Finally Introducing Myself


I'm always Bored even when I'm too tired
So I've been around for, I don't know, a week-ish, figured I'd finally formally introduce myself to all. I'm Bach, but you can call me Bachie, Becky, or well anything you want, I've accumulated over 50 nicknames throughout the years and I'm always looking to add more to that list. I've been role playing off and on since I was around 9 (which was give or take 26 years ago), I suppose 4 if you count make believe lol. I've done everything from forums, to table top, to wikia. Tried tumblr rp, didn't like it, and I refuse to rp on twitter, I have limits lol. I love many things, like even more, feel neutral on a bunch, and hate almost nothing.I love anything that allows me to be creative!

Hey-Oh!!! Call me Rommy, Rom, Roman or well Dre.

Well uh, How has it been? I feel like I cant welcome to the site since ya been here for a while. Sorry if that sounded mean, hehe. But hows it been treating ya?
Pretty good, got bored rp'ing on just wiki's lately, figured I'd try this site out. It's funny I'm not considered new any more for having been around a week xD on the rp wiki I've been on the longest we don't stop considering people newbs unti they've stuck around for at least 3 to 6 months depending on level of activity xD
Haha, well Im just a nice person. If you had about a month experience of roleplay your good enough with me. Atleast that is something. Me myself I had 1 year.
lol true, but I've found that no matter how much role play experience you have on other sites, forums or methods, you can still find yourself like a fish out of water when joining a new site where users may have decided to do things differently from others or more traditional rp sites.
Well here thats just silly talk. We all have a way for instance I do script. Thats like a movie format. Its useful for people who are very busy. But everyone here will have the tendency to understand your way of doing things. I havent met one rude person here.
Well I just read your post again and noticed that myself.

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