Final Fantasy, new dimension


Junior Member
Genesis who was sleeping in his own bed back home, after all that happened to him, nearly dying due to the cell degredation yet saving himself by stopping it, his life falling apart before his eyes and him losing his friends mabey a little rest was what he needed. Deciding he had enough rest he got up and made his way outside, grabbing his clothes and getting dressed and putting on his coat he went outside but it was very dark and stormy. Looking up he noticed a huge cloud in the sky that was swirling and sucking things in. Before he could do anything several beast surrounded him. Holding out his hand to his side, a flame emerged and formed into a sword that was long and dark red and had a wierd inscription written on it "out of my way...beast" he rushed forward ducking under the large creatures attack and stabbing it but upon stabbing it the thing went to grabs him. pulling his sword out he lept back and shot a fireball out it but then the smoke cleared a fireball of its own flew through the air and right into his face knocking him back "you bastard ill show you" he placed his fingers on his sword but something came up behind and hit him knocking him out cold only hearing a voice "you have been chosen Genesis" and with that he faded into dark.

what felt like a second later he woke up in the middle of a forest, sitting up he grabbed his head "what the hell...." he had a splitting headache and looking around only made it worse due to confusion. "Where am i just a moment ago i was home now the middle of a forest" he stated lookign around not sure about this place. The sun was out and bright the waters in the seas crashed and the trees blew life thrived here for sure. "Guess id better start somewhere" he stated with a sigh still rubbing his head.
After the battle at cocoon and beign seperated from her group she resides in the mountains in a small cabbian. The battle took most of her energy and damaged her meantly after seeing have her comrades die. She was asleep in the bed clsoest to the kitchen. Her spear was placed agianst the wall next to her. As she was asleep she could hear voices inside her head. She could hear Bahamut talking but to who. She began to sweat as if she was haveing a fever. In her mind it was here walking around a black room. She spotted Bahamut but was side tracked by an image passigng through her. Memories and painful scenes replayed into her mind. The last image passed her. Her falling and trying to reach Vanille but a boulder came down seperating them. She snapped awake breathing heavily. She looked around trying to calm down till she saw the cabin doors open.She quickly jumped out of bed grabbing her spear as she pointed toward the door.Before she could turn around she was hit on the head with a heavy item. She was knocked out and the mens word's were short as they faded. " Oerba Yun Fang you have been chosen."

She slowly woke up holding the back of her head, in the middle ofa forest.She shook her head eyes her sight came back. She found her spear and grabbed hold of it. She slowly stood up blinking franticaly as her head was pounding. She looked up the sunlight blinding her makeing her look away as she held her hand up to block the sun."..what the"
Hearing somethign in the distance, genesis walked to the sound her heard, it was a loud bang followed by a bunch of crashes. makin his way through he foudn a section of tres that looked like something had fallen and broke many branches off. following the trail of destruction left by whatever it was he made his way to a very tiny clearing seeing a girl in front of him starring away from him he jsut watched wonering who she was.
She was confused and irritated. She wanted to know why she was here and where was she take. The fact that she wasn't in her cabin irritated her more. She drove the end of the spear into the ground as she folled her arms and looked up. None of this made sense. She replayed what had happend but could only rember someone calling out her name and saying she was chose. Chosen for what. She looked toward the ground then up at the sky. She looked to her left then the right seeing a man.
genesis walked up carefully "where are we?" he asked calmly looking around at the forest but keeping a close eye on this girl he didnt no who stood there with a angry tone and a spear in hand. "where are we and whats the date....i woke up in the forest with no idea where i am, can you help me?" he asks he still eyeing her closley
Her mind was in deep confusion, so naturally her mood wasn't as nice like always. She glared toward the men following with her rolling eyes as she looks around. " If I knew do you think I would be here , do you think I would be upset and confused like this...the time should I know , I dont carry a watch. The date ...I dont know that one to because im right beside you. I'm really ticked..what is going on here. One minute I'm in my cabin, The next im stuck here. And those stupid words that keep replaying in my mind is the fact that they called out my name and said i was chose. Chosen for what." She was upset. She had to many questoins to answer for herself and the man next to her asking similar questoins was not helping.
he watched her "so then it happened to you to" he stated with a sigh "the man that you didnt see knocked you out and said youve been chosen?" he asks and steps closer "look i mean no harm to you....." it just occured he didnt no her name "uhhh my name is genesis, what is yours?" he asks realising he wasnt alone now.
he looked over to him as he took a step closer. She studied him and the locatoin she was in. She thought not alone. So it happend to him to. She didn't like giving out her name. After what happend at the cocoon she didn't know who to trust or who to listen to. She knew if she kept being stubborn she was going to get no where. "My name is Oerba Yun Fang"
He nods at her "well fang, where are you from" he asks then hearing some cracking in the woods around them his flame appears and shapes into a sword and hardens up "were surrounded" he stated looking around but not seeing anyone. "were you the only other one that got brought here?" he asks her griping his sword still ready for something to jump out at them. More eaves and tree limbs continue to break as more people move around.
She grabbed her spear and unstuck it from the ground. She twirled it then got into a fighting stance. Her right hand at the top of the spear and her left at the bottom. " You ask a lot of questoins." She looked around , her eyes glancing around franticaly as she listens to the forest. " Like I said before... I was knocked out before comming here so the extra company is not with me."
Well im just as lost as you are so what do you expect" he stated as many wierd deformed beings stepped out of the trees and surounded them. The creatues were tall covered in some black suit from head to toe the eyes were glowing red and it moved like a snake as it walked and its fingers were claws "well these things look odd" he stated getting read for a battle even though he could feel his powers inside had been somehow sealed and had not fully awakened in this new world yet so this would rely on his swordsmanship for now "ill watch your back if you watch mine" he stated calmly
Even though her powers were seald the rush for a fight ran through her. She gripped her blade tighter as she smiled toward the beings that had shown themselves. " agreed'. She waited for one of them to make their first move. This was truly going to be a dance of the blade worthy to the ancient gods in her tribe that watched over her and the clansman.
a being in a dark robe stepped out of the shadows showing no part of his face "well well your awake, you have been brought to this world to be hunted, you will be given one day then the hunt will be on young heroes so do what you must to prepare for your death" the man stated then vanishing as fast as he came along with the beasts. Genesis looked around "we should leave this forest now" he stated knowing that the forest was a bad place to be at the moment.
"Tsk" She stood up once more holding her weapon beside her with a dissatisfied look. " ..and when I thought their was going to be a fight." She walked closer to Geneisis as she slid her weapon through the loop on the back of her shorts. " Fine then you lead the way." She would offer to rider her eidon but thought it wasn't the time for that.
he nods and with his new found ally and possibloy only ally he begins to leave the forest. upon walking for a few hours it started to get dark and no exit was found, was this planet jsut a big forest?. finding a cave, genesis realised they needed to stop and rest "look theres a cave lets go stop and rest and make a fire for the night" he stated to fang as he pointed to the cave "at least well be safer there" he stated
"alright then." She spotted the cave and looked at it for a moment then walked off toward a different direction. " Ill get the wood you go ahead and see if it's safe." As she walked away she began to think about her past. Was it safe to have a partner with her. She didn't want what happend to vanilla happen to Geneisis. She was worried but knew thinking about it would get her nowhere. She walked deep into the forest finding good wood for the fire.
genesis made his way to the cave and looked around to make sure it was safe. after scouting it out he found it was small and empty so he got a spot for a fire ready and just awaited her return with the wood. as he waited he leaned against the wall and pulled a little red book out and began to read it. the cave was wet damp and cold and it was gonna be a rough night of sleep, even if they got a fire going, the night air was cold and with the cave as wet it was, was gonna be freezing and they had only there cloths, no blankets to cover up with and nothing to sleep on it was gonna be a long long night for sure.
She came back with piles of wood, dumping them at his feet. She brushed over her shorts then her shoulder and hands. She took a seat on a boulder acroos from him as she began to arrange the wood so they could start the fire. As she was fixing it clouds rolled in with thunder and lightning. It began to ran down hard leaving the cave impossible.
he looked out "well thats not good, this is gonna be a misrible blankets to sleep on or cover up with, being a damp cave, fire is gonna be hard to keep and with that rain we cant go get any wood now" he stated a littler worried how either of them was gonna keep from freezing throught the night, the weather was different then back home where they could just deal with it btu the weather hear had to be around 5 degrees.
Being in a tribe she was used to bi polar weather. So her body kept a nuatural heat and when it got to cold her body heat would rise. HEr spear was laid against the cave wall, as she got to rocks and clank them together. The sparks landed on the woods creating a big enough fire, to allow some heat to spread.
genesis smiled at the fire then her "well were safe for one night, we need to figure out something though" he stated as he stretched. this new foe hed never seen, this new world hed never heard of, all of it was suspicious and to top that all, what was this mysterious persons plans for them.
True we need to figure out something, we should talk about it for a little while but then we should get some sleep. If this enemy has given us a time when they plan to attack then we need the rest."
nodding in agreement, genesis closes his eye having put his book away to rest for the night. The enemy indeed had plans for them and they wouldnt get much of a chance to rest so they should take the chance when they can and rest while they can before they lose the chance.
she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. If she was going to fight she need her eidon to fight with her. And for that she needs imense energy. Before falling into slumber she gave a faint smile.
awakening in the middle of the night from a nightmare about his past, genesis stood up and walked to the cave enterance and starred off into the heavy rainfall that had appeared "what do you have planned..." he stated in a low tone as he looked down rather sadly

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