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Fire and Air - After the war


Axel arched his arm over his head, allowing a wave of fire to follow in it's wake. It whipped at the ground and separated the two Earth nation soldiers running towards him. They both ducked away in opposite directions and Axel took the chance to turn and run. He skidded to a stop as a wall of hard mud rose before him and smacked his arm on the newly formed surface as he turned. He hissed with pain under his teeth but didn't allow the sensation to hinder him. The two soldiers had recovered and whilst the one who had raised the wall held his strong stance, the other summoned a fistful of rocks from the ground and forced them towards Axel at impossible speeds, like a bullet.

Reflex commanded his body to shoot out blasts of fire from his fingertips, each one striking at one of the flying pellets and flinging them off course. The other soldier tried to encase his feet in mud whilst being distracted, but Axel jumped sideways as he felt the ground beneath him vibrate. He could have easily taken one of the soldiers down, but two was a challenge in his currently weakened state. His only option was to cause a big enough distraction to get away.

As the two soldiers drew together and surged forwards, each with their arms ready to raise another wall of dirt, Axel ducked low and rolled between them. His arm reached out and an explosive ball of fire shot from his hand and struck at the line of trees beside them. One of the soldiers flew back from the force and Axel could smell the skin of the other one begin to sizzle. He turned to look at the man and his heart stopped with fear, terrified that he had set the man alight. Luckily, the soldiers face had only been grazed by the edge of a flame and one of his eyebrows had fizzled into nothing.

As the two men tried to recover from their fall, Axel wasted no time. With all of the strength he could muster, he focused his mind onto the burning leaves and bark at his side and commanded the fire to rise. As the fire rose, black smoke billowed wildly in the wind and cast the group of fighters into a ghastly smog. Axel covered his mouth with the collar of his jacket and turned to flee. He heard the men behind him start to cough and splutter and hoped that they would be able to escape in time, before they suffocated.

As his legs carried him far away from the messy scene, he heard a thunderous crack and the ground below him gently shook. One of the men at least had managed to bend the earth and carry them away from danger. Axel hated to fight them, he knew they were only doing their job but he had to retaliate in order to survive. As the cool air whipped at his tousled red hair, he carried on running, now too afraid to look back a the devastation he had left behind.

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