Fighting the Beast Within Character Thread

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Name: Juliette Porter

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Animal DNA: Trumpeter Swan

Personality: She is very quiet and does not like to speak to strangers. Even if she did, her voice would still be incredibly shy.

Before she was captured, she was a bright girl and was described as 'beautiful' and very 'graceful'. The title obviously fit her well, because the doctor mixed her DNA with a Trumpeter Swan. She now has gorgeous white wings that fold gently onto her back and purple eyes.

Ever since she had been captured, she hasn't spoken to anybody and prefers to be alone most the time.

History: Her history is unknown.

Other: Nothing really.
Name: Aster Volpes

Age: 19

Gender: male

Appearance: Slender, 6'5", shoulder length red hair, red eyes, thin cheeks, long nose, a branded "C" on his

left hand. Is covered with reddish grey fur, has a red wolf tail, red wolf ears due to the DNA experiments.

Animal DNA: Red Wolf

Personality: Calm, Attentive, but not affraid to stand up for himself. Very loyal to his friends and a born


History: He was a little bit of a loner, running around as a gun for hire with a pair of deceased parents he

never knew. He was caught once trying to rob a politicians house, and one of the police decided to brand

Aster's hand with a C for Criminal. At the time of the recent abduction, he was just out on parole with no

job and no friends.
(Is it too late to join?)

Name: Mabelle Calista

Age: 19

Gender: Female

She is about the average height for girls her age, but is very petite. She is quite skinny but despite this still has an hour glass figure. She has long dark brown hair that reaches her hips and has sandy coloured streaks throughout it, she has green-gold eyes that have the typical almond shaped black pupil in them. Her ears are pointed like that of a cat's, but she often hides them underneath her long hair. She does have claws on her fingertips but can hide them underneath her skin and bring them out when she needs to, she has the same teeth as cats, sharp canine ones. She has a tail that is the same colour as her hair, dark brown with sandy streaks through it.

Animal DNA:
African wild cat

Personality: ​
Mabelle is a complex person. She is typically shy with boys, but ever since her and her younger brother were taken on a trip to the supermarket, she has become a lot more independent. She is stubborn, fierce, extremely argumentative and always has to have the last say in an argument. She is very friendly however and generous, she is very aware of others around her and pays a lot of attention to their body language and feelings.

Mabelle and Noah (her younger brother) grew up becoming very close to eachother. Their mum left them and their dad when Noah was five years old and he doesn't seem to remember much of her, Mabelle however remembers a lot. Although she never let anyone know, her mother leaving really hurt her. Their dad had to go on long business trips a lot and Mabelle was left to look after Noah, who was a typical troublemaker. He used to act out a lot and get into numerous fights with kids at school even at a young age and once came home with a black eye and broken rib.

Other: -----------


Noah Calista



Noah has normal human sized eyes, but they are black like that of a hispaniolan solenodon. He has dark brown hair like his sister that flops over his eyes slightly and he has a long hairless tail. He is covered in short, brown hairs all over his skin (except his legs which he always keeps covered) and thanks to the DNA he now has venomous saliva and can kill with one bite. His finger nails have been replaced by sharp claws that can stretch out to become more dangerous. His hearing has been enhanced because of the DNA.

Animal DNA:
Hispaniolan solenodon

Noah is usually quiet, but has a fiery temper much worse than his sisters when provoked. He is known to lash out at anyone who angers him but after a few deaths of the scientists he stopped using his bite to kill people. He is rather rude and tends to curse a lot, but tends to freak out and get worried when someone cries, especially a girl. Once he makes a promise, he never breaks it.

Same as Mabelle's past.

He has a crush on Marie Natalie.

@ xJobozx - accepted. people are playing either in the military (they are trying to escape and recuse the people at the farm) or at the farm (mostly just working the fields)
Name: Illya DeVer

Age: 21

Gender: female

Appearance: 5'3", very pale fur, a scar on her left eye due to experimentation (leaving it blind), originally blonde, bright green eyes, slender

Animal DNA: Fennec Fox

Personality: Very closed in, not likely to get out of her shell. She doesn't trust too many people

History: Her father was a scientist who was searching for ways to mix animal and human dna. He was obsessed with the idea so much, that he made his daughter (Illya) undergo the treatment. She was a constant test subject, and her father treated her very harshly, quickly removing her from her old, normal life into one where she was basically kept in a wildlife habitat. Only recently, she escaped. Her abilities are augmented as an animal, seeing as she has been for quite some time experimented on. She has been a half-fennec since she was 17. She has picked up the scent of some people like her in a forest, and is at this moment spying on them.

Other: Already has an understanding of pheromones due to lab experiments.

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