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Futuristic Extinction {interest check}


Boink Bean
Mankind, Such a delicate kind. The same kind who seems to have forgotten, that they are at the mercy of mother nature, And how with a gentle squeeze, she can turn Man on themselves, and make it seem as hell has finally arrived. Mankind has also some how forgotten how mother nature fuels their entire existence, despite them being energy sucking parasites to their host.. Earth.

It seems like Mankind is no longer being cradled in the arms of mother nature, Yet being eradicated by her.


The virus surfaced, very low chaos as it was only infecting distant countries, such as African Republic, Burundi, Congo, Liberia, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Madagascar, and Togo.

Symptoms include; Difficult breathing, redness in the whites of eyes, intense coughing fits, and mucus that was tinted with blood.


Health officials beginning to do research on the Virus. Low Chaos as it began to spread to more countries. Patients flown to Europe for treatment.

Symptoms Include; Thin blood, rapid heat beat, blood from the nose, and bloody mucus.


Most of Europe infected with the virus due to poor protection when operating on infected patients. The virus becoming Lethal in Elders, young children, and patients with Asthma or weak arteries.

Symptoms Include; Irregular heart beat, Weakness in breathing, drooling or frothing from the mouth. Gritting or grinding of teeth, causing bloody gums and bitten tongues.


More wealthy countries beginning to become infected. America issues containment units for the infected. Begins to burn corpses.

Symptoms Include; Bloody vomit, blood from the eyes, and ears. Intense headaches. Patients becoming more violent.


Airports, ships, and any forms of transportation to other counties, and states closed down. Check points into other cities made so the healthy people can travel to get food using ration cards.

Symptoms Include; Intense violence, and strength. The virus has mutated and become incredibly lethal. Making being around an infected person without the proper equipment dangerous. Bodies are becoming incinerated, and ashes put into a private landfill.


American Government fell, riots, and war has broken out among the healthy. Food and bottled water limited. The sick now roam the streets freely without law. Without a possible cure, as they attack anything they can grip and eat alive, without hesitation, care, or reason.. despite that they are no longer who they were before.

Symptoms Include: Meat cravings, bloody eyes, incredible pain tolerance, and the virus is transmitted through blood, saliva, and other body fluids. The infected's brain is active in all senses, yet their memories, their feelings, and any recognition os dead. They crave meat, they eat whatever they can catch, and they will not remember a family member or anyone else. The streets are no longer safe.

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