The Guardian and Protector

Centries have passed since the last war. The battles held between two entities. Cosmos, the Goddess of Harmony and Chaos the God of Discord. Both entities summoned warriors from across dimensions to fight their battles for them. Cosmos, summoned only those to her side that were Warriors of Light. Men and Women who were considered to be the Heroes of their worlds.
Chaos, summoned to his side the Warriors of Darkness. Men and Women who had fought for their own self-interests and to dominate their worlds.
After thousands of battles, the Warriors of Light claimed victory and saved their worlds. From there, the Warriors, both light and dark were sent back to their worlds.
Now, the drums of war are signaling again. New Gods, a new world, a new battleground and brand new warriors.
A new world known only as The Battleground was created as the realm of the battle.
Aria, The Goddess of Light summoned to her a new group of warriors of light.
Draxus, The God of Darkness summoned to him a group of warriors of Darkness.
The stakes were high. If Aria's warriors were victorious, they would be sent back to their worlds where they could live out their days in peace and they'd be each granted a single wish.
Draxus's warriors were all promised the same, returned to their world and a wish which they would most likely use to dominate or enslave their homeworlds.
The Warriors of Light will fight to save their worlds. The Warriors of Darkness fight to enslave theirs.
Only one side will be Victorious
Which side will you fight for?
1. I do not want any canon characters within this roleplay. I know that the games have characters from each of the Final Fantasy games. However, [this is no offense to anyone or their roleplaying skills] I have never seen anyone able to properly portray a canon character from any series and I do not want to see anyone trying it here. Again, this is no offense to anyone, I just want to see original characters.
2. This roleplay is about the story, it is not about the combat. I understand that a roleplay like this will be very combat intensive, however, I will respect you far more for making a good story than making an all-powerful character who nevers get hit and is never defeated. That is rather boring and there is no character development to that kind of situation.
3. On that note, I do not want any all-powerful characters. Everyone has a weakness and no one is unable to be defeated.
4. Absolutely no god-modding or auto hits. Roleplay combat is a very give and take writing style. Again, I want to see good story writing, not untouchable characters.
5. I do not mind seeing Romance in this roleplay. It is a good way to develop the story. That being said, if things are "progressing" physically, then I ask that you either skip ahead or black it out. I do not want mature sexual content in this roleplay.
6. If you have any conflict with another role player in the story, I ask that you do not fight or argue in the OOC or in the In character thread. We are adults and we can handle conflict like adults. Either talk reasonably with them in a private message or if need be come to me and I will assist in resolution.
7. At this point in time, I am not putting a limit on the number of Warriors of Light or on the number of Warriors of Darkness. However, if I find that I am getting too many on one side or the other, or if I am getting too many people signing up, I may put a temporary limit in the future.
8. In addition to Rule #7, as this Roleplay does involve characters from multiple worlds, I also may end up putting a limit on worlds these characters are coming from [Ex: If I have too many characters from the world of Final Fantasy 9, I will temporarily ban any more characters from FF9.]
9. I reserve the right to ask you to change your post style. If the formatting of your post is difficult to read or the background and font colors are painful to look at [We have all seen these posts somewhere or another and we have all been annoyed by them] I may ask you to change the format only to make it easier for others to read your posts.
10. I am asking for a minimum of a paragraph per post. That being said, I understand when there is not much to write given the in thread scenario. I would rather a short post than a post going on and on about how green the grass is or how blue the sky is. I am asking that you use your discretion on this one.
11. I promise to be fair and just when approving characters for this roleplay. So, I ask that you be fair and understanding when I voice my thoughts. At the end of the day, this is my roleplay and I want everyone to enjoy themselves. If I feel that your character might break the roleplay one way or another, I have the right to ask you to edit your submission or I may reject it all together.
12. Please remember that if it not in the character sheet it does not factor in. Given Final Fantasy's different aspects of combat [Jobs, materias, summons etc] I am limiting the number that you carry.
So, if your character comes from a world with the job system, please limit it to three jobs and be descriptive on the jobs and what abilities accompany. The same goes for the materias, only three and please list their attributes in the character sheet.
13. Given the Summonings that are featured in the Final Fantasy games, I have decided to make a rule designated to how summoning will work. Given the large nature of summoning and the mechanics of how it works, I am limiting the ability to summon only to those of the Summoner class and they will be used in combat like the example provided below.
My apologies if this is quite the long rule list. Given the nature of this roleplay, I am trying to ensure all roleplayers involved will be equally and fairly treated. I want to eliminate any potential problems before they arise. In addition, I welcome any private messages related to the roleplay with any questions or concerns. I only ask that you make the subject line of the message the following:
This will allow me to keep these messages organized so I can be sure to respond to your message as soon as I am able.
I reserve the right to interpret these rules as I see fit to ensure fairness in the roleplay. I also reserve the right to add more rules if any unexpected issues arise and I promise to announce any new rules to the group prior to the time they go into effect.
Please note that minor violations of the rules of this roleplay will result in warnings. These warnings will be sent to any violators via private message with the subject line:
FFD Violation Warning
The message will contain an explanation of which rule was violated and will notify the violator of the number of warnings they have been given.
3 or more violations and your characters are subject to termination from the roleplay.
I reserve the right to immediately terminate any roleplayers committing major violations to the roleplay.
Notification of this will also be received via Private Message along with an explanation of why the violator is being removed.
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a private message with the subject line:
I will first be gauging general interest in this roleplay. If I feel that a sufficient number of people are interested, I will be creating a character sheet at that point in time and then you will be able to submit your characters for approval.
Thank you for reading the rules and I hope to see you in the roleplay.