Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

Lillita Lupus

New Member
I'm pretty much new to this site, and I finally came up with an idea of a Role play, basically, it's summer, many mature wolves have left their family packs to make/find new ones to call their home, now I know that it's yet another wolf RP, but the story comes within the journey of the wolves.

I made this thread so that everyone could be familiar with each others characters if they wish to join in, I also made it so that it would be easier for people to join! The Role play has just started, and no one has joined in so far, so I would really appreciate it if people joined in if they took interest :)

RP Link:

Character Profile

Name: Lillita

Gender: Female

Age: 2

Physical description: (See profile picture)

Other: Left her family pack a few days ago, she is a shy wolf, but is very adventurous. She won't approach other wolf's but she doesn't mind them approaching her, as long as she doesn't sense any violent intent. She is a good hunter, but needs a lot more experience to enhance her skills and she is looking for an already formed pack.
Name: Tae

Gender: Female

Age: 5

Physical Description:

Other: Tae was captured by humans to be relocated somewhere else. With no idea where she was, or how to get back home. Tae needs to find a new pack to join. She's very outgoing and quick on her paws. Tae makes a lot of cheesy jokes. With age, Tae knows the secrets of hunting, and survival.
Name: Tucker

Age: 4 years

Gen: Male

Physical Description:

Other: Tucker has been on his own since he was a year old. His mother abandoned him, and he has had to learn all of the essentials of life on his own. He seems intimidating at first sight, but hes really just a big softie looking for love, once you get to really know him. He is a great hunter, and can fight off most other wolves, considering hes had to do it so many times. :Looking for a pack to call his own.
Lillita Lupus

Name: Aradia

Gender: Female

Age: 4

Physical description:

Other: Used to be alpha of her own pack, but her mate attacked her and demanded she took her pup and left, so she did. She has one pup, Aubree, who's only 5 weeks old (fully capable to run, jump, play, but tiny and cant eat food yet).


Name: Oliver

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Physical description:

Other: He's very playful and currently looking for a mate.

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