Final Prelude: Mesengers [Incarnadine Waters]


Sakura still clutched in her arms, Yume welcomed allies old and new into her fortress manse.

After a few hours of baths, bandages, and food, with new messengers showing up at the door hourly bearing herbs and scrolls, the Circle at last gathered again at a massive stone table in a great hall.

Teliseria sits herself down and leans back sighing contentedly. She unconsciously debated shortly and won against, changing into her spirit form, a good lap would complete the day.
Flowing Granite, still in his war form, wary, in case more enemies might be lurking about, eyes Teliseria. Wierd, I never thought I'd see a Lunar who doesn't seem to have a war form, or not eager to make use of the increases edge it gives in combat, but ah well, even from that earlier meeting, a efw days ago, she semed a bit different.

His thoughts sorted out a bit, he eyes the new young man who entered the fray uninvited, leading beastmen, and flailing a moonsilver scythe. Another wierd Lunar? isn't one enough? lucikly for him he's a lunar, or I would have slain him in combat. Flowing Granite strides towards the newcomer, his towering form red from blood, gore, and the natural color of his scales. The massive bipedal sandswimmer, with 4 legs, 2 arms, ending in silvery claws, 2 wings, vicious silvery fangs in his mouth, and a pulsing web of silvery energy surrounding him, in addition to his anima. "Who are you Lunar? and what are you doing here?"
Tired and still bleeding from the wounds she had accepted from the little god, Rey Pey Yung states clearly to avoid a continued conflict with the newcomer. "Welcome newcomer, and our thanks. flowing Granite is still worked up from the fray and has a penchant for being blunt. No offense was meant, yet. Though introductions seem in order, I am Rey Pey Yung, Binder of Eight Concepts, and you might be?" As Rey continues to speak, her wounds close, and heal in moments. What would cripple many a mortal, closes and fades in moments leaving nothing but a memory of the blemished skin and beauty.
Honnor had seen the anima's from miles away. Then she had seen Yume's change and that scared her. so she focused on speed, she focused on placing each foot firmly on the ground as she ran. for one of the first times since she attended earth and sky she felt at one with the earth, like Yume's old man kept tryin to teach her. She ran hard and she pushed her self as much as she dared while keeping a reserve incase there was still fighting. blowing through the gates of Yume's manse she bolted through the main doors having been opened. Following the directions of the servants she found herself skidding to a stop at the entry way to the dining room. Her body glistening with persperation causing her clothes to cling to her body revealingly. despite the long run her resperation seems almost normal as her eyes scan the room looking for two individuals.
Maya and her mastiff soon arrived, dusty and bandaged here and there with rags but otherwise fine. The witch sat down with her staff resting against the wall in easy reach, Cu Maya lying down at her feet. "That was interesting," she drawled in her strong voice.
I am Khayar, known to my kind as Heart-of-Silver. Recently exalted by her glorious mercurial majesty. Who might you be, oh four-armed one?

He remains unfazed, then turns to the woman, bowing gracefully.

My greetings to you, Rey Pey Yung. And I come bearing aid to you from a mutual associate.
"Welcome Heart-of-Silver, my name is Flowing Granite, and I welcome your assistance. Though luckily for your beastmen you were with them, or they might have been cut down in the heat of battle."


BTW he's got 4 legs, and only 2 arms.
cryorage said:
Honnor had seen the anima's from miles away. Then she had seen Yume's change and that scared her. so she focused on speed, she focused on placing each foot firmly on the ground as she ran. for one of the first times since she attended earth and sky she felt at one with the earth, like Yume's old man kept tryin to teach her. She ran hard and she pushed her self as much as she dared while keeping a reserve incase there was still fighting. blowing through the gates of Yume's manse she bolted through the main doors having been opened. Following the directions of the servants she found herself skidding to a stop at the entry way to the dining room. Her body glistening with persperation causing her clothes to cling to her body revealingly. despite the long run her resperation seems almost normal as her eyes scan the room looking for two individuals.
Yume sits at the high table in her glowing golden aura and white loincloth and sash with sakura seated across her thighs. The tall redhead has one mighty arm around her slender friend's waist, and the two sip tea quietly togther. Sakura wears a fresh blue miniskirt now, and a halter tied behind her neck and behind her sholder blades in the same indigo died linnen. The two look up to meet Honor's eyes when she enters, smiling gleefully, and beckon her to join them at the far side of the table. "Everyone, this is Honor's Redeeming Light, a good friend and student of our school who would have been with us from the begining were she not seeking information from the Janx in the moutnains to the South."
"Then the mutual associate should be greatly thanked, please come in, and enjoy yourself. Have you any wounded needing tending, any needs that should be expressed?" Rey moves among the others as she tends wounds and listens to the pains, and victories of the others. She cries a single tear for each of the pains that she soothes. For the pain must be felt and expressed, it should not linger, so as a tear, it is brought forth, and expelled in the next breath.
Honnor ducks into the room, the woman was easily over 12ft tall. Despite her size she managed to nimbly make her way around to Sakura and Yume where she proceeded to damn etequette to hell and picked both girls up at once in a big hug.
So many big warriors and half of them women, its amazing. Hammer relaxes, lounging in a chair, and generally being unassuming while he appreciates all of the many actors in this fantastic array of peoples. He makes sure to keep as wide a perspective on those gathered as possible so that he can commit everything to memory. Regardless of his attempted broadening of his focus he seems to often light his eyes upon Rey and Telisaria.
Beneficent River sits in the traditional An-Teng manner, sipping wine from a simple cup. She listens to the conversations and watches the new arrivals take their place. She'll introduce herself to them in time once the important things are done with. For now, she just enjoys her wine.
With a flare of essence brilliant and golden, Ten thousand Glorious Sunsets calls out to the assemblage. The glories I behold here are beyond measure, the potential and passions that shall shape Creation in the near future, and for eons to come, amassed in a near union. You raise my spirits to see even this shadow of yesterday. I have seen many threads to the future, and the one that offers the greatest success for you hangs on three points in Creation. Three anchors to withstand the coming darkness.

Threnody to the Reverent Soul, you shall find your Guiding Light among the Red Jade Lighthouses, they are now known as The Guiding Lights of Hesiesh. Northeast from Kirghast is the site of the Watchtowers. Brilliant Singing Hammers, will meet his future here as well.

Between Sperimen's towers of knowledge, and the sleeping Kings of Rathess, lies the Gardens of Forever. A zigeraut manse where the Dragon Kings of old would instruct the worthy in the Arts of Vegetative Technology. Those who travel this path should be wary of Ol' Ironclaws.

Turning to Yume, the Celestial with the greatest success this evening, "My dear, enjoy this night. For as you rise you will already be on your preparations to the future. On the morrow, you and a chosen few shall be on your way to the Clockwork Caverns bordering the Marukani. There in the Darkness lies a scalpel for the Sun. With it you may bring light to the darkness and between her people," with a nod Ten Thousand Glorious Sunsets identifies Maya and her mastiff, "and the Bolg. Amongst the Ireador Valley Resistence against Mask of Winters there is a Son of the Night who must join your circle and go to the clockwork manse.

With your eyes on Nexus, the path is clear to the ones with the Sundered Sight.

In a build up of glorious light, Ten Thousand Glorious Sunsets vanishes, leaving behind a gold chain with a loop of Starmetal, and a broken lens.
Brilliant Singing Hammer gets out of his chair and moves towards the object on the floor, attempting to discern what it might be before he gets there. Regardless he will go right up to it and examine it unless somebody stops him or calls him off.

[OOC Per+Lor 6 or Int+Lor 7 or Wit+Lore 4]
Teliseria almost finds herself face to face with Brilliant Singing Hammer as her attention vyied with that of the object that was dropped. Finding herself feeling the heat rise to her cheeks she sits back and lets the Solar examine it.

"Why do you think he left this behind," she asks curiously.
Dancing Winds still remained tense, despite not having sustained much pain in the battle. His fighting techniques favoured distancing himself from potential harm when not necessary. Some might call him cowardly, but as far as he was concerned, fighting with whatever advantage he had was not a sign of cowardice.

He was not intimidated by the huge woman. Not any more than he was the rest of the group. He listened politely, and introduced himself as was appropriate. Still, he stayed out of most of the conversation.
Brilliant Singing Hammer gets out of his chair and moves towards the object on the floor, attempting to discern what it might be before he gets there. Regardless he will go right up to it and examine it unless somebody stops him or calls him off.
[OOC Per+Lor 6 = 2 sucesses]
once the tangle is resolved, Brilliant Singing Hammer gets a moment to observe the monocle. The small glass lense is curved to magnify small print books or maps.
Bending down Hammer picks up the Monocle. Upon straightening back up he has the pleasure of Teliseria sitting before him. Following her form his eyes find her’s and there they lock. He stands there, not quite fully upright and seems to just stair at her. She in turn, with her flushed cheeks seems only able to stair into his eyes.


The battle had been a hard one. Many comrades and all of their troops lay dead or dying. Alone a silver warrior woman and a gold enshrouded man stood against the wavering power of a giant Yozi spirit shard, a massive demon.

“Prepare the machine, my love, and I will delay him!â€

“Of course, my desire. Upon my signal then.â€

As the Lunar warrior dwarfed the man, the demon made them both look like mice. Rushing forward she leaped into the air racking it with her silver claws as she went. Essence trailed behind her as its inhuman screams greeted her. The man stooped and started singing to a large tube made of crystal and jade. Inside of it, he knew, was something out of alignment. If he could just get it to align correctly, he could get off the shot.

The deadly dance of the demon and the woman continued not far away. Every time she struck his body it repaired itself so quickly she could not capitalize upon it. Hitting her was like chasing the wind and caused the demon no small frustration. However, she was quickly running out of essence and the will to fight. Slowly the demon was eating away at her reserves and soon it would be her blood splattered on the ground and not it’s.

Its almost time the voice of her lover said in her mind.

She moved, dodged, and skidded around and under the demon, positioning it perfectly. Smiling widely she let it hit her, lining it up exactly and knocking her away. Then the demons chest erupted as blood and gore sizzled and vaporized. Where once it had been whole, it now was an exploding grouping of arms, legs, tentacles, and tails.

VICTORY! they both thought to each other in unison.


Brilliant Singing Hammer and Teliseria can feel it, not in their hearts, not in their minds, but in their very souls.
Had I not been with my warriors they would not have been here to aid you.

He smiles softly, then bows ay Pey.

Thank you for your offer of healing and aid, but I beleive my warriors came out unscathed.
Flowing Granite nods towards Hear-of-Silver. He surveys the scene of battle one last time, and with a sigh, that in his current shape sounds like a low rumble, he begins to change back to his human form.
Upon closer examination, it is clear that the monocle lens is broken with spidery cracks running the course of the outer rim, and only a clear triangular patch in the center. The spidery cracks seem to change ever so slightly with a random pattern, but the clear cross hairs of the triangle points stay steady.
Teliseria shudders gently her eyes wide for a moment. A moment, a moment like that of time removed felt like it had just happened. Her hand she finds is touching Brilliant Singing Hammer's, softly, gently. The vision, the memory? Vivid. What was that? She wondered. She shook her head. Had she... was he... Oh darn you Coals Over Time, did you know that this was going to happen. But... somehow...

She smiles at him, brightly. "Moon Illuminated Greetings," she says with a nod, "D, did you feel it too?"
Across the room, Rey stands with Heart of Silver, acknowledging his appearance and acting as envoy to the court of Yume. Bitter looks shear the air, as Brilliantly Singing Hammer holds gaze with the Lunar. Old ways or not, Rey was not ready to let him go. The subtle change in her mind did not show forward on her appearance as she acted the proffessional herald.
"Blessings of the Sun be upon you," says Hammer with a voice so soft he is not sure he even said anything.

"Yes, I saw it, you, us...."

Noticing her hand in his he takes it with his other, still holding the monocle, which brings him back to the here and now.

"To our duty as before then."

Still holding her hand he guides the two of them, with the lens, towards Yume.

"It seems you have a parting gift from heaven."

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