Final Prelude: Mesengers [Incarnadine Waters]

Sakura suddenly leapt up and passe an legently caligraphied list of manses and teams to Yume, which she then handded around. "This arangement seems auspicious, Yume-chan," the fire elemental girl explained."

Hesiash's Guiding Light:

Brilliant Singing Hammer

Dancing Winds

Threnody for the Reverant Soul

Flowing Granite

Zayden Raynes:

The Clockwork Citadel:

Honor's Redeeming Light

Maya Blackthorn


Seven Blossoms



The Hanging Gardens (In the Jungles):

Beneficent River

Khayar of the Silver Heart


Rey Pey Yung

Twice Blessed Kenina
A cold breath blew from between her scarlet lips. The tendrils of that breath pressed against the edges of the document that was set before them. Those eyes grew darker as the paper came closer to her, the white dying away while something turned inside her mind. Yet her body did not bend to perceive the page any closer. Her elegant neck remained high and her chin was raised with an aloft air only given to this world. Pale flesh made her seem so statuesque while she remained unmoved by the assignment. Only her eyes tracked the words before her. Then once more air passed between her lips while she let her gaze drift past the page.

“Hesiash’s Guiding Light, speak to me my friend of such things.†Those words were merely a whisper that only those who cared would hear. Yet there was a discernable change in her manner, a relaxation in her posture as she listened to another beside her.
To the group, "Those of you going to Hesiash's Guiding Light lets go ahead and find a corner where we can put our heads together."


The half god sorcerer Albazar Volothamp in his, "Recolections of Arcane Lore in the South," recounted that while studying under luminaries of the Court of Orderly Flame he spent a year in the instruction of a particularly ancient and powerful Efrit.

The efrit was one of the few survivors of the Scarlet Empires attack on their school of sorcery, a red jade, copper, and orichalcum lighthouse manse 33 stories high that held a bay where the mountains touched the sea. It was a place of great learning, knowledge, and cancerous power, with many as yet untapped secrets. The efrit's father bore it's two hearstones, and taught his students a ritual where they entered an empty chamber with a red candle, snuffed it out, and then waited in silence 'til they could see a new candle light itself in the darkness. Then they would ask it for instruction, and the light would take the shape of a beauteous damsel and give the instruction requested.

In those days, the newly self proclaimed empress's armies sailed to conquer the tribes united by Blood on the Horn. They sent a powerful strike force of 21 princes of creation to conquer the lighthouse and claim it and it's bay so that imperial forces might march through the small passes and sheapard's trails against Blood on the Horn.

End memory pull.

Once they have all gathered into off to themselves Hammer says, "Other than it being 33 stories high, being a manse, a sorcery school, and having some strategic importance geographically I don't know much about this place. Anybody else know anything that might help us before we get there? "
Distract was apparent on the woman’s features as the space before her did not seem to exist. Only when those dark lashes fell to her cheeks and tears streaked the black lines around her eyes did she seem aware. The dark lines lightly passed along her cheek in a familiar pattern to those that shared her company. Those eyes were kept closed a few moments longer until the streaks ceased to form. Those dark pools opened once more to the sight of her companions moving away. Soft hands covered in black lace touched the table and she pushed away from the others.

“If you will forgive my abrupt departure.†Polite and low, her voice might be confused with being docile.

The black dress moved about her once more, giving the sense that she glided rather than merely walked across the room. Despite the hour and the activity, she still seemed most formal in her dress and mannerisms. Etiquette and modesty used as a divide between herself and the world around her. That formality was once more established when she arrived with her new traveling companions. A seat was quietly taken while Hammer spoke of the Lighthouse’s history. A simple nod was given when he finished, impressed at his ability to recollect such obscure knowledge.

“My own source confirms such information, only reinforcing that the Lighthouse was once the possession of the Court of Orderly Flame. Once I have more time to consult others there may be more information at our disposal.â€
"I don't recall any such place, but as long as you can tell me where it was, we can get there. And the faster we get there, the faster we'll get to the bottom of this." Says Flowing Granite, after he was rolling his eyes when they began deliberating, again.
"Unfortunatly I know nothing about this guiding light place that we are going to so I won't be much help until we have to fight."
Teliseria had not heard of such peculiar places, Coals Over Time had either been remiss of such places or just found them unimportant at the time. So, the young Lunar found her curiosity once more raised but only a bit as she was split, as she felt fate must have wanted, with her Duty towards Brilliant Singing Hammer. Nonetheless he was heading for the Manse of Guiding Light, while she herself was to go with the peculiar Yume and team to the Clockwork Citadel. It certainly sounded interesting anyway. Perhaps she could learn something to give to Brilliant Singing Hammers once they were reunited. She smiles a little blush on her face. Yes, she would endeavor to bring him back a gift from there.
Yume assembled her team around the giantess, introducing her, "I don't know if you've all met my friend yet, but this is Honor's Redeeming Light."

She perched casualy on Honor's knee, trying and failing to hide the delighted glee she felt when assuming an intimate position with someone taller than she.
Teliseria looked up to the larger woman and smiled granting a bow, "Hello, I am Teliseria, Indigo Amethyst of Twilight. Pleased to meet you." And she found herself worried, a woman taller than she. Sure Coals Over Time was a pretty tall woman, but this woman seemed even taller.
Flowing Granite looks at the giantess, with a slight scowl on his face (his usual facial expression) "I am Flowing Granite" his voice comes out almost like a growl. Strange all these Exalts here, one more wierd than the other...
Dancing Winds thinks about the target, then goes into an explanation about their target location:

"The Light House of Hesiesh is the most exclusive manse of occult study. It bears a focus on sorcery and is under the control of House Cathak though specifically, self estranged Cathak Pyrun Durne. He is currently bearing the apprenticeship of Cynis Fallon Miika. The manse is purported to have Mela come forth and teach the intricacies of sorcery and even touch on advanced theories that only the rarest of Dragons can attain with the most powerful artifacts and strongest of rituals, Celestial Circle Sorcery. House Cathak keeps a contingent of military strength, though the manse defenses are said to be mighty themselves."
Upon hearing Dancing Winds' explanation, Flowing Granite becomes agitated. He can barely contain himself from going there, in the hopes of learning Sorcery finally...
Somewhat intuiting his massive Lunar's agitation Hammer says, "Worry not my new Lunar friend. The ways of Sorcery can be learned through many that are here and would be happy to teach you. First though, if you have not, you should learn the old tongue for it bears the foundational building blocks of creations secrets."
Peteman said:
Dancing Winds thinks about the target, then goes into an explanation about their target location:
"The Light House of Hesiesh is the most exclusive manse of occult study. It bears a focus on sorcery and is under the control of House Cathak though specifically, self estranged Cathak Pyrun Durne. He is currently bearing the apprenticeship of Cynis Fallon Miika. The manse is purported to have Mela come forth and teach the intricacies of sorcery and even touch on advanced theories that only the rarest of Dragons can attain with the most powerful artifacts and strongest of rituals, Celestial Circle Sorcery. House Cathak keeps a contingent of military strength, though the manse defenses are said to be mighty themselves."
Raynes head lifts at the name of Cynis Fallon Miika. "How do you know that name Dancing winds?"
Paladin said:
Peteman said:
Dancing Winds thinks about the target, then goes into an explanation about their target location:
"The Light House of Hesiesh is the most exclusive manse of occult study. It bears a focus on sorcery and is under the control of House Cathak though specifically, self estranged Cathak Pyrun Durne. He is currently bearing the apprenticeship of Cynis Fallon Miika. The manse is purported to have Mela come forth and teach the intricacies of sorcery and even touch on advanced theories that only the rarest of Dragons can attain with the most powerful artifacts and strongest of rituals, Celestial Circle Sorcery. House Cathak keeps a contingent of military strength, though the manse defenses are said to be mighty themselves."
Raynes head lifts at the name of Cynis Fallon Miika. "How do you know that name Dancing winds?"
"I am well versed in many names amid the Dragon Blooded." Dancing Winds said simply. "What makes this name special to you?"
Peteman said:
Paladin said:
Peteman said:
Dancing Winds thinks about the target, then goes into an explanation about their target location:
"The Light House of Hesiesh is the most exclusive manse of occult study. It bears a focus on sorcery and is under the control of House Cathak though specifically, self estranged Cathak Pyrun Durne. He is currently bearing the apprenticeship of Cynis Fallon Miika. The manse is purported to have Mela come forth and teach the intricacies of sorcery and even touch on advanced theories that only the rarest of Dragons can attain with the most powerful artifacts and strongest of rituals, Celestial Circle Sorcery. House Cathak keeps a contingent of military strength, though the manse defenses are said to be mighty themselves."
Raynes head lifts at the name of Cynis Fallon Miika. "How do you know that name Dancing winds?"
"I am well versed in many names amid the Dragon Blooded." Dancing Winds said simply. "What makes this name special to you?"
Raynes falls silent. "I was her slave back before I Exalted. Her Father beat me every day, She couldn't stand to stand by while it happened so she risked her own life to see to my freedom. She may help us if I can talk to her." He finally says.
Honnor nods to those she is introduced too. "Its nice to meet you all." after that she just sits and listens.
Paladin said:
Raynes falls silent. "I was her slave back before I Exalted. Her Father beat me every day, She couldn't stand to stand by while it happened so she risked her own life to see to my freedom. She may help us if I can talk to her." He finally says.
"Getting past the outer defenses would be very helpful if we even have to do that. I am thinking that it would be best to do a snatch and grab, but if we have somebody on the inside who can find what we need and hand it over to us on the side it would attract a LOT less attention. Not that I mind a good fight or that we will eventually want to take the Light House, its just that at this point we have gone without seriously exposing ourselves. Keeping it that way will allow us a great deal of latitude in our further endeavors."

"Anything else we need to know, want to discuss, or well, anything?"
Rey Pey Yung beams down at the little monkey of a man. "If you would each come over here, we shall converse as to our most beneficial course of action. Beneficient River, Khayer of the Silver Heart, Nazir Twice Blessed Kenina. We have much to discuss and little time to prepare." As the others gather, Rey continues advising them of what can be expected of her. "I am an Eclipse solar, student of the Wood Dragon Style of celestial martial arts, many of you have felt my healing touch or had the chance to observe it from afar. I am a sorceress of the first water, with a certain focus in summons I suppose. I have various demons at my call, as well as the construct dogs that fought with us earlier. Also, for reference, I have a small following of mounted cavalry that should arrive by the morning. As far as Hanging Gardens are concerned, I have a small knowledge of plant based artifacts that we use at the rising River Hostel of benevolent Life."

((OOC))Hoping to get the GM to open a separate thread, for our discussions and adventures. that goes for the last group to the Clockwork Caverns as well.
A soft smile touched her lips as her companion seemed to grow more excited at this prospect. Those, decorated with darkened red so that nearly seemed blood stained, parted to show understanding for his energy. She knew his desire to become a sorcerer and also wished him well on his path to become one. Yet there was a touch of sadness there just behind her smile as she knew the sacrifice of holding such power. Some part of her, buried deep in the past wished to spare him such pain for reasons she could not fathom. Quickly she glanced away instead turning her attention to the other voice.

“Perhaps then there is a blessing in the creation of this group. When we draw closer to the site, I may better speak with the spirits there to gain more knowledge of this landscape.â€

Nazir, ushered over by the rather imposing woman, listens to her explanation and looks a little surprised. Demons had, in his mind, always been evil things and those who dabbled in them were evil themselves. After all, every demon he'd ever seen, he'd been fighting. They were monsters, used by foul mages to try and protect their corrupt schemes.

However, defying this stereotype, standing before him, was the altogether charming and friendly being he had met earlier. He didn't know her enough to trust her implicitly, evil could carry a pretty face, but he had seen her actions enough to not insult her by openly declaring his suspicion.

"My skills are at your disposal, Binder Yung. I place my skills at the disposal of your superior knowledge." He says kindly, glad to offer what he can but, currently, finding himself quite out of his league, not even knowing that there was such a thing as biological artifice.
Beneficent River

She follows the others to Rey Pey Yung and listens in. She is not fond of demons but she trusts the Eclipse to be able to control anything she summons. If the unthinkable happens, then River is certain she can handle the problem. She waits for the one known as Nazir to finish before pitching in.

"I am in your service as well. I am a practitioner of the Righteous Devil Style, an ancient and long-lost style focused around the use of firewands and similar weapons to smite injustice and evil." She makes a point by drawing her repeaters, keeping them pointed at the ground and her fingers far away from the triggers. "Whatever awaits us at our destination, I can assure you it cannot stop us."
"I take comfort in your assurances Beneficient River," Rey takes the newly drawn map including the "X" designating their appointed destination. "Who knows of what is between here and there. What lies in these mountains, what is east of the river fork here, who inhabits the southern jungles here, and does anyone know of this temple of vegetative technologies? After a bit of study of plants, a small requirement of tutelage in the wood dragon martial arts, I have noticed that healing, feeding, and cleansing are not the only thing that plants are good at. Plants pretend to be other plants for protection, and plants have very effective defenses such as thorns, bark, and many of the poisons of the world are plant based."

Watching the little monkey as she laid out the map she wondered if he could read or recognize this as a representation of the landscape. "Nazir, did you not say earlier that you came from the deep jungles to the south? Anywhere near here?"

Nazir, listening to the conversations, nods at the question, walking over and examining the map. He'd seen maps before and he knew, vaguely, what he was looking for. Carefully, he drew his finger down, to a region slightly north-east of Rathess. "I think that's roughly where I come from." He answered, both out of a lack of total familiarity and because, honestly, his finger was about 20 miles west of where he truthfully was raised. Not enough of a division to make his living conditions any different but, in the event that someone was to try, say, attacking his home...

"I know the jungles well. I can swing on a vine, avoid thorns and show you the way, even if I've never walked the path before. However, I've never encountered plants that can be described as technologies."
"Well then, I suggest that we get some sleep and reconvene in the morning. After breaking our fast we can get our gear together and head out."

The party practically over, Hammer will find himself a place to sleep and sleep the sleep of the just. That is as long as he is not interrupted.

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