Final Fantasy, new dimension

deeper into the cave she stood under some water. It was dark enough for noone to see her. As she took a cold shower she recited some hymns from her village. She cleaned her blade aswell guiding her fingers along the ancient writing she engraved into it. She then looked at the tip and saw the symbol of her edion. "..soon" A painful memory shot through her mind as she looked at the blade.
genesis made his way to the cave and seein she wasnt there he sighed and let his right black wing emerge "how long has it been...." he stated this wing was a symbol of what he was...a expiriment from jenova cells which allowed him strnegth beyond any moral person and also the degredation but in time he found a cure but at what cost? he looked up and realised at the rate the night was going they were gonna defeat themselfs through there own emmotions and if they didnt take control they would not survive.
She let out a sigh then spoke a few words in ancient language. Her memories began to rush through like an unstoppable train. Images mixed with nightmares and goid times. It stopped at the part where they were all falling from cocoon and vanilla was reaching out his hand. They trued to grab onto each other but it failed. Vanilla fell between the rock as she fell between the shards. As she opend her eyes she could see a slight outlune of him. She looked back toward the entrance of the cave. " i wont lose another one."

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