Final Prelude: Mesengers [Incarnadine Waters]

Raynes finds a place out under the stars near his mount, a good fire, and the girls that form his best and most elite unit of fighting personell. He does not begrude company or turn anyone away if they ask to join him. He never did like being inside for long, he was more of an outdoors person.
Dancing Winds was uncomfortable with this arrangement. Although House Cynis was a Realm house, and one well known for its sickening levels of debauchery, he was still siding with the Anathema against fellow Dragon-Blooded.

He was particularly concerned about forcibly taking a Manse of extreme power away from Dragonblooded control and putting it in the hands of people that were largely considered enemies of Creation.

Sighing, he retreated to Kuros and Sweet, and if he can do so without attracting anyone's attention, contacts his home to tell them about what may be done come morning. Following that, he would brush and nitpick Kuros' fur, something he often did when he was introspective and worried, followed by a full-body massage from Sweet.
Peteman said:
Dancing Winds was uncomfortable with this arrangement. Although House Cynis was a Realm house, and one well known for its sickening levels of debauchery, he was still siding with the Anathema against fellow Dragon-Blooded.
He was particularly concerned about forcibly taking a Manse of extreme power away from Dragonblooded control and putting it in the hands of people that were largely considered enemies of Creation.

Sighing, he retreated to Kuros and Sweet, and if he can do so without attracting anyone's attention, contacts his home to tell them about what may be done come morning. Following that, he would brush and nitpick Kuros' fur, something he often did when he was introspective and worried, followed by a full-body massage from Sweet.
The message that returned to Dancing Winds was, "Learn as much as you can of this manse, but do not mistake the Dynasts for an allied nation simply because they have a Wyld Hunt. Remeber the blood your ancestors shed to keep our indipence."

* * *

As Cinamon had ever since her emanicpation, she made the massage a loving ritual of prayer to heaven for her lord's health, strength, prosperity, and pleasure. At other times, she was an alchemist, or a sorcererss, or a scholar of the arts of flirtation, but in these moments she was simply a woman of the south, bringing strength and hapiness of her own free will to a man who made her happy.

Massage done, the buxom girl snuggled under the sheets with Dancing Winds and kissed him tenderly on the back of the neck, bossom pressing into his back, as always never certain if she yearned for more or to lie like this forever.

"Well then, I suggest that we get some sleep and reconvene in the morning. After breaking our fast we can get our gear together and head out."
The party practically over, Hammer will find himself a place to sleep and sleep the sleep of the just. That is as long as he is not interrupted.
The manse's servants were obliging contsructs of magic, as beautiful as an artists idealizations of colorfuly haired women in collorful uniforms, with equaly idealized personalities. They had a feather bed with linsey-woolsey sheets ready and wating for Hammer along with a plate of herbal tea and chocolate dipped strawberries. One of them offered a massage, but was did not bother him 'til morning if turned away.
Paladin said:
Raynes finds a place out under the stars near his mount, a good fire, and the girls that form his best and most elite unit of fighting personell. He does not begrude company or turn anyone away if they ask to join him. He never did like being inside for long, he was more of an outdoors person.
Saphire Flame, her normal gear set aside for the comfort of going topless with an indigo blanket tied around her waist, settled down on the moss, back against the wall, and coaxed his head down into her lap to sing soothingly and softly while toying idily with his hair.

The human five girls worked long and hard tending their birds and checking tack and gear before retiring giggling into one shared tent, all save for Briar Rose who walked a perimiter thrice, then at last secure that the manses defenses would secure them, came to him. Her red curls were cascading rose petals in the moonlight, and her well tanned skin softened by the same beneath her scale mail bikini. If permited, she set her quiver and spears aside, but in easy reach, lay on her side, and rested her head in his lap.

The comfortable pose might have lasted all night, for she could easily sleep in the finely forged armor with the moss for a bed and a friend for a pillow, but he could tell that soemething was on her mind.
Raynes closed his eyes as Sapphire runs her fingers through his hair. His eyes open when Briar Rose joins them and lays her head in his lap. He motions for Sapphire to stop what she's doing and he sits up and pours Briar Rose a cup of hot mead from his own flask sitting by the fire. He could tell Briar Rose was troubled. the moods of his people were always easily readable to him and they were free to speak their minds to him about anything. "Speak my friend, what troubles you?"
Only momentarily flustered at having been so transperent that she ruined the moment, Briar Rose turned to face Raynes, knees up and leaning slightly against his as she accepted the mead and sipped softly at it.

After a moment, she spoke. "It feels like so long ago when you rescued us from Elspeth Ragara's mines. Do you remember, we met in the kitchens, you with the soft golden glow on your forehead, pusued by gaurds. I showed you a pantry you could hide in to ambush them, and I asked you to kill a man for me, the black haired and the notch bitten out of his right ear."
Raynes nods. "I remember that well. Since then you and your sisters have grown by leaps and bounds. You have been at my side through hell and high water. I thank you for your service and your friendship." He pours himself a drink and also sips at it.
Dancing Winds sighed at the message. He was more worried at potentially trading fairly large numbers of powerful, corrupt and often insane tyrants for a smaller group of even more individually powerful, corrupt and insane tyrants. It was bad that the Realm held the Manse, but considering that a relatively young Anathema can match capabilities with more aged and experienced Dragonblooded... and he had seen some of the depravity they could sink to. There was more than just pride going into that Wyld Hunt which challenged his beliefs. The one he was tracking, as opposed to the one he stumbled upon fighting her... was every horrific legend made manifest... accounting for limited time and resources.

He sighed contentedly at Sweet's massage. If this turns out to be a colossal blunder on his part and his family's, he'd make sure that Sweet and Kuros got away safely. He turned to Sweet and with kissed her softly, he began casually removing the silk dressings she wore. Her clothes were to tease others, but Dancing Winds was in no mood for such games. He needed more... fun.

Taking some of his inks, he started practising his arcane symbols on her body, taking special care where she was sensitive... but also having the most complex and intricate designs there too.

He then undressed and offered to let her do the same.
Paladin said:
Raynes nods. "I remember that well. Since then you and your sisters have grown by leaps and bounds. You have been at my side through hell and high water. I thank you for your service and your friendship." He pours himself a drink and also sips at it.
Rose smiled. "Thank you. My first thought when you asked us to volunteer was, "I'm afraid, but he did that for me, so I'm going to do anything he wants." She took another sip and looked sincerly into his eyes. "I don't feel that way any more, Zaiden. I like this life, and i believe in what we are doing. I'm still looking to pay you back, though, if there's a way a normal girl can do it. For months, I thought the one I needed to kill was Cynis Miika, that she was the one you needed dead the way I needed him dead. Today i learned that whoever she was, she wasn't a compasionless monstrosity, and that she saved your life. I don't know what to do now. Is it her father? Is he the darkness that looms over your shoulder?"
Raynes sighs. "Her father is a man that does not understand me, and he fears what he does not understand. He is the one that put the marks on my back when I was a slave, and yet now that I understand the world more, I don't hate him. In fact I pity him. I pity him because he can't see how his teachings made me the person I am now. The pressure he put on me molded a lump of coal into a diamond, and that diamond is sharp enough to cut the path of freedom through this land. Rose, all I ask is that you do what you feel is right in your heart to help your people. that is all the payment I need. I will handel the rest of things. Cynis Miika managed to see the light of the unconcoured sun within me and realized that it meant hope in some way. I only hope that one day her father will see the light too so that I don't have to destroy him."
Despite the various sounds from around, Flowing Granite falls asleep easily. Come dawn, he wakes up, refreshed, and after waiting for about half an hour, he starts moving around "accidently" bumping into stuff, making noise, to get the others up, so they can get on with this quest.
Brilliant Singing Hammer is early to rise, as soon as Flowing Granite starts making noise that is. Rubbing the morning out of his eyes he says, "Should we break our fast my brother?"
Paladin said:
Raynes sighs. "Her father is a man that does not understand me, and he fears what he does not understand. He is the one that put the marks on my back when I was a slave, and yet now that I understand the world more, I don't hate him. In fact I pity him. I pity him because he can't see how his teachings made me the person I am now. The pressure he put on me molded a lump of coal into a diamond, and that diamond is sharp enough to cut the path of freedom through this land. Rose, all I ask is that you do what you feel is right in your heart to help your people. that is all the payment I need. I will handel the rest of things. Cynis Miika managed to see the light of the unconcoured sun within me and realized that it meant hope in some way. I only hope that one day her father will see the light too so that I don't have to destroy him."
Rose found her self smiling so that her face glowed inthe moonlight. She leaned forewards, cuppd Zayden's cheek, and then kissed hm tenderly. "You're a beautiful man, Zayden Raynes." She finished the drink, then lay down, pillowing her head on Zaydoen's stomach. Looking over at him drousily, she whispered, "I own my own tent now. i never thoguht i'd own a home of my own. I wonder... if i set it up some night, would you accept the hospitality of my bed chamber?"

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