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Fantasy ﹙✧﹚ find your truth of 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛


resident problem child
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Hello ! My name is PLUTO. And welcome to my 1x1 thread ! A little about me and about the thread before we jump into it ! I am 21+ yr/os, and go by THEY/THEM/THEIRS. I am extremely dyslexic so sometimes i miss some weird typos in replies. I have been writing for over 10 years now, and I am a personal sucker for any sort of fantasy, mystical setting. Not to mention I will do whatever I can to weave some form of angst into any story; and pray to god i get a lil taste of enemies to lovers or slow burn. My Favourites UGH. I do tend to have a higher affinity for stories that involve a lot of gore, war and corrupt governments & human experiments. So I hope you're ok with those. But otherwise; I love talking. My time zone is EST and I am typically awake from 8am EST to 11pm EST.

WRITING & REPLIES ﹙✧﹚ I am very flexible with my writing. I can do my best to reply match. I typically can match easily; but once replies get over like i wanna say 600 words; I may start to struggle with replying. I don't mind short replies as long as there is content i can build off of ! I am also ok with if you need me to change anything in my reply ! If you need me to adjust something or change something for you to have an easier time to reply; please let me know ! Otherwise I will try to reply once a week minimum. Maybe it'll be more often depending on my schedule. Ideally I'd reply once a day in a perfect world.

PREFERENCES﹙✧﹚ I don't mind most writing themes, and types. I love writing canons & original characters all the same. I love crackships, oc ships, i love canonoc ships. I love ships, seriously i adore them. I will write, any sort of ship, mxm, mxf, fxf, etc etc. I don't have a preference really on rp type or theme. I love darker and more mature themes; so if you want something a little messed up; let me know I LOVE that kinda content. (as long as it abids by rpn rules obv) I will happily write in original words or canon worlds; so just let me know !

CONCEPTS & STORIES﹙✧﹚ If you scroll down; there were will additional posts by me; that feature the bbcode for tabs with some of the concept and story ideas I wouldnt mind writing. Some will be canon related; and some will be original character. Posts will get updated slowly over time so check back, and if theres nothing there that interests you; but you are interested in writing with me; please message me anyway and we can figure something out !

REMINDERS﹙✧﹚ You can reply with saying you're interested in a certain prompt / concept / story. But all planning will occur off this thread obviously. I want to keep the thread pretty clean, so replies will need to be kept to a minimum. You can also just dm me if you want to instead! I do not mind !

  • q0Kczaq.png

    NOTICES :: prompt features ; war, blood/gore, human experiments, dystopian governments / corrupt governments, and similar topics.
    (Muse A, the blackblood :: Muse B, the Host / Caretaker )

    when the world began to fall apart, america discovered a way to modify humans blood, allowing a user to use it as a weapon, blood manipulation as people called it. however the research was leaked, soon after, and a world war started. other nations assumed they could recreate the process, and create a super weapon from a person. training kids from a young age to becomes a killer, and test the experiment out on them. however, it only made the world fall into disaster, war, death, fall of nations and countries.

    however, america made yet another new break through for the test. the 2nd gen BW's as theyre called, are a master of not just creating a weapon from their blood, but master of using their blood as a weapon, and of course others blood. 2nd gen BW's can control their own blood perfect, and only slightly control others.

    2nd gen BW's are raised form birth in military facilities until they graduate. from there, they are given to someone else to host. muse b, just so happens to be assigned to be muse a's host, which puts a target on muse b, so others can get a hold of muse a and abuse their power. the biggest issue with 2nd gen bw's though? because of their lifestyle growing up, they tend to have anger issues. the protector is meant to keep them calm and sane, to prevent them from going into BLOODTHIRST which is where a 2nd gen BW gets overworked, overwhelmed, or overstimulated and ends up going on a rampage. how will muse a and b get along? will they survive or will they be found ?
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Hi Pluto! My name is Lexi (she/her). It's wonderful to meet you! I am brand new to this site but I've been roleplaying for 15 years (I'm 35). It sounds like we have a lot of interests in common! I really like corrupt government / dark / angsty / enemies to lovers. Not necessarily post apocalyptic, but bleak cyberpunk urban settings are my jam. Lmk if you'd like to come up with a story together! :)

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