 - The Daybreakers Free Company is founded.

1231 - The Kingdom of Burgandians stops the Imperial Advance and renames itself the Kingdom of Reantel.

1254 - The Lyon Commonwealth is established.

1316 - The Laguz and the Republic establish diplomatic relations.

1332 - The Dynasty and Commonwealth begin relations with the Laguz.

1422 - Harold Ainz Latour is born in the Republic, his early life marked by several innovative projects and creations.

1464 - Mana Stone Researcher Harold Ainz Latour discovers new and potent applications for Mana Stones and Manatech, leading to the proposal of constructing industrial sites and Airships within the Republic.

1471 - The commissioning of The Castilian takes place.

1472 - Through trade deals, espionage, or theft, airship technology spreads to all nations.

1473 - The completion of The Castilian is marked. Its use along the Commonwealth-Izmir border to deploy skilled soldiers behind enemy lines becomes widespread, and eventually leading to the evolution of boarding tactics.

1486 - Present day. 4th month, 5th day.

~~~~~Months and Days~~~~

360 Days in a year, 30 days a month, 12 months a year. 24 hours in a day;

First month - Ariaus - The New year celebration and preparing for deep winter
second month - Ominous - The Depth of Winter - festival of the hearth
third month - Lunaris - End of winter before the Dawn - festival of the Blue Moon
fourth month - Velvenius - Dawn of spring - festival of thanksgiving
fifth month - Sallarius - 2nd Month of spring - blessing of earth for sowing crops
sixth month - Konloria - final month of spring - festival of martial prowess
seventh month - Odelius - Month of fertility - festival of summer harvest
eighth month - Isharius - Month of Travelers - trade festivals
nineth month - Uryisis - Month of the Arcana - various magic shows and tournaments
tenth month - Malfara - The start of Autumn - festival of spirits
eleventh month - Xizhong - 2nd month of Autumn - festival of the waters
twelfth month - Septimius - final month of year - festival of the 10

Solday (Day of rising)
Estday (Day of the East)
Norsday (Day of the North)
Wesday (Day of the West)
Sousday (Day of the South)
Lunday (Day of Rest)
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Mana Stones - Crystallized mounds of rock that surfaced from deep within the earth, according to most tales, or were bestowed by the divine. These crystals often embody the magical qualities of their hues: Fire, Wind, Electricity. Fundamentally, they could release the elemental forces they contained; for instance, a red stone might ignite a blaze, a yellow one could paralyze, and a green one might summon gusts. Mages highly valued these stones as catalysts, to enhance their weaponry, or as versatile tools for everyday use, such as igniting fires, cooling structures, or powering lights. Initially, the application of these stones was as rudimentary as the societies that used them, focusing more on survival, managing forests and wildlife, and navigating this newfound world rather than exploring their potential.

Manatech - The study of mana stones, previously used for basic tasks, has taken a serious turn under the vision of Harold Ainz Latour. With grander ambitions for the stones, he has initiated numerous industrial-scale projects. The outcome of this new renaissance and industrial era is yet to be determined. The initial practical applications have been enhancements to existing work or entirely new inventions. Of these, the new Airships and the blast furnace have been the most significant. There are whispers that even more innovations are being developed in the Workshops of Latour.

Mana Items - A range of appliance items have been created, including streetlamps that run on either flame or electric stones, casting a gentle yellow glow to illuminate the area, as well as portable burners for warming food, hands, lanterns, and more. These innovations are generally small-scale, at least until the advent of the Airship and the onset of industrialization.

Airships have become a viable mode of transportation across Auzifor's challenging landscape by harnessing the properties of three stones and at least one of the following mechanisms: airbags, rotor lifts, lighter-than-air gas from mana stones, or repulsion fields with rowers. Initially modeled after a ship's hull for water landings or moorings at specialized docks, airships have evolved to include rowers, sails, or motorized blades. Although the inventor has not settled on a single design, three primary types have emerged, along with a fourth variant.

First is the Cabin mounted below a bag, which is arguably the simplest to make if not the most exposed, the Bag and Cabin, with long range and a ship hull it seems to be the longest ranged and most economical of the trio;


The 2nd is the Enclosed Cylinder type which combines the airbag with an internal hull mounted at the bottom allows for a larger build,


And the heavy engine and propulsion field, which is the most structurally sound yet energy use intensive;


The 4th which has caught on in most places is the shuttle, while sizes vary, mostly some of the pictured design, these are used to carry troops to conduct boarding actions; they typically cannot fly but short distances of under a mile and as they stand are unsuited to other combat tasks,

Regardless, the Manatech Era is now beginning.
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According to the Old Tales and Church Dogma, this is what is known about the 10 Gods and before the conflict there were more than that who fell. Unknown were the number of heroes that fought under them to win Mankind it's freedom.

Amaria: Goddes of light, the sun, purification and life.

In life, Amaria was known as a courageous woman of considerable beauty, with long blonde hair, according to the legends. Carvings portray her in a form-fitting robe, complete with a blindfold and longsword, a depiction confirmed by historians of the Republic from some 400 years ago. She was a human who achieved sainthood, igniting the Dracanous Wars and leading humanity's revolt against the draconic tyrant Omen. Upon her death, she ascended to the Pantheon, becoming a beacon and mentor of Light Magic to the warriors of her era.

Malfarius: God of Darkness, the moon, decay and death.

Malfarius, a name many find daunting, was among the earliest Dragons to adopt a human guise. Resembling the archetypal Dark Bishop, he enlightened humanity about Dark Magic and the significance of death and loss as catalysts for life's prosperity. A resolute figure, he allied with humans but, after the war, ceased to appear publicly. His disciples interpret his absence as a trial, while other narratives suggest different reasons. Nevertheless, the legacy of his teachings endures.

Odelia: Goddess of fertility and harvests, song and dance.

Portrayed with red hair and sun-kissed skin, adorned in green robes, she bore a beautiful figure and carried a loom brimming with crops. Revered globally, she is deemed the patron saint and deity of Lyon. The fertility goddess secured her position in the pantheon not through wartime deeds but by aiding humanity and combating global hunger. She also raised spirits with her dance and song, enchanting even the heroes. With her talents, she traversed the war-torn lands, and at the dawn of reclamation, she blessed the earth to flourish once more before withdrawing from the mortal realm.

Kongol: God of War, destruction, martial valor and strength.

An ancient deity descended to wage war against Omen and his ilk during the Dracanous War. This Old God, embodying war itself even in the ancient world, was depicted as a muscular, towering figure with tanned skin, bald head, and clad in battle attire. He fought fiercely throughout the war and in the ensuing times. Allegedly, he conferred with the First Emperor, bestowing upon him the Divine Mandate of Conquest. Aside from tales of his presence on the most brutal battlefields, he has remained unseen. Though a deity of War and Destruction, he is equally revered as the God of Honor and Martial Prowess.

Xizon: God of the Sea and Seafarers and the East.

Xizon, a Dragon who assumed human form, was tasked with overseeing the oceans to soothe the waves and supervising the naval forces of his time. He rose to his position in the Pantheon during the era of reclamation, where he is credited with assisting in the construction of the first cities upon the steep eastern hills, safeguarding both sea and soil. It is believed that he now slumbers, having remained unseen for the past millennium.

Salaman: God of Mountains and Earth, endurance and will, keeper of the lands.

Portrayed as a man with charcoal skin clad in heavy armor, Salaman was a human saint believed to have risen to the Pantheon for his contributions during the early years of the Reclamation. With his magic and mastery of the Mana stones, he executed grand construction projects and is credited with carving paths through mountains to establish the principal trade routes connecting human realms. Like other deities who lived for an extraordinarily long time before disappearing, he has not shown himself since. As the architect of the Royal Palace of Izmir, Sultans sometimes adopt his name as their surname, along with those of other gods, either as a tribute or a display of vanity.

Aria: Goddess of the Sky, patron of sky riders, Guardian of the south, and as of late patron of airships.

A woman gained fame during the Dracanous War, becoming a hero and much more. As the first Pegasus Knight, she is portrayed with brown hair, an armored face mask, and a partial helm, wielding a lance while mounted on her loyal steed. With the Old Gods' blessings, she rose to oversee the skies. She became the patron saint of the southern territories, revered as the deity of Sky Riders and, in modern times, Airships.

Ishtar: Goddess of Commerce, land merchants, highways, Warden of the West

Another saint from the Western landmass, she was an ancient deity who persisted in garnering faith in the new world. She is portrayed as a woman dressed as a princess or a fortune teller from the regions of Izmir in contemporary depictions, with olive skin and black hair. Her earlier form remains a mystery, but it is believed that she aided Salaman in his endeavors and safeguarded merchants. She has seldom appeared outside of dreams, except to those considered worthy of her wisdom.

Urys, The King of Mages: God of Anima, thunderstorms, seasons and the three elements.

Portrayed as an elderly man in a hooded cloak with a lengthy beard, he holds a book emblazoned with the three elements on its cover in one hand, and a magical staff in the other. His true nature is a mystery; he could be a Dragon, a Man, or an Ancient God. He revealed himself for 300 years during the Dracanous War, awakening the latent magical abilities within humans. As the inaugural instructor of the Arcane, he came to be known in the Reclamation era as "The Old Master," occasionally emerging to teach the three elemental schools, demonstrating a mastery that surpassed most, before disappearing again. Even the other Gods seldom spoke of him.

Velvet: Goddess of Nature

The last and enduring deity of the Pantheon, Velvet, is believed to be one of its original members of the old Pantheon. Known as the mother of the Green, legends say she birthed the Laguz and Manakete, bestowing the gifts upon mankind as either a blessing or a curse, views on which vary. Velvet is depicted as a woman with pointed ears and wings, long blonde hair, garbed in a flowing white robe. She is revered for nurturing and expanding the animal and plant kingdoms after the Cataclysm. Her resemblance to a Laguz has made her despised by Izmir, leading to the belief that her scorn is the reason why Izmir's lands are barren rock and sand.


Lord of the Dragons and Destroyer of Man: Omen

Little is known about Omen, except that he was the Lord of Dragons and a brutal dictator who regarded humans as mere playthings and sources of amusement, treating them with terrible disdain. As a black dragon, he was larger than any other, with flames that burned a deep purple. According to ancient legends, Omen and his brood slew numerous heroes and gods until they were finally vanquished by a group of heroes wielding holy relics and divine gifts. Among these was a shield known as "The Fire Emblem." It is believed that other such weapons lie in the tombs of these ancient heroes or within the treasuries of nations that have since forgotten their significance.
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Daybreaker Free Company - A history: Formed during the War of independence one of the first civilian Militia regiments the Daybreaker's fought at the head of the war at the behest of the returned Goddess, the Daybreakers made a solemn oath to fight till the land was free. To be the Light piercing the Darkness. Over the course of the next 400 years and with "peace" won. The Senior Officers decided to ensure that the Daybreakers would always be there, should they be needed again, and applied to be Mercnary Company within the Republican State.

Working akin to a real army the Daybreakers have considerable pay in the face of considerable danger, the Daybreakers maintain a rotating Chain of command, with officers aging out of the force or being replaced with younger ones as the situation demands or as new tactics are born from the field of battle, when and where new leadership was required, with older company members taking up training or logistical duties or supporting the rearguard and rotating out to command roles.

As of the current era, the Daybreakers pioneered the use of its own airship, seeing the new potential in it, various other armed services around the continent, it has now reached the time and point that the spearhead company of the Daybreakers had its own rotation to allow in new talent or to give younger ones a chance to shine. Currently the Daybreakers are attempting to build airships for its remaining detachments.

Currently the Daybreakers has five companies, though in nonculture terms, three are more equal to brigades with two to three times the manpower, the current Chain of Command is General Horace, overseeing the 5 companies, of which each one has an Executive Officer and a Commanding Officer. Additional leadership for subunits is based upon need or experience. Minus in the Training/Garrison Company, which has dedicated Sergeants.

Currently the five "Companies" are;

- The Spearhead Company; made up of about 12-30 elite soldiers aboard the Company Airship.
- The First Company, made up of 220 soldiers, mixed infantry formation, foot travel
- The Second Company, made up of 220 soldiers, mixed infantry Formation, foot travel
- Mounted Brigade, made up of 150 Soldiers, all are mounted or air mobile and specialize in scouting, infiltration, cavalry attack tactics and establishing secret supply depots.
and lastly;
- The Fortress Brigade, made up of 300 men, it is primarily a training or garrison company comprised of mixed unit types and is rarely employed in anything not garrison work.


The Castellion is the first airship of its kind, powered by repulse fields and generators. Its technology remains cutting-edge, surpassing what most are accustomed to. Spacious enough to accommodate several flying mounts and facilitate spar training on its deck, the ship can hold up to 40 crew members, with at least a quarter dedicated to operating the vessel and its boarding shuttles. Additionally, the ship is equipped to support a light company in the field for a week.

The upper deck is armed with three siege ballistae and four heavy crossbows for defense. Recent upgrades include a ramming prow and metal reinforcements along its wooden frame. Although capable of water landings, the ship cannot navigate waters independently and must take off to relocate.
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Alexander Petrovich - The Castilian Airship Commander
Hailing from the Impire, Alexander's Father defected to the Republic some many years ago with his wife, and young son Alexander, while keeping the customs and accent, Alexander was originally a Naval Commander for a militia unit in the Capital city, which he called home and had a family of his own. For a number of decades Alexander would serve, before becoming a Captain of his own ship. Until a few years ago when the Daybreakers Free Company requested his services, promising him a new ship to perfect his craft in a new arena, The Sky.
Being the first Captain of The Castilian the old Naval Commander runs a tight ship, getting the best crewmen he could find and doing his best to fly over any sky to drop his charge, to set up supply depots or conducting raids. He is very interested in modifications to the ship and the Manatech Reactor, but leaves the latter well enough alone. Normally a stern-faced man, he is not given to strong displays of emotion.

Horace Hayton - Chief Owner/Regimental Commander of the Daybreakers​

A veteran who has gone from greying to whitening, Horace was a Mercenary who became a Hero in his younger years. Leading the spearhead company, he would, with Age find himself move further and further from the front. Until he found himself as the Commanding Director and owner of the Daybreakers. Chiefly a logistics posting and overseeing the four other companies of the Free Company, he mostly leaves the running of the Spearhead and other companies to their individual officers. He is known to be a shrewd man that is used to the politics of the realm and carefully handpicks where to place new and current members with each passing year each spring.

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OOC Note, Moved from sheets to NPC's as I don't really feel like playing two sheets, lul


  • NAME: William "Will" Reynolds

    AGE: 35

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Beorc - Veridian

    CLASS: General

    HEIGHT: 5'10" (179cm)

    WEIGHT: 178lbs (81kg)

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