Fire Embelm: The Closed Book


The Original Chef Kitten
Read more about this role play... :3

Character Sheet:


Physical appearance: (Picture or paragraph explanation :) )


Age: (12-55)

Backstory: (Must make sense for the class and location of the character)

Where she or he is from: (Ex. Lacayia, Secawn. If your character comes from the other two they will probably be traitors.)

Class: (Some classes might be affected by where they live.)

Why she/he joined the resistance: (People like bandits, thieves or pirates will join for either money purposes or they have seen through to the justice.)



Special parts:

Pre-upgraded unit: (You can start as a paladin or something that is already upgraded)

Taken by:

Lord #1: Prince Allerick (OverlyIntricateLove)

Lord #2: Lok Lois'll (SekiryuuteiDxD)

Taken by:

( these can be reserved, also feel free to ask questions :) )

(you may make two characters :3)


My Characters:

Name: Allerick Lois'll

Physical appearance: Allerick can best be described as a very feminine looking person. For starters he has beautifully silk and smooth blond hair that comes down in a pony tail that hangs calmly over his right shoulder and comes down to his chest. His blue eyes sparkle like the stars in the night sky, and even his complexion is that of a females. The only thing that is male on him, is of course what goes down there, and his slightly broader shoulders. However he dresses more like a man. He wears a black coat that is opened in the middle to reveal a thin white under shirt. However he also wears some very tight pants, that have a holster attached for his long sturdy katana. And for the cherry on top he wears a highly stylish hat (the same as joshua's) which people make fun of.


Age: 23

Personality: Allerick is a strong, yet lenient leader. On the battlefield he can be distracted easily, but will always make sure he keeps everyone safe. He is anxious and hates being lazy and always looks to finish things in a short amount of time. He is a social leader and makes sure he know everything about everyone, though sometimes he can come off creepy, awkward or sound down-right desperate.

Backstory: Born to an impressive and loved king and queen, Allerick always looked to surpass them. As they passed away after a massive bandit raid he took the throne but quickly saw no point of being the king with a nation in ruins. Because of this Allerick decided to create a resistance with anyone he could find and recruit to combat Ozten and Ulsan.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Lord (sword)

Why she/he joined the resistance: He leads it :3.

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Name: Uriah

Physical appearance:
Uriah is tall, and built of lean, wiry muscle, hardened from years of training. His ash-brown hair falls just past his shoulders when unbound, but is usually pulled into a loose pony tail, especially in combat, for it keeps his hair out of his face. His face is lean and angular, with high cheek bones, and eyes the color of the sky on a clouded day. a jagged scar runs from its start just under his left lower jawbone, up to the bridge of his nose, missing his left eye by little more than an inch. his mouth is tight lipped, and often bears little expression.

Age: 24

Personality: Uriah is a young man of serious demeanor, and few words. When others are making jokes, he is always the last one to laugh, if at all. His duty to Prince Allerick is his foremost concern, and as a retainer to the young lord, he will always place himself in the heart of battle before he will allow the prince to see combat. Words mean less to him than actions, and thus, he speaks rarely, and when he does, his words are few. This has lead to many of his fellow knights joking with him for being mute.

Backstory: The son of a poor farming family, Uriah was doing farm work since the day he could lift a spade. Gold was something Uriah thought he would never see more than two pieces of, for even in years of good harvest, most of the money the farm made was put back into keeping the farm in working order. When he was thirteen, just coming into his manhood, his farm was raided by a group of bandits that had plagued the countryside. He had been working in the fields when they came, horses trampling crops underhoof, and men shouting. The next few moments were a blur, he remembered being struck in the chest with a mace, and blacking out. When he next woke, his lungs burned with smoke, and the only sound was the roar of flames, as fire consumed the only home he had ever known. When the army who had been pursuing the bandits chanced upon the farm, they sent him to the capital for medical treatment. After he had recovered, with no home and no family to return to, he enlisted in the military, and underwent the training to become a knight. After flinging himself whole-heartedly into his training, his skill, and loyalty earned him a spot in Prince Allerick's personal guard, a position he cherishes.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Cavalier - Lance

Why she/he joined the resistance: He follows his lord loyally, and is honored to fight beside him in the resistance.

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Name: Mayumi “May” Fukishima

Physical appearance:


Mayumi is a quiet and modest young woman. Having grown up in a very traditional home and rarely allowed out until she came of age, she did not have much social interaction or experiences outside of her family. Due to this she has a tendency to be shy around others and gets flustered easily during one on one situations. She is kind and loyal, especially to Allerick and Lok, who she intends on helping in any way she can. While she is fairly smart, she is used to taking orders and usually doesn’t mind to let others make decisions for her. She also happens to be curious about many things including the world around her, almost to a child-like degree, but she tries to hide it.

She is inexperienced in the matters of love since she rarely saw other men during her youth. There are some social customs she is still learning about, and a simple thing like someone trying to hold her hand will greatly surprise her.

Age: 20

Backstory: The Fukishima family has served the Lois’ll family for generations. Like all other children in her family, Mayumi was raised with this ideal and started learning archery at a young age in order to someday serve her role as servant. During this time she was only able to see the king, queen, and son Allerick a few times, as she was still being trained.

During an immense bandit raid, Mayumi’s family rushed to protect the king and queen. Unfortunately they all perished in their attempt and failed, leaving only Mayumi and her grandmother. Her grandmother, much too aged to be of help in battle, insisted that Mayumi was ready and to go help Allerick in his resistance. Mayumi bid her farewell and promised that she would do what she could to help.

Where she is from: Lacayia

Class: Archer

Why she/he joined the resistance: She is continuing her family’s tradition of serving the Lois’ll family.
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Name:Nakamura Yoshi


Physical appearance:


Personality:Nakamura is typical child, however he hates being treated as such. Even though he don't like to be treated as a child he doesn't realize his own childish behavior and that's why everyone treated him like that. Despite his young age Nakamura is very studious, he able to learn and grow from everyone around him and soon realizes that he's growing up in his own way.

Backstory:Nakamura born in a rich family and he was very interested to magic, but his family not let him to study magic because they want Nakamura to be their successors. Feel upset Nakamura decide to run away from his home and start to learn magic. But as soon he realized that he can't live by himself he immediately regret his decision and now he lost in the wood. But his encounter with a man when he lost in the wood has changed everything, the man allowed him to stay at his house and much better he is a wizard. Filled with the spirit Nakamura decides to become his disciple. After two years of studying magic his house was attacked by the army of Ulsan, his teachers sacrifice himself to protect Nakamura and he managed to escape from the cruel attack.

Where he is from:Secawn


Why he joined the resistance:He want to put an end to this war, so that no more people will die.
Name: Keshal Orbos (nickname: Umbra)

Physical appearance:

Personality: A heavy weight seems to bear down upon Keshal at all times. Some say it is the magic he practices; in actuality it is the images that haunt him. To get him to engage in a quick conversation is a hard task, longer conversations are a near impossible. He tries to keep an appearance of strength up, however, in actuality, there is little keeping that façade in place. He didn’t always feel this way, he remembers when times were good, when he used to always be happy, never was there a moment he couldn't see the bright side of life, he may be able to return to the perspective, but right now misery is his unwelcome companion and burden; and he will make sure any enemies in his way will be introduced to it.

Age: 20


Magic came easy for Keshal even as a small child, he approached it with an inquisitive and open mind. He sought knowledge where he could, hard as it was being part of a nomadic culture. For him all magic deserved an appreciation, understanding, and potential practice. The main people that he could learn from on the move, were those mages who had to adopt a nomadic lifestyle due to their practice of, “less than acceptable” forms of magic. Still he studied where he could, and his understanding of dark magic grew, though he tended not to fully use it. There always seemed to be a block. But he didn’t care; for he was happy growing up. He had everything family, friends, he was always the boy ready to help, the boy whose parents, everyone said, must be proud of! When he grew into a fine young man, the sky seemed to be the limit

That all changed when he awoke bloody and too the sound of screams, his camp was being razed by a raiding party. He has been fortunate enough to have survived the blow that rendered him unconscious. One of the first ones struck, now he listened on to the chaos.

He never spoke of what occurred after he awoke, but he survived, and he was the only one to do so. He wandered until he came across the resistance group. He joined right away.

Where she or he is from: Secawn.

Class: Dark Mage

Why she/he joined the resistance: Some would call what Keshal seeks is justice, fighting against the armies which slew his village, some would say it would be vengeance, with the relentlessness that he pursues his goals, Keshal would tell you one thing drives him. “Retribution.”


Want music for ambiance?

The misery he feels

yeah depressing character!
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Name: Gregoire

Physical appearance:


Personality: Friendly, witty, and lighthearted, he greatly enjoys telling a good joke, and seems to not take things very seriously. Don’t mistake this means he doesn’t take things seriously, though. He is an excellent fighter and a decent tactician, and does everything he can to bring everyone home alive.

Age: 27

Backstory: Gregoire’s father was a soldier in the Ozten(ian?) army, and growing up, Gregoire took an interest in fighting as well. He was a decent swordsman when he enlisted in the army himself at 18. This didn’t last though. Gregoire grew wary of his country’s unending desire to conquer. This, combined with his own natural resistance to authority, cause him to leave the army at age 21 to become a mercenary.

His magnetic personality naturally brought followers to him, and he eventually created the Blue Rose, a mercenary group that mostly took on jobs dealing with bandits across the land. Eventually, the Ortenian government took notice of the Blue Rose and offered to buy them for their wars. Upon his refusal, the Ortenian government made the same request, this time with a regiment of armed soldiers backing them up. Not wanting to let his soldiers die, he accepted, and many of his troop joined the Ortenian army. Gregoire himself, however, (and perhaps some other members of the Blue Rose if anyone wants to play as one of them :D ) escaped the country, and upon learning of Prince Allerick’s resistance, found them and pledged his loyalty.

Where she or he is from: Ozten

Class: Sell-sword

Why she/he joined the resistance: Desire to take down Ozten

Other?: Head of the Blue Rose mercenary troop.
Name: Gaia Arindale

Physical appearance: A giant in comparison to humans. He stands at 7 feet and overlooks even the Generals of the great kingdoms. His hair is cut short with his claws, leaving his hair disheveled and layered and slightly wild. His facial hair is his pride, it runs down his jawline to his chin. A "mutton chops" as the humans call it. He has a solid build from his long years of hard work. Broad shoulders and massive arms the size of tree trunks. His fur shows over his forearms as a shaggy sable. He keeps his claws visible yet short enough to grab items without damaging them. Gaia keeps his tail hidden in his cloak that hangs at his hip. His chest covered with a loosely fit half sleeved collared vest with the insignia of the Blue Rose on the chest and the right of the collar. His pants, more like loose sheets of cloth that provide easy removal. His fur matches his vest, sable, and his pants a deep blue hue.

As his beast form, on all fours, stands at 5 feet and on his hind legs can reach up to 10 feet. His muscular form is the same as in his human form. His fur lines his legs and arms in a jagged pattern. The fur on his back is raised slightly and falls to the sides and shift when he moves. His skin is visible, a dark oak color, around his legs and arms where the fur is not grown in. His tail is long and full of fur, whipping back and forth a luscious wave of sable. And just like his tail, his mane is as magnificent. His short hair growing slightly, a small tuft hanging over to his amber eyes. The mutton chops larger and full, his goatee slightly shorter then the rest of the mane. His upper eye-teeth (canines) hang outside his mouth under his black nose. (Giving him a look like a sabertooth)

Personality: Strong willed. Honorable. (All you need to know. Wait till the rp so he can be fleshed out.)

Age: 289

Backstory: His tribe, Illika, lived in the secluded mountain ranges of Ozten for generations before the Humans settled the lands. They were alone to live their lives and govern their lands. Gaia was their tribe's stonemason. He maintained their proud structures and homes. He mined the quarries inside the mountains and used his strength to build masterpieces. There was an accident in the quarry which forced him to abandon his tribe. He left his home to wander the world beyond the mountains. He watched as the humans fought and built their kingdoms. He helped build the castles of Ozten and even the citadel (granted it has one). He watched the kingdom prosper and saw the treachery seeping in its powerful roots. He ignored it and swore to not meddle in the problems of man.

He was working when the screams of a woman caught his attention. Gaia made his way to the source to find Ozten soldiers harrassing a young women in her teens. He stood there, holding his pledge, though hating himself for vowing it. There came a young man and interceded in the conflict. The soldiers threatened to kill the girl in cold blood if he didn't fall on his sword. Gaia watched and waited until his blood boiled to its limit as he watched the soldier lay his hand on her face, bruising it. With his claws he ripped into the guard of the helmet while the man slayed the other and catching the young woman. They were not found out and he made an agreement with the young man to be his right hand in his mercenary troop, the Blue Rose.

Where she or he is from: A secluded mountain range of Ozten.

Class: Laguz of the Lion Beast Tribe

Why she/he joined the resistance: Through personal and beneficial purposes attached to the Blue Rose mercenary troop.

Other?: Officer of the Blue Rose mercenary troop.
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Name: Issler Assilia

Physical appearance: Image at the bottom of the page without the lance and headband. the cloak also has a hood

Age: 17

Backstory: Not much is known about issler, the only person who knew a lot about him was his dad(but he died when he was young). one fact well known though is that he has two personalities(but he can keep the evil one at bay). his first personality is cheery and very sociable, but his second personality only really seems cheery but it issadistic and gory when fighting.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Ranger

Why she/he joined the resistance: He has always loved his family. but the ulsan barbarians threatened to kill them if he didn't work for them. but if someone were to defeat the barbarians and offer some safe land for us to stay. maybe within some citys walls, he would be eternally grateful.

Other: He either uses a sword backhanded or a Bow with the Bow being his primary weapon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/fairytail1.png.0e190054a59e604ed84bee6d97ff6639.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/fairytail1.png.0e190054a59e604ed84bee6d97ff6639.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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To those who have been accepted: I have made the first post to the actual Role Play, please feel free to introduce your character and talk to others. Once we are settled I will be starting the first event! :D

Also new characters are welcome at anytime :) , you might have to join the resistance in other ways though. (from a battle or something like that.)
Name: Lok Lois'll

Physical appearance: (Picture or paragraph explanation :) )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-1.jpeg.f65555243489c3e13cc169ebd93a263d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-1.jpeg.f65555243489c3e13cc169ebd93a263d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Strong, Brave, Heroic, Loyal, Determined, Hard Working, Focused, Manly(in his definition), Confident, and somewhat overboard. Sometimes flat out unpredictable.

Age: (12-55) 17

Backstory: He is the younger brother of Allerick, who was born six years earlier. He idolized his brother and wanted to be like him which is why he learned the sword rather than axe or magic. Without the duties and obligations of a first born prince he turned out somewhat different than his brother. In that bandit raid he finally found his true determination to be strong. He supported his brother when he took the throne and even when he started the resistance.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Lord of the Sword

Why she/he joined the resistance: His brother leads it and he feels his brother can't do it alone.




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Physical appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/1703865.jpg.9a4e51e5bf4b7ff1c2c1b7c1274c9f43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/1703865.jpg.9a4e51e5bf4b7ff1c2c1b7c1274c9f43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her armor is bright red, the same as her hair. Height wise, she is about 6 feet. Weight is a personal matter, thank you very much.

Her wyvern has dark-blue scales, but she decks it in the same bright-red armor that she has.


"The difference between your future and mine is great in distance. I will live, and you will die by my blade."

Many regard her as the pillar of the Royal Guard. Impenetrable defense, unwavering heart and always deathly loyal to Lacayia, she will defend the Lords with everything she has, even if she was on her last legs. Only when they are safe, and only when peace has been restored, will she finally lay down her sword and unbridle Fontaine, her wyvern. Dying in service of Lacayia is her only wish in life, and nothing will shake her faith in her country. No matter how wrong her Lord may be, she will not even budge a muscle when defending him. No matter what sins he may commit, she will always stand beside him to protect him. Come what may, nothing will go past her.

Ever since the passing of the King or Queen, she has always blamed herself for their deaths. Had she not decided to scout out ahead, neither of them would have died. Them and her unit. While she does not show it, she is deeply regretful of what had caused Allerick his parents. No matter how many bandits she cut down, none of the blood spilled will bring his parents back. She has resolved herself now to always be by Allerick's side, and will never leave him for anything. All who try to harm even a hair on his head will be shown her own brand of justice.

Age: 27


Fontaine and Rosso. Inseperable partners in battle. The crimson wyvern and his rider. Where they came from, no one knows. What they all know is that a young Captain of the Lacayian army slipped off out of camp one night near wyvern territories, and came back riding one of them, a young wyvernling that was still growing. At first put off by the idea, because the wyvern kept trying to eat his head, the general finally approved of Rosso's partnership with Fontaine.

Rosso was an orphan drafted into the military service after having nothing else to live for but her country. As a soldier, she trained as hard as her compatriots, striving to be better than them all. After all, they had families and loved ones to live for. As for her, this was the only thing she had. If she would die, she would die as a soldier. There was simply no sense in holding back her training. Forging her way through the ranks, she soon found herself at the position of Captain. There was no mistaking her skill and ability with weaponry and warfare. Anyone who thought they could do better than her were challenged by the General himself to duel her. If they won, they could take her rank and demote her. In her whole service to Lacayia, not one man or woman managed to defeat her. Not even when they let four of the same upstarts attack her at the same time.

When she 'received' Fontaine, she was moved to the Royal Guard unit, a team of pegasus riders. Fontaine often tried to snap at the pegasi...pegasuses...pegasususei? and as a result, she was often left alone to train. Not that it bothered her.

The fateful day arrived. When the king and queen departed out of country to settle some issues, Rosso was sent forwards to scout out the area from the sky. Not wishing to refuse, she and Fontaine broke away from the main unit and left to scour the area. She returned to report her findings but found her entire unit slain by bandits, the king and queen dead as well. For the first time in her life, she was consumed by grief and anger. For a whole week, no news returned to Lacayia because she spent it hunting down the bandits and slew them one by one. When she returned, she bowed her head in sorrow and shame of her inability as she reported the loss of the country's leader.

Whether the Lords will ever forgive her for her failure, she has vowed to never repeat the same mistake. She will protect them. She will not see any of them dead. She will not see another repeat of their loss and hers. She and Fontaine will ensure that.

Where she or he is from:



Wyvern Lord

Why she/he joined the resistance:

She has sworn to protect the Royal Family. Allerick is Lacayia's final hope. She will sooner fall than to allow him to die.


Her weapon of choice is a Sword. She has experience with the Lance, but rathers a longsword over it for its balance.



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Name: Lady Faina of Otzen

Physical appearance: Her hair is a soft lavender, and is tousled with soft waves, falling down to her waist. A string of leather is tied at her forehead, a blue stone prominent in the middle. Dark blue armor is clad across her body, a chest piece and shoulder coverings. A belt is tied at her waist, clad over a white slip of a dress. Matching deep blue gloves and boots cover the rest, and her primary weapon is a long spear.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/201404280131.png.cf7a441d8311e7c52feaff1d9050ae0e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/201404280131.png.cf7a441d8311e7c52feaff1d9050ae0e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Faina's, in the simplest of terms, a flirt. She yearns for love and for someone to adore her, and does most of everything in order to gain attention, favor, or simply a word of praise. Like the wind between flowers, she prances between men, and is usually rejected or ignored. So used to this treatment is she, that Faina acts without expecting a reply, yammering more to herself than anyone else once she gets talking. A steadfast loyalty burns low beneath this flighty exterior, and Faina never abandons a friend.

Faina cannot overrule the desires of her heart with the rationality of her mind. Passionate, clingy, and wild, Faina's demeanor borders on desperate.

Age: 23


How did I get here?

The girl stood atop the high rise overlooking a village. Children ran laughing through cobblestone streets. Parents covered in the mud of the fields returned through wooden gates, worn faces weathered by the beating sun. It was a picture of peace. But it would not last long.

Bandits crouched at the edge of the hill.

And here I stand among them.

Her shoulders are slumped with defeat. A cowardice shakes her like a leaf. The regality of her station is not within her. She should not be here. Faina is daughter to King Lucifer of Ozten, and in her blood swirls the good nature of nobility.

So why stands she on alongside these bandits? Those that pillage, rape, corrode the peaceful people of this innocuous township?

No matter my excuses...

This cowardice is unforgivable.

But it has grown like vines around her heart, and has been since that time, it cannot to be removed without tearing her entire being apart with it. She is inseparable and indistinct from it now. And she does not believe there is any escape from it.

Her eyes fall closed as her mind tracks back the stream of time that has lead her to this corrosion of character.

Ozten, Kingdom of peace, Utopia on Earth. Her father was perfect, genial, kind, and merciful. The people loved him; they could not keep themselves from loving him. This adoration poured out onto his two daughters; twins; Felicia and Faina, who were like night and day.

Much was expected of them. They had a father to live up to, to be contrasted with, and he was the sun beating down on them, under which Faina was scorched to a crisp, while Felicia absorbed it with zest. To the eyes that presumed perfection, Faina cowered, and Felicia stood tall and proud. These attitudes, like water overflowing over a cup's brim, spread out into their performance, affected their abilities. Felicia flourished, caught on quick to everything, was hailed as a prodigy for her resourcefulness, her logical, objective assessments, and skill with a lance. She was a polished diamond.

And Faina was a common stone. Inferiority manifested as cowardice. She obsessed over not making mistakes, tripped over her efforts, and fell even farther from the pedestal on which her sister stood. The distance between the once inseparable twins grew wider and deeper as Felicia moved higher and higher up the ranks, radiant in victory and success. As their teenage years reached their peak, Faina's character solidified with flirty nonchalance, permeated with coquettish irresponsibility, and she squandered coin on drink and play in an attempt to escape responsibility and herself; her own incapability.

When Felicia tried to intervene, reprimanding Faina for coloring darker the name of their family, Faina erupted. Harsh words passed between them, Faina's loud and screaming, Felicia's a single hostile whisper, cutting deeper than any of Faina's.

"You're a disgrace."

And she knew them true.

But rather than face this, try once more to overcome it with resolve, Faina ran. She abandoned her household, her title, her home, and fled the border, hopping between nations and joining up with a Pegasus Knight mercenary troop on the way. She earned what coin she could, squandered it when the opportunity arose, and repeated this cycle until the commanding officer took notice and confronted her on her conduct, admittedly unbefitting of a Pegasus Knight. While in word Faina promised to repent from her actions, the moment the opportunity arose, she fell right back into old habits.

The troop unceremoniously fired her.

She had nowhere else to go.

And now here she is, about to earn coin by stealing from the innocent.

Wouldn't father be proud?

Where she or he is from: Ozten

Class: Pegasus Knight

Why she/he joined the resistance: Not quite yet has it happened :D



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Name: Merrill Sabrae

Physical appearance: Merrill is a young woman who stands at 5'5", with a lanky body structure that very obviously wouldn’t support very much muscle-surprising, to those familiar with her parents. Merrill isn’t the most in-shape person, her scrawny appearance and limited strength the mark of someone who spends a bit too much time at a writing desk and not enough time out exercising. She has a well-built face, with a straight nose, high cheekbones, and a firm jawline. Her eyes are dark grey, resembling matte steel. Her hair is fairly short, falling just to the nape of her neck in the back, though her bangs are a bit long and often fall into her eyes. It's dark brown, close to black in coloration. Her skin is somewhat fair, marred only by the dash of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Merrill has excellent posture, though at some points - usually when she's extremely bored - she has a tendency to slouch. Her hands have several thin scars, most of them clustered on her palms, from her attempts to master swordplay when she was young. They’re usually hidden underneath gloves or cloth wrappings. Merrill wears the robes of a mage most of the time, though she also has a casual outfit that consists of a pair of trousers and a loose cotton shirt that she wears when the army isn't marching.

Personality: Merrill is kind and somewhat naive, and is very easily confused by slang-she often takes metaphors and idioms seriously, which can actually be quite a humorous thing to witness, though she doesn’t often think of it as funny. She tends to ramble on when nervous or excited, and can go on for a very long time, but if she catches herself she always apologizes-sometimes a bit excessively. Flirting and innuendo goes right over her head most of the time, and it takes very blunt statements to get her attention. Still, she does possess a bit of a sarcastic streak, and can be downright cheeky when she’s feeling indignant. Merrill is naturally very curious about the world, and sometimes asks questions at random - usually at completely inappropriate times. Merrill is rather knowledgeable, especially when it comes to magic, since she spends most of her time studying it and other random topics that catch her interest. She’s stubborn and hard set in her beliefs, and if she believes it's the right path she's going to take it, regardless of the opinions of those around her. Due in part to her warrior lineage, Frey has a bit of an inferiority complex, and views herself in a harsh light for not being born with a body strong enough to emulate her mother. The scars on her hands are a testament to this, and are her largest source of shame.

Age: 21

Backstory: Merrill was born in a secluded town in the countryside of Lacayia, to a woman known for her daring heroics and the town blacksmith. As a result, many people around town saddled her with great expectations, only to be sorely disappointed when she grew up. Everyone expected a brash little warrior, just like her mother and sister, but what they got was almost the exact opposite-a mousy, bookish little girl with more aptitude for magic then steel. She grew up feeling like a disappointment, treated kindly but awkwardly by her parents and viewed with a mix of disappointment and pity by other townsfolk. She was good friends with her sister, for a time, but the two grew distant when Perrine enlisted for the Pegasus Knights. When she came of age, Merrill set out to explore the world outside her remote village, and to escape from the shadow of her mother and sister.

She joined up with the resistance in the thick of battle, having been cornered by a group of bandits when, by chance, the resistance had been moving through the area.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Mage

Why she/he joined the resistance: She claims that she wants to help her kingdom, but her real motive is to make her parents proud of her.

Other?: Her sister is Perrine.


Name: Perrine Sabrae

Physical appearance: Perrine is a willowy young woman, standing at almost 5'10" and possessing a strong and slender muscular structure built up from long years of training. She isn't nearly as strong as she appears to be, relying more on speed and endurance to get her through fights, and her overall structure isn't curvy so much as it is streamlined and suited for dexterity. Her skin is rather tan, due to long days spent training or tending to her family's fields. Perrine has several thin scars on her neck and shoulders, though the one most people notice is a long, thin scar underneath her left eye. Her ash brown hair is fairly long, reaching just below her shoulder blades. She prefers to tie it up into a ponytail or bun, since when she leaves it down it tends to fall into her face. Perrine's eyes are light grey, almost silver. Perrine wears traditional, nondescript Falcon Knight armor, though she usually goes helmetless. She has very recently acquired a modified Falcon Knight helmet, which has a face guard that serves to obscure her facial features.

Personality: Perrine is a quiet and softspoken young woman, with an overly serious disposition and a somewhat grim outlook on life. While she lacks the innocent naivety of her sister, Perrine isn't completely well versed in sustained dialogue with others. She rarely understands jokes, and is often the butt of them. She's a warrior to the core, leaving very little room for much else. Her manner of speaking is very direct and short, sometimes edging up into curt-she has no talent for persuasion or diplomacy, or really conversing with anyone at all. As a result, she tends to spend little or no time speaking with other people, outside of work. Many people mistake her awkward avoidance of conversation to be cold aloofness, though it couldn't be further from the truth. Perrine is merely afraid of making a fool of herself. She rarely has time spent on leisure, and when she does she usually spends it training or grooming her pegasus. Despite her overbearing seriousness and awkward mannerisms, Perrine has been known to grow soft spots for others, and she is fiercely loyal to both those she loves and the Lacayian people. She has a slightly softer, more open side that she expresses around the people closest to her, though only when they're the only ones around.

Age: 24

Backstory: Perrine was raised in a secluded village in the Lacayia countryside, and as the first daughter of a somewhat well known hero and the town blacksmith she was everything everyone expected: a strong, brave-hearted young lass with a taste for adventure and a natural affinity towards blades. She favored the lance in particular, and eventually enlisted in the Pegasus Knights to pursue her ambitions. She was good friends with her sister Merrill, and often protected the young mage from the local bullies that would sometimes pester her. However, her decision to join the Pegasus Knights drew a wedge between the two siblings, and the two have not been on the best of terms for quite some time. Still, Perrine was determined to do the best she could do, and climbed the ranks quickly. Her skill was recognized early on, and she was promoted to the rank of captain fairly early. Worried that the others would think she was promoted prematurely, Perrine worked herself to the bone in all aspects, from cleaning to training. She became a respected member of the knights, in her own time.

When the first of the bandit raids began, Perrine was sent to the front lines to help. Along with her entire unit, Perrine was captured in an ambush then subjected to a Dark Mage's curse which poisoned their minds and drove the rest of her unit completely mad. Perrine herself became plagued with debilitating headaches, though her sanity remained mostly intact. The Falcon Knight and her pegasus eventually escaped their captors, though her unit wasn't nearly so lucky. The time spent wandering aimlessly-and the curse inflicted upon her-eventually took its toll on Perrine, and much of her memory has been lost. The only thing she has left on her mind is vengeance for the others who suffered with her. She met the resistance in a town, when she was recognized in her official captain's armor. After hearing that they planned on killing bandits, Perrine jumped at the choice to join up.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Why she/he joined the resistance: To avenge her fallen unit, and to search for a possible cure to her curse.

Other?: Merrill is her sister.
Name: Garrick Steiner

Physical appearance:


Outwardly, Garrick assumes the persona of a cranky, world weary peasant, with a sharp tongue and a foul mouth that would make sailors blush. He appears to care for little beyond the safety and growth of his own crops and livestock, and his miserly attitude is (in)famous amongst the local merchants and peasant population. However, behind this 'mask' lies a bloodthirsty killer, who craves the call of battle more than anything else in the world. Despite his retirement from his previous marauding lifestyle, Garrick's lust for blood has not waned over the years, growing restless and dissatisfied with his life of peace. His tendency to lash out and his eagerness to start fights has greatly strained his relationships with his wife and daughter, both of whom want nothing more than a life of peace.

Despite his seemingly cold and brutal tendencies, his love for his family is completely genuine, having given up his previous life solely for the sake of them. Despite the ever-growing urges, Garrick has perseveres on day by day, in the hopes of eventually being able to live with his family peacefully. However, with his joining of the resistance, this idyllic lifestyle he hopes for may never truly be realised...

Age: 51


Garrick formerly hailed from Ulsan where he was born into the Steiner family, a long line of mercenaries and brigands under the employ of the Barbarian King. The Steiners all served as raid leaders and elite fighters amongst the military and Garrick was no different. From childhood, he was raised to be a warrior, at an age where most children practiced their literacy and writing skills, Garrick was practicing his skills with the blade and the arts of war. At the young age of seventeen, he was already charging into battle alongside into alongside his comrades, slaughtering all those who stood in the way of the mighty Ulsan. Garrick's blood-steeped lifestyle lasted for over decade, during which he earned the title of "The Slaughterer of Ulsan" amongst the military, due to his sheer brutality and ruthlessness on the battlefield. It was also during this period where he met his wife-to-be, Larissa.

Larissa was another high ranking soldier amongst the Ulsan military, one of similar rank and status as Garrick himself, and while her skill with the lance and her combat prowess were unquestionable, she did not relish a life spent on the battlefield as he did, and dreamt of retirement. The two loverbirds first properly got to know each other during a particularly fierce battle, where the pair of them found themselves the lone survivors of the platoon, facing off against their assailants back to back. As the years went by, the duo grew ever closer with each passing battle, their love blooming in the most unlikeliest of places.

As time went on however, the Ulsan methods grew even harsher, becoming downright barbaric and monstrous. When a raid gone awry left Larissa with innocent blood on her hands, she bear her increasing feelings of doubt and guilt no longer. She plead with Garrick to leave with her, and find a quiet peaceful life for themselves in a faraway land, where they could live the rest of their days together. Though torn between his choices, Garrick ultimately chose her over his thirst for battle, and the two fled Ulsan in the cover of night, never to return. As punishment for their desertion, the two were branded wanted criminals and the entire Steiner Family were branded heretics, and exiled from Ulsan.

The pair fled to Lacaiya, where they assumed the identities of simple farmers and made their living in a village past the outskirts of the city. Though the early years were rough, they managed to get by, and Larissa gave birth to a healthy baby girl several years after their arrival. It seemed as if the Steiner household was set for life, however Garrick struggled with whole 'not-butchering people' shtick, and found himself haunted by visions of the battles past and his ever growing thirst for blood.

On Garrick's fiftieth birthday, he received the greatest gift he could ever hope for, a band of Ulsan raiders mistaking the village for easy prey. Much to their surprise, they found themselves on the sharp end of a sword, wielded by a grinning madman. Following this, the village found itself more and more regularly raided, due to the growing tensions between Lacayia and the alliance of Ulsan and Ozten, much to Garrick's delight. During one of these raids, his skill was noticed by soldiers sent to aid the village, and he was offered a position amongst the resistance. Seeing an opportunity to return to the battlefield he had loved so dearly, and perhaps a chance to satisfy his bloodlust once and for all he accepted the offer, promising his worrying family that he would finish his fight once and for all.

Where she or he is from: Formerly Ulsan, currently living near Lacayia.

Class: Hero

Why she/he joined the resistance: Allegedly to aid Allerick and bring peace to the region. This is however, a mere excuse to throw himself into battle once more to satisfy his urges, though he hopes that with one final battle, he can gain closure.


To the surprise (and amusement) of those who learn of it, Garrick did not lose his eye on the battlefield. He lost it after a particularly skittish and large cow rammed into his head as he bent over to brand it, rupturing his eyeball. Following this incident, the Steiner household had beef for each meal for three days straight.

Garrick has a fondness for battleaxes, having made his first kill with one, his weapon of choice is still one handed longswords and smaller axes however.
Name: Lolynne Rohlock

Physical appearance: Lolynne is a short but fit woman, though you’d usually never notice her height as she spends most of her time on horseback. Her head is adorned with short purple hair which she usually ties back into a ponytail. She wears a brown cloak and cowl over a simple black leather tunic. The tunic’s sleeves are cut off, and her arms are bare aside from a simple archery glove on her left hand. On her legs she wears a pair of shorts, covered by the length of her tunic. Her legs are bare until the knee, where she wears a pair of hefty leather boots in case of attack from below.

Personality: Not one for socialization, and is often frustrated by “smalltalk.” Her conversing style is quick and to the point, often coming off as blunt. She seems to only desires to care for her horse, Neema, and kill her enemies; it’s recommended you not get in her way of doing either. She is incredibly detached and doesn't seem to care for other soldiers. Deep down, however, she is heavily conflicted and depressed about what has transpired, and is barely managing to seal it up for the good of her tribe, for Secawn, and for the entire continent.

Age: 19

Backstory: Born to the Rohlock tribe, the most dominant tribe of nomads from Secawn, she was trained to ride from a very young age. Though many women in her tribe become foragers and cooks, as the daughter of their chief she was able to choose to train in the art of warfare. Though first unaccepted by others of her tribe who did not want a woman to be next in line to be chief, they were quickly silenced, not only by the word of her father, but by her proving herself in hunting and in battle.

One night, as she was out hunting for dinner, she heard screams from her village. She mounted Neema rapidly and rode to the village to find it in flames from an Ulsan surprise attack. She began to ride in to save her parents, but as she did she saw their corpses’ being dragged out of their tent to be tossed into a ditch. Blind with rage, she would have thrown herself at them if not for 4 other survivors who convinced her to retreat. With her father dead, she was the chief now, and as such, needed to ride get help from Lacaiya. They rode through Secawn and Lacaiya for weeks, using their speed to avoid enemy patrols, and their bows to fend off any aerial scouts. Finally, they found his location: a coastal village burning from an Ulsan attack.

Where she or he is from: Secawn

Class: Nomad

Why she/he joined the resistance: Revenge. Or justice. take your pick.

Other?: Newly appointed Kahn of the Rohlock tribe, closest thing to a main leader Secawn has.
Name: Selena Valerian

Physical appearance: (Picture or paragraph explanation :) )

Personality: She is a confident young lass, and is one to protect others before herself. Her opinion is usually hardly swayed, even in a life or death situation. She is usually trusting of others, and doesn't mind talking to strangers. She does mind when others motives are of those her morals disagree with, not afraid to attempt to attack if need be. She does usually have a positive attitude toward things, always thinking luck or something would save/protect her in a bad situation.

Age: 20

Backstory: (Must make sense for the class and location of the character)

Selena was born to a somewhat loyal family to their homeland of Ulsan, her father being a simple soldier. She rarely saw him, and as such her mother was the one who raised her a majority of the time. She always had a passion for doing what was right, no matter the cost, which, most of the time, got her in trouble or picked on. Even so, she was a very friendly and generous person. As she grew older, reaching about the age of 16, her father came home, teaching her the ways of a soldier. Being an only child, he wanted her to join the army with him, so she could pass on his legacy, if he ever had one. As her on and off training continued, the years went by just a little bit faster...

And when she was old enough to join said army, she gladly accepted it thinking she would protect the meek.

But, that soon changed, with the raids and attacks on their neighboring kingdoms, with hardly any reason given. She felt it was wrong...that everything she had trained for was being used for such a horrid cause.

So she left, running away during a skirmish. She wanted to help those in need...

Where she or he is from: Ulsan

Class: Soldier

Why she/he joined the resistance: She saw the error of her country's ways, and hopes to correct it one way or another.

Other?: Being a traitor, she is nervous of meeting her father on the battlefield. She prefers lances, feeling they are a suitable weapon to use with the extended reach in battle.
Name: Tangllyia (Tanh-glie-ah)

Physical appearance:

She wears a short top, that exposes her midriff and a skirt that only goes to the knee. (basically, a sports bra and a skirt.) She has however taken to wearing men's underwear, very oddly... claims that it covers things up when she's running around, "doin' all those flips and sh*t."

She has a dark gray, tattered cloak with a hood that she rarely takes off. The dark gray cloak is worn and tearing up, frayed at the ends, with holes in it from past fights. When she has her hood up, she tends to look very suspicious, even if she has no wrong intentions..Not too recently, anyway... She has a sword sheath tied messily to a belt she has at her waist. If far enough away, the tip of the sheath will be seen under the cloak.

As far as physical features, she is very beautiful. With rich chocolate brown hair, with a slight curl, and sky blue eyes. She has a slim figure, but despite that she is muscle packed. All the time swinging a sword can make someone quite muscley.

Personality: To be put simply, she is the serious type. Tough girl. She is more then willing to punch you in the gut and slice your head off, but she knows her place. She's more of the loner type.

Age: 21, almost 22.

Backstory: My parents had built a small cottage far away from the local village. We lived a peaceful life, for many years in that little place. Until one cold night in September. It had been stormy, and Dad was skittish that night, I can't recall why for the life of me now, but it was bad. When I went to bed, I could hear my parents talking downstairs, in hushed tones. I've always had really good hearing, but now I can't remember what was said. I just fell asleep and woke up to the smell of smoke.

Someone had set our peaceful little cottage on fire. A group of bandits had set my house on fire, and killed my father, as he had tried to defend the place. My mother fled with me to hide. But we couldn't hide for long. They found us, and my mother gave me her cloak and my father's sword and told me to run. I didn't want to, but she made me. And I ran so fast, I don't even know what happened to my mother... I'm determined to find the b******* that killed my family and destroyed my home!

Where she or he is from: Sacawn

Class: Myrmidon.

Why she/he joined the resistance: To... avenge my family.


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Name: Ein Raikou

Physical appearance: Short dark hair, stubble on face. Green eyes. Average-toned build. Ein wears a grey cloak with blue accents around the edges of the hood and sleeves. The emblem of the Ozten army is located on the back.

Personality: Generally cynical, sarcastic and hands down a smart-ass. He can also be honest to a fault. He knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong. He believes in the ideals of his king (whatever they may be).

He is brave and courageous, and not afraid of much, however that could also be interpreted as stupidity.

Age: 22

Backstory: Ein grew up in the wealthy district of the capital city of Ozten. His family was always well off, and due to this he obtained the best lessons when it came to his schooling and magic. When he turned 17 he joined the Ozten army in hopes of meeting King Lucifer, the man he looked up to while growing up.

As a result of his genius he has been an integral strategist in the initial invasions of Secawn and attempts at Lacayia. However... he is beginning to question the motives of his ruler.

Where she or he is from: Ozten

Class: Mage

Why he joined the resistance: He hasn't... yet.
Name: Clyde (No one knows his last name)

Physical appearance:
something I made :3


Clyde is outwardly free-spirited and rash but truthfully, he does that to make people around him lower their guard. He's a very sharp and witty person though he can be snarky and make snide remarks sometimes. He is a good person and naturally cares for those who are more unfortunate than he is. He despises war because of its effect on people. He's very dependable and reliable. Though he may sometimes be too playful and cocky.

Age: 25


Clyde is an orphan of previous wars and has grown up in an orphanage. After leaving, he survived by stealing from other people. The harshness of reality and the strength of his character presented to him a calling. In more peaceful days, he stole from rich, corrupt merchants and gave it to the poor. He defended people from other bandits as well. He later even had a small band of followers who felt the same way as he did.

When war struck, bandit attacks became more frequent. Not only that, some places were under occupation. He helped people by secretly smuggling them out of the cities towards safe refuge or by giving them material things they would need (of course without detection).

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Thief

Why she/he joined the resistance: Because he felt like it was fun. (That's what he says but he wants to help.)
Name: Marshall Peardon

Physical appearance:

He wears armor of a deep blue color.

His hair is dark blonde, and cut short underneath his helm. He is very muscley, which can't exactly be seen under the armor, but it's there. Toting a spear around on the back of a wyvern is a reeeal workout.

Personality: Generally puts out a cold personality, like he couldn't care for a single thing, but he is actually quite nice. He likes to paint and tell jokes at the right times.

Age: 25


Look at me...

This young boy, so sweet and innocent, covered in ash and soot? He stood on this ridge, his young Wyvern by his side, looking back at what had once been home. He looked down at the burning remains of his little village in Lacaiya, clutching the Wyvern in his arms.

That was when he was 6 years old, and his Wyvern was still young and the size of a medium sized dog. It's claws dug into his as, but he didn't mind. He just turned and ran into the trees, not thinking about potential dangers, he just ran.

He had never made a worse mistake. Running through the brush with the foliage whipping his face, arms, legs, he didn't see the bandit coming. The axe wielding maniac came from the trees, and grabbed him from behind. He struggled, and his Wyvern went flying into the trees. "Hey, look what we got here. A runt, trying to run away!" The bandit said, flashing his yellowing teeth by way of a creepy smile. "I think you need to go back to the village, little pup, before you get hurt." The wicked axe in the man's hand gleamed briefly as it caught sunlight through the trees, and he raised the axe.

At that moment, the orange Wyvern dived down and sank his teeth into the man's arm, making the sick beast scream and writhe, trying to pry the dog-sized Wyvern from his flesh. The poor thing was eventually flung away, and landed by the young boy, but he still got up, and hissed, blood dripping from his jaws.

Just then another more burly man came lumbering through the trees, and began to shout in some high girly voice, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouted, waving his axe around, and shouting more cussing then the boy had heard in his lifetime. Then the man- what? No... No, that's a woman! There are breasts on that thing! The woman noticed him and his Wyvern. "A Wyvern, ey? I might not have to kill you after all, you worthless f***!" She shouted at the cowering and whimpering axe wielding man, who looked like he was about to pass out. The woman smiled with yellow teeth and grabbed the boy's chin, her nasty nails digging into his flesh. "I think we have use of you, little pig..."

What have I become?

Now, a brand total of 19 years later, this young boy was still working for those bandits. His Wyvern, Tiger, was fully grown, and an absolute powerhouse. He had a long scar in his face from angering Bertha, the woman who had interrupted his murder as six years old. She was the ringleader of a bad pack of bandits in Lacaiya, and he had been trying to escape them for the longest time, but they always locked his Wyvern up with the horses. And he wouldn't leave his bud behind. So he waited for his chance to leave.

Where she or he is from: Lacaiya.

Class: Wyvern Rider

Why she/he joined the resistance: I need to make up for the innocents killed.


His Wyvern. His name is Tiger.


I feel like I need to put in a personality for the Wyvern, soooo.

Wyvern Personality: This big thing may look tough, and he is, but he is a sweetheart on the inside. And smart. Him and Marshall have developed as partners and do more, as Marshall calls it, and I quote, "Complicated and unorthodox sh*t"

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Name: Dante Mancini; "The Bear Of The Red."

Physical appearance:
6'2" 195 pounds

Personality: A usually positive, and happy individual. When in good company he tends to be the life of the party. Being the one joking, dancing, and drinking. This is when he is in good company however. He takes adventuring, looting, killing, and his mercenary work very seriously. He never underestimates his rivals, is almost never cocky, but is always merciless. He does not speak but only bellows and swings his axe. He knows how to separate his work personality from his real personality.

Age: 24

Backstory: Much like his country of origin Callen, Dante does. not. care about the political affairs of this island-continent. He only cares about adventure, victories, and riches.

He grew up as the son of a farmer, and being the youngest his brothers always gave him the grunt work. When their horse died, for a long time child Dante had to plow the fields which he realized made him grow stronger. He realized he had a natural athleticism and began developing ways to enhance that through diets, and training methods. By age 16 Dante was the strongest man in his village. This is where he was picked up and spotted by a sea pirate captain , the legendary Black Beard, who saw potential in him. He said he would teach him everything he knew and that he wouldnt regret it. Bored of farming he kissed his parents and siblings goodbye and left. Through the years he learned the ways of the sea, the land, and of course the axe from the greatest pirate ever. He preferred the axe because he felt the sword was too light for him.

By age 20 he left the care of his mentor, taking with him all the riches he acquired over the years. He returned home for a year and gave his family enough gold to last them a lifetime and even their children's lifetimes. He spent that year traveling his country and beyond fighting in tournaments. He was declared champion of that side of the waters that separated Callen and the island continent. After that he started his own crew of pirates, and for two years roamed the seas with them. Pillaging and finding treasures... until his men were slaughtered and he was finally caught by one of these countries... He spends a year in prison before he escapes.... this is how he meets the heroes of this story...

Where she or he is from: Callen

Class: Berserkers

Why she/he joined the resistance: Profit and Adventure

Other?: The well known nickname of "The Bear Of Red". Its origin comes from a pillage he did when he was only 17. As his crew was losing to some Ozten guards he let out a blood curdling bellow and rushed forward, breaking through enemy ranks. He was in a blind rage and slaughtered most of the guards himself. By the end of it all, he had created a small wall of dead soldiers around him... he was covered in their blood from head to toe.... and some bears of the nearby forest could be heard roaring back. 
Thanks... can you catch me up please?
Name: Alena Kalani


Personality: Alena is the type of girl you'd like to have tea with. She is elegant in everything she does and always remains perfectly calm, even in the most dire situations. She is also willing to serve others before she would even think about herself and is a devoted believer in her god. Her intellect is unusually high and she is an expert problem solver. However there is an aura to mystery to her as well, she remains silent at almost all times and only speaks when she needs to. She also acts as if something is paining her, though she has never admitted the cause. She can also sense other's feelings and emotions.

Age: She is 23 years old

Backstory: Alena was born in the churches of Lacayia's capital and lived out almost all of her childhood there. However she was no ordinary human, she was known as the forseerer. It is said her light magic is so powerful even the swords of the gods pale in comparison, it was so powerful in fact that her fellow clergy feared the power would overtake her. Thus she was always kept a sharp eye on by a her higher ups and a very powerful bishop.

However it all changed when the nation of Ozten attacked.

Her church was sent to ashes and most of her clergymen died from the impact of the war. She was then left all by herself, alone in the vast world, protected by her occasional fore sights and strong will for righteousness. She was determined to find the cause of the war. However while sneaking her way into Ozten she soon found out something she wished not to here, she know bestowed the knowledge of King Lucifer's current state.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Saint

Why she/he joined the resistance: She knows a lot about Ozten's plans and wishes to share it with Allerick.

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