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Finders-Keepers [Private]

Proficiently Awkward

Professional Cynic
The glossy shine of daylight pooled at low points, fooling the eye and bringing with it temperatures that burned right down to the marrow. Illusions slithered across the dunes, shimmering and heat-slick over the vast emptiness of the wasteland. It was an ocean of grit and sand laid from end to end; as if the world had been swallowed up by the desert. Jagged outcroppings of stone and scrap peppered the landscape – evidence that there had once been something more than the searing sands. Yet here, now, nothing save for blistering gusts of wind even moved.

A dark smudge against the horizon hinted at society…or what little of it managed to linger about. Backlit by the blazing midday sun, little save for a jagged silhouette was visible. The skeletal remains of civilization loomed far-off against the skyline; concrete corpses of skyscrapers and crumbling city-blocks just as hollow and empty as the rolling sands. Whatever rag-tag assemblage of survivors that had managed to chisel out an existence no doubt existed there. It was, after all, less mad than attempting to conquer the wastelands.

It was precisely that dark smudge, and that hint at a possible population, that had driven one particular soul to carve his own niche out of what little the desert had to offer. People, Fidget had found, were much less predictable than the ferocity of the elements. Erring on the side of caution, the industrious youth had stuck it out in the relative safety and solitude of the wasteland.

Tucked neatly into the lee-side of a jutting rock outcropping, Fidget had crafted an oasis amid that expanse of searing sand. Hidden from the howling winds, the dilapidated hull of a city bus lay buried against the sheer rock face. Sand slithered up the sides and had buried the vehicle up to the headlights in glassy grit; a perfect natural camouflage against prying eyes. Rust-eaten panels had been patched here and there with bits of salvaged materials: cloth, tin, and all else there was to be scrounged up. The emergency-exit hatch at the rear of the bus was propped open in a vain attempt at getting air circulating inside the cab. Though the bus was quite the shelter, the steel body eagerly soaked up the midday sun and sent temperatures inside skyrocketing. Even touching the rusted surface was enough to blister skin and split flesh. Rather than brave the heat, Fidget had resolved to lie low.

Unperturbed by comfortless tire-tread pressing against the hollow of his spine, Fidget had his attentions tuned elsewhere. One knee tucked against his chest, the wiry feral was engrossed in disassembling a hodgepodge rifle. The weapon itself seemed homebrewed; none of the pieces quite matched up. Obviously modified with bits and pieces of other firearms, it looked like a monstrosity. The long-gun itself was lightweight and aluminum bodied, though the trigger mechanism and grip had come off some .45 caliber handgun. None of it fit, but practicality won out over aesthetics in the wastes.

Peering through smoked-lenses, Fidget pulled back the bolt and ejected the loaded round. Those gloveless hands were the only scrap of skin visible. A scrap of cloth, serving as a bandanna, covered his scalp. A few haphazardly-cut tendrils of pitch colored hair escaped, obscuring his view through those dark-lensed googles. Aged by sweat and time, it was impossible to tell what color Fidget’s cargo pants might have been. The oil-stained canvas legs had been tucked lazily into a threadbare pair of combat boots. The long sleeved shirt he wore seemed to have that same patina; either too old or too often worn.

Chewing idly on the side of his tongue, Fidget unscrewed the stock from the rifle barrel. Only yesterday the firearm had been meticulously oiled and given a mechanical once-over…it was boredom and the indolence brought on by heat that spurred the action a second time. Low on food, potable water, and riding his last nerve, Fidget anxiously awaited sundown.
The sun was blistering, carrying its idle weight in rays of passionate burning, one that scorched a man if he remained too persistent against the celestial force. Faded footprints in the dunes made marks of a survivor, being blown over through the ever changing sands, they left their mark in history, much as it would have in muddy rain, or across scuff marks. The footprints of humanity were indeed a rare sign at this age. Long since had concrete roads and lush plants stretched across, no, now there was a barren sea of sand, a never ending walkway for the dauntless traveler.

A never ending traveler, much like the Irish man, bore a ragged cloth over his head to keep the sun from knocking him to his knees and letting the intensity of hunger and thirst kill him. He wore a tanned brown coat with rugged fringes on the hems that extended down to his ankles. His boots clicked their metal heels and every now and then, keeping the figure moving and confident that there was still life in him yet.

The faded leather boots prodded out from beneath a pair of worn and tattered boot cut jeans. He wore a white v-neck that was dusty and stained with sweat, along with a belt strapped across it. And in that belt was a holster for a knife and a 44. Magnum Revolver. Further up his body revealed a well toned man, not only through skin pigments, but in muscle definition as well. He was badly scarred beneath his crystal blue eyes and his blond hair fell in ragged tufts down his face.

With a grotesque sound, he gargled some spit and launched it from his mouth as it evaporated immediately against the drying sands. With the hissing sound left to guide him, he walked, the never ending journey truly earning its wary title in his memories. After all, for seeing only sands, what more was there than memory? It was until his eyes flared up at the caption of the bus that his spirits sky-rocketed once more. A sign of life, or rather, pre-life that could supply his needs.

He began to look at it carefully, his hand moving to its revolver and then the knife. He held the both of them expertly and with militaristic training as he proceeded to close in on the vehicle, calling out for anyone who was there. His throat was dry, so much to the extent to where if it had been metal, it'd all have been rusted over. "Anyone in there!?"

His younger features tensed as his brows narrowed and his eyes sharpened. He advanced to the door of bus, knocking on it quickly with his fingerless gloves. They were padded to the heat didn't bother him much, but he backed up, his sights pointed at the door.
Nervously agitated from the get-go, hearing an alien bark – speech – nearly made him leap out of his own skin. Words. Language. Having isolated himself out in the middle of the wasteland, Fidget felt fear rather than familiarity at the sound of another voice. Raiders. Cannibals. Ferals. Those were the sorts that wandered the desert. Nobody that wasn’t at least half mad struck out across the Nothing. Seeing as how the stranger’s tone carried strong, Fidget gathered whoever it was had to be tough as shoe-leather to make it out this far. Bad news.

Caught with his weapon disassembled, the only real saving grace was that he remained out of sight. Tucked against the back tire, Fidget was pinned-up between the opposite side of the bus and the short but sheer rock face. Gingerly, teeth gritted, Fidget began to screw the aluminum barrel back into place. The effort was hindered by sweating palms and trembling fingertips – the motion took only a breath. Drawing a tongue over cracked lips, the wasteland hermit tried to gather his nerve. Sand hissing underfoot, Fidget stood, the bus at his back. The hammering on the opposite side of the vehicle spurred on his words.

“State your b-business!” Fidget’s tone was thread-bare; hoarse from disuse. There was a stilted quality about those words – some minor speech impediment or stutter.

Posting his spine up against the blistering iron hull of the bus, Fidget jerkily cast a glance through the windows – while attempting to still keep himself out of line of sight. Not many folks carried firearms these days…they were hard to come by. Still, Fidget wasn’t taking any chances.
Upon the friendly return of the voice, the wanderer stopped in his footprints as he tensed his grip around his revolver. He took no time in responding as he himself was not as nervous as the male voice that had returned his initial call. "I seek refuge and supplies, nothing more. If it's mutual for us to avoid conflict, then I truly think that that'd be best for the both of us.

He proceeded to pry the door of the bus open and then entered, the heels of his boots clinking on the blistering steel. With a steady approach and even steadier hands, he came into view after climbing the steps and aimed around before his eyes fell on the figure who against the hull.

Something about him seemed on edge, and the male wanted no chances taken for a misfire of the trigger on the fidgety one's part as he lowered his aim and holstered his weapon, extending his hand. Along with the gesture, with his left hand, he moved it back to slide the headdress off, revealing a thick stubble and short, messy dirty blonde hair. His face appeared dirty, sweaty even as if he himself had just made it out of a battle.

He was covered in thick scars, in jutted along his jaw and another across his eyebrow. The next slashed across his nose and became perpendicular with one that ran up and stopped at his eye. The eye itself was not gone, but bore very little joy in it.

"Ease up... I mean you no harm..."

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