Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

Name: Odelle Alest

Physical appearance: Odelle’s body is naturally somewhat muscular, though in a lean manner that suggests she relies more heavily on agility and quick thinking then outright brute strength. She’s often described as scrawny, though this has more to do with her awkward height of nearly 6’5” then her lifestyle or diet. She grew into her long limbs rather suddenly, and although she's far from clumsy she still seems awkward in her height. She doesn't have a very impressive chest to begin with, but ingrained habit drives her to bind what little she has so her chest lies flat. This tends to make her figure more androgynous, and more often then not it's difficult to discern her exact gender. Odelle's face holds an ageless quality to it, with an undeniable softness that makes many people believe that she couldn't possibly be capable of slitting a man's throat or surviving on her own. However, her bright amber eyes are sharp and her canines are pointed, giving her a fearsome look whenever she bares her teeth. Her complexion is dark, tanned by heritage and a life spent on the deck of a ship with nothing to protect her skin from the harsh sun. Her arms and lower torso are peppered in scars, scrapes and bruises from fights and falls, though the only thing marring her face is a dash of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has a few tattoos on her arms and back, mostly simple black geometric shapes and lines. She also has a serpent curled around her shoulder blades in the shape of an ouroboros. Although she's a lion Laguz in blood, there is no denying that Odelle bears more resemblance to a common cat then a fearsome predator. Her hair and the fur on her tail isn't a solid color, rather, it's black with splotches of orange and white mixed in, making it easy to draw comparison to a calico cat. Two pointed ears rest on her head, usually folded back and hidden under a dark red bandanna. One is solid black, while the other is mostly orange with white loosely circling the base. Odelle's hair, much like her tail, is a messy patchwork of black, orange and white. It's thick and long, reaching the below her shoulder blades. She rarely does more than run her hand through it, but when she needs to appear more presentable than she normally is she’ll sometimes slick it back.

Personality: Odelle is an uncouth, bold young woman, with a cocksure attitude and a love for exploration that rivals her love for adrenaline. She caries herself with an easy sense of confidence, hopping from day to day with fluid grace and ease. It's not odd to hear the Laguz make some smart-mouthed quip, even in situations that such actions would be deemed grossly inappropriate. She's quite the flirt, and doesn't really favor a single gender-she'll strike it up with anyone who catches her fancy, usually in an attempt to fluster them or to seek a bit of friendly verbal sparring. It's more of a way to keep interaction between herself and others flowing. Despite being open to short dalliances-she does enjoy having someone willing to allow her to use them as a pillow-Odelle has a firm aversion to engaging in anything 'serious'. Her sense of humor is rather eclectic, and she finds it quite easy to make friends this way-by cracking a joke to break the ice. Odelle detests showing her negative emotions, and her natural defense mechanism against this is to write them off as insignificant or to make jokes about them. Despite this, she has quite the temper, and is prone to lashing out when upset. Although sociability is one of her stronger points, Odelle is easily tired by extended periods of social interaction with more then one person at a time. As a result, she tends to keep contact with others to a minimum, hiding it under the guise of being 'busy', and feels more at ease when she's out in the open with just the air to keep her company. Being outdoors is the only thing that really comforts Odelle nowadays, to the point where being indoors for too long makes her jumpy and more prone to stuttering. More of a follower then a leader, she's very easily thrown off when decisions are put into her hands.

Age: 24 years

Backstory: Though her place of birth is deep within the nation of Ozten, Odelle hasn't set foot in the kingdom in over ten years. She was little more than a petty street thief then, abandoned by her parents for resembling a housecat rather than a lion, but the pirate captain she almost managed to pickpocket saw some potential in the scraggly Laguz and offered her a place on his crew. The pirate ship was called the Dancing Lass, and it was quite the nuisiance to the coastal settlements of Lacayia. Her job was to sneak aboard merchant's vessels while the ship was in port, snatch anything valuable, and make it out without being spotted. Odelle grew fond of life on the open ocean and built up quite the fearsome reputation as a raider, trading in her claws for a sword and a set of lockpicks. Her career, while short, was extremely successful, earning her the moniker 'Lucky Lion' from the rest of the crew. Her luck didn't last forever, of course. Just two months prior to the beginning of the war, the ship she'd served on for a great deal of her life sank to the bottom of the ocean, courtesy of a couple of drunken deckhands messing around with things they shouldn't have touched. Odelle washed up half-drowned on the southern shores of Lacayia, severely out of her element after spending so long on the open water. Still, she managed to set herself up as a mercenary, working to protect the shipments of merchants she'd stolen from just months prior. Most of her time is spent slumming in small-time taverns, when she isn't on the job.

Where she or he is from: Ozten

Class: Thief (formerly Lion Laguz)

Why she/he joined the resistance: She got bored protecting merchants from nothing, and figured she might receive pardon for her past crimes if she fought for the country she was considered a criminal in.

Other?: N/A

Name: Ezra Crane

Physical appearance: Ezra, or Crane as most people call him, is quite the looker, body lean and muscular in a way that's distinctly feline, but this isn’t quite so apparent underneath his awkwardness. He holds himself tensely when in the company of others, every muscle taut and coiled. When he stills, his posture becomes hunched, his eyes downcast to avoid making eye-contact, and if it weren't for the occasional yawn or shift in posture Ezra would be near-indistinguishable from a statue. It becomes even harder to witness when he moves, for long limbs are a disadvantage to someone as completely clumsy as Ezra. His face-despite it's gentle handsomeness, soft and somewhat effeminate-is hard to look upon for long, for his startlingly bright green eyes are oddly unnerving, with unnaturally large pupils. Ezra is naturally olive skinned. At first glance, his skin seems to be rather clear, save for the occasional cut or bruise from his clumsiness. But on his back, hidden under the white bandages he wears around his chest, are several burn scars. Ezra's hair is a wild and unkempt mass of shoulder length ink black waves, often tied into a short, loose ponytail to keep the strands away from his face.

Personality: If there ever was a garden of a person, it would be Ezra; such high walls, closing off the world from gentle blossoms of emotion, carefully cultivated and hidden from others so he doesn’t run the risk of offending anyone. He’s kind, yes, and often has little to add to a conversation other than soft reassurances or gentle suggestions. He’s naturally less competitive, more prone to long periods of contemplation, and he has always utterly despised serious conflict of any sort-be it arguments or violence. So, in a way, Ezra is a bit of a pushover, rarely willing to express his beliefs to others for fear of offending them. Underneath his apparent demureness, however, is an idealistic young man with a passion for life and other people. He has a sarcastic streak, and occasionally a dry comment that seems completely out of character will slip past his intricately set up façade of ubiquitous agreeableness. He can rarely be goaded into sharing his true opinion, though when this occurs it’s rarely a very nice one.

Age: 27 Years

Backstory: Pushed into the clergy at a young age by parents who would rather he didn't exist at all, most of Ezra's life has been spent in the shadows, trying not to garner any attention for himself. So, his life up until the war has been far from interesting. However, that could be up for a change, since he's decided to take initiative in his life and help the Lacayian resistance.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Priest

Why she/he joined the resistance: A sense of duty and a need to prove himself. He just doesn't know who he's trying to impress yet.

Other?: n/a
@arisugawa Accepted :) ! Just a heads up, we have hit a slow point in the roleplay. Plus we are approaching a time skip. I strongly recommend you join our Out of character conversation to get to know everyone and set up how your character is going to join us.

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